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Don't be afraid to hear my song (Melerica & Terra Rizing)

"You've been wanting to kill me ever since you laid your eyes on me." As they walked he noticed her hesitation and fear. "Is this the first time for you out of the water, Mae?" He asked as he glanced behind him. "The ocean is beautiful, but out there... It's not so bad." He then asked curiously. "Tell me Mae, why do you despise humans so much?"
"You're answering your own question. Humans care only for themselves. They take what they please without a thought. Your kind does not worry about the delicate balance of life. You only care about physical possessions and you will do what you must to obtain it." Mae replied. They soon reached the shore. She went down into the sandy shore, unable to stand on her own until her tail fully dried and she gained her human legs.
"And you do not care only for yourself? You care greatly about others?" He said curiously. "You're right, we do care greatly about physical possessions. But that's not the case for me, not anymore. I used to do anything for money, but now... it's the thrill and adventure. Meeting creatures with immense beauty and grace. " He then watch expectantly as they stood on the shore. He knew that her tail would turn into legs but to actually see it for real... "That's a pretty useful trick." He said as she stood infront of him.
Mae slowly rose to her feet, her legs shaking greatly. It was such a strange feeling. She looked down and watched as she moved her toes for the first time. But it wasn't long before she stumbled, grabbing onto Henry so she wouldn't fall. "I don't know how you humans walk on these things." she sighed. It didn't not occur to her at that moment that she was completely bare. Sirens never had the need for clothes but now that she had human legs she might actually need some.
"He helped her as she stumbled and and grabbed him. "And I can't imagine myself ever managing to move with a tail. I think having to legs is more practical, you'll get used to it." But... We do have a problem, you're pretty and naked." He leaned down and grabbed his small leather bag. He took out a very simple leather dress. "It's not much but it'll have to do for now. Will you need help getting into it?" He asked as he handed it to her.
Mae look down at herself, not seeing a problem. "I'll be fine." she said, taking the dress from him. "I've always wondered why you humans always felt the need to wear these things. Is it meant to be some sort of protection?" She examined the dress, trying to figure out how it worked. Eventually she figured which way it went and pulled it down over her head. It felt strange as it brushed across her skin. This whole experience was strange. She didn't feel like I siren anymore. She wondered when she would be able to be back in the sea again.
He thought about her question as he enjoyed watching her baffled by the dress and try to figure out how to put it on. "Well protection is one of the reasons. It's also because clothes can be beautiful and colorful and makes you look good. And it's... not appropriate to walk about bare, not for humans anyways. Do you not have any problems with being seen bare by another creature?" He asked curiously. He nodded as she finally managed to put the dress on. "Well now I can officially say that you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He said with a smile as he admired her. The dress was simple and dull but she still looked stunning in it.
"I did not have a problem with it before nor do most creatures. Humans seem to be the only ones who feel the need to cover themselves." Mae replied. She was a bit bothered by his attempt to compliment her. "Do you always feel the need to give false flattery to those you've captured? I'd also you to remember that I am not just some human female. Our appearances may be similar now but I am still a siren."
"My flattery is sincere I assure you, I have no reason for false flattery. It is you who is under my mercy after all." He smiled. "It's going to be easy to forget that you are a siren from now on. Everyone you will meet will treat you like a human and I do suggest that you act like one. Calling someone 'Foolish Mortal' would not fit into your character from now on."
"First you take my freedom and now you wish to take my identity?" Mae questioned. "Why should I pretend to be one of you? Your kind is fully aware of our existence. I see no reason to lie about what I really am." The thought of pretending to be a human made her sick.
"You misunderstand me. I have no wish to take from you your identity. But announcing that you are indeed a siren in your current state people either won't believe you... Or worse, they will. Then you'll become the target for every greedy bastard out there. You yourself said that us humans will do anything to obtain what we want. And a Siren with your beauty will be something they will want."
Mae sighed. "I see you're point. Fine. I will pretend to be human." she said, crossing her arms. "But I insist you not forget. We wouldn't want you getting any perverted ideas." Of course she also wondered if she would encounter any trouble anyways. Henry admitted she was attractive to human men. Which meant she might be a target siren or not. "Shall we be going then?"
"Well it's too late for that, I'm already smitten." He said smiling as he pointed infront of him with his sword. "After you." After a while of silence he spoke again. "By the way, if anyone stops us on the way. You will be pretending to be my wife, we don't want to attract any unnecessary attention."
Mae continued to walk, knowing the sword was pointed directly at her back. "It seems I have no choice. But don't expect me to be excited about it." she responded, not looking back to him. "So where are you taking exactly?" She was curious as to how far inland they had to go. Every step away from the ocean was agony to her.
"We are going to Ember. A human city about two days walk from here." He looked around them. "Have you ever seen a human city before? Ember is a beautiful city, bustling with life and noise. And it overlooks a beautiful green forest. You never know, you might like it."
"No. I've never been away from the sea." Mae replied. "It may be a beautiful city but even the most beautiful cage is still a cage." She had never been interested in human culture. Though the idea of visiting a human city could be interesting. "May I ask why Ember of all places?"
"Oh? I didn't realize you were a poet." He said jokingly. "I guess you're right, a pretty cage is still a cage." He then paused and took a deep breath as she asked him why Ember. "Because... You're future owner... Is there."
Mae stopped, not caring about the sword at her back. "So, I am simply to be some human's trophy?" she questioned. Her feet were frozen, unable to move. She had suspected that he already had someone ready to buy her but it was different hearing the word 'owner.'
"It's nothing personal sweetheart. Just business." He said. He knew that it was probably a mistake telling her this. But he didn't want to lie to her either. "As I said, after the exchange is done, I'm afraid I don't know your fate." He then urged her on with his sword.
Mae started slowly moving as he urged her forward. They continued to walk in silence for a while before she fell down onto her knees. "I need a break." she said. Her legs were still weak and just couldn't keep walking.
He sighed as he stopped. It looked like there was no helping that. "Alright. We'll take a break here." He then took out a water leather skin from his bag and handed it to her. "Do you drink water? I'm not sure."
Mae took the water, drinking it quickly. "Of course I do." she said. Being a creature used to living in water meant she would also dehydrate faster than those used to being on land. "Thank you." The words stung coming off her tongue but he was being surprisingly kind for someone keeping her captive.
"Alright, was just making sure. What about food, What do Sirens eat? Beside humans I mean." He said seriously. He was surprised when she thanked him, he didn't expect that. "You're welcome" he answered gently.
"I can eat anything you can." Mae said, laughing a little at his question. "Our bodies function in pretty much the same way. Generally we eat humans and fish since that's what we have access to." She took another sip of water before looking towards him. "Humans don't make a lot of attempt to understand other species, do they?"
"Then no... you can't eat anything I can. I don't eat humans." He said with disgust. "How can you eat humans it's... barbaric." He then laughed at her observation about humans not understand other species. "I don't, can't say the same about my kind though. It's more fun to... discover things for myself."

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