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Fantasy [DM RP/Closed] A Heart of Ice

Richter Rockwell

100/100 Health

100/100 Stamina

Magic Missile (10 mana) - Fire a blast of magic at an enemy, dealing damage to them. The missile can be aimed at a surface, creating a small explosion that can do damage to multiple enemies, but it does less damage than a direct hit.
Weak Heal (15 mana) - Weak Heal (15 mana) - Mend your wounds and heal yourself for 20 health. Incoming damage is reduced for one turn following the spell cast. Health regenerates outside of combat, so you shouldn't need to use this spell when combat is finished.
Minor Shield (20 mana) - Hold up a shield created from magical energy which greatly reduces the damage of attacks that it blocks. It shatters after sustaining damage from two attacks, and other spells or actions may be taken while the shield is up, as long as that spell or action is one-handed.
Mana Stasis (0 mana) - Enter a meditative state where you regenerate 10 mana per turn. You can still be damaged when in this state. You can leave Mana Stasis at any point in time, and can take another action on the same turn you exit Mana Stasis.

The recent World Congress' passing of The Treaty to End Wars on Abstract Concepts and Items resulted in you being out of drug operations to bust and burn. However, in the same World Congress session, the country of Tawkey was expelled from the World Congress, and an international treaty was signed which has now begun what the World Congress is calling The Long-Awaited Search for the Missing Narmenians.*

You are currently outside of a warehouse, under the blanket of a night sky. You've heard rumors that, within this warehouse, are kidnapped Narmenians. There is only one door and no windows. However, the back wall of the warehouse seems fairly weak. You can hear faint voices inside of the warehouse.

*During the Great War in Some Ditches, the country of Tawkey began a genocide of all people from the country of Narmenia. Many were killed, many were simply kidnapped or displaced. To this day, Tawkey-sympathizing radicals kidnap Narmenians and force them to do unspeakable things.

"Entry point." I say to myself and anyone who happens to be creeping up behind me to put a sickle through my stupid head. "Synchronize on my mark." I whisper once more, opening the door and peeking through to see what lurks inside. "Check. Remember, stay low, stay quiet, avoid guards and gunfire." I notion to my nonexistent confederates. I prepare my spellbook, which is currently fastened to my hip via an old bungee cord, in the need I need to missile a fucker.
Richter Rockwell

Upon pushing open the door and sticking your head in, you see a large cast of colorful characters in various skin shades of white walking around. They're all bald and wearing white tank tops. Four of them are having a discussion near a barrel fire.

"Are you a real Alt Eastian?"

"Um, well, technically..."

"Have you ever suppressed people with lower status, like a real... Eldrin!


"Have you ever tried undemocratic gerrymandering?"

"Nah, nah."

"Alright! I can see, that I will have to teach you, how to be Alt Eastians!"

One of them pulls out a strange instrument and starts playing it.


"I'm playing my instrument!" he says, playing his instrument.

"No no, look, the door's open."

"Oh no! The flies'll get in! Go shut that door!"


One of the men starts to approach the warehouse door.

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He slowly sat on the bed, it almost sounding like it was shrieking in protest. He felt a few cockroaches flee and run over his feet. He didn't know where they ran off to, amd didn't want to know either. He carefully picked up the pen and paper and used his thigh as a desk, and began to write to his sister. He had decent handwriting, it was decent and legible, and that's all that matters. When he writes to her he mostly asks how she's doing, and vaguely tells her how she is. After he finishes, he signs his name and folds it and slips it into the envelope. He carefully puts the send address and return address on it, then puts the stamp on it, making sure not to wrinkle it. 

He gets up, and the bed creaks as he lifts himself. He takes the room key with him as he walks out, and a little way down the street from the motel is a mailbox. He slips the envelope in and sighs. He looks up at the night sky, his face solid, amd he walks back to the motel, fiddling with the motel key in his pocket.

@Venom Adhamm
(How do I swap from weapon to weapon? Could I smoothly transition from my gun to my new knife, or will that take a turn?)

