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Realistic or Modern Doki Doki Vol. 1

Choice: Pancakes

Choice: Pancakes
(Chocolate Chip by popular demand.)

You order some chocolate chip pancakes and Kaoru orders some eggs. The waiter leave you both to enter in your order and you yawn widely. You had probably stayed up a bit too late working on everything, but you wanted to get the assignments done sooner rather than later, even if some weren't due today. "I have to say I can see why you're a scholarship student," Kaoru commented.

"S-Sorry. Before I knew it you had already gone to bed and it was super late."

"It's nothing to apologize for, next time I'll just tap your shoulder to get your attention."

Your food arrives and you both eat and add the to overall sound of flatware clinking on plates and idle chatter. You both finish your meals relatively quickly and pay your bills as same as you did for dinner before getting up and heading to your History Class.

"So, what's the teacher like for History?"

What will you do?

[div class=buttons]
He's strict but fair.
[div class=buttons]
He's strict but unfair.
[div class=buttons]
You aren't really sure.[/div][div class=buttons]
He seems nice.[/div][div class=buttons]
He seems mean.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-asterisk[/fa] He's strict but fair.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-certificate[/fa] He's strict but unfair.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-bolt[/fa] You aren't really sure.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFour" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-leaf[/fa] He seems nice.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFive" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-snowflake-o[/fa] He seems mean.
[/div] [/div]
[script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "He's strict but fair.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "He's strict but unfair.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "You aren't really sure.") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "He seems nice.") (show ChoiceContentFour) if (eq ${currentChoice} "He seems mean.") (show ChoiceContentFive) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#434834; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
He's strict but fair. IMO it's just right to try and give our new buddy as much to go by as we can from having one class with him :3.
Choice: He's strict but fair.

Choice: He's strict but fair.

"He's strict but fair. We need to get to the class early, he sort of doesn't consider the tardy bell as the official indication of being late. He expects everyone to be seated before then," you reply.

"One of those types huh? I haven't had him for a class before, but I had a class with Ms. Kameda last year. She's pretty nice unless you get on her bad side. She gets this evil gleam in her eyes when you've gotten to that point with her and you may as well consider your class a personal hell with her at that point."

"Y-You can't be serious."

"Oh-ho I am. Like I said, it's only if you get on her bad side. Last year it was one male student who constantly mouthed off. He regretted that choice."

"What exactly did he do?"

"Oh he said stupid stuff like 'women didn't need to learn math, let alone teach it.' I heard one time he went to her after school when he failed a test and tried to bribe her for a passing grade. Ms. Kameda apparently had recorded his proposition and he ended up transferring shortly after that. You wouldn't have even known because she acted like nothing had happened. Sent a shiver down my spine. I doubt you'd get on her bad side though."

You nervously swallow and hope you wouldn't. She had seemed so nice when you met her, but it seemed she didn't play around if you were doing something wrong. Maybe she really wasn't that scary, at least not to those who didn't have bad intentions.

You reach the classroom about ten minutes early, though there are already other students milling around, Hana being one of them. Hana waves to you eagerly and approaches to greet you. "Hi Makoto, who is this?"

"This is my roommate Kaoru. Kaoru this is my friend Hana."

Hana gives grin,"Oh so your roommate was the absent student from yesterday? If you need to copy any notes let me know. I don't mind letting you borrow them. I think your seat was over there by the way. He pretty much has us assigned where we sat on the first say."

The seat that had been left empty yesterday was a bit further back from where you and Hana sat meaning you wouldn't really be able to chat with them during class. It was fine though, you two were roommates though. Mr. Tanaka soon entered the room and offered his greetings to everyone who quickly started taking their seats as though class were about to start. "I'll see you in Math then Kaoru," you tell Kaoru as you take your seat next to Hana. Kaoru gives you a thumbs up and takes the seat Hana had pointed out.

Soon enough all the seats were filled and Mr. Tanaka began his lecture.

What will you do?

[div class=buttons]
Take notes.
[div class=buttons]
Pass a note to Kaoru.
[div class=buttons]
Raise your hand to answer a question.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-pencil[/fa] Take notes.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-envelope[/fa] Pass a note to Kaoru.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-commenting[/fa] Raise your hand to answer a question.
[/div] [/div]
[script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Take notes.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Pass a note to Kaoru.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Raise your hand to answer a question.") (show ChoiceContentThree) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#7e00ff; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
Raise your hand to answer a question. In my experience, it shows the teacher that you're attentive and serious about your studies which is always a good thing. :3
Choice: Raise your hand to answer a question.

Choice: Raise your hand to answer a question.
+1 to Regard!

You raise your hand when Mr. Tanaka asked the class a question and he calls on you. You answer correctly and he gives to a nod of approval before continuing with the lecture. You weren't going to slack because if your grades dropped super low you risked losing your scholarship. More questions came, but you didn't raise your hand for all of them since that would have appeared a bit too eager. The other students in your class seemed intelligent as those who answered generally got it correct. The only one who didn't answer a question correctly was actually Hana who after being informed she was wrong looked dejected.

What will you do?

[div class=buttons]
Take notes.
[div class=buttons]
Pass a note to Kaoru.
[div class=buttons]
Pass a note to Hana.[/div][div class=buttons]
Skip to end of class.[/div][/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentOne" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-pencil[/fa] Take notes.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentTwo" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-envelope[/fa] Pass a note to Kaoru.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentThree" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-file-text-o[/fa] Pass a note to Hana.
[/div] [div class="ChoiceContent ChoiceContentFour" style="display: none;"]
[fa]fa-chevron-right[/fa] [fa]fa-hourglass-2[/fa] Skip to end of class.
[/div] [/div]
[script class=buttons on=click] hide ChoiceContent set currentChoice (getText) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Take notes.") (show ChoiceContentOne) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Pass a note to Kaoru.") (show ChoiceContentTwo) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Pass a note to Hana.") (show ChoiceContentThree) if (eq ${currentChoice} "Skip to end of class.") (show ChoiceContentFour) [/script] [class=buttons] display:inline-block; width:295px; margin:5px; padding:10px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-size:18px; [/class] [class name=buttons state=hover] transition: all 1.0s ease; background-color:#7e00ff; color:#fff; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; font-weight:bold; cursor: pointer; [/class]
Achievement Unlocked: 500 posts!Raised Regard with Mr. Tanaka
[class=achievement] display: flex; width:400px; margin:auto; margin-bottom:5px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 0 #ccc; background:#fff; color:#000; border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; -moz-border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; -webkit-border-radius: 150px 150px 150px 150px; transition: all 1.0s ease; font-family: 'Titillium Web'; [/class] [class name=achievement state=hover] background-color:#5d5add; color:#fff; transition: all 1.0s ease; [/class] [class=unlock] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width:100px; height:100px; border-radius:50%; background-color:#ccc; font-size:50px; [/class] [class=text] display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width:250px; padding:10px; box-size:border-box; [/class] [class=text1] text-align:center; [/class] [div class=achievement][div class=unlock][/div][div class=text][div class=text1]Achievement Unlocked
Raised Regard with Mr. Tanaka[/div][/div][/div]
Skip to end of class.

There's only so much one can really do during class, especially when it's been established we're supposed to be a very diligent student.

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