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Realistic or Modern Doki Doki Vol. 1

Try to scare Daichi.
But don't do anything so outrageous that we'd get in trouble with the teacher. Honestly, I think this will have a success rate of <10% so we're going to make a fool of ourselves, but maybe it'll get Daichi to crack a smile.
Greet Daichi.

(Though if people vote to try to scare him, I'm kind of interested how that plays out, too, haha.)
Try to scare Daichi. I change my vote. You know what? Let’s be honest with ourselves, that’s what we want. Deep inside, the desire lays. Let’s not leave it in there to rot.
Choice: Try to scare Daichi.

Choice: Try to scare Daichi.

You get a devious grin as you sit behind him silently for a moment before loudly letting out a shout to see if it would startle him out of his thoughts. However, your plan totally fails and Daichi doesn't even twitch at your shenanigans. Instead his eyes slide towards you before his turns his head to regard you. However, before he can even speak after he opened his mouth, your old crone of a science teacher stomps over to your desk and glares down at you.

"My, aren't we loud and full of energy this morning," she says with a sickeningly sweet voice. "Since you have so much energy, you can stay after the end of classes today and help tend to the gardens." She pulls out a slip of paper and slaps it onto your desk and you read in large printed letters 'DETENTION SLIP.' Well, that hadn't gone the way you had wanted it to at all, you were just trying to have some fun.

Daichi sighs and shakes his head. "A day later and you forget to be cautious in this class."

"She's stealthy for an old lady in heels," you whisper lowly.

"I also have great hearing," the teacher says which causes your body to tense. She had heard you?! You slid down into your chair a bit as the energy leaves your body. This was going to be a rough class period. The bells chimes and the lecture begins, with you being the teacher's go-to student to ask for every single question she had regarding the class material being taught. By the end of the class you were ready to go back to your room and sleep for a week because you were absolutely drained.

"I assume she's taught you your lesson then," Daichi says as you both leave the classroom.

"Very efficiently. Never again will I do that. How long am I going to be her target?" you ask.

"There are too many factors to determine that, but you could do something to reduce your punishment."


"Just apologize to her."

"There is no way it would be that simple."

"You won't know till you try," he said before walking off to his next class and leaving you behind. You sigh and head to your math class that you shared with Akane. As you entered the room your teacher Ms. Kameda was there to greet you with a warm smile.

"You look like you've had a rough class, everything okay?"

What will you do?

[div class=buttons]
Tell her about what happened.
[div class=buttons]
Greet her as you normally would.
[div class=buttons]
Ask if she can get you out of detention.[/div][div class=buttons]
Tell her everything is fine.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk[/fa] Tell her about what happened.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] Greet her as you normally would.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-cloud[/fa] Ask if she can get you out of detention.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFour" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-leaf[/fa] Tell her everything is fine.
[/div] [/div]
[script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Tell her about what happened.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Greet her as you normally would.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Ask if she can get you out of detention.") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Tell her everything is fine.") (show ChoiceContentFour) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ff586c; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
Tell her about what happened. I'd like to think of us as the honest sort, and she seems nice enough that she may let us off the hook, and I feel she'd be more likely to if we just told her what happened rather than directly trying to cheat detention lel.
Tell her everything is fine.
Well, that went about as well as I'd expected. Kind of ridiculous that we got into trouble for something like that before lecture even started, but what can you do... Gotta reap what you sow. I feel like telling her about what happened might descend into general negativity about the science teacher herself (not that she's a bad teacher, just particularly strict) and she is Ms. Kameda's coworker, so we should probably just keep quiet.

On the bright side, this is a great opportunity to wow the science teacher if we consistently answer her questions correctly. Then we'd be the bright student who's just a tad careless. Time to hit the books lol
Tell her about what happened.

Honesty policy! Also being bad is good. Flaws that make us humans and give others chance to help us can be good~
Tell her about what happened.

We can tell her in a way that doesn't make the science teacher into a villain. Just a basic "I goofed and got in trouble" maybe?
Greet her as you normally would. No need to lie, but yes, we should probably avoid to talk behind the back of the science teacher.
Greet her as you normally would.
We can still tell her what happened eventually, but I don't want to start the conversation with it.
Choice: Tell her about what happened.

Choice: Tell her about what happened.

You hesitate for a moment before deciding to just tell Ms. Kameda what had happened. "I-I got detention from my last teacher." You wonder if admitting this would make her think less of you, even though you feel as though your science teacher had been excessive in her punishment. Ms. Kameda lifts a delicate hand to her face as she seems to ponder what you've said and looked you over. You posture was that of a person who was having a bad day; slouched shoulders, averting glances, and trying to make your presence less obvious.

"What exactly did you get detention for?"

"I tried to startle a classmate and I guess she was upset I was being so noisy." Honestly, that was really an odd reason, but you had shouted, but it hadn't been that loud! You hadn't screamed like you were a death metal singer or screamed like someone was murdering you. It was a quick shout meant to just make someone jolt.

"I have a feeling I know who gave you detention. As much as I wish I could help you get out of it, that old crone has been like that since I attended Eitoku. Honestly, I think the only reason she doesn't retire if because of how sadistic she is."

What will you do?

[div class=buttons]
You went to school here?
[div class=buttons]
Ask for advice.
[div class=buttons]
Accept your defeat and take a seat.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk[/fa] You went to school here?
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] Ask for advice.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-arrow-circle-o-right[/fa]Accept your defeat and take a seat.
[/div] [/div]
[script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "You went to school here?") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Ask for advice.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Accept your defeat and take a seat.") (show ChoiceContentThree) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#ff586c; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]

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