There's absolutely no way I can end this without something going wrong. I got the feeling that I might need to actually get a little dirty now, but pushed it out of my mind. Right now I just need to focus on the task at hand.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout this, bud. I'm really not in the mood to be dawdling around here," I replied just before sprinting forwards, performing a Shot Dash and firing a hasty round at Jim- hopefully not fatal- before rushing forwards and trying a second shot, this time aimed directly at his right foot.
Malicai Karalic

(You control only your character, and nothing else. That means you don't describe any part of the world or the environment around you.)

In trying to write on your thigh, you end up poking a few holes in the paper. After finishing, your writing is barely legible. Soft surfaces aren't the best to write on. You're sure your sister is able to read it though. You put it away in the envelope and head outside of the motel. Since better forms of communications have come out, the existence of mailboxes was banned in The Ordinance to Remove Eyesores and Primitive Technology. Instead, you hand the envelope to the motel receptionist who informs you she'll deliver it whenever she has free time.

You're now back at the motel, in front of your room.

Frederick Jones

(Switching weapons does not take up an action. You can switch to your knife and attack with it in the same turn.)

You close the distance towards Jim, firing a shot that hits his chest. You then take a moment and point your gun at his right foot, firing again and hitting it.

"My foot!" he shouts, "You're going to shoot my foot over dairy? I'll kill you over dairy you sunuvabitch!" Jim shouts as he reels back, then begins spitting bullets at you.  A few manage to hit you.

5/6 Shots

75/100 Stamina

80/100 HP

Jim James, The Dorf With a Large Stomach

45/100 HP

As the bullets subside, you see Jim running towards a carton of Muscle Cow Juice. The front of the carton features a large warning that states in large bold text "PLEASE DRINK IN MODERATION, DRINKING TOO MUCH WILL STIMULATE MUSCLE GROWTH TO AN EXTREME DEGREE IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME, AND THEN YOUR HEART WILL SHUT DOWN."

@Tabby Cat™ @FactionGuerrilla
As soon as the man begins to approach I prepare my magic missile, when the man reaches the door I magic missile the fucker while hooting and beating my free hand against my chest. "You got more than flies to deal with, fuckers!" I shout.
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Weeeell, sweet Jesus. If I let him get to that drink, he's gonna kill me right before he then proceeds to die. Pretty much the last thing I want to happen, so I can't allow that to happen.

"Sorry, but I can't let that happen," I replied before firing my Chain Shot once more in an attempt to deny him from drinking his juice.
Richter Rockwell

The man, taken off-guard by the attack, flies backwards, falls, and shouts "O, I am slain!" shortly before dying.

You are then hit in the head by a strange instrument.

99/100 HP

"You dare speak with such... such salty language in my home?" the leader shouts. Upon peeking out into the warehouse, you can see a very nice pyrotechnics show going on as the leader speaks.

"Why, here in The Moderately Shady and Racist Theatre of Performing Arts in Xaros, we pride ourselves on being offensives to historically-oppressed groups without having to utter a single curse or slur! You have tainted our holy grounds with filth, and therefore, you must pay! Your punishment..." the leader says, pausing for dramatic effect.

"You must be the tree in our next play."

Frederick Jones

You fire the chain shot just a second too late, as by the time Jim is bound by it, he's already managed to grab the carton of Muscle Cow Juice.

60/100 Stamina

"Ahah! You've just activated my trap cardMuscle Cow Juice! It allows me to increase my strength for three turns, but then I die!"

You're not sure what the fuck he's talking about. Regardless, he chugs a large amount of the Muscle Cow Juice, then lightly sets the container down, making sure it doesn't spill the remainder.

"Now... now you will see my true power!" he shouts, just as his body begins to shift and transform into some horribly monstrosity.


You end up looking away as the transformation goes on, as the entire ordeal is very disgusting and also involves the Dorf's clothes tearing and falling off. Soon, his shouting subsides, and silence fills the room. After several tranquil seconds, this silence is broken by a single sound.


You look back towards Jim James, and see a very large and muscular cow has taken his place.

"Mooooo!" the cow shouts as its eyes turn red with anger. It begins rushing towards you. As it moves, the ground beneath you starts to shake. Staring into the red eyes of the cow, you feel a deep-seated sense of fear and dread, as though this creature's very existence defies, twists, and corrupts the laws this Universe is governed by.

