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Realistic or Modern Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

Bread King

King of Bread
Day 1

IT FELT as thought it was just yesterday Doux Deluxe had opened for business. Now almost always had customers inside. Clovis inserted the key in the front door and unlocked the door, swinging it open. He stepped inside and turned on the lights, and let the door fall closed behind him. He carried two full bags into the cafe and walked forward into his office.

"Bonjour! Bonjour! Se rendre au travail!" Squaked the African Grey parrot sitting on its swing and fluttering its wings.. Clovis looked at him with a big smile, cheerful to see the bird even though it had yelled at him to get to work. He chuckled and placed his bags on the desk, beginning to empty its contents.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Timmens," Clovis said, "Is today going to be a good day?"

"If you work hard! Se rendre au travail!"

"Ah, Understood. Yes, sir! I will get to work on setting up the cafe."

Clovis walked back in to the seating area taking the flowers from the bags and setting them around the room. He took one of the painting he bought from an artist off the street and hung it on the wall. It was a painting of a young girl on a swing, surrounded by brilliantly colored flowers. He erased the chalk board and wrote today's specials. He put it by the door, but kept it inside so that some one could put it out when opening time came.

He looked at the vintage clock on the wall.

"7:49," He read out loud, "The others should be here any minute." With that he took the letters from the suggestion box and went back into his office to read them, sorting them into two piles: Acceptable, and too extreme.

Day 1's customers and clients will be posted soon.

@Peachypants feel free to start.

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Annabelle had finished taking a nice warm bath and was now in her room, her towl wrapped around her and her hair up in a towl. As she got ready for bed, an alert had come from her laptop and she looked over. It was an email from the job she applied too. Quickly tossing on her clothes and taking care of her wet hair, she jumped into her chair and clicked it

Send New Email
New Email Received

Re: Job Application

Dear Belle,


Thank you for applying for a job here. You are an incredibly sweet girl, and I know you will be of great assistance to the rest of this establishment. You can start working as soon as possible, for today we are open for business! I'm glad I met you and I am anxious to begin working with you. It's good to have people with experience on cafe's, so I'm glad you can join us.

With Gratitude,

~Clovis Beaumont

Reading it and a smile grew on her face and soon enough she threw her hands up into the air "Yes!" she said, giggling softly "I got the job!" looking back at the email. She began to send her reply, typing it in and filling it out.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Annabelle Rose

Re: Job Application

Dear Clovis,

Thank you for accepting me as a waitress. It has been far too long and I finally wanted to get back. Thank you so much, Clovis. I really do appriciate it! I should be joining you tomorrow when i'm finally ready to start my new job. I'll see you then!

Your new Waitress,

-Annabelle Rose

And so it was sent!

Closing her laptop, she went and got her clothes prepared for tomorrow and she jumped into bed, shutting off her light and going to sleep

~~This morning~~

Her alarmclock had been constantly beeping and she reached over, looking at the time and seeing it was 7am. Belle had turned off the alarm and she sat up, stretching her limbs and getting out of the bed, going to the bathroom and starting her day with a nice shower, followed by her teeth being brushed and her hair getting dried and what not. Then, she headed out into her bedroom where she got dressed in her normal shirt, and pants followed by a cute headband. She grabbed a bag that was by her door which held her waitress outfit and she went downstairs to cook some breakfast. Looking at the time, it was already 7:30am!

Annabelle made her breakfast quick and she began to eat, pretty excited for her first day at the cafe. Soon enough she had finished eating and she put her dish into the sink, where she washed it, dried it and put it away. Now it was time to go. Grabbing her bag and heading to the door and slipping on her shoes and walking out. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the cafe. She was super excited for this. When she'd get there, she'd change in the changing rooms into her waitress outfit because that how it worked, right? I cant be late, I have to be on time just so im professional. Just as Ami had tought me!

(I had posted this in the wrong thread by mistake xD )
Bobbi woke up slowly, it was early morning but her alarm had yet to go off. She turned over and sat up, a smile breaking across her face when she noticed the date circled on the wipe clean calendar she'd had since she was ten (she used to hate it, but Emma had loved it). She yawned quietly, walking across the hardwood floor towards the curtains. Light streamed into the room, illuminating every surface in the small area.

She dashed across the landing into the bathroom before her roommate could beat her too it and set about having a quick shower. The grin wouldn't disappear, but she didn't fight it. Back in her room she had her new uniform laid out on the back of a chair, she carefully put it on, patting out any creases as she did so.

