Dogs In Warfare- Alpha Dogs


One Thousand Club


he stood straight in his uniform, his hands behind his back and his gaze straight ahead, there where soldiers standing at attention behind him, their gaze straight as well, they waited to see the helicopters carrying the new recruits, but also the new dogs, everyone and dog was excited but didn't dare show it, not with Micheal listening, waiting for some one to mess up, but he has a sense of pride when he looked at his squad, they were strong, and dedicated to not only the hell Micheal put them through, but to their country.


He stood beside Micheal on the hot pavement, his tail still and ears erect, his gaze was straight forward, his nose sniffing the air quietly, the scent of gasoline and excitement filled the air, the sun beating down on them all, he stood still, like a statue of beauty, a gust of wind or two blowing his fur back, making him look like a picture that has come alive. All the other dogs had leashes attached to their spiked collars, but not Hawk and Diesel.


He stood on the other side of Micheal, his posture exactly like Hawk, like a statue of beauty, something you would only see in a magazine or story book for children.

Yomi sat on the far end of the plane. He didn't want to conversate with the other recruits so he stayed to himself. He closed his eyes and bent his head down shifting his hair infront of his eyes. He listend to the roaring dogs below as they barked around. One of the guys pointed and laughed. Yomi Sighed and crosed his arms.
Haou barked loudly in his cage ramming the sides, his huge paws hitting the front of his cage, his ears were aching from the pressure, he didn't know where he was going, but he was afraid, he wanted to go home, the scent of other dogs made him uneasy and felt trapped, and when you corner a dangerous animal, prepare to get bit.
One of the boys scooted over to Yomi as he was sleeping. Yomi was tired so when he got on the helicopter he fell asleep a little ways out when they were nearing the drop. The boy that sat nexxt to him poked him on the face. Yomi didn't budge but woke up without opening his eyes. He pocked him again but the second time Yomi turned around and bit his finger. He had sharp teeth , someone like a dog so it made his finger bleed. The boy snapped backing shaking his finger and scooting away. He told the others what he did and how he resembled a freak. Yomi sighed and looked away trying to go back to sleep but he could hear the copter slowing down.
Micheal saw the plane as it got closer and he stood tall, his squad behind him, his dogs tall and beautiful by his side, he then watched as the plane dropped and skidded down the run way, its camouflage painting looking wonderful and it shone in the hot sun, then the back of the plane dropped open and the people inside were directed to stay seated, and Micheal walked up the back of the plane, Hawk and Diesel looking mean yet beautiful, they were the largest German Shepherds that were at the base, and the most obedient, Micheal saw the people staring like dumbfounded idiots and then shouted "Stand up maggots!" he shouted loudly his voice echoing loudly in the plane.