Jim James, The Cow

     /      Health

@FactionGuerrilla @first_to_evolve
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(Whoops, my apologies)

He sighs and sits on the creaky old(?) bed again, wondering when she'll write back, then lays down, staring at the ceiling.

Bordem soon overtakes him but he just continues to lay there, nothing interesting was going to happen, and he nothing interesting to do, he thought. He closed his eyes, and pictured home.

@Venom Adhamm
Malicai Karalic
You sit, then lie down with your eyes shut. With difficulty, you bring a picture of your old home into your mind. Soon, the picture fades into black as you feel sleep overtake you.

You awaken in a strange, dark place. A long hallway, with two walls, each aligned with dim yellow lights. The walls are both very close to each other, making you feel a bit claustrophobic and fearing that the walls could close in on you at any point in time. At the end of the hallway, the walls part and open up to a wider room, which holds only a throne shrouded in dark. Sitting upon the throne is a tall figure, clothed in a long yellow cloak and hood that cover his entire body from you. Hanging from his neck is a pendant with a strange symbol that you do not recognize.

The figure beckons you.

@Tabby Cat™
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He sits there, and tries to take in his surroundings, but it being quite difficult with the awful lighting. Malicai feels a bit hesitant to stand up, but does anyway. He doesn't move closer to the figure though, he just stands there, with only one question on his mind at the moment. "Who are you?" He asks, his tone a little bit too coarse and demanding.

@Venom Adhamm
"Um... Um... Sorry???" I managed to literally squeak out at the cow just before it went insane and rushed towards me. This is turning to be one hell of a bank robbery. Obviously I'm a crappy robber at that, although come to think of it a live robber is definitely better than a dead one. Hence...

..."Oh god please don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me DON'T HURT ME!" I couldn't help but repeatedly screech as the cow got faster and faster, trying to fiddle with my old rifle- somehow I guess I jammed it in the middle of the fight- before finally pointing it downward, squeezing my eyes, and fired at the ground, hoping to god that I had mastered the technique of the Gunner's Nest- reading up something in a textbook is a hell of a different experience from actually performing it in real life. Action movies seem to make everything ten times easier than in real life!
Frederick Jones

(same goes for you faction, though you're excused since you sent me a PM)

55/100 Stamina

When you fire at the ground, a blue forcefield sprouts up and surrounds you. Jim James slams into the forcefield, cracking it a bit. He steps back and shakes his head. He moos angrily at you, then scrapes the ground with his hoof, getting ready to charge into you a second time.

Gunner's Nest Status - Two turns left

Jim James, The Cow

     /      Health

Two turns until death by heart attack

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My god, is this even safe for my health? Or Jim James', for that matter? I highly doubted it. Oh well; I guess I can't do anything about that now except maybe just survive the damn psychopathic cow trying to kill me.

I fired a Chain Shot at the monstrosity's leg, trying to stop it dead cold.

"'Ey, don't be such a pushover!" I tried.
Frederick Jones

40/100 Stamina

90/100 HP (heal from Gunner's Nest)

Jim James begins to charge, but as he does, your Chain Shot hits and wraps around his two front legs, causing him to fall forward. You feel the weight of fear lift from you as Jim James loses balance. That weight quickly returns, however, as Jim James hits the floor and a long crack that emanates a red light forms from him to you. The crack creeps beneath your Gunner's Nest and reaches your feet. The ground trembles and shakes, and suddenly the floor collapses beneath you, destroying your Gunner's Nest in the process.

You fall.




You find yourself in a dark room.

"What a mess you've made..." a voice says. As you look around towards the source of the voice, you find yourself staring at a tall masculine figure in a yellow cloak and hood that covers his entire body. A pendant with a strange symbol hangs from his neck.

"But... I do feel sorry for you. You've gotten involved with the wrong people, haven't you? Oh, I don't need your confirmation. We both know it.  Sooner or later, the business you're in is going to kill you. It almost has already. You're lucky you've fallen into my domain instead of somewhere else."

You feel your body lift up from the ground, and in an instant, you're placed back on your feet, facing the yellow-clad figure.

"This is my domain though, so I will have to send you back up to where you came from. Still, I wouldn't feel right leaving you... empty-handed."

You can feel the figure smile at you from the darkness of his hood.

