Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

Plutonium said:

  • Name: Bobbi Sinclair

    Age: 16

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: January 26th 1999









    -Cocky People



    Bobbi is quite a quiet girl, but that doesn't mean she isn't friendly. If theres a job to be done she'll do it. She's laid back most of the time, unless someone insults her or her friends. She's loyal and protective and if she sees something wrong she won't hesitate to point it out.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Bobbi,


Thank you for applying to work here! I really liked your application, and I'm glad to have some one as hardworking as you. It seems as though you put a lot of effort into the application, and it is most appreciated. You can start working as soon as possible, and I am very excited to work with you!


~Clovis Beaumont

I don't think I got it. Sometimes the tags are wonky and don't alert everyone you tagged :/
Peachypants said:

  • Name: Totsumo; Shima

    Age: 19

    Position: Waiter

    Birthday: August 25th


    -Lemon curd, he could literally eat it right from the jar


    -Well, girls

    -Classical music


    -Horror stories




    -Abstract art, mostly because he never seems to figure it out

    -Plain and boring girls


    -Flying, as in airplanes and such


    Flirt to say the least. Woa, I doubt that there is any girl he hasn't tried to make a move on. The only ones he would hesitate to flirt with would be someone he actually finds some interest in. Shima can be considered as quite straight-forward and pushy kind of guy, which he actually is. He's brutally honest about every little thing, even when it comes to if that skirt you chose is cute or not. Call hi mean if you want to, but at least he's not a liar. I doubt that he has ever lied before, at least not a big lie. Maybe as a kid when his mother would ask who ate all the cookies. But that's pretty much every child.

    Shima is also very determined, if he sets his mind on something, he'll do anything to have it for himself. Selfish as he is, he's not the type to share his price with anyone. But deep down, he's a good guy who'd do anything to help someone, even though he might take different paths to reach that goal. You can trust him if you really want to, he's not a complete moron.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Shima,


Thank you for coming to work here! I am excited to begin working with you. Thank you for being so honest as well. Please remember to give all of our customers the same amount of respect you would like in return. I hope you enjoy working with me, as I am sure I will enjoy working with you!


~Clovis Beaumont

I think....I may have gone overboard with making my post pretty xD
animegirl20 said:

  • Name: Yumi Kousaka

    Age: 16

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: March, 13

    Likes: Fairytales, Studying, being organized, honesty

    Dislikes: Failing, messy people, being unorganized, liars

    Personality: Yumi is a bright and energetic girl who loves fairy tales. Yumi is known for having a go-getter attitude. She’s very intelligent and has always taken her studies very seriously, so much so that she would often avoid contact with other people just to be able to study more. Raven is a very neat and tidy, likes to keep things organized, and is very well known in the area for her efficiency. She can be very straightforward and honest with her friends, and often they confide in her, knowing that she’s a person of her word and will keep their secret. But she can also be very skeptical. And although she is highly intelligent she’s still quite humble and modest about it. She always follows the rules and she can also be bossy.


Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character status is pending. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking.


@Nico I absolutely adore your post! I'm glad you're so into this rp! There is no such thing as post that is, "too pretty!" So long as it is organized neatly, which yours is!
animegirl20 said:

  • Name: Yumi Kousaka

    Age: 16

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: March, 13

    Likes: Fairytales, Studying, being organized, honesty

    Dislikes: Failing, messy people, being unorganized, liars

    Personality: Yumi is a bright and energetic girl who loves fairy tales. Yumi is known for having a go-getter attitude. She’s very intelligent and has always taken her studies very seriously, so much so that she would often avoid contact with other people just to be able to study more. Raven is a very neat and tidy, likes to keep things organized, and is very well known in the area for her efficiency. She can be very straightforward and honest with her friends, and often they confide in her, knowing that she’s a person of her word and will keep their secret. But she can also be very skeptical. And although she is highly intelligent she’s still quite humble and modest about it. She always follows the rules and she can also be bossy.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Yumi,


I was really impressed by your application! I am excited that such a smart girl like you is going to work with us at the Cafe! We will be opening soon, and I would love if you could start working as soon as possible, so please come by to start some time today


~Clovis Beaumont


Kawaii said:

  • Name: Juntaiga Kurosawa

    Age: 16

    Position: Waiter

    Birthday: July 29

    Likes: Cats, Food, Animals, Stuffed animals, Comedy, School, Manga and Anime

    Dislikes: Her Name, Vomit, Popular kids, Exercising, Being Hit, Teasing, Make up, Bullies



Sorry, currently we are no longer accepting waitresses (female waiters). If you are still interested in joining our rp, you can try applying for a different position that is not taken. For a list of taken and open jobs, please see the overview. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I have caused.