Bobbi knew she had plenty of time, but she still wrote her roommate a reminder to walk the dog and dashed out of the door. The breeze ruffled her skirt and blew her hair away from her face, but left her feeling even more refreshed and no less excited. It wasn't a long walk, and ten minutes later she saw the cafe looming in the distance, picking up her pace she watched as a man unlocked it and entered. The Owner. She thought to herself, holding her skirt down and hurrying forward even more.
Lila stepped out her house, her uniform fitted snugly onto her. As she walked along towards the cafe she thought, "Only 20 minutes to go." She started to skip, making a song as she went along, " Adorable over there~ Adorable over here~ Adorable Everywh-" Lila stopped at the sight of a husky; black and white fur, one black eye, one blue eye. "It's adorable!" she exclaimed. She began to chase the puppy around for 10 minutes until it escaped. Lila sighed in dissapointment at the loss of a potential friend. She then checked her watch, and realised she only had 10 minutes left until the cafe opened. Her mind began to slowly process this news. "Oh sugar!" Lila said running even faster than ever before, towards the cafe.

She step into the front doors and checked her watch again. It was 7:50. She had made it. Lila spotted the owner and another girl rushing towards the cafe. She waved at her and opened the door to let her in first. "Hi there" she said and grinned at the girl.
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Steven got up from his bed an hour early before opening time. He lived nearby, anyway, so it didn't matter how late he woke up. Steven owned a room in an apartment not for from the cafe, so he wasn't really in a hurry to get to work. Checking the time on his phone, 7:00, he got up and freshened up in the bathroom, taking a shower and brushing his teeth. "Hah, I hope I don't regret this," Steven sighed as he put on his clothes which he would wear to work and went on his computer for a while. He still had 40 minutes until he had to be there.

The time passed as he checked his emails and other websites that he went on. Checking the clock on his computer, Steven decided that it was time to leave. He grabbed his bag, keys, and bike helmet before heading outside to where the bike racks were. He did own a car, but it would be a waste since the cafe was only 10 minutes away by bike. Steven yawned a little as he rode along, the cool air blowing past his face. Arriving at the cafe, he saw two girls enter the shop. "Probably employees," he said to himself, braking to a halt and then wheeling his bike over to the racks near the shop. Steven walked past the girls to get to his office inside the building, not bothering to say "hello" at the moment because he knew he would meet them later, anyway, as their manager. He entered his office and took a seat, putting down his stuff and stretching as he sat down. It was going to be a long day.

Pepper Harrison!

"Lets have a good day today, yeah~?"

Mood: Chipper/Happy ? Location: Home -> Doux Deluxe ? Outfit: x


It was a sunny and pretty morning, at least in Pepper's eyes. Birds sang their songs and children were playing outside their laughter filling the air. Pepper smiled as she went to take a shower. She stepped out of the shower and dried herself off before dressing in the outfit she had picked out for the day. She was excited to work another day at the Cafe. Humming a tune she made a bowl of cereal and ate it quickly. She grabbed her bag and bike and started to bike to work.

She arrived just when Clovis had opened up shop. "Bonjour Clovis!" she said and put on her apron. She moved to the kitchen and started prepping for making the day's first baked goods.The specials for today were various pies, strawberry shortcake and
eclairs. Humming she set to work mixing batter, making cream and churning ice cream. Soon the cafe filled with smells of sweet scents. Pepper couldn't help but take a bite out of a spare strawberry as she wanted for the cake and pies to finish baking.


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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The annoying noise came from Sebastian's alarm clock. The red numbers on it's face read 7:45. 15 minutes till he had to be at work. His first day at working at the town's most popular café. The thought alone gave Sebastian a headache. He rolled out of bed and yawned loudly, his jaw snapping at the movement and stretched his arms above his head. Standing, he scratched at his messy strawberry colored hair and shuffled off to the bathroom. After using the facilities, he showered and brushed his teeth and walked over to his closet. If you couldn't tell, he was in no hurry to rush to work. If people wanted a piece of pie or muffin, or hot cup of coffee this early, then they should have made it at home and not waited till the last minute. He threw his clothes on, half assed and grabbed his bag, keys and bike helmet. Walking out his apartment door, Sebastian hopped on his neon green motorcycle and took off towards the café.

