Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

That's fine. Thank you for showing interest in my rp


@kira blackthorn[/URL] Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking.


@kira blackthorn

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Re: Character Application

Dear Mika,

I'm so happy you decided to apply for a job here. I'm excited to start working with you, and I hope we can become great friends!

I'll see you at work,

~Clovis Beaumont

Nico said:

  • Name: Pepper Harrison

    Age: 20

    Position: Baker/Sweets Chef

    Birthday: April 10th, 1993

    Likes: Fantasy Books | Purple | Wild Adventures | Coffee | Baking (Of course)

    Dislikes: Rude People | Sour, Spicy and Bitter Foods | Toffee | Party Poopers | Obnoxious and Loud Music

    Personality: Pepper is an enthusiastic and bubbly girl. She's all smiles and play, she loves making people smile and laugh. When someone is down or upset she is normally the one that is right there for a shoulder to cry on, or someone to vent to. Her heart is made up of pure gold and kindness. She is quite a jokester and a trickster and she likes to play pranks and tricks on the others in the cafe. They are almost always harmless, she doesn't want to hurt people. Despite always seeming happy she is sensitive and gets teary eyed at small things. She's the kind of girl that if you are friends with her she'll run up and tackle hug you. She likes to give her friends cute little nicknames much to their dismay. Baking and making sweets is her anti-drug and is a way to express herself and her creativity.


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Re: Character Application

Dear Pepper,

Thank you once again for applying. I'm not sure what I would do without you, since my baking skills are not very good. Once again, it was nice meeting you. I'm excited to begin working with you. I hope you don't mind me taking a few sweets myself.

I'll see you at work,

~Clovis Beaumont


Rabbid said:
I promised I would join, so here comes your #1 metal head!

  • Name: Mike Aruba

    Age: 17

    Position: Cashier

    Birthday: January 4, 1998

    Likes: video games, sweets, and money

    Dislikes: Hard work, too many people

    Personality: Calm and caring


Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking.


To insert images you can press the photo icon on the options bar, right next to the smiley or you can use this code:

 [img= (place url here) ]

Also please provide more details on your character. I suggest looking at the character's already created to see how much I want.


[QUOTE="Flip Jester Boy]

  • Name: Steven Malphus

    Age: 24

    Position: Manager

    Birthday: June 15


    • Bitter things
    • Hard Workers
    • Calmness
    • Reading


    • Sweets
    • Obnoxious People
    • Slackers


    Steven is a no-nonsense young man who has no tolerance for slacking off. He usually puts on a fake smile when talking to customers and to his fellow employees. No one has really seen him with a natural smile, no matter how hard they try.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Steven,


I can't believe you really accepted my offer to come and work here! I'm so excited to see you again! I know it hasn't really been too long, but I've honestly missed you and I can't wait to start hanging out together again.

Your friend and Co-worker,

~Clovis Beaumont

ScarletHood said:

  • Name: Lila Yukino

    Age: 18

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: 12th of September

    Likes: Green Tea, Puppies, Spicy Food

    Dislikes: Bland food, People who don't like puppies

    Personality: Lila is a cheerful yet scary person when it comes to her love of puppies. She often likes to help out anyone in distress. She has habit however of getting herself into awkward situations with her actions. Lila beliefs are quite strange, most people tend to either love her or hate her because this.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Lila,

I'm so happy you decided to apply for a job here. I'm glad you are fond of cute things as much as or more than me, and hope to bond over work and sweets and talking about puppies. I have a kitty who acts a lot like a puppy, but due to the allergies my family has, I've never gotten a puppy. I hope to see you are as fond of your job as you are of puppies!

With excitement,

~Clovis Beaumont


  • Name: Sebastian Monroe

    Age: 20

    Position: Waiter

    Birthday: October 3 1995


    -Sweets of any kind.

    -Music and lots of it. He plays the drums as a hobby.


    -Fixing up his sports bike



    -Lazy people

    -Goody goodies

    -Boring people

    Personality: Sebastian comes off as a bit of an ass to most people. He uses that mostly as a shield so that people never get close to him. If they never get close to him, hey he never gets attached and then he never gets to deal with heartbreak. Sounds easy enough for him. Well not all that glitters it gold right? In fact, this little "no getting attached to people", plan of his, has really only made him lonely. But he'll never show that to anyone. So to keep that from happening, he just acts like a jerk to whoever and everyone.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Sebastian,

Your grandma is a very nice lady. I'm sorry to here about the trouble. But I hope you come to enjoy working with us at our cafe! I'm joyous to know you'll be working with me, and I am excited for your assistance in this cafe business!

Send your grandmother my regards,

~Clovis Beaumont

Your role play looks amazing; however, I'm not a big fan of using anime pictures.
@Sarah Thank you. There are some pictures without as big eyes as the common anime pics on google images. You can find them at . I would really appreciate if you either chose a picture from there or gave a very detailed description of your characters appearance. I honestly just don't want any realistic pictures.
Do you think you could give me a list of details you'd like? I can understand why you'd prefer to keep realistic photos out, so I'm willing to work hard on giving a full description.
Certainly! Thank you for staying interested!