Please have a nice day.

Sarah said:
Name: My name is Allyxandria Cane, though I usually go by either Alex or Lexy depending on who you ask.
Age: I am 21 years old.

Position: I would like to be a hostess if that is at all possible, as I'm good with people and naturally friendly.

Birthday: September 30th, 1993

Likes: I am currently interested in animals, as I go through college to become a vet. I also love food, have an obsession with werewolf movies, driving around for no particular reason other than to drive, I go out to karaoke with friends every once in a while, not that I have many, but to be honest my true passion is work. I like feeling useful and helping any one that I can.

Dislikes: I'm pretty laid back, there aren't many things that I don't like, however I'm not very fond of getting days off and will go crazy if I have more than one day off in a row. I have this thing about small spaces, which is not necessarily a dislike though I have been known to pass out in a very large crowd. Then there are the devilish things called, spiders. Trust me, if I see a spider, everyone will know about it.

Personality: I'm not perfect, I do have my flaws. However, I try to be the person people can look up to, regardless of how short I am. I wanna be seen as the strong person. I do have problems with depression, though I don't let that stop me from being the person to make other people laugh and smile. Just knowing that even though I'm not having a good, I can make someone else's better is something that I consider one of my final qualities. Like I said I'm pretty laid back; however, if someone messes with my friends or family, my temper gets very very short. I'm a guardian at heart I suppose. Heck most of my friends consider me their own personal body guard. Again, not that I have many. I'm very loyal, which is why my resume is so short. I know what it's like to feel abandoned, and wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, including my previous bosses. I guess you could say I'm a wolf at heart, with the whole stick with the pack concept bred into me. For the most part, my mother is my biggest role model. She is hard working, very kind, protects anyone who needs it, and sometimes gets walked all over. Does she complain? No, so why would I?

Description: (OOC- I am still working on this, I just wanted to give you something to go off of in the meantime)

History: Since birth I have had many struggles: I wasn't supposed to live past the age of two, as I was born with a condition called Congestive Lung Failure. I was on a respirator, which is a device that forces your lungs to breath, until the age of three years old. At that age I was given an oxygen tank, which was interesting enough for a three year old to roll around behind me, I still remember not being allowed to go out and play like my older brother, so my mother set up a small blow up pool inside, then dumped sand around it, and then there was the time where she left the doors and windows open, turned the heat off in the house then brought snow in so I could build a snowman. The things that woman did for me were unbelievable.

After I turned five I was given an inhaler which I used until I was about eight, though unfortunately the in house adventures stopped because I was now allowed outside. That didn't stop me from creating my own adventures, one of which, included me building a hammock out of a blanket falling asleep in it and having an entire trailer park out looking for me. That was a good time. At the age of eight, I no longer needed breathing assistance, so I went through life as a somewhat normal kid.

High school was tough. My dad became a truck driver, who was gone for two weeks at a time, then only home for two days, and my mom worked nights. So for a while it was just him and I, fending for ourselves. My brother and I fought constantly, not just arguments but fist fights, and when we didn't fight it was because he had disappeared to the neighbors all night. We were close when we were younger, but now our relationship is more of a business transaction. Which I don't mind, much.

When high school was over, I turned over a new leaf. I no longer wanted to be that angry kid that I'd become so used to knowing. I had moved out a few times, but it didn't seem to change anything about me until after I graduated. I got my first real job then, working for a truck stop that was open twenty four hours a day. Of course at that time I didn't have a car so finding that job, which was across the street from where I lived was pure luck. I fell in love with work at that job. Even though it was eight dollars per hour. I was getting forty hours a week so I was golden. The down side, was I lived an hour an a half away from my mom, who was developing heart problems. Not to the point where she'd died, but I wanted to be closer to her. So I did the hardest thing I could possibly imagine. I quit my job, moved back in with her, and dealt with feeling like a prisoner in my own home for about a year.

Then, something more impossible happened. During my last year in high school, my best friend and I had had a falling out. To the point where I had given up wanting to be any where near her. Which was odd for me but I suppose it had to be done. I'm off topic, I do that a lot. Anyway so, I ran into her mother, which isn't hard to do if you know what she does for a living. Ill give you a hint, she's a karaoke disc jockey, KDJ or karaoke hostess if you will. When I do go out to karaoke, its karaoke that I know she's hostessing. I'm off topic again, my apologies, my history is long and boring. Anyway, When I saw her mother for the first time in about two years, her mother told me that she was going down to Florida to spend time with family, her daughter included, and work a few gigs. Then, she asked me if I wanted to go with her. So I did, I went down for two and a half weeks, mending bridges with her daughter, then I came back. I can't say I wasn't changed by the freedom I felt down there. To go where I wanted, to do what I wanted. It was unbelievable.

