Discussion Thread

Thanks to popular demand, I've decided to introduce the first in what will hopefully be a series of posts! This series will be called...


...Tidbits and Trivia! The goal of this series of posts will be to introduce worldbuilding aspects of the rich land of Pelagos that I couldn’t fit into the initial sign-up thread. These posts will help participants get a better idea of what the world that Islands of Origin has to offer is really like! I’m hoping to get these types of posts out once or twice per month.

Despite these posts, however, there is still plenty about the world of Islands of Origin that even I don’t know about yet! I encourage you to look for opportunities to interpret the world as you see fit. Without further ado, let’s get things underway with...

TIDBITS & TRIVIA #1: The Evolution Solution

For many Pokemon, the mysterious process known as evolution is a lofty goal. In many cases, evolution grants a Pokemon with sharper battle capabilities, a newly developed body, and sometimes even a more mature mindset. What causes Pokemon to evolve? Well, it’s different for every species. That said, the majority of Pokemon evolve based on a level of experience. This includes, but is not limited to, Pokemon such as Bulbasaur, Houndour, and Mareep. For these Pokemon, evolution can happen just as naturally as growing up, with the process occurring when they reach a certain level of maturity. This form of evolution is peculiar in that there is a way to speed up its process. Pokemon that evolve based on level can evolve more quickly by battling and strengthening themselves physically. This is because level-based evolution is partially influenced by adrenaline. It’s very common to see one of these types of Pokemon evolve right in the midst of battle, as their adrenaline is pumping through their veins at an expedited rate. Part of the reason why soldiers are pushed to battle as much as they possibly can is so that they can level up and evolve more quickly. But, this can create problems when younger Pokemon are forced to evolve before they’re ready. When younger Pokemon evolve before they have the emotional and physical maturity to manage their new forms, the end results can be disastrous.

Other Pokemon evolve by coming into contact with mysterious stones that speed up their growth and cause them to evolve immediately. For example, Pokemon such as Vulpix and Growlithe evolve with the help of a Fire Stone, while Pokemon such as Clefairy and Jigglypuff need a Moon Stone in order to evolve. These stones are exceedingly rare and highly sought after, meaning that it’s very common for swindling shopkeepers to create and sell counterfeit stones in order to cheat Pokemon out of their money. Evolutionary stones are most commonly found in underground mines, which gives Pokemon that live on Runark and Destirae greater access to them.

While it can be difficult for Pokemon that evolve through evolutionary stones to locate the items necessary to evolve, Pokemon that evolve by trade, such as Kadabra, Haunter, and Graveler, have an even more difficult time reaching their final form. “Trading” refers to the trading of consciousnesses, a process only made possible by an item known as the Link Cable. A Link Cable allows two Pokemon to swap consciousnesses with each other, placing the mind of one Pokemon into the body of another. As I’m sure you can imagine, a Link Cable can become highly dangerous when in the wrong hands. Because of this, Link Cables are most commonly found on the black market. There are times in which the military supplies Link Cables in order to help their soldiers evolve, but due to the danger that a Link Cable can cause, these trading processes are highly regulated in order to assure that the Pokemon doing the trading return to their rightful bodies. Some Pokemon, such as Onix, Dusclops, and Swirlix, need both a Link Cable and an additional item in order to evolve. This requires the Pokemon to be in contact with their necessary item while performing the trading process.

There are other types of Pokemon, such as Golbat, Riolu, and Woobat, that have a rather curious form of evolution. These Pokemon have been known to evolve in two different ways. One way, known as “happiness evolution,” takes place when the Pokemon experiences pure, utter bliss unlike anything that they’ve ever undergone before. The second way, referred to as “friendship evolution,” occurs only when the Pokemon has formed a deep, meaningful friendship with another Pokemon. Pokemon that evolve from these methods can evolve at very different periods in their lives. For a Pokemon who is fortunate enough to have formed a number of meaningful relationships in their life, evolving through friendship is a rather simple process. However, for Pokemon whose lives are wrought with pain and despair, evolving through happiness may be easier said than done.