  • Eye color/size (big/small/almond etc)
  • Hair color/highlights
  • Skin color (ethnicity)
  • Body structure (small waist, rectangular figure, hour glass, etc etc)
  • Head shape
  • Thin/Heaviness/Bulkiness
  • Describe usual apparel
  • Height/Weight
  • Anything else you can think of
Sounds great dear. Though I'm going to have to work on it on Wednesday, I am physically and mentally exhausted. So I'll think on who I want my character to be and what job I want. Heck I'll even write this list down and figure it out offline then get back to you. Like I said this role play looks amazing and I would love to give it my best, just take it easy on me I haven't role played on my lap top in quite a while so I am a bit rusty.
You don't have to do everything on that list, I just wanted to give you as many examples I could think of. I think I can trust your decision on which of the things on that list are more important. Please take your time.
Thank you, and honestly I think a lot of that will help not only you, but others understand who my character is. Besides I'm not very good with descriptions so this is a big help. So again I thank you.

Like I said I will work on this and get back to you; however right now its bed time for this chick lol.
Clementine said:

  • Name: Sakura Yuruko

    Age: 17

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: September 4th, 1997


    - Gardening

    - Cats

    - Singing

    - Painting


    - Math

    - Snakes

    - Overtly Loud People

    Personality: Sakura is a simple girl. She is kind and gentle. She can be soft spoken, but does not back down from a challenge. She is intelligent, but still has much to learn, and she's okay with that.

    She has a passion for all things artsy. She likes to be alone occasionally, just so she can be free to think. Although she is does like to make new friends. She's doesn't like to draw attention to herself, she is very easily embarrassed.


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  • Name: Annabelle Rose

    Age: 18

    Position: Waitress!

    Birthday: May 13th

    Likes: Sweets, Puppies, Kittens, Babies, anything cute, reading, waitressing, boys (Of course), reading, sleeping, baths, dressing cutely, having fun, going to parks, talking to others, making friends, dancing, Relaxing music, watching romance on tv and fangirling about it, tea when sick, smiling and being happy, and much much more!

    Dislikes: Crying in front of others, having fights with others, burning food, eating burnt food, crazy rock music or anything crazy, loud noises in calm and almost quiet places, being broken up with, shows being mean and giving her cliffhangers or hurting her feels, being touched anywhere. Except for hugs and kisses on the cheek. Losing the one she loves, falling, breaking dishes or glasses, the sound making her cringe, wasting a good treat or good food, getting bruises or cuts, and mud.

    Personality: Annabelle is a very friendly girl and loves very cute things along with sweets. She's friendly to all of her fellow staff members and quite shy at times when it comes to the person she has a crush on. When not on the job, she loves to go to parks, and libraries as well as go on walks in the morning. Her sweet personality always has people pulling her back into the cafe, she's respectful and always apologizes for things that were messed up even though the mistake that the baker didw as their fault. She'd be nice and take that blame. Annabelle always has a smile on her face and is very calm, doing things to the best of her ability. When angered, she is snappy and very easily breakable. Meaning she can turn that anger into sadness and break into tears. Feeling guilty for snapping at others and yelling at them. When she's stressed, she's tensed and on the highest of guard. When tired, she's slow, whiny, and lazy.

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Re: Character Application

Dear Belle,


Thank you for applying for a job here. You are an incredibly sweet girl, and I know you will be of great assistance to the rest of this establishment. You can start working as soon as possible, for today we are open for business! I'm glad I met you and I am anxious to begin working with you. It's good to have people with experience on cafe's, so I'm glad you can join us.

With Gratitude,

~Clovis Beaumont

Peachypants said:

  • Name: Totsumo; Shima

    Age: 19

    Position: Waiter

    Birthday: August 25th


    -Lemon curd, he could literally eat it right from the jar


    -Well, girls

    -Classical music


    -Horror stories




    -Abstract art, mostly because he never seems to figure it out

    -Plain and boring girls


    -Flying, as in airplanes and such


    Flirt to say the least. Woa, I doubt that there is any girl he hasn't tried to make a move on. The only ones he would hesitate to flirt with would be someone he actually finds some interest in. Shima can be considered as quite straight-forward and pushy kind of guy, which he actually is. He's brutally honest about every little thing, even when it comes to if that skirt you chose is cute or not. Call hi mean if you want to, but at least he's not a liar. I doubt that he has ever lied before, at least not a big lie. Maybe as a kid when his mother would ask who ate all the cookies. But that's pretty much every child.

    Shima is also very determined, if he sets his mind on something, he'll do anything to have it for himself. Selfish as he is, he's not the type to share his price with anyone. But deep down, he's a good guy who'd do anything to help someone, even though he might take different paths to reach that goal. You can trust him if you really want to, he's not a complete moron.

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Plutonium said:

  • Name: Bobbi Sinclair

    Age: 16

    Position: Waitress

    Birthday: January 26th 1999









    -Cocky People



    Bobbi is quite a quiet girl, but that doesn't mean she isn't friendly. If theres a job to be done she'll do it. She's laid back most of the time, unless someone insults her or her friends. She's loyal and protective and if she sees something wrong she won't hesitate to point it out.

Unfortunately, due to not having all the requirements, your character is not accepted. Please read the rules, edit your post and try again, or delete your post and find a different rp to join if the rules are to harsh for your liking.


@Clementine @Peachypants @Plutonium

Please read the rules! Your characters are all very good, but they are only missing one thing. I promise you will find that the answer is simple if you read the rules.

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