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Dokapon Kingdom (No new people can join IC 1. IC 2 is still open.)

Golden Glow

A green-haired Cherub appears before you. "Welcome to Dokapon Kingdom!" he exclaims with joy. "How many people are playing today? 2, 3 or 4?"

"Three people," responds a normal-faced, yellow-haired Magician with a yellow hat. "My name is Golden Glow."

"I see we have player one all suited up," the little cherub says. "Who are the other two?"

(This will be a three-player RP. I'm taking the first slot as Golden Glow the Magician. The character signup sheet will be used much later for this roleplay, characters instead being introduced like mine. When we get the other two here, I will add "Closed" to the RP title. The character signup sheet will be for later, just telling what job and hairstyle you have at the time.)
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Seeing that the cherub was meaning for her to answer she looked at him. A sexy-faced, red-haired warrior says, "My name is Scarlett Rose" then she goes silent once more.

((I can join, right?)) The balck haired male stepped forward and looked at the cherub, "You're forgetting player three."
(Yes you can. Would you mind being a Thief player? That way we'll have all three main classes.)

"I didn't," protested the cherub. "I just didn't have time to speak before you spoke up. I need your name and class, and we can start this game!" (Also, an you tell me what kind of face he uses? Normal, Cool, Mean, or Enthused)
The male stepped forward with his mean cold hearted glare, "Roy Mustang, thief class."
derpitydoo987 said:
The male stepped forward with his mean cold hearted glare, "Roy Mustang, thief class."
(If you do not go for the Alhemist class later, with that name!!!! xD )

"Gotcha. Let's go! Into the world of Dokapon!!!!!!!"

Everything for the three players fade to black.........

The three players get a message from the king, given to them by the little Cherub. The message reads:

"I'm sure you know of the monsters attacking my kingdom. Well, these foul creatures are stealing the money from my people! Eventually, the kingdom will be ruined! And even worse, I'll be completely broke!!!! I suppose there's no choice now. You three adventurers! My little cherub informed me that you were the three people to accept. Defeat all the monsters that have appeared in Dokapon Kingdom. As incentive, Whoever brings the most money back will win a very special prize: My daughter, Princess Penny's, hand in marriage!

"Furthermore, whoever weds Princess Penny... Will be the next King of Dokapon! Adventurers, come to Dokapon castle!"

The three adventurers are then dropped into a plain, far away from the castle.

"Of course..." groaned Golden Glow in disgust. He called out to the cherub: "You couldn't have dropped us closer?!!!"

The cherub flew down, and handed the three of them... A spinner with numbers of 0-6 on it? "This will decide how far you move each day." He hands them each another letter:

"Adventurers! Welcome to Dokapon Kingdom! Why, you don't have any eqipment! You'll need some for your journey! Step on the loot spaces to obtain some gear! I'd like you to get to Dokapon Castle ASAP. You have two weeks! Whoever makes it here first will score some keen bonus points! Let your adventure begin!"

The land suddenly shows magical, glowing spaces, and the adventure begins!

"Let's decide turn order," says the little Cherub, and a board appears. "Select your number, one through three!"

"I'll go for 2," groans GG.
((An alchemist class would be cool especially with Mustang's gloves, *snap vhwooosh*)) Roy cracked his knuckles, "If the princess is not to my liking you can have her gg." Roy said jokingly. He looked the cherub, "I'll go with one."
"I guess that leaves me with three" she says thinking about it. The prize was a princess. "Well I'm not exactly a lesbian, so you too can have her if I win" Scarlett says simply.


"Mustang first, Rose second, Gold last," said the cherub. He flies away, and the rules appear.

1: Every turn, roll a seven-sided die. If seven, roll again. If seven again, move no spaces.

2: If landing on a blank yellow space, roll a 20-sided die. If 20, roll an 12-sided die.

1 gets Weber

--If you get Weber, roll another die, this one 4-sided. One is Nitroglycerin, Two is Big Bug, Three is Blackmail, 4 is roll a 100-sided die. If you get a 4 on this second die, you get a Level Taker

2 gets Risque

--Select what you want to steal, and from who, and roll a die.

----If money or items, roll a two-sided die. One is success, two is fail. If equipment, roll a ten-sided die. One is success, anything else fails.

3 gets Beggar

--Choose whether or not to give money (Starts off as 500, and adds 1500 each chapter), and roll a two-sided die. One is disappearing beggar, Two is goddess of Generosity

----If you gave him money, you have a Deathblock. If not, roll two 7-sided dice

------1 is Poison, 2 is Footsore, 3 is Fear, 4 is DF down, 5 is AT down, 6 is MG down, 7 is SP down

4 gets Dr. Exiles. You are now about 30000 in debt, and every third chapter, another two 0s are added onto the end.

5 gets Gutz Choose whether or not to give him money (This will likely be about 100 above all you have), and roll a 20-sided die

--If one, you get a powerful piece of equipment, but if anything else, you fail.

6 gets Kira. Yay, good items.

7 gets Leane

--I give up on this one. Just think of a random town on that continent, and it goes there.

8 gets Mitch

--Roll a 7-sided die. If anything but 1 or 2, roll again. If anything but one or two again, one of your towns double in worth.

9 gets Robo-Agent. Pay him to send a killing machine onto a player. The player starts getting chased for a week.

10 gets UFO

If you get this, wait a turn. On your next turn, roll a two-sided die. If one, all your stats increase by one. If two, they all decrease by one

11 gets Roché

--Roll a six-sided die. One or two, you win. Anything else, and you lose.

12 gets Tax Collector Mushashi. This bird will collect all taxes from all your towns, for between 40-70% of the taxes as payment.

3: When battling, roll a two-sided die. If one, you go first. If two, the enemy goes first. For each turn, roll another die. If one, the enemy counters/strikes. If two, it defends/attacks. Post your move before doing this. Two turns of fighting, one player move, one enemy move, takes up your turn, and you continue fighting on the next day.

4: At Dokapon Castle, you can change your job, your hairstyle, or give the king a gift.

5: At magic spaces, loot spaces, weapon spaces, hidden chests, and armor spaces, say how many items there are, (7 or more) assign a number to each item, and roll a die with that many numbers. The resulting number shows what item you get.

6: When robbing a shop, do the same thing you do with Roché. If 1 or 2, you get a rare item. If anything else, you get a bounty on your head.

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Golden Glow got up and stretched. "Okay, Roy. Your turn, I guess..."


(Just roll a die. There are no blank yellow spaces in the first chapter)
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