Discussion Thread


Lihulia's Legendary Explorer
Welcome to the Discussion Thread for Islands of Origin! As its name suggests, this is where discussion related to Islands of Origin will be posted. Subject matter discussed here may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Questions
  • Discussion of characters/plot/locations
  • Post reviews/feedback
  • Updates
  • And more!

If you'd like a more casual space to hang out and chat, feel free to check out the Islands of Origin Skype Group. If you'd like to post some art or other creations you've made, I'd like to direct you to the Creation Corner. If you want to read supplementary writings about worldbuilding in Islands of Origin, take a look at Tidbits & Trivia. Happy discussing!
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I'm excited, too! We have a really great crew already, and a few friends of mine have been discussing their very interesting character ideas with me! I'm optimistic about the prospects of this project.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.4f3ab6acbe0e40a6799dee144368da3d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133985" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.4f3ab6acbe0e40a6799dee144368da3d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fa17e766ea4e6bddd7edaefa7c4b1a53.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.fa17e766ea4e6bddd7edaefa7c4b1a53.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b8e6054d83341cd0419e0d76f3d4210a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b8e6054d83341cd0419e0d76f3d4210a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I've been drawing some characters today cause I'm really excited about this project! I haven't drawn in a while so they're not the greatest, and I'm probably gonna color Adriel and Percy at some point (Charr was kind of a warmup sketch so the proportions and stuff are pretty off ^^; )

But yeah I'm probably gonna be drawing more Islands of Origin stuff over the next few days :)

A little bit of the thought process I put into each-

Charr is meant to be younger than present in this sketch, he's kind of protecting himself and glaring at some punk who won't stop bullying him. I really loved his backstory. I also was excited to draw him cause I almost made my character a Noibat.

Adriel is doing cool psychic stuff and I'm gonna make his eyes look super cool and psychic-y when I color him.

I made Percy look not happy cause literally every picture I see of Goomy is happy and smiling and present-day Percy isn't too smiley anymore. I still need to work on making them look shifty/suspicious since that's a pretty common look for them.



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@Bunny Prince : Aw, those are adorable! I'm really glad that this project has given you the inspiration to draw again. I especially like Charr's more guarded pose. Please be sure to show us when you color them!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad85affe_IoOsketch.jpeg.e0aa2b0a9f21265181b35554c495862e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cad85affe_IoOsketch.jpeg.e0aa2b0a9f21265181b35554c495862e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lookit! I accidentally drew everyone... I'll probably line and color it later, but have the sketch while I'm hyped! They're also color coordinated for your convenience by island!



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Though it's just a sketch right now, it looks great! I think this has the potential to be a really dynamic piece, especially given the many different environments and characters. Thanks for showing us, and please continue to show more of your artwork!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cadeb54c0_Legendarybirds.jpg.4511e15704bd5c1aca8924f3ea3dc11f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cadeb54c0_Legendarybirds.jpg.4511e15704bd5c1aca8924f3ea3dc11f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ribbons said I should post this picture of the bird trio, so here it is. I like the idea of legendary trios also being noteworthy deities alongside Mew and Arceus. I've also got a bird bias and have a mind to draw more legendaries as paintings, carvings, tapestries, etc.



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@Ryve: Your artwork is astounding! All of our characters look so great together, and it's awesome that you were able to show off each of their unique personalities as well! It makes me so excited to start role playing, AHH! And your legendary bird trio piece is so detailed and colorful--I just love it! I definitely have a bird bias as well, since I have two pet birds in real life hehe.
Because I know that the participants have varying levels of RPing experience, I thought I’d write up a quick little guide about how to make a post here in Islands of Origin! If you’ve ever written before (which I know all of you have, because I’ve looked at all of your writing samples), it should be pretty simple and easy to get used to. And, if you need help, looking at my first post in the “In Character RPing” tab should make things easier.

So, firstly, we’ll start off with the OOC section and the header. These 2 things are sections that should come before the actual content of a post. The OOC section is optional, while the header is not.

The OOC section is for any extra thoughts you’d like others to keep in mind while reading your post, which is why “OOC” stands for “Out of Character.” This section will be in parentheses, with “OOC:” coming before it to ensure that the reader understands that this isn’t part of the actual post. An OOC section might look like this:

(OOC: I had to really rush to get this one done before finals week began, so I’m sorry if it’s not quite up to snuff with the rest of my work thus far.)

...Or like this:

(OOC: I had a lot of fun writing this post! I’m especially proud of the dialogue at the end. If I could get some feedback on it, I’d really appreciate that!)

As you can see, both writers formatted their OOC sections properly, using them for their correct purposes - directly addressing the reader with some extra comments.

