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Fantasy Divine Rising

So, is that it then? Just one new interested person?

Might need to give it some more time. It's only been one day. Leaving this up over the weekend might pull some more people in. Everyone's crazy busy during the week at this time of the year, yeah?
Might need to give it some more time. It's only been one day. Leaving this up over the weekend might pull some more people in. Everyone's crazy busy during the week at this time of the year, yeah?

Perhaps you're right. let's keep bumping it then, maybe by Monday we'll have more interest, though, if as many ppl from FableWood are joining as I think, me may have very little space...
Perhaps you're right. let's keep bumping it then, maybe by Monday we'll have more interest, though, if as many ppl from FableWood are joining as I think, me may have very little space...

Might as well just wait and see. ^^
Also, you know when you stumble across an amazing book series, and you finish the latest volume and then you dip into that withdrawal state where you don't want to start another book, but you want something more?

This is me now, after reading A Gathering of Shadows.
Also, you know when you stumble across an amazing book series, and you finish the latest volume and then you dip into that withdrawal state where you don't want to start another book, but you want something more?

This is me now, after reading A Gathering of Shadows.

I know the feeling. xD I finished 'My Heart and Other Black Holes' last week and am totally in withdrawal now.
Been silent in here for a day or two.

Most of our group goes silent over the weekends. With Silver as the GM, we typically won't have too much activity on most weekends and will be mostly active during the weekdays. Just a forewarning for anyone wishing to join us, I suppose.
Most of our group goes silent over the weekends. With Silver as the GM, we typically won't have too much activity on most weekends and will be mostly active during the weekdays. Just a forewarning for anyone wishing to join us, I suppose.

Fair enough. Honestly I just did that to bump the thread, but that's good to know too.
I would talk more, but I have been planning the start of my next d&d campaign so I have been very... very busy. That and going around town for errands and such. 
I am currently in Paris. Without my computer. That's why I've been so silent. I will begin the rp on Tuesday afternoon. Hold onto your hats. xD
It may have to be a different God, Baldr's death was pretty integral in the promise of Ragnarok, which will be a large part of this story.

That myth was the reason why I thought it'd be great for Saga, but I can see where the problem lies if mythological deaths must remain canonical. (-stares at Norse mythology with all of its dead gods B3; Hogosh-) But since Mist (so add +1 to your new players list) wants to join this RP, I'm probably gonna use the gal version of Chimaera/Auxlang instead, an entirely different OC.

Hermes is fitting, but if anyone else is partial to playing that god, I don't wanna block them from their fun. So I could add to the Norse camp (unless there's a reason for there to be less of 'em?) with Kvasir (IF HE WASN'T ALSO DEAD ORZ) or Ullr. Or Bastet (possibly Sekhmet or Maahes instead to keep to the lion theme this OC has typically held?) from the Egyptian camp.
I am currently in Paris. Without my computer. That's why I've been so silent. I will begin the rp on Tuesday afternoon. Hold onto your hats. xD

Was there a CS template somewhere that I missed???? D: I am not ready to start yet, I do not have a CS made. 
Oh yeah, that's true lol. I have a character in mind, but no CS for her. >.<
I don't think there is a template yet. Everyone will probably make one tomorrow when everything is starting to get setup.
HHmmm, HAI GUYZZ!!! I have returned =D SSSooo, the souls of the gods are trapped in humans and are beginning to awaken? Well, in that case. Mayhaps I can lay claim to the bullheaded and easily provoked aeres? Yes? I would have to do a bit more reading up on him. But he might be fun to play =)
Well, according to my recent readings, Poseidon can shapeshift into a horse. So...there's that lol.
Aaand he's the god of earthquakes. Well. You learn something new everyday.
Hehe, he's known for being really disruptive and destructive. Giving me so many fun ideas for my character's personality before she even realizes who she truly is.
Hehe, he's known for being really disruptive and destructive. Giving me so many fun ideas for my character's personality before she even realizes who she truly is.

haha, I was thinking the same for mine. Also, had no idea poseidon was the god responsible for earthquakes O.o  btw. Are you in Canada yet? I remember you were going to go abroad for school. 

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