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Realistic or Modern Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Mood: Content ~Location: Doux Deluxe


"Se rendre au travail!" The bird said enthusiactically, "Tu es Monsieur Timmens! Se rendre au travail!"

"Steven, don't be too harsh, okay? Have fun, Everyone," He said with a smile, as they left. He turned to the girl who had already asked him for something to do, and smiled. "I appreciate you're enthusiam, ma chérie, but please be patient, as I will address the entire group as a whole to explain what we have going on today." He stood up straight to address the whole room.

"Today we probably won't have very many customers, so work today will not be very hard," Clovis explained, "However, I do expect you to put effort into everything you do, because I want the few customers we do have, to enjoy their time here. I created this cafe to spread joy through sweets, and I want all customers to leave here happier than they were when they got here. I realize that is a lot to ask for sometimes, but I chose all of you because I believe you can do it. If you have any questions, please feel free to come to my office and ask."

"Anyone who does not have anything to do for a while, please hand out fliers to people walking down the street outside of the cafe. Take shifts if you need to. I need one Host or Hostess and Two Waiters or Waitresses inside the Cafe. I suggest shifting every hour or so, but because I want to see how well you can manage this, I will let you make many of the decisions. All of the reservations for today are listed by the cash register. I will let Timmens say the rest."
He pointed to the bird, as he walked back into his office

"Se rendre au travail! Get to work!" The bird chirped, seemingly content with its job as a bird.

A neatly written note sat on the side of the cash register, full of today's reservations.

10:00 - Allard - 4 Guests

10:00 - Bellerose - 2 Guests

10:00 - Armistead - 5 Guests

10:30 - Baudin - 4 Guests

11:00 - Levesque - 4 Guests

12:00 - Voclain - 4 Guests

12:00 - Petigrew - 4 Guests

12:00 - Marion - 4 Guests

12:30 - Merle - 4 Guests

12:30 - Sarcozi - 4 Guests

1:15 - Yount - 4 Guests

1:30 - Bisset - 4 Guests

2:00 - Faucher - 4 Guests

3:00 - Leclair - 4 Guests

3:00 - Roux - 4 Guests​


Pepper Harrison!

"Lets have a good day today, yeah~?"

Mood: Amused | Location: Doux Deluxe Cafe | With: Sebastian


Pepper chuckled and smiled, she knew that Sebastian was teasing her and she found it amusing.
"The blueberries are fine Monsieur." she said and took the pie out of the oven. "Though if you are hungry you are welcome to taste test this pie." She chirped and cut a slice out and offered the plate. "It'll be our secret, oui?" she grinned and set the plate down on the table. She listened into more of what Clovis was saying and blinked. She hoped that the cafe would pick up soon, she didn't want to make all these goods and no one eat them. Though she was sure from first impression that if customers wouldn't eat them, Sebastian would.







Annabelle listened to her boss and smiled softly 'However, I do expect you to put effort into everything you do, because I want the few customers we do have, to enjoy their time here. I created this cafe to spread joy through sweets, and I want all customers to leave here happier than they were when they got here. I realize that is a lot to ask for sometimes, but I chose all of you because I believe you can do it. If you have any questions, please feel free to come to my office and ask.' Nodding, Annabelle raced off to go put on her uniform. Once she had finished, she came out in it, holding a cute little Bird pen followed by the booklet for copying down orders. Belle was definately ready for the day to start! I cant wait to start..and smell sweets baking!

Then he had spoken once more and she caught 'Anyone who does not have anything to do for a while, please hand out fliers to people walking down the street outside of the cafe. Take shifts if you need to. I need one Host or Hostess and Two Waiters or Waitresses inside the Cafe.' This was her chance and she spoke out "I'll be one of the waitresses staying inside, Sir!" she said, smiling softly before looking at her fellow workers and she asked "If that is okay with all of you...I dont want to be rude or anything like that.." she bit her lip softly, hopefully she'd be able to stay inside and work.

(This is to anyone!)




