Other Do you show your rp stuffs to non-rpers?

My family knows that I roleplay and what it broadly involves, but not the precise content. Same with my friends.
Nope. I also have to go out of my way when I share my hobby with others and get the funny looks to explain it isn't ERP and is more like text-based D&D.
I'm actually fairly free with who I let know about my hobby! I just usually call it "writing" or "collaborative writing projects" as to get my point across quicker, with less questions asked. But yeah there's the occasional friend who shows interest in my writing, particularly the one RP I've finished, and I send it their way! Only if they show interest when I talk about it though.
I try. Id like to. Even with partners id love to show them stuff from my other rps. But people dont usually seem to care too much lol
Yeah! All my friends know I roleplay, my family knows as well. I feel it's all about how I introduce the topic. Rather that starting off with the term 'roleplay' which is generally associated with NSFW concepts lol, I say that I am in a collaborative writing group where each members write in the perspective of a unique character. Once you explain it, a lot of people find it fascinating. I explain it as either a writing experience or a co-authored novel series depending on what RP I'm talking about. Later, I might mention the term is 'literate roleplaying,' especially if they're interested.
I have a few friends who know I RP but not what's involved, and I wouldn't have told them if they weren't ex-RPers themselves (they don't harbor any ill-will towards it, they just fell out of it, hence why I confided in them about it). Hardly comes up in conversation though
I keep it a secret to everybody but my girlfriend. Unlike a lot of other posters here, it's not really because I feel a lot of shame about the act of writing; it's more that I feel embarrassed about how much I yap about it in-person. Though, it is easier on me to just say that I enjoy 'creative writing'.
For some reason, the whole thing just gets more 'acceptable' if they imagine me using a typewriter or pen instead of a keyboard.

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