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Don't be afraid to hear my song (Melerica & Terra Rizing)

"Well, at least you are open to learn. Most humans I've come across were too blinded by their ignorance." Mae said. Henry seemed different than most humans, or at least he would be if he wasn't keeping her prisoner.
"Are you impressed?" He said while flashing her a grin. He reached into his bag and took out two loafs of bread. "This all I have in terms of food." He said as he threw her one.
Mae looked down at the bread Henry tossed her. She had heard of bread but had never actually had it. She slowly brought it up to her mouth and took a small bite. "Interesting. What is this made of?" she asked, curiously as she took another bite.
"It's made of dough. It the most basic food for us humans. Do you like it?" He asked curiously as he took a few bites form his own bread loaf. Bread has always been his favorite quick snack, his mother used to bake at their house when he was young so he was surrounded by freshly made bread pretty much the whole time.
"I've never had anything like it." Mae said, taking another bite. She hated to admit that there was something she actually liked about human culture but this thing he called bread was really good. "What other things do humans eat?" she asked, curiously. If this was a basic food for them she wondered what other things they ate.
"Sirens mostly." He joked. He then took a another bite then continued. "We eat rice and vegetables and fruits. Ever heard of these? If not then you really are missing out." He took a gulp from the water skin. "If there is one fact you can count on about humans, it's that they love their food."
"Loving food? That's such a strange concept." Mae laughed. "Food is a means of survival. I've never thought of it as something to be enjoyed." Henry made it sound as if humans really took pride and interest in their food. Sirens and other species only ate what they needed to survive. "So why do humans treat food like a liesurely activity?"
"Hmm.. how do I explain this...Well maybe that's because you don't have many options to choose from when it comes to food. But to us it is something we enjoy because we like experiencing the different tastes. We also cook food, mixing different ingredients and coming up with new food tastes and dishes is always a joy. And it's also a time to come closer with the people you care about, sharing your food with them and bond while eating together."
Mae listened as he talked. This information was all completely new to her. She looked down at the bread in front of her. "Using food as a way to bond. Sirens have never really had a need for that." she said. "Sirens stay together in groups of three. We were created together and are naturally close. We have a special bond that's hard to put into words. It's like we always know what each other are thinking."
He was surprised by the information she was giving him, he didn't know these facts. "They stay in groups of three? really? So... Where are the other two? Your... sisters I guess?" He asked curiously. "And can you really read each other's thoughts?"
"I'd rather not talk about it." Mae said, suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation. She rose back up to her feet. "Thank you again for the food and conversation." Truthfully it had been quite a while since she had had a casual conversation with anyone.
Henry's curiousity was really peaked but he decided to let it rest for now. "You thank the man who imprisoned you?" He said as he stood up and prepared to continue the journey.
"I didn't say I was happy you kidnapped me." Mae said, crossing her arms. "But you have treated me with common courtesy. Which is more than most humans would have done." For the first time in a while she had been curious about human culture and behavior but that curiousity was quickly extinguished by the reminder that she was still his prisoner.
"That is true. I doubt other humans would've been so nice with a creature that craves their flesh. Now start walking." He said as he ushered infront of him with his sword. They entered the edges of a forest, he always enjoyed being in a forest and seeing the green trees all around him. "So this is the first time you've been away from the ocean?"
"Yeah, we usually don't leave the water if we don't have to. Some of us get over curious and leave the ocean but it usually doesn't end well." Mae replied. She looked up at the massive trees of the forest. There were very few trees near the shoreline and when there were some they were never this talk or numerous.
"But that sounds boring, staying in the ocean all the time. What do you spend your time doing?" He said as he suddenly stopped beside a tree that was bearing fruits. He picked two and gave one to her. "Have you even seen or eaten one of these before? It's called apples. Try them."
"Well, it's safer for us there. Plus you've never seen the ocean the way we have. It's just incredible. There's always something new to see and new places to go." Mae said, thinking back upon the waters she called home. She was brought back to reality as he tossed her the apple. She took a bite, surprised by how crisp and juicy it was. "I've seen images of them but never knew what they were. I guess you have to go pretty in land to actually find them growing."
"Well, it's safer for us there. Plus you've never seen the ocean the way we have. It's just incredible. There's always something new to see and new places to go." Mae said, thinking back upon the waters she called home. She was brought back to reality as he tossed her the apple. She took a bite, surprised by how crisp and juicy it was. "I've seen images of them but never knew what they were. I guess you have to go pretty in land to actually find them growing."
"But it's still water, You have to see the mountains, the snow, the city, the crowded life. It's beautiful." He said as they walked through the forest, he estimated that they were making good progress, and that he'll be able to make the delivery in time.
"I guess it's too bad I won't be able to see it then." Mae sighed. Although she had begun to enjoy her talks with him she had to constantly remind herself that she was his prisoner. His only priority was a pay check waiting for him in this city of Ember. "So, I'm guessing there wouldn't be any time for a more scenic route?"

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