Bobbi looked at the blue haired girl who had spoken, "I think I'll join you." She smiled, hoping that the other girl wouldn't mind that she was copying. You need to get yourself out there Bobbi... Make friends. Be normal again. She blushed a gentle red, 'If thats okay with you?" Bobbi looked at the other workers, "And you guys too."

She hoped that she could start work inside, she wanted to get a feel for the cafe before she could start advertising it, because honesty was key right? Plus by working inside she would be able to meet the customers, create a new name for herself. I'm Bobbi Sinclair now. Barbara doesn't exist.
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Sebastian blinked as the small and petite girl handed him a piece of the pie that she had just finished baking. He was only joking with her when he asked about being the taste tester. He didn't think that she would actually let him eat any of it. His mouth watered from the smell alone and he couldn't wait to take a bite, but unfortunately it would have to wait. For it seemed that he was needed else where. And if looks could kill, the look he gave Steven, would kill him where he stood. "Well looks like I can't be your tester after all. But I'll make you a deal, if I get back in time, I'll taste anything you want me to, kay?". He flashed her a genuine smile before turning and walking out of the kitchen. "Guess I'll see you around cupcake".

He walked past Steven and out the front door, "Let's go then slow pokes. This chick isn't going to stop herself from being mugged or conned". Sebastian shoved his hands into his pockets and pushed the door open, the warm morning breeze tousling his soft ginger locks.


• MOOD- Anxious/Excited • LOCATION- Doux Deluxe Café

She had arrived just in time to receive instruction. She listened intently as Mr.Beaumont spoke. She was wide eyed, excited and ready to work. She tried to contain herself, but you could tell her excitement. She was a bit nervous, but it was normal when starting a new job.

Two girls had already called waitressing on the inside, so she would be passing out fliers on the outside of the cafe. She was fine with that, it was a beautiful day outside and the fresh air would calm her down. Plus she could try and draw in more customers.

"That's fine with me!" she said with a sweet smile towards the girls. "I'll pass out fliers outside and then we can switch! I'm Sakura by the way, I've just moved into town." she spoke with an upbeat tone. She really was looking forward to making new friends in this town. She had never gotten to make real friends all her life because she was always moving.

Talen woke up to the sound of birds though nice for most people it annoyed him. He normally woke up to gun shots or yelling people. Now his life was less than boring and easy going not much to worry about. He let out a groan it was too early for him. Instead of going back to sleep he decided to visit Doux Deluxe. He went there almost everyday people knew him before he came here and now everyone knows him. His apartment was less than a block away. Talen put on brown baggy pants and a grey t-shirt that had a coffee stain on the bottom of it. He mosied his way to the Cafe and entered the doors. Talen didn't great then with a smile but he did make sure he was noticed "I need a place to sit, ok..."
Steven shook his head. "Let's just finish this as soon as possible, shall we?" he said, pulling out the keys to the van and heads over to the parking lot nearby, swinging it around to the front of the cafe.
I looked at the bird, Monsieur Timmens, and smiled then back at Clovis. "Ok," I said then nodded a bit. I watched him get up cross the room and address all my coworkers. Patience wasn't my strong suit, but I was willing to wait for the moment. I listened closely as he talked smiling to myself. I think I would like it here.

When Clovis said something about a list of reservations. How did I miss that? I'd asked myself, feeling a bit dumb. I looked over to it immediately excited and ready to go. However, I made myself wait until Clovis was finished speaking before I made my way over to it. I checked my watch, 8:30 it had said. Ah man, did I have a long way to go. I sighed to myself and went to go find something, anything to do that would pass the time.

Then I remembered Clovis saying something about fliers. Thinking it would keep me occupied for the moment. though Clovis also said he needed a host or a hostess to stay here.
"Hmmm.. Choices, choices." I said out loud to myself. Actually I hadn't seen another host or hostess since I had gotten here, so handing out fliers wasn't going to happen for me. "Ok.. So here I stay, and here I go.." I said looking at the reservations sheet one more time then sighing once again and walking away.

I looked at the windows, tilting my head slightly, I noticed a slight bit of dust. So I went and found a rag and some window cleaner and got to work. If I ate here I wouldn't want to see that, so I figured neither would a customer.