While the majority of Pokemon want nothing more than to evolve, there are some who would prefer to remain in their current form. While it may seem like evolving is nothing but advantageous, there are valid reasons to make this decision. For example, a Scyther may want to keep their blistering speed, a Paras might not be too fond of the idea of evolving and being taken over by the mushroom parasite on their back, and, in general, the idea of taking on an entirely new form can be a frightening one. Studies have shown that, in Pokemon who evolve by levelling up, the evolution process is tied to their desire to evolve. If a Pokemon has a strong enough desire to remain the way that they are, they can prevent their body from changing. However, this is a decision that is often looked down upon by others. Pokemon who refuse to evolve are often seen as childish, immature, and resistant to change. In military environments, this attitude can be so severe that higher-up soldiers can and will force their underlings to evolve.


So, this was the first entry in the Tidbits & Trivia series! I urge you to ask questions, discuss, and try to discover more about the world present in Islands of Origin! If this entry is well received, I'll likely write future entries about other aspects of the Islands of Origin universe. I have some ideas for future topics, but please let me know if you have any other suggestions!


Future Topics:

  • Technological Advancements / Quartzirian “Super Soldiers”
  • Types / Dragon Superiority
  • “Dwarf” Islands
  • Lithulia before the crisis
  • Suggest your own!
Hey, all... I know I wasn't around very much, but I should say that due to some circumstances, I'm gonna have to bow out for now. Sorry.
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Hey guys! Just wanted to apologize for my silence, I've been having a busy summer so I haven't been around much BUT I promise I'll get some new stuff up soon!
Hello, writers! Just a quick update from my end. Tomorrow, I'm going to be heading off to Vermont for a week. I'll probably have a bit of internet access, but overall, it'll be very limited. Because of that, if you're having trouble posting for any reason at all, I'd like you to contact me today so that we can talk it through. Remember that I'm always a resource for things like editing, brainstorming, and answering questions! When I get back, I'll start up the group Skype chat if people are still interested in that.
Hello, writers! I've returned from my trip and it's really dawned on me that there hasn't been much activity recently. Because of that, I'd like to request that everyone currently involved in Islands of Origin give me a status update - privately, publicly, through a PM, through any other means... it doesn't matter. I just feel as if there's been a rather worrying silence and I'd like to make sure that folks are still interested in continuing with this project. Thank you!
@Ribbons hello, yes, sorry! i've been super forgetful but i am still here and still willing to rp!

i feel like this is like we're all at a party and then the host leaves for a bit and everyone just stands around nervously
@Ribbons I've been waiting on some other Runark people to reply! I know Bunny Prince posted abt Percy but I sort of want an update on our poor pidgey x_x

also, should we give you our skypes for the group chat?
Jigen said:
@Ribbons I've been waiting on some other Runark people to reply! I know Bunny Prince posted abt Percy but I sort of want an update on our poor pidgey x_x
also, should we give you our skypes for the group chat?
@Ryve just got back yesterday from a month-long camping trip, hence why there haven't been any replies from them recently. They've informed me that they're excited to get back into the swing of things and write up some new posts, so their post should be up soon! You can also feel free to PM them to ask about writing together if you'd like.

I'm not going to start the Skype group quite yet - I'd first like solid confirmation that people are still interested in participating in the project. The majority of our current players have told me, either privately or publicly, that they're still interested, but I'm still waiting on a few responses. Once those last few people get back to me, I'll get things rolling with the group chat! Thanks for your patience.

I will be posting as soon as possible now that I am back! I'm so excited to be working on this again!
Speaking of voids, the wilderness, and bears, @MrSunshine and I will both be on a camping trip for the next 3-4 days, so both of us won't be around. After the camping trip is finished, though, I'm going to start collecting Skype names to start up the group chat! I'll still be around for the rest of the night, though, so if you need brainstorming or editing help, don't hesitate to send me a message!
Okay honestly I have no excuse really...Just wanting more info on Lithulia before I post anything cause guess where Xola happens to be from

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Greetings, islanders! @MrSunshine and I have both returned from the wilderness, and as such, I'm happy to say that I'm ready to begin gathering Skypes for the Islands of Origin group chat! It should be a more casual place for us to talk, whether it's about Islands of Origin, Pokemon, writing, or any other unrelated topics. If you're interested in being a part of the group, just drop me a message with your Skype and I'll add you!