8:05. He was five minutes late. Oh well, no one was perfect. He parked his bike in the back and walked through the back door, pulling his helmet off as he walked in. He walked into the break room and laid his helmet down on the table. Smelling something wonderful, he followed his nose and it led him into the kitchen. In the kitchen he seen a girl, bouncy and cheerful as she baked and munched on a strawberry. His mouth drooled at the smells and he wondered if she would let him sneak a cupcake or two. Testing his luck, he walked in and leaned against the doorway and cleared his throat. "Looking for a taste tester? I got some time if you got some samples".
Mika planted his feet on the cold wood floor and stood from his bed slamming his hand down on his noisy alarm clock. Drowsy from sleep he stumbled into the bathroom almost tripping on the way. As he washed his hair he thought about what to do after work. He had to go to work and afterwards maybe do a little shopping depending on when he gets off. Decision made he finished showering and quickly got changed quickly before grabbing the keys to his scooter. Then he was off to work.

7:59. He just made it. Lips qurking in a grin he parked and hopped off his scooter and into the cafe. Once there he made quick work of tying his hair up. He always hated when it got in his eyes during work. Nodding in greeting toward those already there he grabbed his note pad and popped a lolipop in his mouth then eagerly waited for some customers. He loved talking to people so a job at a cafe is right up his ally. Especially one at a popular place like this.
At 6:00 my eyes opened, no sounds could be heard, no alarm had gone off. I laid there a minute smiling to myself. There was a reason for my happiness, I started my new job today, and I was excited. To be able to get up and go to work, that was life for me, and I loved it. I loved being up early instead of wasting an entire day doing almost nothing. If this job wasn't a reason to be happy then I didn't know what was.

After my minute of serenity, I got up turning the light on in my bedroom, I looked around at my room, which in all reality was really just my living room. I had a bedroom, I just never used it. Odd I know, but why would I care? I lived alone, there was no need to have a real bed room, so the room that I did have, I'd turned in to an office.

The room I slept in had the same cream colored walls that ran through the entire house, a silver covered ceiling, which I wasn't quite sure if it was tin or some other material that I couldn't name, but I didn't mind it was light, that was all I'd cared about. The room had a bay window, which I had actually slept in a few times, quite comfortably I might add. In fact it was far more comfortable than the dark brown futon that I'd been sleeping on for about a year. Then there was the floor, which was hard wood, I wasn't sure what kind of wood or what the stain color was, but it was easier to clean than carpet, and it also went most of the way through the house.

I made my way through the rest of the living room, past my desk, which should have been in the office, but wasn't per my own selfish reasons, to the kitchen to make coffee. While the coffee brewed I walked to the fridge, opened the door and grabbed my half full bottle of Sunny D, then unscrewed the cap took a drink, then replaced the cap and returned it to the fridge. After that I went through the kitchen to the bathroom and started to take a shower.

I was quick; in, out, and dressed by the time the coffee maker had stopped brewing. I grabbed a cup of it, then made some breakfast. While eating, I checked the time on my cell phone. It was only about 6:15, so I was thinking about what to do to waste time before work. I sighed, bored already, so I finished eating, did my dishes from that morning and last nights supper, then checked the time once again. 7:00. I felt my impatience rising, I threw my coffee into a thermos and headed out. Getting to work at about 7:30 am, and sitting in the car listening to music until almost 7:50 when I saw the boss pull up. I sighed happily, ready for work, shut my car off. I got out, heading to the door. "Morning boss.." I said smiling happily.
((OOC:Nico, Please forgive me; I couldn't help but follow your lovely formatting. If you mind, I will change it back.))

Clovis Beaumont


"I'm so happy to be here with you all!"

Mood: Excited ~Location: Doux Deluxe


When the staff began to pile in through the entrance. Clovis grinned and set the letters down. He walked out of his office to greet everyone, and looked around at the people who stood before him. He brushed his bangs from his face and gave a big welcoming smile.

"Bonjour, everyone! I'm so glad to see you all here," He greeted, "I hope everyone is having a nice morning." He looked around the room, and frowned when he saw that some people were a bit late. He had hoped that everyone was just as excited to come to work as he was. Last night, he had been so excited that it took a long time for him to finally fall asleep. And yet, some of his wonderful workers had not even shown up yet. He decided not to let it get to him for now, and he took a look at the other wonderful employees he had. Each of them was going to help to spread joy through sweets, even Steven, who was always grumpy as a kid. He then remembered the letters, and rushed back in and out his office to get them.

