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Futuristic Dominus Astra - Special Forces of the Federation


The God-Emperor of Mankind
Insignificantly inspired by Warhammer 40,000 and Star Wars...

Accessing computer data...
Opening file: Mission log.
File loaded.
Displaying records...

"This is Special Ops Commander, Terezius Hawks. The year is 3006, it's August on Earth right now. I am the newly promoted leader of the 11th Special Operations Task Force of the Federal army," the man stopped for a moment, thinking about what to say next. "After my very recent promotion, I will now record my personal thoughts and comments about this task element's performance. Being granted my own
ship was... quite the honor. I believe that being the officer commanding a task element of special operatives may be stressful, but I do hope my superiors are not in possession of rotten judgment, therefore I will keep calm and sensible for the time-being. Thus far, I haven't any complaints about the vessel. The S.S. Dominus Astra is performing at top condition and I expect our first FTL jump test to take place within the next ten minutes. I will now make my way to the bridge to oversee this process. End of recording..." the recording halted.

The vessel Dominus Astra assigned to the 11th Special Operations Task Force of the Federal army will now face many adventures through space. Whether you are a soldier, a field medic, a psychic soldier, a cyborg, an officer of the navy, a sanctioned bounty hunter, an alien soldier, or perhaps a robot - this is a story of this ship's crew. Many will perish. Many will fight. More will come to see the same fate or strive to survive and live further to tell their stories.

The Task Force is under the skilled leadership of Commander Terezius Hawks, formerly known as Senior Lieutenant. Nonetheless, Mr. Hawks has proven himself a capable leader and fighter alike in the past, and in spite of his young age too. He makes the vast majority of the calls both for the ship and the soldiers on it. The task force's main purpose is to perform subversive operations and carry out unexpected attacks, or sabotage, as well as to aid main armies in combat.

  1. I am always right.
  2. When I am wrong, refer to the rule above.
  3. This isn't Sci-Fi. It's Science-Fantasy. Expect people wielding powered swords in conjunction to their squadmates walking around in mechs. Expect some kind of knights in power armor with swords that have chainsaws instead of blades. Expect orders of psychic people and expect demons and spirits in the form of sentient psionic beings.
  4. I want to see creative people who will be innovative and give me ideas to include into the story and even setting. Planets. Troop divisions. Races. Everything is welcome. Though, don't make blatant stuff up. If your race is a cat-featuring sub-human, at least give them a neat-sounding name, like... "felinid," or something like that, instead of just "Neko."
  5. At least a small paragraph per post.
  6. Post often, but don't tire yourself :)
  7. Slightly inspired by Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000. Don't panic, though, because pretty much everything you need to know was already touched upon, so, yeah... That's about it.
  8. Expect comedy, tragedy, romance, drama, bloodshed, and bloodshed, and blood for the blood god.
  9. Keep in mind this takes place like a thousand years into the future. Modern music cassettes and CDs are relics to the characters in the roleplay.
  10. I use a long CS that forces you to think, so prepare.
  11. I will leave the character's power level to the players, but don't just make an op mary sue with every contact, informant, piece of technology, superweapon, psychic power, genetical modification, and bionic augmentation, okay? Thanks.
  12. I expect characters will grow in personality and power over the course of the roleplay. When such major changes occur, please, include them at the bottom of your post as: "New Skill/Cybernetic/Item: [Description]" and so on.
Likely Questions:

What happened to Earth?
It's the capital of the glorious Galactic Federation, of course. The Federation is split into six segments that are split into sectors that are split into sub-sectors, split into systems, with the solar one in the center, the Federation keeps fighting many wars with surrounding enemies.

How does FTL travel work?
Depends on the drive. Travel takes 1-2 solar days from sector-to-sector usually. Communication is much quicker, thanks to
magic psychic powers. A telepathic message can make its way to another sector in an hour or so.

What will we be doing?
Exploring the galaxy, of course. And fighting rebel insurrections. Subverting enemy operations. Performing sabotage and infiltration behind enemy lines. Attacking key facilities when least expected, and aiding armies in their conquests.

Who can you roleplay?
Anyone, virtually. An officer of the task force. A grizzled, hardened sergeant. A psychic monk equipped with a staff and his powers. A being who has so many cybernetics that he is now closer to machine than man. A cloned soldier with specific, desirable traits, or perhaps, a genetically modified trooper with extra organs or superior genes. Perhaps, an alien with special physical abilities, like thermal sight in an extra set of eyes. A knight in power armor with a large sword. Or maybe a malevolent psychic being known as a demon that haunts one of the crew members. A tank driver, or a space vessel pilot. Maybe a greedy bounty hunter or gallant, rogue-like mercenary. It's up to you. Above all: Be creative.

