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Fantasy Divine Rising

Idk what god to be or who is allowed. I am a bit busy right now.

Any nonos? Who you can't be?

Or only humans now?
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That's what I was thinking, but I gotta get the official Silver acceptance on the idea since unless it's a documented thing then I don't think our characters are supposed to be able to do the extra stuff. *shrug*

Goodness, that'd be really annoying...Like, hey, lets's go swimming at the pool since that's the only time I can speak to you. xD

I was handling it okay until my scholarship director back home sent my scholarship money to a study abroad company instead of directly to me like she was supposed to...so now I'm missing thousands of dollars that I need to both pay back my parents and start paying off this dental debt I'm in (*cough* 18 cavities *cough* and a tooth that's rotting *cough* and like, the military dentists never told me I had these problems and I never felt any pain so *cough* *cough*). To top all of that off, my mom sent me a very passive-aggressive email over the weekend (ruined what was left of it for me until I found Inside Out on Netflix lol), and it was about how I'm overspending on the VISA my parents gave me to originally use for cab services, school supplies, personal items (such as hygiene products or cleaning supplies), and groceries. Now, I'm not supposed to spend more than $75 a month on cab services (costs me almost $30 just to go to and back from the photography store in town because it's not a city and everything is spaced out). Oh, and I can't buy groceries on their VISA anymore, it has to come out of my own pocket with the Canadian money I was given by the university here (which might I add, my mom originally told me I could use for eating out, not for groceries, too).

...LSS: It's been a long weekend for me.

Oh my. It really does and it's only the middle of the week now. Sending a hug your way and your favorite song from your favorite animation<3 

Hakuna Matata~
Here's the hosted project, still a wip.

Woo! OuO -applauds- 

You might have missed muh post asking about potential gods to play. I'm not very decided as is, so if you dun have any input I'll just flip a coin about what to apply for xD

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