"Today is your first real day at work," He said, "As you may know, our cafe not only supplies delicious treats baked by our wonderful chef, but we also help customers with their problems. Today, just as most days, you will be split up into two groups. One group will be in charge of running the cafe, and the other will be working on solving this problems within the envelope. I would appreciate if everyone tried to do their best with whatever job they are in charge of."

He walked towards Steven, and handed him the letter, and the keys to the cafe van.
"You can decide who's staying here with me and who's going to leave with you. A few of our workers are still not here, so you can take more than you leave." Being responsible was a pain. Clovis did his best to make everything fun, and if it wasn't fun, then he would avoid doing it.

Shima Totsumo

07.03 Location: Home -- Doux deluxe

There it went off again, that all too familliar noise. An echoing, buzzing sound from the clock on his nightstand. A loud groan could be heard from the young man who laid in the bed with his head under the pillows. Exhausted as he was, he shut his eyes once again to try and fall back asleep. But then it hit him, it wasn't just another day as a sucker without a decent job. Truth be told, he was fired from the electronics company where he acted as the cashier. But this morning was something else, a new job equals a fresh start. A job at the café downtown, who could deny that? Not this guy. Shima, as he was called, got up from the bed with yet another groan and rubbed his eyes while he opened the door to the bathroom. Within a few minutes, he had already taken a quick shower and gotten dressed in a pair of beige chinos and a white shirt. Call him overdressed if you'd like, but he wasn't raised to walk around in sweatpants and hoodies all day.

By the time the clock reached a quarter to eight, Shima had left the penthouse apartment and was now walking down the sidewalks towards 'Doux Deluxe'. It was surprisingly warm outside, even though the sun had just recently rised above the sky. But hey, it was summer, don't expect anything else. Another thing about this morning was that not a single soul was outside. At least not anyone else rather than the hungover-tramps doing the walk of shame and those maniacs who was out taking a morning run at this hour. But they were very few, plus they kept to themselves. Not that it mattered to Shima. His priorities were to make his way towards the café before it would open. Said and done. He was tall, which meant that he was able to walk in a quick pace and make it to his destination in time. A few minutes before the clock turned eight, he flung the door open with a wide smile on his face. It was like he was shimmering with excitement, revealed in his eyes and posture. "Good morning!" He said in a loud and cheerful voice and waltzed inside while glancing around to get a look on the place. It was a pretty café indeed, a small and cute one who would attract any customer with good taste.
Bobbi glanced up at the voice, smiling politely at the other girl, "Hi!" She ducked inside, "Thank you." She did her best not to stare open mouthed at the building, but if she had though the outside was beautiful then the interior was stunning. It was perfect in its own way, and she loved it already.

She stood with an arm cross over her chest as she listened to her new boss, nodding and taking everything in. The smells of pasties filled the air as she listened, making her mouth water and reminding her that she hadn't eaten yet, to back this up her stomach grumbled.

"You can decide who's staying here with me and who's going to leave with you. A few of our workers are still not here, so you can take more than you leave."

Bobbi glanced at Steven, waiting to see whether she would stay, or go. She wasn't sure which she would prefer, either sounded good. She wouldn't complain, this was a clean start, as of today she was an entirely different person. She was no longer 'Poor Barbara Sinclair' who lost her sister in an accident; she was Bobbi Sinclair, hard working and friendly. A know smile formed on her lips, and she stood a little straighter, prepared to face the day.
Lila followed in after the girl. She was pretty pumped about her first day of work. "I hope I see that cute puppy again" she thought to herself standing there. The owner started his speech.

"As you may know, our cafe not only supplies delicious treats baked by our wonderful chef, but we also help customers with their problems. Today, just as most days, you will be split up into two groups. One group will be in charge of running the cafe, and the other will be working on solving this problems within the envelope. I would appreciate if everyone tried to do their best with whatever job they are in charge of."

She felt excitement at the news she had received. Lila glanced at a guy with the brightest blue eyes and felt her heart skip a beat. "Blue like Husky's eyes" she thought, giggling to herself. She refocused her thoughts back to original topic; which group would she be put in? She shrugged her shoulders at the thought and decided to fantasize about playing with puppies. "Growwl" a sound came from nearby. She turned to see the girl from before. "Want some bread?" Lila said handing a piece of toast to the girl, that she had pulled from her pocket. This was one of her beliefs; "Always keep a spare toast in my pocket just in case"
Bobbi looked up in shock, blinking slowly before taking the toast. She glanced at it briefly before smiling warmly, "Seem like a clever idea. Thanks. I was so busy this morning, I didn't even have chance to feed my dog. Luckily my room mate doesn't have work today. They're go on a long walk probably." She shrugged, hoping that her boss wouldn't mind if she took a bite of the toast, it was only a small piece and she wouldn't take long to eat it. "Thanks" she repeated.

