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Fandom 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝘄𝗵𝗼: 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 ꈼꌅꌅꂦꌅꐇꋊꀗꂦꅏꋊ



the doctor.

ep.1 - Next of Pumpkin

♡coded by uxie♡

Foxxymoron Foxxymoron


The explosions rang loud, incapacitating anyone who was in their vicinity, albeit there was only one in the vicinity at the time. Wait, how long had it been that he was lying there? Why were his clothes so baggy? Why couldn’t he remember anything? Maybe something to do with the massive bump on his head. He was still crashing. There was a bright side however and that was he’d been able to find some decent clothes to wear for the occasion of crash landing, style came before panic, right? Did he always think that? No matter.

He was unlucky and yet, thankful, for in space it was true that no one could hear you scream, that is if you’re in a large blue box labeled ‘Police’ and its defenses are so impenetrable nothing can penetrate it even the soundwaves of a very loud and very terrified scream. Well, of course that is, unless you accidentally left the shields off and were in a crash course with an ‘unsinkable’ boat but- but that was neither here nor there. The point was, no one was coming to help this man. Rephrase: This man was the help.

Stupid, stupid.

That had been hours ago, or was it decades? He wasn’t really sure when he’d been crashing through all that exact, all he knew now was he was in London, good ol’ London, Earth, October 2022, which, was a bit dangerous considering he’d been on Earth in that year in a prior life but he knew the dates didn’t align, well, he was 87% sure on that - close enough.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It had only been 15 hours. The TARDIS was still repairing itself, and he’d already stumbled across a massive discovery: He’d grown! Or had he shrunk? Oh he wasn’t sure, but something was different. He was certain when he found a reflection of himself and he was no longer, well, him, or was it her? Still a bit fuzzy from all the regenerative energy pumping through his hearts and veins. What mattered was that he'd changed and he didn't fully remember why or how, well, those were pretty much the same query but what had he been before? WHO had he been before? There was no one else in the TARDIS when he was crashing, unless they were at the bottom of one of the seventeen swimming pools, but he checked 15 of them and he liked those odds.

So now here he was, as the Doctor always truly was and always would be... Alone.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

The shop had turned him away, or rather the person who was closing up, turns out breaking into a supermarket at midnight on a high street with a sophisticated sonic device and asking if they sold any pumpkin's was an unordinary thing to do... Well, he didn't think so but the night manager did, what was his name? Karl? Karli? Karlington? Why did that matter? It didn't... Unless it did, but it probably didn't... Unless...

BANG! Was the sound of his solid body hitting the solid doors of the very solid TARDIS, it was done repairing it seemed and for some reason hadn't opened as easily as usually, ah, probably because he was using the wrong key... He didn't drive a Volvo though so that was a new one, drunken night? Nah. Amnesiac Time Lord? Probably.

At last, the key had worked this time. "Ohhh, this is beau-...Oh...Ohhh, OhhhHHHHH! ... Am I not Irish anymore? Was I Irish before?" Hearing his own voice always was weird, but he liked this one, sort of posh but not too much, it was nice, he liked the face, the hair was... Disappointing, still not ginger. But he was a fan regardless. He had only started to query his new voice now as he had received an echo at his initial guffaw at the TARDIS' new interior.

The Walls were shades of yellow and orange, triangle shaped things replaced the round things, which he absolutely loved but, no, triangles, better shape than circles, definitely this time around. The triangles glowed with multicolor flashes, the console itself was sleek yet rustic at the same time, looking like it was made of some sort of wood but varnished. A chaise lounge was on the main level and there was a swivel chair that was built into a dip in the floor that went around the console so one could sit and spin around if wanted, there was also a hot chocolate machine, he liked that addition, not to mention the girl that had come complimentary, facing the console, a speaker system was built in, several speakers were located throughout the main room, a lute laid on the chaise lounge, he was wondering where that went, there was---... A GIRL!?

The Doctor, wait, was he still the Doctor? Surely he couldn't know, what if he'd become nefarious...No he liked hot chocolate and lute playing he was probably just a dandy. He made his way slowly up the stairs, the girl had just been standing there, seemingly motionless. "Right, okay, so... Who are you? No... No stupid question, I'm becoming like the humans, stupid... How did you get in he-NO! Boring, so boring... One more go..." The Doctor swiftly stepped in front of the girl, eyeing her up and down. "Would you care for some hot chocolate and chips? Yes, that's the right one."

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupi-NO! NOT STUPID!!
That was the wrong word, words tended to get all mixed up when he’d regenerate. He meant ‘Brilliant’.


ep.1 - Next of Pumpkin

♡coded by uxie♡

-a bright light and a warm embrace, just before the feeling of ungracefully and unwillingly being pushed out of the nest. A cold surface was suddenly below her feet; she could just barely feel it through her thin slippers. The rounded surface in front of her was made of polished wood. Upon it, a million buttons and levers blinked and whirred - was this home? Surely not. She didn’t remember this being home- in fact, she didn’t remember anything-

A warm sensation of almost-overwhelming heat encapsulated her body, causing her to stop thinking of the topic of home, and of who she was, completely. She gently clenched her fists in an effort to keep the warmth at bay. Despite wanting the anomaly to stop, she feared it was the only thing keeping her warm as her knee-length hospital gown most certainly wasn’t doing her any favors.

“-hot chocolate and chips?”

What was hot chocolate? What were chips- no wait. She knew. But did they go together? They must’ve if the strange man in front of her was offering them as a combination so casually- and who was he, by the way? Considerably taller than her with a rather well-manicured appearance (and a seemingly strong affinity for mustard yellow)…did she know him? She looked at him blankly.

Another wave of heat, stronger this time…another closing of her fists…

No. She didn’t know him. And he didn’t know her, from what it sounded like. She stopped thinking about it. He was looking her up and down, with the collected confidence of someone who had just rolled out of the wrong side of the bed.

There was a moment of silence after he spoke as she searched for her voice, only to find something femininely high-pitched (and british?) coming out, “...sure.”

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