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Realistic or Modern Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!


Sebastian Monroe

Mood: Annoyed

Location: Steven's Van

A tick started to form in Sebastian's brow and a scowl formed on his face. He was becoming irritated and wished they all would just shut the hell up and get going on the job already. He really didn't care who went with and who stayed, but he did care about all this whining and yelling. If they were supposed to work together, this was a very poor show of it. He sat in the van with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, his foot against the seat in front of him. "Mind if ya'll continue this lover's spat when we get back? We have a job to do and I'd like to hurry up and get it done. You guys can flirt with each other later". He was just tired of everyone's antics and just wanted to get this done and over. He wanted to eat some of those sweets that were waiting for him when he got back. And talking to Pepper some more couldn't hurt thing either.
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Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Role: Boss/Owner Mood: Frustrated ~Location: Doux Deluxe Interacting with: @Britt-21 and



Clovis smiled, liking the girl's confidence. She had a good point. Perhaps it would be better to do it that way, but what if everyone wanted to work at once? Or what if their was a request that everyone wanted to do? Clovis was uncertain of what to do. He felt as though maybe he wasn't doing such a good job being boss. How were customers going to be happy if not even the employees were happy? He ran a hand through his hair and sighed in slight frustration.

"I really would like if everyone tried to be well-rounded with their work," Clovis said, "Not everyone can work the position they want to, when they want to. Sometimes you just have to go ahead and do what you can for the benefit of the customers. Steven is a smart man; I have made sure that he has at least read many of your applications and noted your strong and weak points. One of my favorite characteristics in a person is the ability to make sacrifices for the good of their customers."

He smiled at both girls.
"With this, I will allow you two to switch today, but I'd really appreciate if you respected any other decisions made by Steven, your manager, or me, your boss."

He then went back into his office, getting back into his own work, still uncertain about his own decisions.

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Yumi Kousaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.347823c8fae442296c44be8049f8e0d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.347823c8fae442296c44be8049f8e0d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Yumi listen when the manager started speaking. It seemed like he was going to allow it today. She watched him go back in then she turned towards to the girl. I wonder if she still wants to do it. "Do do you still want to switch or are you going to go?" She looked at the girl and waited for her to respond. Yumi wondered if the manager was mad. He didn't really seem mad. Mostly he just seemed unsure. She turned and looked back at the café then looked backed at her. "So what do you want to do? I did want to go so it won't be a problem but if you want to go ahead and go that's fine."




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Annabelle listened as her boss spoke '

I really would like if everyone tried to be well-rounded with their work,'
and then he had continued 'Not everyone can work the position they want to, when they want to. Sometimes you just have to go ahead and do what you can for the benefit of the customers. Steven is a smart man; I have made sure that he has at least read many of your applications and noted your strong and weak points. One of my favorite characteristics in a person is the ability to make sacrifices for the good of their customers.' she would do such things but she was never good with doing any problem-solving with people..

She nodded softly and watched as her Boss left, she looked at Yumi and spoke "You can go..I'm still iffy on going..I was really excited to waitress today, thats why I didnt want to go, or well..one of the few reasons why I dont want to go. Go ahead." she smiled softly "we both get what we want to do, so its a win win.." she then hugged her "Thank you." she said before rushing inside and grabbing her things she once dropped, then, she rushed over to the boy who had been waiting to be seated

"I'm sorry for the long wait." she said "Please, Come with me." She led him to a table that was made for two people by the window and she handed him a small menu "Here you go. Any sweet you buy is on me, Cake, pie, whatever it may be. Its not fair you had to wait as long as you did." she said softly, having a nice smile on her lips "Is there anything you would like at the moment?"

(@Starshine. )


Steven Malphus


Steven sighed, putting his hand in his palm. "Whatever, let's get going so we can finish this request as soon as possible," he said, starting the car and driving off (assuming the replacement employee was already in the car along with the other male ((@Peachypants)) ). "Alright, now that we're going, what are you're guys' names? And if you need a change of clothes for the request, where's your address?" Steven looked in the rear-view mirror at the four employees, keeping on his straight face. He never really did smile, anyway.​
Yumi Kousaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.2e4c0f54ecbb7e82bd35274597486805.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.2e4c0f54ecbb7e82bd35274597486805.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "No problem" She watched her go in the café. Cool looks I'm going, she thought to herself. She then turned around and quickly got in the van. Once she got in her started driving off. "I'm Yumi." she said answering the question. "Oh by the way what are we suppose to be wearing for this." She was in her maid uniform. I might have to shange if we weren't suppose to be in uniform. She smoothed out her skirt waiting for an answer.