Fortunately, things seem to be picking up again after our dry spell, but I still don't have status updates from a few of you. If you haven't posted in a while and you haven't yet given me a heads-up on where you are in terms of posting, please send me an update! I want to make sure that everyone is still excited, interested, and on the same page.
It sure did... I'm in the process of going back through and reformatting everything, but it is a VERY lengthy process. The BBCode editor has been disabled, so I can't just copy+paste all of the code into there like I would've been able to in the past. It also doesn't appear that there's a way to change thread names, meaning that it'll be tough to differentiate between the RP, Character Sign-Up, and Discussion threads until that feature is enabled again. So, sorry that everything looks like a big mess right now! I'm working on it, I promise.
No problem, I know it'll take a while. At least there's a bit of good news-my instrument plugins in my music software finally started working again (for a while they wouldn't make any sound at all), so I can go back to working on that track I teased a while back. 

There may or may not be some guitar stuff in there too...
I'm actually considering moving everything to a new site. But we'll see how things go. 

...But, on a MUCH lighter note, my GOODNESS, @CompuCat, those previews sound AMAZING! Not going to lie, I couldn't contain my excitement and started bounding up and down on my bed as I listened. Your music really gets me hyped, to say the least! ^__^;; I'm greatly looking forward to seeing - er, hearing what's to come.
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I realize that things are weird right now with the site update and all, but I still wanted to get out some content before I leave on my week-long hiking trip tomorrow! So, here's something that many of you have probably been looking forward to...

[Imagine the banner image is here. RPNation's new format doesn't allow image insertion yet.]

TIDBITS & TRIVIA #2: The Lost Island

(My apologies if some of this writing sounds a bit strange or wonky. I'm writing this at a time when I should definitely be sleeping instead.)

Despite also being aligned neutrally, the island of Lithulia couldn't possibly be any different from Feulis. While Feulis is a small island with peaceful residents, Lithulia has large, sprawling landscapes inhabited by many Pokemon. While the majority of Feulis's population is confined to a single quaint village, cities and towns are dotted all over the map of Lithulia, each sporting their own unique flair. While Feulis's environment is that of a dense forest, Lithulia contains every type of terrain imaginable. All of these factors made Lithulia a prime spot for Pokemon who wanted to answer to the call of the wild and quench their thirst for adventure. Many self-proclaimed explorers lived on Lithulia, conquering its peaks, exploring its forests, and seeing all of the natural wonders that it had to offer. While Lithulia isn't characterized by one type of terrain, there's one location that defines it above all else - the capitol of Lithulia, Aquinias City. Years ago, before the catastrophic event that changed Lithulia forever, every traveler that set foot within Aquinias City was bewitched by the beauty of its shimmering blue canals and the intricate architecture of its fountains. 

While the Mew and Arceus armies certainly didn't view Feulis in a favorable light, their disdain for Lithulia far exceeded any ill will that they had for Feulis. This was because a primary reason for soldiers to depart the military was for the sake of heading out to Lithulia and satisfying their crave for adventure. Surprisingly, the residents of Lithulia welcomed soldiers with open arms, as long as they weren't hostile towards others. Lithulia's community was very open-minded, made up of Pokemon with inquisitive minds and a love of debate. It was common for Lithulian Pokemon to be seen discussing the possibilities of the world and the wonders it holds, contrasting the military's approach by using words rather than fists. Given the open-mindedness of Pokemon on Lithulia, it's not surprising that most of it's residents don't worship a singular central mythical figure. Before the crisis that befell Lithulia, it was often seen as a beacon of hope for Pokemon who didn't fit into the concrete molds set by the two armies, which is why so many Pokemon were devastated when the island was suddenly wiped off the map. Pokemon who hoped to combat the iron grip of the military had their spirits crushed by the supposed "divine intervention" that punished Lithulia for having alternative views. Even now, years later, the effects of Lithulia's destruction can be seen all across the globe.
Lithulia sounds like such an enchanting place!!!! :00000 It seems like the perfect place for Pokemon to collaborate and learn new things and research a lot. I wonder, with the disappearance of Lithulia, was there any specific knowledge that was lost? kind of like the library of alexandria or smth
All I can say is...thank you, everyone. Looking forward to posting more once others reply, but until then, I'd like to join you in celebrating the release of my Origins EP, including that track I hinted at earlier!

Listen here on SoundCloud
Hello, islanders. It's been a while since I've said much of anything on here, something that I believe is entirely my fault. Recent developments in my life have made working on this project difficult due to my deteriorating mental health, and the revamp to the website made me unsure and anxious about the future of this project. Because of that, my stress caused me to hide, rather than facing my responsibilities as the leader and creator of Islands of Origin.