Yumi Kousaka


Yumi decided to go ahead and change into her uniform. She went to the back and changed then came back to the front. "I think I'll help out with the flyers." She said to herself. The thing was she had missed some of the speech and had know idea who to go talk to about that. She noticed a guy that didn't seem to be busy and walked over to him. "Hey who do we talk to about helping out with the flyers?"

"What have I missed?!" Vaughn burst through the door of the Doux Deluxe Cafe, not paying any mind to Monsieur Timmens. His hair was dripping wet from the shower he'd just had and there was an untied plain black tie around his neck. He had only checked his emails a few minutes ago to see he'd gotten the job here, he had no idea what he was even meant to do. All he knew was that he'd be getting paid for it and that was really all that mattered.
Shima Totsumo

As each and every part of the staff began to move around, Shima stood still by the wall next to the door. The dilemma of the day: Flyers or staying put inside. It didn't take long until people started to discuss who should do what and when to switch. There, a pair of girls called dibs on waitressing. Another one took the job of handing out flyers. Out of nowhere, he spoke.
"Hey, I'll pass some flyers as well, if it's allright?" He exclaimed and raised his hand a little, perhaps somewhat awkwardly but well he wasn't one to worry about other peoples' opinion on him.

Completely out of the blue, he heard a feminine voice from behind. Shima turned around in a swift move as he assumed she was talking to him, and just as he had guessed, a girl stood there dressed in her uniform.
"Good morning, dear" He cracked a playful smirk and met her violet gaze, just like the flirt he was. "I don't know, but it can't be that much to know. All we need is those flyers and we'll be good to go, right?"

Yumi looked him and discovered something. This guy is a dang flirt. She thought to herself. She could tell by the way he was acting. "Flyers?" She looked over to where he was pointing to. "Oh." She knew they needed flyers she just wasn't sure where they were. "Awesome." She walked over and grabbed some then gave a couple to him. Who else is helping with this, she wondered as she looked at the others. She then looked back over towars him. "Well let's get started I guess."

Juntaiga had nothing to do but clean inside, until she saw a girl wanting to pass out flyers so Juntaiga wanted to help so she walked out of the restaurant and offered to help, "Excuse me, would you like some help with the flyers, miss" She said just as she noticed Shima talking to her, In the outside, her expression was vacant yet friendly, but in the inside she was super embarrassed for butting into the conversation. "Ahem, nice to meet you both, what are your names?" She slightly bowed as she asked the question.
Steven exited the van and looked at the two people standing next to it. "Hmm, I thought I counted four," he said to himself, looking back at the cafe. He then saw the two other employees that he called to helping out. Steven walked toward the other male ((@Britt\-21)), grabbing them by their collars and dragged them over to the van. "C'mon, let's go," he told the four employees, getting into the driver's seat of the van.




Annabelle was shocked when she was grabbed by the collar and dragged out "H-Hey!" she yelled "Wh-What are you doing!? I'm meant to be working in the shop!" because that was her strong skill. She couldnt go out and help people with problems or anything like that. She wasnt that good! Waitressing is what she loved to do and what she signed up for! This panicked her "Please let me go! I signed up for waitressing not for something else like helping people with their problems..I know im a girl but that is not what Im made for!"

Please let me stay, I signed up for waitressing...I really didnt sign up for anything else. Why would he even force me to do something I dont want to do? Oh! Maybe I can tell the boss about how he's making me do stuff I dont wanna do! It was a good idea, but how could she do it now when she was being dragged like a dog?

(@Flip Jester Boy )

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Steven Malphus


Steven sighed, crossing his arms before starting the car. "You do realize I'm your manager, right?" he said, poking his head out of the window of the car. "And helping other people's problems comes with this job, so you're expected to be able to do both." Steven then turned his head to the other girl, a younger employee, saying to her, "We already have enough people for this request, sorry, kid." He turned his head back to the older employee. "Now, you're gonna need a change of clothes because walking around in the public dressed like a maid is gonna attract a lot of attention."