"How about a gift? Would you like that? I'm sure you would. Everyone appreciates a gift, and my gifts are the absolute best. Because you see, Frederick Jones..." the figure says, leaning in close to you.

"I grant wishes. Would you care to make a wish?"

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"Wait, wait, what?" I spoke- or more specifically, heard myself speak, like I was so dizzy it was as if this was all a dream- to the masked man. First I was fighting some whacked-out Dorf on basically liquid steroids, and now I'm down in some deep underground place with some sort of man who already knows who I am?

"Hold on a second, but do questions count as wishes? Because honestly I kinda, er... find it a little hard to see that you know a lot about me and can grant a wish when for all I know I could be dead because of that... weird transmutation. If you know what I mean." I shrugged at the last part, trying to seem a little off-handed in order to lighten up the mood, I suppose.

"No offense, by the way," I quickly added at the end, since the last thing I wanted to have is to piss off someone else and make another shitshow. Then I'd really be asking for trouble.
Frederick Jones

"You may ask me any question, though I cannot guarantee I will provide you with an answer," the figure says, returning to a neutral posture.

"Anything you say or ask doesn't count as making a wish, unless you start your sentence with the words 'I wish.' That is, of course, if you even want a wish. Some, very few, but still some are perfectly content with their lot and wish for nothing. Are you one of those people, Frederick Jones? Are you pleased with the way things are going for you?" the figure asks, pausing and staring at you from behind the veil of shadow formed by his hood.

"Are you happy?"

Frowning, I scratched the back of my neck as I considered this. No guarantee of an answer... As long as I don't say "I wish" at the start of my sentence. Ah, well.

"I think we both know the answer to that," I responded. And that led me to my first question.

"So how do you know so much about me in the first place? And how do I know there won't be some catch to my wish, like one of those stupid little nitpicks in the fine print of paperwork? Y'know, maybe if I wish for money a giant 'ol gold bar will fall out of the sky and squish me," I pointed out somewhat suspiciously. I didn't want to sound like it, but I still did seem somewhat like a really cautious detective. But then again, wariness has been what's kept me in one piece so far... right?
Frederick Jones

"I've only revealed that I know your name. That isn't very much, is it?" the figure asks, before a pair of glowing red eyes appear in the darkness of his hood. You hear your voice echo: "I wish for money, a giant 'ol gold bar will fall out of the sky and squish me."

"Your wish is granted," the figure says, disappearing into darkness. You hear something. Upon looking up, you see a large gold bar begin falling from the darkness above, getting faster and faster, before reaching speeds high enough to kill you in an instant. Just before the bar crushes you, it stops, then disappears, and the figure comes back out of the shadows. You hear a slight laugh from him.

"I derive no pleasure from tricking and deceiving you. I gain nothing from it."

I still felt a little shaky after he nearly took my words into actual context. Kinda disturbing to know he could actually kill me in one fell swoop if he wished- no pun intended. Obviously I didn't want to piss him off, and by the looks of it he was indirectly saying 'Either wish, or stop fucking around since I have no want to reveal anything about me.' Maybe I oughta take what I'm offered and leave.

"Well...  Then do you gain something from 'helping' me?" I paused, frowning, before deciding that question was one that could get my ass handed to me.

"Never mind. You said something about this being your domain... are there other people out there like you, I s'pose? Like, some secret organization of superpowered people?" I offered, trying to make my query sound more intelligent than it actually was.
Frederick Jones

"That depends," the figure says, moving towards you. In this movement, you notice the figure isn't actually walking... he appears to be floating just a bit off the ground, though his body-covering cloak touches the ground. He leans in close to you.

"Is it your wish to know that information?" he asks.
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Why would I need to know that information? But... Maybe it could help. I don't know. It's definitely better than walking away empty-handed. And there might be some other people like this man that could... help me in my predicament. I don't know.

"Well, I would say that I 'wish' for infinite wishes. Then again, I'm not that much of an asshole, so I suppose so. I wish to uncover this information about how you got your powers... And any related knowledge." I folded my arms, waiting for that to turn out to be a bad idea and my freaking head would explode from the sheer ideas that were about to be inserted in my mind. Or hopefully he would just orally tell me. Hopefully.

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