When I got back, I got a job working at a nursing home. I wasn't a nurse or anything, no I just worked in the kitchen. My mom was the nurse, and as much as I love her I didn't want to ever be a nurse. I moved out of my mothers, again, and into my own place. I still had no car. Which was annoying. Thankfully it didn't take long until I got one, though it wasn't very long ago. Last December actually. Since then, my hours at my last job got cut, so. I had to quit that job. It wasn't too long before I found this place and realized positions were open.

(True story. Other than the last two sentences of course lol)

Important Relationships: The most important relationship that I have is the one that I have with my mother. She is my strength, my courage, my role model, and the best friend i could ever have. mostly because I know she can't get rid of me.
Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking. You are only missing one thing, but one very important thing, please reread the rules.


@Kawaii I will switch one waiter slot to waitress. Give me a few minutes while I do that.
[QUOTE="Bread King]
Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking. You are only missing one thing, but one very important thing, please reread the rules.


@Kawaii I will switch one waiter slot to waitress. Give me a few minutes while I do that.

I edited
Sarah said:
Name: My name is Allyxandria Cane, though I usually go by either Alex or Lexy depending on who you ask.
Age: I am 21 years old.

Position: I would like to be a hostess if that is at all possible, as I'm good with people and naturally friendly.

Birthday: September 30th, 1993

Likes: I am currently interested in animals, as I go through college to become a vet. I also love food, have an obsession with werewolf movies, driving around for no particular reason other than to drive, I go out to karaoke with friends every once in a while, not that I have many, but to be honest my true passion is work. I like feeling useful and helping any one that I can.

Dislikes: I'm pretty laid back, there aren't many things that I don't like, however I'm not very fond of getting days off and will go crazy if I have more than one day off in a row. I have this thing about small spaces, which is not necessarily a dislike though I have been known to pass out in a very large crowd. Then there are the devilish things called, spiders. Trust me, if I see a spider, everyone will know about it.

Personality: I'm not perfect, I do have my flaws. However, I try to be the person people can look up to, regardless of how short I am. I wanna be seen as the strong person. I do have problems with depression, though I don't let that stop me from being the person to make other people laugh and smile. Just knowing that even though I'm not having a good, I can make someone else's better is something that I consider one of my final qualities. Like I said I'm pretty laid back; however, if someone messes with my friends or family, my temper gets very very short. I'm a guardian at heart I suppose. Heck most of my friends consider me their own personal body guard. Again, not that I have many. I'm very loyal, which is why my resume is so short. I know what it's like to feel abandoned, and wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, including my previous bosses. I guess you could say I'm a wolf at heart, with the whole stick with the pack concept bred into me. For the most part, my mother is my biggest role model. She is hard working, very kind, protects anyone who needs it, and sometimes gets walked all over. Does she complain? No, so why would I?

Description: I'm about five foot one inch tall, with shoulder length brown hair. My hair does have a few highlights, but there not very noticeable unless I'm out in direct sunlight. Then you can see some red and a bit of blond in my hair. For the most part I just leave it in a braid as I never paid much attention to hair styles. My eyes are just as boring of a brown, though they do change color depending on my mood. When I'm happy they're light brown, when I'm angry, sad, or anything else other than happy, they turn a dark brown, sometimes to the point of almost being black. As far as my skin tone is concerned. I'm light skin in the winter and red skinned in the summer, obviously heritage has something to do with that. I'm one third German, one third English, and one third American Indian. I'm thin, but muscular, able to carry half my weight, about fifty pounds or so, with ease. I weigh about a buck ten, weight is an issue for me, not because I can't lose it, I just cant seem to keep it. Though I can't lie sometimes I forget to eat. So don't be surprised if you can see my ribs every once and a while. As far as clothes are concerned, I'm a big fan of tank tops. I find that I really love showing off my shoulders and arms. I mean I don't flex on purpose, I just like the way I look in them. Good luck trying to get me into a dress. I'm a blue jeans and sneakers kinda girl.Sometimes I'll wear hoodies, though for the most part I prefer long sleeved button up shirts, and a jacket, maybe. Though I usually end up ditching the button ups because I always wear a tank top under them anyway.