(@Britt-21, @animegirl20)

Yumi Kousaka

"Oh sure bring the girl who didn't even want to go." She sighed, "Oh alright" (@Flip Jester Boy ) She goes back in the café. Guess I'll waitress, she thought to herself. (@anyone)​

Lila grinned and hopped in one the seats of the car. She was excited for the mission. Her mind wandered off to the image of multiple puppies lying on top of her. A blissful and idiotic grin appeared on her face. "eheh puppies...."she thought making weird hand movements.




Annabelle could not believe this man "I signed up to be a waitress! Even if you are my manager, Waitressing is what I do! No one told me that solving other's problems! I came to work today to waitress. Not do anything else but that." she told him, at this point, she didnt care if she was being rude to this man, he needed a good knock on his head because she didnt want this nor did she sign up to this. She was stressed out now, so she was now on her guard.

"You can even talk to your boss. I am not going along to solve people's problems. I'm staying here and helping the others in the cafe. I'm not rude like this normally, but right now, i'm telling you what I feel. Me staying here is for the best rather then going off. I can prove to you that i'm better as a waitress then someone who solves other's problems." She showed determination in her eyes and waited for his reply. She really wanted to get back into the job she used to do.

(@Flip Jester Boy )

Yumi Kousaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.e8322abba0eb8a27970987d0117133ab.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.e8322abba0eb8a27970987d0117133ab.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yumi was not to far from the door when she heard some body yelling outside. She walked back and peeked her head out. She listen to the girl saying how she didn't want to go. Yumi came out of the café and said., "I'll go in her place!" She walked up next to the girl and smiled. "You don't wont to go right? I'll go in your place."




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Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Mood: Worried ~Location: Doux Deluxe Interacting with: @Britt-21


Clovis had finished sorting requests by level of difficulty, and began to work on trying to sort other files, seeing that he had a few local entertainers interested in helping attract customers into his cafe. He was interrupted by the sound of arguing or something coming from outside his office.

Clovis came, a bit bothered by all the commotion. His smile was gone, but his expression was not very scary. He moved his bangs from his face and walked towards the group with a frown. He turned towards the group and began to speak, mainly to the girl who was not interested in going on the customer's request.

"Anna, right?" He started, trying to explain things nicely, to fix the misunderstanding, "I'm very sorry if you aren't doing the job you want today, but this cafe was built for exactly this purpose. All employees, including me, will take turns helping our customers in ways that many cafes don't. You will not have to take requests every day, because normally we take shifts, and no one can take a request twice in a row, other than Steven or I."

He looked at her with a genuine smile and said,
"Tomorrow, you will surely be working as a waitress, as long as you remain patient. Will that be okay for you?"

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Annabelle looked over as she heard another voice, it seemed to be one of her fellow staff members who wanted to go instead of herself. She was shocked, did this girl really want to take her place? This had caught her off guard and she lowered her eyes "I wouldnt want to cause you the trouble.." even if she was giving the manager a hard time on wanting to go. But this was a serious matter to her! Hearing the cafe door open, she looked over.

Only to see the boss come out with a worried expression on his face. He began talking to Anna and she nodded slowly and softly, listening to what he had to say and she looked at her feet "But im not made to solve someone elses problems. I'm not even good enough to solve my own." she looked at him "Instead of forcing people to go why dont we have people who actually want to go, do this..? Rather then switching about...?"

(@Bread King )

Yumi Kousaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.a9f0dd1b367095f03215902b0b04e96f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47886" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/eru_chitanda__maid_outfit__render_by_azusacaky-d5kywm4.png.a9f0dd1b367095f03215902b0b04e96f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> "Oh no it would be no trouble at all I want to go." She then heard the door open behind her. She turned around to see the manager who didn't seem to happy. Uh oh. She thought to herself. She took a step back and stayed quiet as he started speaking to the other girl. Maybe I should just go back inside she thought to herself. She was just about to do that but then stopped when she heard the girl ask why not just let the ones who want to do it go. Yumi decided to stay just incase he changed his mind about her going, if not she would head back in.




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