She bit into the toast quickly, savouring the bread in her mouth before swallowing and going back again. Her new boss had finished talking, so she hoped he would be okay with it. If not she would just offer to do another shift, although surely he'd prefer a fed worker rather that a hungry one.
Lila smiled at the girl. She then turned her attention to the owner waiting for the decisions to be done. It was taking a while so she turned to the girl and said "Hey the name's Lila and your's?"
Bobbi brushed off her uniform and smiled, "Bobbi, Its nice to meet you." Secretly she hoped that Lila wouldn't know her from before. For almost a year the story of her sister had been plastered all over newspapers, even now some stories still mentioned in. She wasn't even going to mention the information available online.




Annabelle had rushed in, panting softly "Im so sorry! An old woman needed help gathering the things she had dropped on the floor and I helped her." she put her hands on her knees, catching her breath and standing back up. She looked at her fellow workers and smiled softly, with a little nod before looking at the man in front of her. It was her boss. Today was the day she finally got to work at the cafe. BUt thing was, she came in at the last minute and heard: 'You can decide who's staying here with me and who's going to leave with you. A few of our workers are still not here, so you can take more than you leave.'

This confused Annabelle greatly and she was confused as ever before. What did he mean by his words? Biting her lip, she then spoke "If its not a problem i'd like to stay here." she said "Waitressing is my strongest skill." she informed him, trying to be as nice as possible while saying it. She couldnt do anything else if he asked her to. Like baking goods, she wasnt that good at making them, she wasnt even pro. Thats why she stuck to being a waitress. "And I have my outfit in my bag." she lifted the bag and showed him, hoping that maybe he'd keep her here rather then sending her somewhere else. He was that nice...right? Please keep me here.. she silently begged in her head this is where I want to be most..


(I might be copying simply because of Nico..YOUR THINGS ARE TOO CUTE x3 Im just gonna format mine differently)​
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I listened closely to what the boss had to say, nodding every now and then. I applied as a hostess, that meant I was going to go above and beyond for my customers. If a customer said something about wanting a booth outside so he or she could sit with their dog, then I would be quite sure to drag a booth outside myself. So that meant if I stayed, I would be as useful as possible. If I went with the manager nothing would change, I would still do my absolute best.

I waited for the managers decision then realized I was standing next to a gorgeous African Grey. "Good morning.." I whispered to the large male bird. "Do you have a name? Hmm?" I was paying attention, but he'd caught my eye and I couldn't help myself. "I'll have to bring some fruit in for you tomorrow.." I said smiling at him. He looked like a sweet boy, and I really wanted to spend time with him.
Yumi was fast a sleep having a nice dream, until suddenly she heard a barking noise. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up and yawned. She looked at the side of her bed to se her dog Spike barking. "Morning Spike." She yawned again. "What time is it?" She looked over at the clock. The moment her eyes hit the clock her eyes widen and she screamed. She jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. "No no no no no I can't be late on the first day!!!!" Apparently her alarm clock was working right. "Great now I have to buy a new alarm clock." After she got dressed she ran to the Café and busted through the doors. "I'm......here......" she was breathing heavily and her hair which she had just fixed was now a mess.

Pepper Harrison!

"Lets have a good day today, yeah~?"

Mood: Excited | Location: Doux Deluxe Cafe | With: Sebastian


Pepper had spaced out while decorating a cake, she barely noticed someone in the kitchen leaning on the door frame. "Bonjour, I don't have anything to taste instead of berries at the moment." she said and smiled softly. "The blueberries need tasting.~" She chirped. She placed the blueberries on the counter for him to taste. "The pies are still in the oven." Pepper spoke and listened to Clovis speak. To help someone with their problems sounded so exciting! Alas she probably had to stay and bake, not like she minded, it was something she enjoyed. She looked down at her decorated cake with pride. "Tada! Our first special of the day is complete!" she said cheerfully and picked up the cake and put in the display. She turned to Sebastian and smiled "I'm Pepper, I hope we can be great friends!" she hummed.