History: Since birth I have had many struggles: I wasn't supposed to live past the age of two, as I was born with a condition called Congestive Lung Failure. I was on a respirator, which is a device that forces your lungs to breath, until the age of three years old. At that age I was given an oxygen tank, which was interesting enough for a three year old to roll around behind me, I still remember not being allowed to go out and play like my older brother, so my mother set up a small blow up pool inside, then dumped sand around it, and then there was the time where she left the doors and windows open, turned the heat off in the house then brought snow in so I could build a snowman. The things that woman did for me were unbelievable.

After I turned five I was given an inhaler which I used until I was about eight, though unfortunately the in house adventures stopped because I was now allowed outside. That didn't stop me from creating my own adventures, one of which, included me building a hammock out of a blanket falling asleep in it and having an entire trailer park out looking for me. That was a good time. At the age of eight, I no longer needed breathing assistance, so I went through life as a somewhat normal kid.

High school was tough. My dad became a truck driver, who was gone for two weeks at a time, then only home for two days, and my mom worked nights. So for a while it was just him and I, fending for ourselves. My brother and I fought constantly, not just arguments but fist fights, and when we didn't fight it was because he had disappeared to the neighbors all night. We were close when we were younger, but now our relationship is more of a business transaction. Which I don't mind, much.

When high school was over, I turned over a new leaf. I no longer wanted to be that angry kid that I'd become so used to knowing. I had moved out a few times, but it didn't seem to change anything about me until after I graduated. I got my first real job then, working for a truck stop that was open twenty four hours a day. Of course at that time I didn't have a car so finding that job, which was across the street from where I lived was pure luck. I fell in love with work at that job. Even though it was eight dollars per hour. I was getting forty hours a week so I was golden. The down side, was I lived an hour an a half away from my mom, who was developing heart problems. Not to the point where she'd died, but I wanted to be closer to her. So I did the hardest thing I could possibly imagine. I quit my job, moved back in with her, and dealt with feeling like a prisoner in my own home for about a year.

Then, something more impossible happened. During my last year in high school, my best friend and I had had a falling out. To the point where I had given up wanting to be any where near her. Which was odd for me but I suppose it had to be done. I'm off topic, I do that a lot. Anyway so, I ran into her mother, which isn't hard to do if you know what she does for a living. Ill give you a hint, she's a karaoke disc jockey, KDJ or karaoke hostess if you will. When I do go out to karaoke, its karaoke that I know she's hostessing. I'm off topic again, my apologies, my history is long and boring. Anyway, When I saw her mother for the first time in about two years, her mother told me that she was going down to Florida to spend time with family, her daughter included, and work a few gigs. Then, she asked me if I wanted to go with her. So I did, I went down for two and a half weeks, mending bridges with her daughter, then I came back. I can't say I wasn't changed by the freedom I felt down there. To go where I wanted, to do what I wanted. It was unbelievable.

When I got back, I got a job working at a nursing home. I wasn't a nurse or anything, no I just worked in the kitchen. My mom was the nurse, and as much as I love her I didn't want to ever be a nurse. I moved out of my mothers, again, and into my own place. I still had no car. Which was annoying. Thankfully it didn't take long until I got one, though it wasn't very long ago. Last December actually. Since then, my hours at my last job got cut, so. I had to quit that job. It wasn't too long before I found this place and realized positions were open.

(True story. Other than the last two sentences of course lol)

Important Relationships: The most important relationship that I have is the one that I have with my mother. She is my strength, my courage, my role model, and the best friend i could ever have. mostly because I know she can't get rid of me.

This took me about, two or three hours to complete lol.
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Re: Character Application

Dear Lexy,

You seem like a very strong, young woman, with a great passion for work. I'm excited to begin working with you! You are perfect for the job, so I would like you to begin working as soon as possible! I look forward to working by your side!

With delight,

~Clovis Beaumont

@TongneJinglish You can now make a customer, but I also opened a, "Host," position (Not a hostess) because we have two hostesses and I enjoy even things. You can either become a customer, or you can become a host. From now on, please post all OOC in the OOC thread.


Kawaii said:

  • Name: Juntaiga Kurosawa

    Age: 16

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: July 29

    Likes: Cats, Food, Animals, Stuffed animals, Comedy, School, Manga and Anime

    Dislikes: Her Name, Vomit, Popular kids, Exercising, Being Hit, Teasing, Make up, Bullies

    Personality: Juntaiga is described as masculine and aggressive. Juntaiga is mostly portrayed as serious, focused and well-mannered. Her being the otaku is super masculine and not to feminine or girly Furthermore, Juntaiga is a shy individual and becomes greatly flustered and is super akward. Juntaiga can also be playful and cheerful at times, proving that she can be sociable.