@Flip Jester Boy



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Talen looked up at her "Any treat is one you. This I would like to see." he smiled with a devilish grin. "Here take your menu I want to start out with a coffee black and then two scrambled eggs, three sausage links, and four bacon strips.". He stared at her lips she was a cutie but for sure couldn't keep up with him. "Can you make that snappy I've been famished since I got here.".





Annabelle started to write down his order 'Here take your menu I want to start out with a coffee black and then two scrambled eggs, three sausage links, and four bacon strips.' she wrote down all of that with no problem at all "Alright, Your coffee will be here shortly." she smiled softly and gently took the menu back "I can try my best on making it snappy, sir." being a waitress again made her happy. It was obvious. Walking away from his table, she put the man's order in "First order of the day, Chef." she giggled softly and got the coffee herself.

She grabbed a mug and grabbed the coffee pot that was filled and freshly brewed. Slowly pouring it into the cup and watching as it filled with the brown substance. The smell going into her nose. Coffee always smelled amazing! Finished filling the cup, she then got a small dish for under it and then walked off with ease, but she was fast. She grabbed a napkin for the coffee and made her way over, gently placing the coffee down onto the table "Here you go." she said softly "Freshly brewed Black coffee as requested." she gave him a soft smile "Is there anything else you would like?"

(@Starshine. )

Talen was smug "If you keep asking me that you won't get an answer you want to hear.". He looked at her again and that little skirt she was wearing caught his interest "I'm not kidding, thank you for the coffee but next time you ask I won't hold back." He grabbed his coffee and sipped it staring at her. He never crossed paths with many women and they defiantly looked a lot different. She was friendly and the others were enemies and angry. This town was nice but it would take some time to get used to the life most people considered normal.





Annabelle blinked for a moment and she wondered what he may be talking about Next time I ask he wont hold back? What is he planning on doing? she wondered I hope he doesnt plan on doing anything that could embarass me or make me slap him... "I'll be back soon with your food." she then walked off, going to see if his food was being cooked. He seemed like the person who would want his food this instant and she didnt want to keep him waiting.

(@Starshine. Now we wait! xD )

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Talen observed her while she walked away very swift and confident. She was delightful and very nice, but very tempting. Talen shook off these thoughts it wasn't proper to think these things. It was a new town and he needed to make a good impression. That didn't mean he had to be nice today though, he tapped his fingers as soon as he finished his coffee. His stomach was past growling it was roaring now and he was sure people could hear it outside.




Annabelle soon got the food once it was cooked, she made sure it was exactly what he had ordered and she grabbed the plate and grabbed some napkins on the way. Making her way over to the table, she spoke softly "Here you go, Sir." she placed the plate gently in front of him, placing the napkins on the side. "Enjoy your meal." her deep blue eyes wondered over to his coffee mug and noticed it was empty "Would you like some more coffee? Or would you like something else to drink?"

He must be really hungry, I feel bad for making him wait for so long..At least his meal is on me. As an apology to him for having to wait.

(@Starshine. since no one has replied....)​

Steven Malphus


"Something casual," Steven said as he drove along. He adjusted the rear-view mirrow so he could see through the back more easily. "We need to blend in with the crowd so that the person we're supposed to protect won't suspect anything. Same goes for when confronting


Yumi Kousaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.8c7dab5937a15e10bcb6ece79eb987a3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.8c7dab5937a15e10bcb6ece79eb987a3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Right, well I'm going to need to change then." She said as she looked down at her maid outfit. She then glanced at the others seeing they hadn't spoken yet. "I can tell you where I live to won't take long for me to change." She could just throw something on that wouldn't be to hard.

@Flip Jester Boy



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Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Mood: Hopeful ~Location: Doux Deluxe


Clovis, having sorted most of his paperwork decided to check in on the cafe. He saw that customers were beginning to file in, one by one lining up orders. He smiled at the site of good business, and after fixing a few decorations, he walked towards the front. He looked at the customers and greeted many of those who stood in line, waiting to be seated, thanking each of them for paying a visit to the cafe. He was excited to see his employees in action, and wondered how Steven's crew was going.

