Doctor Who [Inactive]

"You mean other than a bunch of chicks looking for a mysterious man they've never even met? I mean, some of us are kinda noticeable, me definitely. And you." She gestured to Vaga. "You don't... feel right. No wait. I'm being rude aren't I? Sorry. I don't have much experience with people." She cast her gaze towards the ground. I am such an idiot.
"Would you like me to explain myself anyway?" Vaga, you really need find a way to explain things in a really human-understandable manner. This will be the third time today you will explain who you really are, where you are from, and what happened.
"Alright... Here we go again... I'm a Time Lady, but my race in general are known as Time Lords. They are- well, were time/space travelers from the planet Gallifrey. My people got engaged in a war against a practically indestructible race known as the Daleks. I was able to flee the planet before the war's supposed end and survive. But I ended up crashing here. I ended up thinking I was the last of my kind but..." She then waves the letter in glee. "I'm not alone!"
She grinned. "That is so cool! Just one question. When was the last time you got a cat scan?" Okay. So this lady thinks that she is an alien. Alex loved the idea of aliens as much as the next guy but she has delt in reality her whole life and aliens, just weren't part of it.
"I didn't want to risk it. You know what might happen. Dissection? Yeah. Jean, mind if you help?" She nodded to Jeanine.
"Sure," She pulled out her scanner, had it scan Vaga, then showed the scan to Alex. "There. Proof that she is an alien." The screen showed the internal scan of a body that looked nearly like a human's, except it had two hearts.
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Sure, whatever. I don't really believe you, but hey I don't really care. Just don't kidnap me and tell me to bring you too my leader and we'll be cool." She smiled. "So whats the plan? Do we have a magical mystery clue tracker?"
"People baffle me. Not believing what's right in front of your eyes." Mayden says crossing her arms. "That's like saying the answer to a math question is wrong because no one showed their math." She can tell people are getting fed up with her. Her bluntness always seemed to make people hate her. She didn't have many friends in school because of it and she almost got fired twice due to costumer's complaints. But she can't change who she is and she won't try.
"Sorry. Its a habit from when I was a kid. I sort of was forced to grow out of my "childlike wonder and belief" stage pretty quickly, so I naturally question things that don't compute." She smirked in a friendly way. "I should work on that. I've seen some things... you wouldn't believe. We should exchange stories sometime!"
"Well, if I had the DNA of the person we are looking for identified and scanned onto my sonic pen, we would be able to find him easily. Unfortunately, he's not in our faces so this is gonna be like a crime scene investigation. First, this 'Doctor' must have a surviving TARDIS, knowing that he's the same species as me. But that will be complicated because of it's chameleon circuit, meaning it's blended with it's surroundings." Vaga, you're being sciencey. It's perfect.

((SORRY! My power was out for HOURS))
"I'm pretty boring person so you'll have to trade with Vaga over there and Jean, she's in a fancy business that handles aliens." She jabs her thumb at the two. "I can tell by that machine that goes ding. Well, anyway... Let's go and find him slash her. Jean, can't you scan the Disney and see if this 'doctor' is alien?" 
"Vaga, how do you know he's the same spiece as you? Then Jean can just scan the park for other aliens." She rolls the sleeves of her cardigan and cracks her fingers. "Let's get to work."
"Good idea." Jean turned on the scanner, looking around for any non humans. "He might not even be here," She said as she scanned the crowd. "He could have left a clue for us to find,"
"Have you reread the letter? Two hearts, time traveling, we meet him in the future so his future self sent this letter to present us so we can be able to save present him so future him can send the letter to past/present."

Vaga then looked at Jeanine.

"Yes, that he might have done. But first, when and if we split up, we need a form of communication."

She opens up her backpack and takes out four walkie talkies ands them to everyone.

"I've set them so they can only contact each other and no other walkie talkie."
"Hmmm. What I usually do is walk in a direction then hope it works. Surprisingly enough, it usually does. But I suppose scanning words too. Always nice to have a little Spock." She felt a little out of place, these people obviously knew a lot more about technology than her. She would have to try extra hard to prove her worth.
"Okay." Jeanine said, taking the walkie-talkie. With UNIT, she was used to more high tech communications devices, but these worked too. "Before we do anything, we need a plan"
"Right. A plan. We need to examine every part of the park for anything out of place. Each of us will go a specific direction. One north, one south, one east, one west. We will wander the park from there. If any of us find anything out of place, pop in on the walkie talkie and state your location. We'll meet up there and examine."

Vaga, if things didn't go well, you'd totally take the Doctor's place. I mean, look at you!
Mayden stands there and watches. She has no clue what to do anymore. She's not from a special job nor is she an alien from another planet. She looks at alex, who is as confused as she is. She always feels out of place, she can tell by how she shifts from one foot to the other.
"Well, I'm gonna go this way." Mayden says and then turns on her heels and goes the opposite way. She travels for a bit weaving between people. She checks out the objects that seem out of place. Like Mickey just sitting on a bench, and a kid looking for him mom. When she comes across a big blue box, a police box. "Guys? Since when has Disney had a police call box? Over."
She began waling in a random direction when she heard the message from Mayden. "Jene! Vaga! You're our alien experts. Is this a clue?" 
"Over" She always forgot that part.
Police call box? Then this was the same man she'd seen years ago! Finally! She'd waited for this for years! "Yes, it most definitely is, over."
"A police call box in Disneyland means something. Must be the TARDIS we're looking for."

Vaga smiled in victory.

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