DN Anites (Always Open)

I sat back on the sleeping bag and thought about how rude i was to Jason. i need to go appologize to him i thought to myself, but as i got up to go out side a srange dust hit me in the face and i passed out cold.

Name: Hatima Ledge

Nickname: Ima (pronounced eema)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Bisexual

Looks: (I'll post a link as soon as this thing lets me (i'm new) ) Long black hair, green eyes, pale, skinny

Personality: Shy but strong and smart

Gifted,Trainer,or Human: Human

Powers (if any): Can bend light (make rooms darker or brighter, make rainbows, create hallucionations (I know I spelled it wrong ;-
;) )

Crush (optional): Don't know anyone yet (:

Other: She's very open once you get to know her.
(Hey! Welcome to the RP! But umm how are you Human and have powers? just wondering)A few hours had passed when i finally woke up. i walked out side and saw that the sun was just over head. that told me it was about noon. i saw Jason and walked over to him tapping him on the shoulder, "Jason im sorry that i snapped at you, i wsa over the line and it was wrong. i really am sorry" i turned and slowly walked away back to the camp.
(Tarea almost dies from falling from too high and I woke everybody up with a trumpet.) "S'okay Tarea. I was kind of stupid with the whole trumpet thing.",I said to her apolegetically,then,"Could you gather everybody in Stonehenge? We really do need to get a move on.". I smiled at her and jogged backward into the circle of stones. I tripped on a rabbit hole and went down on my back,but jumped up a second later. "That didn't happen!",I called to her,facing the way I was headed this time.
I couldnt help but laugh at Jasons fail. i covered my mouth so that he wouldnt see my smile. i turned around and walked over to Nicholes tent and shouted, "Everybody gether in Stonehenge!" i walked over to Claras tent nd shouted the same thing to her. i ran to stonehenge to meet up with Jason and i see him leaning against one of the stones. i start to walk through two of the rocks when i am bounced back about 5 feet.
"Careful,",I said in a bored tone,",the stones have been charged by the Anites in the air. So far they can only power the Protective Barrier of Three,which is what the arches are. Try walking through where there's no stone on top.".
Clara pulls her over shirt off and wraps Potato up in it to keep him warm. She walks to Jason and holds the baby to his face. "Hey Jason, this is Po. He's my baby. Okay?" She asked and then cradled Po in her arms.

(I'm so gonna keep going with this)
"Ahhh...",I trailed off,for once at a loss for words,"All...right then...". I took a breath to speak,then closed my mouth and stared at 'Po' for a couple more seconds. Then I asked,"How?".
I said''ok....''seriously confused. chase looked at Artemis and said''i have an idea~'' she said''hell no!'' trying to run. he picked her up and put her in baby clothes.
"Awwwww...",I cooed in spite of myself,kneeling down and picking Po up carefully before replying to Clara,"Ah,no,no problem,but again...how?".
Clara held Po in an unsure manner. She snuggled him tight and looked at his face. Then sighed as she handed him to Tarea She put on a smile as the baby wrapped its tiny fingers around Tarea's thumb and giggled from the confines of its makeshift blanket. "I get to be the god mother," she laughed and patted Po's head tenderly.
i awwed again as i tried to snatch the camera from satoshi. he smirked and said"total blackmail!"running with it. i chased him around. "gimme the camera!!!" satoshi said"nah i got great pictures of you two!"

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