These were the customers he saw in line:


A business man stood in line, waiting to be seated. He wanted to get out of there fast, in order to make it to an important meeting. He still expected the food quality to be good.


Five students on their day off stood in line, taking pictures of the cute decorations around, chit-chatting about their plans for the day and the delicious sweet scents around them.


A mom and her child also stood in line, the child gawking at the nice-looking waitresses, and the flowers all over the room. The mom chuckled at her child, hoping the employees were as nice and respectful as they seemed.





Annabelle had left the man she had been talking with once he had dismissed her and she quickly made her way to the front "Excuse me sir, right this way." she said to the business man. Grabbing a menu and leading him to a small table for two since he was the only person. Letting him sit, she put down the menu "Is there anything you would like to drink at this moment or should I give you some time?" Annabelle asked kindly, waiting or his reply, once he had ordered what he had wanted to drink, he added in his order too. Belle wrote down what he had wanted "Alright i'll be back with your food sir." she said softly and walked away, putting his order in and getting his drink then soon returning with it "Here you go. Your food should be here shortly."

With that, she left and went back to the line, wondering where her fellow waitress was. She was missing and Annabelle would need help! "Excuse me ma'am?" she asked the woman who had been with her child "Would you please follow me?" she asked, smiling softly and then went to seat the two down. Handing the mother a menu.​
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Alphonse quickly ran through ran through the back. He was kind of late, and that never happened before. He rearranged his tie quickly making himself look neat. "Never staying out to party on work nights again..." he mumbled to himself as he fixed his collar and hair. Alphonse walked out the restroom and to his work area. Now here goes my day. He thought as a woman walked through the door, "Welcome Ma'am..." he said as he nodded his head with a smile.


After getting the woman set, he went back to work. "
I wonder where Clovis is. I might have to do some explaining." Alphonse mumbled to himself.

Alphonse was kicking at a loose peice of lint that made its way to his work space, when a group of people came to the door of the cafe. He took a peek to see what he was up against. Teenage girls. Typical. Alphonse walked to the door smiling, "Hi! Welcome to Doux Deluxe Cafe! Come in. Come in. I'll have you seated in a few." He told them as he turned around to see if someone would do it for him. He let out a little shiver thinking he was going to have to do it. Alphonse then saw Pepper. "Hey, Pepper! Can you come here real quick?" He asked her with a plain look on his face.


Interaction made with:

Alex continued to wash windows until the customers started coming in. She seated them according to a chart she'd mapped out in her head. She was good at that. She didn't say much other than greetings and pleasantries

(Sorry it's short I don't really have a muse)

Lila Yukino

A wide grin appeared on her face, she had bag full of spare clothes, for reasons she could not reveal. And i'll be fun just like a spy in a james bond movie, she thought, I could also change in one of the restrooms quickly...now let's see where are my glasses? She pulled a pair black sun glasses and placed on her face. Smooth as soap, she thought to herself giving a little giggle.

Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Mood: Content ~Location: Doux Deluxe


Clovis wrote and planned things. He was content with the ideas of eventually having a team building day with everyone to celebrate their efforts of spreading happiness through sweet things and good service. He wrote and day dreamed, excitedly planning everything that would probably happen for the next three months. He was overall in a good mood.


Mary Adrien

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1450841.jpg.580ed2db1abf8298bbca8747a2ce6412.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1450841.jpg.580ed2db1abf8298bbca8747a2ce6412.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Gus, you can stop worrying about me," Mary groaned as she dealt with another lecture from her manager about leaving without a disguise. "We're in France, so none of these people know me very well. We should be okay, Okay?"

Augusto didn't say anything. Rather, he stood there with a rather blank stare, as usual. Mary could tell he was irritated by her. Most Europeans found Americans rather annoying. There were times when Gus seemed to be having fun with her, but there were many times when she wasn't sure he liked his job with her.

She huffed and stomped out the door, walking down the streets. She liked the setting of France. She slipped a pair of sunglasses and put on a white hat. Wonderful scents filled her nose. The smell of a small town right after rain, the smell of pastries from corner bakeries, and the smell of overall spring.

Today was a nice day for walking around and getting a feel for the country she was performing in.



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