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Fantasy Divine Games in the Playground OOC (Always Recruiting!)

Idea Idea guess we're going to be sharing a domain to some extent (Haros my character holds dominion over Dreams as in aspirations) But I assume that you're character will have dominion over sleeping dreams
I am still developing that other language, so the names might be changed a little. However I will not change any name that´s more than three posts away from my latest
Also this is good reference for how Leapers look like
Sorry the new quarter has started in my school this week, I've been exhausted because my inner brain wants to go to sleep at 3 am and I need to wake up at 8:30 am. I'll make a IC post tomorrow, sorry if I've not been involved enough.
Sorry the new quarter has started in my school this week, I've been exhausted because my inner brain wants to go to sleep at 3 am and I need to wake up at 8:30 am. I'll make a IC post tomorrow, sorry if I've not been involved enough.

Don't worry about it- real life always comes first :)
Bill, I'm planning to make a divine rank 2 character, do I get 2 DCM, cuz I saw one character with 3 DCMs.
I may be mistaken, but if I recall, you can only have 1 dominion until rank 6. At rank 6, you can have two. Every other has to be purchased IC
Eiiiiii! 'Sup, guys! Zer0 here! Nice to formally meet y'all, I hope we have wonderful RP times together.
Yup, good times galore. Especially since the First Rollover has past and our AP pools gain 3 AP! I don't believe we have any hero-gods at the moment so that should be a correct statement. Any AP (except pantheon AP or PAP) that makes your pool go above 15 does not count.

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