Sebastian half assed listened to the boss man as he watched Pepper flitter around the kitchen. As soon as the bubbly girl set the blueberries out in front of him, he wasted no time in popping one of the juicy looking fruits into his mouth. As soon as he bit down into the small round morsel, his face lit up like a kid on Christmas. Once he swallowed the food, he looked over at the girl, "nope, these are horrible. Better not serve these to the customers. I'll just take them so that no one gets sick". Of course there was nothing wrong with them, he was just teasing the sweet girl.

When she asked him name, he wiped his blue fingers on his pants leg and stuck out his hand. "It's Sebastian. Pepper hmm? Some how that seems fitting to you". He shrugged and leaned back against a counter, waiting to find out if he was staying here or going with the crybaby.
"Alright, let's see what we got here," Steven said, getting up from his chair and opening the letter.

Keep Mary Adrien Safe.


View attachment 110722

Reward: 3,000 € Difficulty: Complex

Hello Doux Deluxe Staff,

I am the manager of the American Rising Star, Mary Adrien, who you may know because of her singing or acting, but possibly not because this is her debute in France. Today is her day off. She doesn't know very much French, but I don't want anyone taking advantage of her. Of course, paparazzi is also an issue. She does not know that I am hiring you, so please don't let her suspect anything.

Thank you very much,

Augusto Blackferd

"Guard duty, huh?" he said to himself, walking into the main dining room, then announcing, "Alright, I'm Steven Malphus, your manager here. I wanna get this thing started, so don't bother introducing yourself to me until we get into the car." Steven surveyed the room, looking at who was already there. Considering that it was the paparazzi, he would probably need three to four people to assist him. "Let's see here..., you," pointing at the blue haired girl, "you," pointing at an employee who looks like he's done some doing time, "you," pointing at an employee with black hair and blue eyes, "aaaand you," pointing at an employee who was male with long brown hair. "Alright, you four, come with me. I'll explain in the car."

((Alright, challenge time! Try to figure out if your character was picked or not!))
"Me?" she thought to herself when the man had pointed to her. Lila was excited. The first thing she was gonna do was pretty interesting. Guarding an idol was going to be tough without her knowing. Well at least she could be with Husky boy. She giggled at the thought before heading after him.
I realized I hadn't been picked and continued to talk to the bird. Though I realized that for a people person, who was naturally friendly, I was a bit shy. So as far as I knew, the only person I talked to was my boss. Other than that I've been talking to a bird. I realized now, that I was kinda boring. "I guess I'll talk to you later." I frowned as I still hadn't learned the bird's name yet.

I sighed, then walked over to the hostess station and started looking over the reservations. Nothing yet, which was a bit disappointing. I was ready to go to work, and no reservations meant that I would be twiddling my thumbs for now. So I chose to do something about it. I walked up to my boss.
"Uh, Clovis, excuse me sir. Do you have anything you need done? I'd be happy to help."


• MOOD- Anxious/Excited • LOCATION- Home > Doux Deluxe Café

Sakura batted her eyes as she looked to the left to check the time on the clock placed on the nightstand next to her. BEEP BEEP BEEP, it blared. The clock read: 7:30. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed as she jumped out of bed immediately rushing into action trying to get herself together. "Oh my god!" she repeated. "How could I have overslept!? I set FOUR alarms!" she spoke to herself as she frantically brushed her hair and put on her new work uniform.

It was her first day at her new job, she wanted to make a good impression on her first day and be early, but now she was barely going to make it on time. She grabbed her keys, phone, and wallet and threw them into her purse. She ran towards the door flinging it open and yanking it shut to lock it. She quickly strode over to her parked moped and put the key into the ignition. It was 7:45 now. It was going to take her at least 10 minutes to get to the café.

She set off on her moped in the direction of the shortest route to the café. She kept a steady speed as she zipped through the streets. She was desperately trying to make it on time. This job was a guarantee that she wouldn't have to move again. So it meant everything to her.

She finally arrived, it took her 12 minutes to get there so it was 7:57. She had three minutes to spare. She could breathe. It wasn't the 20 that She had planned on , bit she wasn't late. She got off her scooter and headed towards the door Before going inside she smoothed over her dress with her hands and took a deep breath.

She reached for the door handle and opened the door. She put on a smile as she looked out to see the others already in the room. "Bonjour!" she chirped. She thought applying her years of French classes might as well be useful here.


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