Doctor Who [Inactive]

Vaga also nods. "And that leaves one last introduction." She turns her head to Jeanine and nods, signaling that it was her turn.
Vaga then clapped her hands in accomplishment. "Now that we got most of the group together, we need to find the last one!" She then activates her sonic pen once again. The buzzing was low pitch which as always means no result. "Sorry if the buzzing gets annoying."
"Nice to meet you both. Now why are we here?" She says sighing. "I don't mean to be rude but I paid good money to be here." 
[yeah, 'ollie' is offline]
"The letter says to meet up here, which happens to be the 'safest place for us to meet'. I guess we meet here and then we start to gather hints as to where this 'Doctor' is." Vaga shrugged as she scanned around.
Vaga went speechless for a second. "How can this be a game show if this is actually serious? Do you see any TV film cameras around filming us? No." Now look at her with her hands on her hips. She means business.
"I'm just saying, I'm nothing speical. This can't be serious. Come on, you seriously think someone would be in trouble in at disneyland?" Vaga's body language screams mad. Hands on hips, slight increase in breath; she's pissed and I understand why. Someone could be in trouble but it probably not.
"Maybe not here but somewhere around the world or beyond." Vaga, your inner warrior is starting to slip through your child-like exterior and it is awesome.
"Well then why did we meet in Disneyland. Why didn't we just get a space ship and fly out to every planet to help. But sadly someone sent us to this place." Vaga's childlike exterior is being shed, Mayden wants to see her true self. She knows vaga is not from America. There's something different. She shows no culture from America or Europe but her accent shows she's not from any other country. "Where are you from?" She says calmly.
With that question asked, Vaga crossed her arms. "Would you believe that I'm actually an alien stranded on this planet?" She just let the sonic pen buzz a little.
Jeanine remained silent during most of this. "Trouble can come in unexpected places," She blurts out. "Especially when extraterrestrials are concerned."
"I would believe it. Anything possible and you're clearly not from here. So how did you get here? Where are you from? What kind of alien are you." She shoots questions left and right. Mayden needs answers, it's quite possible that's she's alien.
"Well someone knows how to look deep down without needing any technology. I'm amazed." Vaga smirks a bit. "I'm part of a pretty endangered species of aliens known as the Time Lords. Well, Time Lady since I'm a girl. My people were pretty excellent time travelers and we had quite an organized society. However, we ended up in a war against a pretty indestructible race known as the Daleks. Almost wiped out the entire race. However, I was able to escape in my ship, which can travel through time and space, known as the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space). However, during one trip... It crashed and exploded, leaving me stranded. I was able to heal quickly after that."

"Does that answer all your questions?"
"It does." She has no other reply. She does a little nod and smiles. "I can read a situation." She takes one last sip of her soda and chucks it at the trash. It lands right in. "I'm also a mean basketball player." She chuckles. "Okay let's fine the other person with the letter."
"Wait, Vega, wouldn't an exploding time machine cause some sort of temporal disturbance? One that could be quite dangerous?" Jeanine asks, showing unusual knowledge of this kind of thing.
"Nope. It's happened a lot during the war and it has done nothing to the fabric of reality." And her child-like facade returns! "Anyway~ Let's get going~!" She returns to scanning with her sonic pen.
"I have no idea what the hell your talking about but let's Allonsy!" Mayden says doing a super hero pose. She once was in French class and for some reason that's the only word that stuck with her. 

Galifrey said:
"I have no idea what the hell your talking about but let's Allonsy!" Mayden says doing a super hero pose. She once was in French class and for some reason that's the only word that stuck with her.
I was thinking the same thing
((Oh my gog I am so late I am so sorry)) She ran into disneyland, her face red with anger. Great. Just great. First my plane from cardiff is late, then I actually have to buy a ticket, and then they stop me at the doors and detain me! At least it was just a pocket knife, I could just say I had worn these pants camping and forgotten to take it out. If I had my sword I would be dead. I just hope whoever I'm meeting doesn't mind. She grinned. She was honestly very excited to be a part of some big adventure, and it would be an adventure, she could feel it in her bones, in her very soul! She spots a group of three girls, all of them holding letters just like hers. And one of hem was holding a... Buzzing pen? That must be them. She began to run towards them, excited to finally be doing something. Just as she reached them, she looked down and stepped on her untied shoelace. She tripped and fell face first on the pavement, crashing straight through the circle of girls. She flipped over so she was laying on her back and let out a laugh accompanied by a grin. "Way entrance huh?"
"Yeeeup." Vaga put away her sonic pen since the final person has been found. "Looks like that's everyone." All four of them, a group of girls. Seems new, at least for Vaga. She expected a boy to at least tag along. But all girls seems alright. "Now that everyone is here, let's get to introductions. Hi! I'm the Vagabond! Or just Vaga, if you wish."
She stood up surveying the people around her. The seemed nice enough, but she was, as usual, a little suspicious. Ah well. Best to make a good impression while you can! "I'm Alexandria, but I prefer Alex if you don't mind." Noticing a scrape on her knee she reached into her pocket and pulled out a bandage and applied it quickly before waiting for the rest of the group to introduce themselves.
"I'm Jeanine, but you can call me Jean," Jeanine said. She thought it odd the Doctor had invited only women. And young ones. What, was he some kind of pervert or something?
"And here we also have Mayden." Vaga turns her head to Mayden before returning to look at Alex. "Now that we're all together, we need to figure out the first hint of where this 'Doctor' is. The best way to find one is to look for anything out of place."

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