DN Anites (Always Open)

"Yay,parents!",I cheered quietly for Po's sake,hugging both him and Tarea. I released them and made a pen and paper,holding the paper in my palm and balancing the pen on it's point. "Crib,safe dishes,bottles,soothers,toys,diapers,training toilet...",I listed,the pen writing down what I was saying.

Xavialia Sophia Terazz




21years old



Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual:



View attachment 12641


Xavia is...fiery. She's not fond of being bossed around and being told what to do. But she's kind when she wants to be, which is most of the time. And although she's got a short temper, she won't hold a grudge...for too long anyways! She can be shy around people she doesn't know, but learns to trust quickly, and will come out of her shell with a few kind words and friendly smiles. Xavia doesn't like bullying, and sticks up for her friends, often getting herself in trouble for it.

Gifted,Trainer,or Human:


Powers (if any):

"Well, if you couldn't tell from my photo, I've kinda got dragon body parts. That's it. Nothing special, just...being a dragon girl."

Crush (optional):



​{May I please have a recap?}

(Well,first we were at the training camp,but the Shadow Society tracked us down. We were then pulled underground to a travel network called The Station,which was then locked down by me. We tried to infiltrate a Shadow Society camp to destroy a human-directed pathogen but failed,so we went to Mars. After we realized all the humans had died due to the pathogen,we traveled to Stonehenge to go back in time and stop the cause of everything: the meteor that brought the Anites to Earth. Also,Clara has a potato baby. Named Po.)
{Okie Dokie!}

Xavia strode towards Stonehenge, ears pricked forward in interest as she spotted a group of people. Not sure if they were friendly, she tried to look as harmless as possible. Which was rather hard when you looked like you were half dragon. "Hello?" She called, stepping towards them with a small smile. "Who are you then?" She questioned, green eyes sparkling in interest as she stopped a few feet from the group.

Xavia smiled brightly, "Hello!" she exclaimed, her curiosity overpowering her usual shyness towards new faces. "I'm Xavia. What's your name then?" She asked, ears pricked. Her wings shifted excitedly, she hadn't seen a friendly face in months. She'd been staying back, in the shadows for a while, and had finally built up enough courage to get out and about.
I flicked my gaze toward the new girl,and my eyes narrowed imperceptibly. "Hi. I'm Jason,and this is Ranger.",I called normally as I gestured to the slightly-larger-than-normal wolf,making it so the girl would be able to walk through the barrier but would be expelled at the first sign of negative intentions.
Xavia smiled, "It's nice to meet you. All of you." She took a tentative step forward, "A-are you all Gifted's too?" She asked softly, inspecting everyone in the group. She eyed Ranger, tail flicking. She took a few more steps forward, careful not to anger Ranger, or Jason, who seemed to be in control of the beast.
"If we weren't Gifted we'd be dead.",I informed her,"The Shadow Society released an airborne pathogen that killed all humans.". My eyes dropped to the ground sadly,then I looked up and pulled a candle from the air. I made a paper lantern and placed the candle inside,lighting it and holding it up to the wind. It started floating upward,and a breeze picked up to carry the lantern away.


All over the world, a wind stirred itself up. It blew up through the mountains and down into valleys,over plains and through forests. It penetrated every building and construct,every hovel and shed,anywhere humans could have been. And whenever it found what it was looking for,the bodies of dead humans,it picked them up. Atom by atom,molecule by molecule it blew them away,their bodies and clothes turning to dust in the wind. Over every city and town a sphere of dust formed,and when the last speck of dust had joined it's bretheren the spheres caught themselves ablaze. Slowly,ever so slowly,the body of every human on Earth was cremated.
Xavia lowered her head, ears flattening. "Oh." She said softly, "I am sorry." She looked up, ears pricking once more as she smiled down at Artemis. "Hello." She chuckled softly.
I was weary of the new girl. but that was probably because she was half dragon. i walked over aand held Jasons hand in mine. my head resting on his shoulder. "Hi, im Tarea. if you dont mind my asking, why are you in Stonehenge? i mean since there arent any humans why are you here instead of in like the Bahamas?" i asked seriously because i want to keep my friends safe. my eyes narrow while i wait for an answer
Same reason humans came here instead of the Bahamas,I suppose. Maybe she's more of a cultural kind of person instead of a 'so tanned she looks like an oompa-loompa' kind of person.,I heard Ranger say to me,and even though I wanted to I fought to not smile.
Micka was curious about the new person. she walked over and started sniffing her tail. "Micka." i hissed calling her over to me and snapping my fingers. "Well, welcome. if you need ill get you your own tent if you plan on staying." i let go of Jason's hand and started flying laps around the inner circle because i couldn't sit still. i continued to gain speed and wouldn't stop flying.
*There was a faint noise, almost a whimper...

* It wasn't loud enough to be an actual sound....

*It must be an echo....

* A disturbing, unfamiliar echo....

But comforting at the same time....

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