However, listening to @CompuCat's incredible music in his EP, Origins, really awakened a spark in me -- an excitement that I hadn't experienced since the very beginning of Islands of Origin. That's when it really dawned on me -- even though things are difficult for me right now, I still want to do this project. I still have people in my corner who want to join me in creating stories, worlds, and characters of incredible scale. I realized that I have a role -- as a leader, a storyteller, and a friend, that I haven't been fulfilling to the best of my ability. Though I've been quiet recently, my passion for this project is still intense and unwavering. And, so, it's because of this that I'm announcing my newfound desire to keep Islands of Origin going, with as much fervor as it had in the very beginning.

Unfortunately, this new resolve is somewhat badly timed, as I am leaving on a 3-day camping trip tomorrow, but as soon as I get back, I'm going to put in the work that I should have put in a long time ago. Here's my game plan:

- Create a Skype group. I have most of your Skype accounts now, and I want to bring together a more casual group where we can discuss the story, plot, characters, and the direction of the project as a whole.

- Determine the future of Islands of Origin. It was when RPNation revamped that the progress of this project really stopped in its tracks, and I want to decide whether or not this new site is really the place where I want to continue Islands of Origin. That's part of why I want to create the new Skype group -- I want all of you to have a hand in deciding where Islands of Origin goes from here.

- Determine current member availability. Some of the current members on Islands of Origin have been rather quiet as of late, and I want to get a solid answer on whether or not certain people want to continue to be involved.

- Recruit new members. We have some slots open, and I think that gathering together some new members would help to fill those slots. I have a few people in mind already -- some of whom I've already discussed ideas with -- but the more, the merrier. I'll be asking my friends to spread information via word-of-mouth, as well as advertising on social media.

- Bring back the excitement! In the beginning, I felt as though there was a lot of passion for Islands of Origin, passion that began to dwindle over time. I want to bring that back! Discussion, brainstorming, artwork, music, and more activity as a whole... I believe that all of these things are the key to creating a passionate and active group.

I have to apologize again for my silence as of late. I tried to retreat into the shadows because I was afraid to face up to my responsibility. I will never hide like this again. I'm a storyteller. I'm a leader. To many of you, I'm a friend, as well. This project is my greatest passion. I want to share it with all of you. I'm so, so very grateful that so many of you have continued to stick with me. Not many creators are lucky enough to have such a talented, passionate group to help them realize their vision. I can't say it enough times -- thank you, and I'm sorry for behaving the way I did.

Finally, I have to bring special attention to one particular member of the Islands of Origin team. @CompuCat has always been one of the most driven and passionate people I've ever had the pleasure to work with, and this is made especially clear through his EP, Origins. Both his exciting, amped-up pieces and his slower, quieter melodies are just incredible to listen to. Please give Origins a listen. It's truly a testament to his talent and creativity.

I look forward to the future of Islands of Origin. After my 3-day camping trip, I'll be back, with more passion and motivation than ever. I hope you'll stay on this journey with me.

I'm so glad that you've been able to find the drive to continue this!! I always looked forward to RPing here and I totally understand losing drive + mental problems and stuff. I hope you have fun on your camping trip, and I can't wait to discuss new ideas with everyone!!

I can also try recruiting more people, if you want? Because I know a few people who would be interested, I think!

I'm so glad that you've been able to find the drive to continue this!! I always looked forward to RPing here and I totally understand losing drive + mental problems and stuff. I hope you have fun on your camping trip, and I can't wait to discuss new ideas with everyone!!

I can also try recruiting more people, if you want? Because I know a few people who would be interested, I think!

I'm glad, too! Lately, I've been feeling like I've lost some of my passion for things I love, but I could never truly stop being excited and driven about Islands of Origin!

I'd love it if you spread the word and tried to recruit others! I don't want to accept Sign-Ups right now since we're in a bit of a transitional period, but getting others on board would be an amazing contribution. I have a few people in mind, but we could always use more talented writers.
Hey, good to see you again!

It's honestly almost one of every musician's greatest dreams to have their music really help somebody like this. I'm really glad my music was able to help you get your drive back for this project (and hopefully, all of ours!) We've all had our own trials at one point or another-it's understandable. 

With that said, let's get things rolling again! Really excited to see where this shapes from here.

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