Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

Kyon said:
View attachment 111465 Name: Kyon


Kind, out-going and mature, Kyon is the type of person that says "please" and "thank you" upon receiving or asking for something. Friendly in every aspect possible, he loves to meet new people whom are intriguing to him.

Bio: Young pop-idol-to-be. This young acoustic and electric guitar player currently attends Kapai Academy, a school for young talented students. He is well known through his talent shows.

You may enter, Mr. Kyon! Please enjoy your stay. But remember to follow all rules and standard etiquette.



I'm not sure if everyone understands, but just to make sure, you guys do know that Doux Deluxe Cafe is a cafe in France, and not a maid cafe in Japan... Maybe I didn't make it obvious enough... I'm not sure if everyone understands that... Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry for the delay for my post. I was on a school band trip over the weekend, so I didn't have time to write one. I shall post one asap, though

@Broken-Angel, @Peachypants, still waiting for your replies
I want to reply...

If I dont get a reply by the time im done with my classes, i'll reply :)
Me neither I didnt even know it started yet. *facepalms*
@Nico , I tagged people because Britt brought up that many people probably weren't getting alerts.

I'm very sorry, @Roman . I didn't realize you didn't know it didn't started...
Its fine. I'll start writing my post, I'll just make him a 'little' late for work.
Roman, do you think you're able to take care of the teenage girls waiting at the door? o: or?
Sure, hopefully.... I don't wanna die though.

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