Haou felt a thud and he scrambled and then kept barking as a door opened and light shone inside the dark room, he saw quiet a few men come inside and take out the cages of dogs, when his cage was lifted he heard the man grumble under his breath "this is a big boy." he grumbled to the person beside him carrying a frightened German Shepherd.
Everyone stood up along with Yomi. Yomi put his hands in his pockets and looked toward the entrance. Yomi walked toward the end of the line and sighed as he looked trying to see over the taller recruits.
Micheal watched the recruits walk out then saw Yumi "Get your hands out of your pockets princess you aren't at home with mommy anymore act like a man!" he shouted in Yumi's face, Hawk and Diesel growling loudly baring their sharp teeth.
Yomi glanced over toward him. He took his hands out of his pockets put his stare was cold. He walked down the stairs and got in line with the other recruits. He stood by the boy with the bloddy finger. The boy gave him a death sign as yomi showed his tooth again. The guy backed up a little and stood forward again. Yomi tunred his had toward the funt but kept is low letting the breeze blow it a little.
Micheal stood straight and he then directed the line of recruits to walk forward in front of the many white crates, loud barking filling the dry air and he smirked and walked in front of the line, he held a clip board with a few pieces of paper clipped to it, then he began to shout out last names then call out numbers behind it. Telling them their cabin number and their bed number, then their K-9 number, and a Sargent picked up the cage matching the number and set it in front of the person.
A crate was put infront of Yomi. Yomi looked down at it then the sargent that walked away from him and moved on to the next one. His crate was silent and i didn't move. He cocked his head to the side thn blinked his eveys several times aswell. He wanted to kick it but decided not to.
the boy next to Yomi giggled since he had a dumb dog. Micheal saw this and then walked over to the boy and stood right in front of him "What are you smiling about maggot!" he yelled loudly in his face, Diesel and Hawk bared their teeth again raising their tails, their growls making other dogs bark, the boy got quiet his cage not moving or barking, Micheal saw the boy wasn't afraid enough and smirked "welcome to hell princess." he shouted then grabbed Hawk by his collar and Spiked lunged for the boy, the dogs drool splattering on the hot concrete and he bared his huge teeth and barked loudly and threatening "You want me to let go of this dog maggot?" he shouted the boy got quiet and fear filled his eyes, "N-No." he stuttered, "What was that coward?" he shouted loudly the squad was watching, their dogs eyes focused on Hawk and the boy, "No Sir!" he shouted loudly, "Down." Micheal said to Hawk, the dog stopped barking and Micheal released the dog, the dog stared up at the frightened boy with a cold look, then bared his teeth and it looked like the boy was about to burst into tears, then they continued to hand out the dogs. Micheal walking down the line his dogs following him looking beautiful but malicious.
Yomi looked down toward the scared one. A slight smile krept on his face. The cage moved so he looked back toward it. It stood still again. He wanted to see it and thougt about crouching down to take a peak. BUt decided not to. He let out a sigh as he looked up toward the sun. It was hot and standing in the same poistion was going to make his legs fall asleep. He tried his best not to put his hands in his pcokets so his hands were twitching itching to put them in.
Nichole looked straight ahead and bent her knees a little so she wouldn't pass out. she looked down the line a little and sighed to herself and kept her barrings.
Micheal then called out the last person, the Sargent dropped a crate in front of Nichole, Haou growled loudly and bared teeth, he saw the humans legs and and bit at the cage door with anger, then Micheal shouted out, "Pick up your dogs crate maggots!" he shouted, "Follow me." he barked at the new recruits and then his older squadron picked their dogs up over their shoulders, the dogs were comfortable not being on the hot concrete, then Micheal led the recruits to a large dark blue shed and then he opened the door letting everyone inside, it had dog cages one on top of another they went up three, "Find your dogs number and stand in front of that cage!" he shouted at them.
Following orders he followed the orders. He peeked into his crate and saw a black and brown dog. He blinked several times then shruged his shoulder. He found his number quickly and stood by it but still holding the crate.
Nichole picked hers up with some difficulty but managed. she saw she had a rottie she smiled she loved animals. she then got her barring in check.
Haou saw the human and then rammed himself into the side of his cage and growled loudly, Micheal ordered them to open the cage and transfer their dog to the new cage. Haou bared his teeth growling loudly, the fur a long his back bristling

(Ill be back in a little bit)
He opend the cage and looked at the dog. A looks like it he shrugged his shoulder as the dog looked back at him with curius eyes. He put the dog into the new cage closing it once it gets in. The dog circled around then looked through the cage. He lowered his eyes looking into the dog's as the dog does the same.
Haou growled loudly as the woman put him in his cage, once she shut the metal cage door, he attacked it, biting onto it, his lips drew back in a snarl growling loudly, his eyes locked on the womans eyes, then he growled again louder.

Lucas knelt down and looked inside the cage, he had a huge black and white Pit Bull, the dog sat, looking kind, but once Lucas met the dogs gaze, the dog bared its teeth and Lucas got stricken with fear, he swallowed hard, then he opened his cage, he then picked the dog up and tossed him in the cage as fast as he could, the dog reacted fast, but once Lucas shut the door, the dog bit at the cage door, Lucas watched the dog bite the metal bars, his teeth large, and sharp, like white razors, Lucas then turned around and stood straight like the rest of the people, still shook up that his dog was a Pit Bull.

Micheal watched every one put their dogs in their cages, and laughed at some of them who almost got bitten by their dogs.

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