Doctor Who [Inactive]

"I guess." She's wearly. "I'm buy it's a small world. The one with the weird dolls." She walks around the box.
"We're on our way. Vagabond out."

Vaga began to run her way over to the It's a Small World ride. Look at her. She's been waiting for this moment for years, no, LIVES! It's time for her to find the other of her kind and actually shine in the spotlight!
Oh! She remembered that ride from her visit one and a half years ago! It was one of her favorites. "Those dolls are amazing and you know it! Over." She began sprinting over, checking her shoelaces first of course.
Vaga has arrived at the location and looks upon the box.

"Yep. This is it. Good job, Mayden."

Look at that joyous and victorious grin on her face. This is her best day ever.
She reached her destination, seeing the other three girls wee already there. "Looks like I'm last again, huh? So are we gonna open this sucker?"
"Maybe we should knock instead. To be less rude. We wouldn't want to upset the man who brought us here by breaking his time machine" Jeanine said.
She backs up to let Vaga do it. She looks the most excited, it is her species and she did think she was the last of her kind.
"Ah. Yes. Fair point. I- uh- borrowed a crowbar from the detainment office if it is needed though." What? The officers were being mean!
"We'll try that first."

She goes on to knock on the doors. Nothing. There was no answer.

"Nothing. Luckily I have this..."

Vaga takes something out of her pocket... It's a TARDIS key.
Mayden chuckles at Alex. "I like you." She said. "Vaga, will that work? IT WAs to a different TARDIS and could it be like houses? Different key for each one?"
((I really hope that Roger doesn't come back and get all pissed cause we messed with stuff without him)) "Well, she's a Time Lady, and we're just humans, so I'd expect she'd know a bit more about TARDISes than us"
""True true. I'm just giving my two cents. But really that's all it's worth." She chuckles and backs up to let Vaga do her thang.
She tries to insert her TARDIS key into the lock... It's a perfect fit. She slowly turns it for suspense, mind you, and opens the doors... Darn the interior is so shiny! Either way, Vaga now has that victory look on her face.

"Well someone knows how to give a good impression."
"Ah so you're called a time lady, huh? Well then, My Lady let me know if theres anything I can do tho help!" Please. Alex was suddenly itching to do something. Anything!
She walked into the TARDIS. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. "I-It's bigger on the inside!" She said. She couldn't believe her eyes.
Mayden walks in and it's bigger. On the instide. She smirks and looks at Alex, "do you believe she's an alien now??? It's huge, and it's small on the outside."
Mayden keeps quiet and she takes everything in. She notices the clean cut interior and weird circle things everywhere. Must be a language.
"Oh and yeah, I believe you now. Definitely definitely believe you." Whelp. it was time to rethink her idea of reality.
Once everyone is inside, she closes the doors and locks them, making sure no one else got in.

"Knowing that the Doctor is missing and most likely/is in danger, he must have a security protocol hologram set up for us. Or his future self has left a message for us as a little clue."

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