Discussion Thread

Sorry that I disappeared when the site updated, I wanted to wait until things were fixed up before making a fool of myself trying to learn the new system (I've had to re-write this post twice since it wouldn't go through so I still don't really know what I'm doing lol). :'D

I'm really happy that you've found the motivation to keep Islands of Origin going!  I'm definitely all-in to continue with this project if you'll have me.  It's always been a lot of fun for me, and an amazing way to de-stress! 

And @CompuCat your soundtrack is absolutely amazing.  The energy of the music makes me feel so eager to get back into the swing of writing again--especially now that I have an awesome soundtrack to listen to while I do it!  I'm so lucky that I get to write with such a talented group of individuals!  8D
Greetings, islanders! I'm back from my trip, and things have been progressing smoothly. Here's an update. 

I'm currently gathering people for the Islands of Origin Skype Group. I have most of you added on Skype already, and for those of you who I don't have yet, I've sent contact requests. So, please check your Skype for a message from me! My Skype Name is squiddly_dee, so that's how you'll know that it's me and not some spambot. Once I have everyone added, I'll set up the group, and we can talk together about the future of Islands of Origin -- specifically about whether it will stay here or move to a different website.

I've also confirmed the availability of all of the current Islands of Origin members. Almost all of you have told me that you're still excited to continue participating, which makes me very happy! I'm very grateful that you've all stuck with me for so long. I'm truly honored to have such a dedicated and talented team of writers working with me. The only person who decided that they didn't want to keep going was @bluejay, whose character was Rain the Maractus. Though I would've liked to have written with him, too, I understand his decision to move on to other projects and I wish him the best.

Finally, I've found a few other people who want to sign up. One in particular is my close friend @Birdtech, who has already had several brainstorming sessions with me about their character. They've begun to write their Sign-Up and are working very hard. I'll be excited to have them join the crew. I've also spoken to an artist friend of mine, and while they don't feel like they want to sign up as a writer, they want to help out with incorporating visual art into Islands of Origin. We're still working out the details, but they seem to be excited to help us out in their own way.

That's all for now! Please check your Skype to accept my contact request, and be ready with some ideas of how Islands of Origin can grow in the near future! Thank you again for sticking with this project!
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