    She is dumbfounded by the concept of love, which is shown when she is oblivious of what a love letter is and has no knowledge towards the celebration of Valentine's Day. On the contrary, Juntaiga is quite knowledgeable in how to confront her emotions and how to act accordingly with it.

    Despite Juntaiga's masculinity, she is usually the target of being groped by her female friends due to her buxom physique, leading Juntaiga to be wearing sweaters and thick clothing most seasons except when she is in work or when she needs to wear a swimsuit.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Juntaiga,


You seem very interesting. I would love if you came to work here for me at the cafe! Thank you for applying. Please come to work as soon as possible.

With Great Excitement,

~Clovis Beaumont


Karma200 said:

  • Name: Cill Jinkston

    Age: 21

    Position: Hostess

    Birthday: August 23

    Likes: Sweets, food, animals, books, poems, music

    Dislikes: Lemons, bugs, lizards

    Personality: Cilla is a calm woman who is observant and though she doesn't talk much, she knows how to make people feel welcomed so she's good at her job. She's smart, conniving and will do whatever she needs in order to get what she wants. Cilla refuses to allow people to walk all over her which is why she had been afraid to work with people in the beginning but then she realized that pretending for money wasn't all that hard. Though she's calm Cilla knows when its time to have fun and will strip all specks of seriousness off before getting ready to have a nice time either alone or with friends. Its hard to get Cilla to fully trust anyone and if she gives you her full on trust then its best to keep it safe because Cilla can be an extremely vengeful person.

Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking. You are only missing one thing, but one very important thing, please reread the rules.



GimmickPuppet said:

  • Name: Naoki Ishida

    Age: 16

    Position: Kitchen Porter

    Birthday: 30th November

    Likes: Thunderstorms, Éclairs, Violin Music and Cats.

    Dislikes: Large Groups, Intense Heat, Aggression and Violence.

    Personality: Naoki is a somewhat loud person, he lets other people talk but he wants to make his own opinions heard too, otherwise he tends to feel unimportant due to his superiority complex, which he is somewhat ashamed of as others tend to think he is an egomaniac, when he is not. He is a very hard worker, and views stealing as almost unforgivable. He is trusting, but breaking it means it is shattered for a very long time as Naoki does not forgive very easily. He also has anger issues due to his now deceased abusive father, his mother being a heroin addict whom he shares a flat with. He spends his money on buying her groceries and such, refusing to give her money because he knows she'll spend it on drugs rather than food. He keeps his family life a secret and he rarely has nights out in fear that she'll overdose, he refuses to tell the authorities as he doesn't want to go into care.


Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please reread the rules, edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking. You are only missing one thing, but one very important thing, please reread the rules.



TongneJinglish said:
Name: Ella White

Personality: Ella is a spoiled brat. She loves coming to the café to cause as much chaos as possible and to see all of the good-looking waiters too. Her parents are rich so she has no problem ordering everything and anything on the menu, and bribing the employees with tips.


  • Name: Vaughn Hales

    Age: 15 (he always lies and tells people he’s 18 though)

    Position: Host

    Birthday: December the 25th

    Likes: Formal clothing, taking breaks, art

    Dislikes: Casual clothing, smoking and people who smoke, Chocolate

    Personality: Vaughn has a mature and serious air to him but he’s actually quite immature. He has a tendency to crack under pressure and give up easily, even when the task is easy. He’s well known for his excuses to get out of work that are guaranteed to work.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Vaughn,

I think I will really like working with you. You seem like a nice person with a calm attitude. I hope you enjoy working with me as much as I do with you.

Pleasant thoughts,

~Clovis Beaumont

You may enter, Ms. White! Please enjoy your stay.



RomanTheFireGod said:

  • Name: Alphonse La` Pointe

    Age: 26

    Gender: Male

    Position: Host



    -Mean/Rude People

    +Candy sour/or not

    -Hot things


    -Not getting candy

    ( There is many more I just listed a few. )

    Personality: Alphonse is normally happy; no one really bothers him since he is so nice. He does tend to slack sometimes because of his lack of sleep or just pure laziness sometimes. He loves to eat sweets with his friends and have a good time with them. He is just the all around nice guy. He can get angry, but when he is, you cant take him serious at all.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Alphonse,

I'm so very embarrassed! I'm sorry for such a late reply. I seemed to have some how overlooked your application! I really appreciate your effort in creating a well-formatted application and would love for you to work with us. Please come by anytime today to start working.

Please forgive me,

~Clovis Beaumont

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Unless you're with steven, Clovis assigned people to either hand out flyers to people on the streets or stay in and help man the cafe. Both positions will be dealing with NPCs, which I still have to make descriptions for in the Neutral Characters Tab once I find decent graphics.

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