What is the timeline of events?
In roughly the late 2040's, NASA started a new program of travel with the help of scientists from Russia and Europe. Within 20 years, the project yielded basic FTL technology, primitive, but good enough to allow humans to travel to other planets in the solar system in a few days.

Soon, other technologies, like stasis pods, drop pods, laser weaponry, hydrogen-based plasma, were discovered over the 2100-2200's while the Sol system was being colonized. In the year 2182, the Mark II FTL Drive was invented by a Neo-Russian scientist Viktor Bahrain, also called "the father of space travel." Thanks to the Mk. II FTL Drive, cross-system travel became possible in the time of roughly a week. Humanity spread all across the galaxy, splitting it into systems, that were part of sub-sectors, that were part of sectors, that were part of segments. There are currently six segments, each ruled over by a noble known as an Eran, who is a part of the council of the Galactic Federation, the current, biggest human cross-galactic empire that spreads across at least 1/3rd of the Milky Way galaxy but is under constant war with surrounding alien, human, and abhuman empires. There isnt quite any empire that directly comes close enough to the Federation to be called superior, or equal, but there are many that are still potent threats to federal security.

By the end of the year 2230, a cloud of unidentified energy passed through the galaxy over the time of seven years, mutating the DNA of all living creatures and creating thus unexpected psychics. The evolution of some humans sped up greatly, creating sub-human species capable of inbreeding with other sub-human species, called "abhumans." Some of such abhumans were called psychics, developing a particular spherical gland in their brains, called the Mazarin-Rashoud node (M-R node for short) that let them channel special energies. The M-R node was named this way after its supposed discoverers who received a Nobel prize for their work. This whole event was remembered as the "First Psychic Storm." In addition to this, mutants with abnormal traits were introduced to the galaxy's population.

By the time of the 2300's, at least several xenotic species were discovered, mostly primitive creatures on far away planets that could sustain life. No intelligent life was found until the year 2335 when a Federal exploratory fleet found a planet with primitive, albeit thinking alien life. They were soon instructed in our ways, and through the many years, the Federation encountered many more alien species that also evolved more quickly thanks to the "Second Psychic Storm" that took place in the second quarter of 2421.

In the early 2420's, because of the Second Psychic Storm, humanity encountered a large and notable increase in sightings with paranormal events. Cults of psychics worshipping purely psychic entities they referred to as spirits, demons, or gods. In the year 2452, the Galactic Federation passed a law against such worship due to its malevolent effects on the nation's stability, and later, in 2454, created the Celestial Order, an organization meant to classify psychics and collect them from across the galaxy in hopes of cultivating psychic talent for the profit of all humanity.

One thing leads to another and in 2501, a great war between psychic abhumans and the rest of the Federation broke out. The war warranted the requirement of anti-psychic weaponry. Among some of these weapons was the Pariah Gene. A type of gene therapy modification that inserted a person's DNA and MR node with anti-psychic properties, acting like a black hole that consumed psychic energy around them. These gene modifications are long out of application, but the anti-psychic gene remained in the human gene-pool. The war ended in 2515 with a Federal victory.

In exactly 2672, the Third, greatest storm of psychic energy emerged and ravaged the galaxy. Called the "Third Great Psychic Storm," the results of this event were a true catastrophe. Space travel became practically impossible and psychics became incredibly powerful, emerging even more often for its duration. The resulting chaos completely splintered all humanity. The nations that belonged to the Federation, like Russia or the USA became long-forgotten. The Storm lasted for over 200 years, until 2880. What emerged from it were planets ruled by primitive overlords who forgot the past greatness of the Federation. The nations of old became unimportant, and soon, the Federation re-organized, no longer bound by things like race or religion. The Federation became more militant and slightly authoritarian, rewarding competence and punishing failure at the most basic level, however, this varies greatly from planet to planet. Some worlds are feral and full of tribes, others are thriving communities of cities so tall and large that landing in them doesn't require you to enter the atmosphere, as their buildings peak off of the planet itself.

The Federation's most notable new feature is the aggression it adopted. It opts for aggressive expansion all over the galaxy and hopes to subjugate all those that stand in its way.

As a result, until the modern age, the Federation has been at war with many outside empires, alien nations, and insurrections.

Ask other questions below.
All Hail to the Galactic Federation!

Any of you down for this?
Kylesar1 Kylesar1 RedZombieWolf RedZombieWolf Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Safety Hammer Safety Hammer FireMaiden FireMaiden @Baku Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly
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