The header comes next, and it exists to help others understand what’s going on in your post. The format it should be in is the following:

[Name] the [Pokemon Species] || [Faction] || [Location]

An example of how a completed header would look is this:

Littna the Aipom || Feulis-Dweller || Greenleaf Forest

This header tells the reader that the post is about Littna the Aipom, who is a Feulis-Dweller, and that the post begins in Greenleaf Forest. This helps the reader get an understanding of who the post is about and where it takes place. I would also prefer it if you put your header in either bolded text, like I did here, or italicized text, to keep it from blending in with the rest of the post. It can also be helpful to add a header in whenever there is a transition in location. For example, let’s say that, over the course of my post, Littna’s location changes to Alnamos Village. At the point in the post when the change happens, I might add in a header that looks like this:

|| Alnamos Village ||

This isn’t necessary by any means, but it can make it easier for readers to follow along. Because of this, I recommend adding in a header whenever the location of the post changes.

Finally, it’s time for the actual content of the post. Posts are vitally important because they are what Islands of Origin will be composed of. Posts essentially look like snippets of writing, like chapters in a book. They explain, through a writing sample, what your character is doing, who they’re interacting with, and any other relevant information. Posts can be any length, but the target length is around 200 words or more. In my eyes, the longer a post is, the better, but I understand that they can’t always be very long.

It would take too long to write up a post sample to put here, so I’d say the best course of action would just be to look at my post in the “In-Character RPing” tab for a solid example. By the way, that’s where you’ll be putting all of your posts.

So, that’s about it! There’s your simple guide about how to post. I’m not always the best at explaining things, so if you have any questions or need a walkthrough on how to post, feel free to send me a PM or leave a message on my profile. Or, if you know me through Tumblr or Skype, you can shoot me a message there! I won’t bite, I promise.
Okay, I just need to get this off of my mind. Don't worry, I've got an RP post in the works, but way back during the last round of Islands of Origin, I started writing some music for the RP that I promised would be done "pretty soon"...which never got finished. I'd feel terrible if I just let that idea rot, especially after promising everyone that I'd get it done, so here's proof that I'm still working on that as well.

It's coming...

@CompuCat : Even though it's just a preview right now, your music never ceases to amaze me! After my mind was blown by Isle Genesis all those months ago, you'd better believe that I'm excited to see what you come up with next!
whoa !! sorry i haven't been saying much in the ooc chat. i joined rpnation in order to join this rp and so i am still learnin' the ropes on this Newfangled Contraption

(the ropes being that tabs exist)

@Bunny Prince those doodles look so cute oh man! i love 'em!!

@Ryve aaaaa that art is amazing!! even as just a sketch they're so nice thank you so much! it's such a good happy feeling to see a character you made for a thing being drawn by another person and this looks so great :^D i love how you colored the legendary birds, too!

@CompuCat THAT'S SO COOL!! i'm getting progressively more and more excited about all of these and It Shows but all of the art and music for this project is just so cool!! it makes me really glad i joined!
Xola and Frost

I made a picture online of Frost and Xola. It's mostly just me taking already drawn things from other people and crappily editing them to resemble them....

But the picture exists and Ribbons said I should post it when I'm finished... So here it is.

Also @ectoplasmius I feel you, I have no idea how to navigate these tabs at all.

@Ryve Those are awesome! My art is limited to very crappy drawings....

@Bunny Prince those are really adorable, especially the one of Percy

@CompuCat Nice job on the music! I really like it a lot!

Now I should probably get back to work on my first post for the rp....
Oh wow, I'm loving everyone's artwork! I'll probably color my sketches sometime today or tomorrow, I had surgery on Monday and have been kinda out of it since then but today I'm trying to get back into things by writing my first post and working on some more art :) Thanks to everyone for all the kind words about my drawings, they've really brightened my last few days.

@Ryve I like how you grouped your first drawing together by region, and I really love seeing everyone all together like that. And your drawing of the legendary birds is fantastic! Again I really like the grouping of the background giving each bird its own grounding element.

@CompuCat That preview was so exciting and I'm super pumped to hear more!

@QuickSilvi Those are super cool c:
@Bunny Prince I love the drawing of Charr you posted!!! he looks so adorable and you captured his attitude perfectly, omg

im super excited to get this started again!!! gotta get that sweet character development .....

also, last time we did Islands of Origin, I took a shot at designing the soldier badge for Runark and I figured I'd post it here again. What do you guys think?


The unknown spell "AS ABOVE, SO BELOW," which I thought would be fitting for the island of Runark. There's ancient Mew's eyes above, and Mew's silhouette making up the mountains of Runark. Below, there are the tunnels of Runark (more or less represented).
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@CompuCat Your music is amazing! I'm blown away by all the little detail you've put into it! The chords are so cool I got chills listening to it! (I also really like Before the Final Sunset that one's my favorite)

@Jigen I love that badge design! I was also trying to come up with something for the Runark badges but nothing quite stuck. I'll definitely use this in my drawings!
@CompuCat: THAT SOUNDS SO AWESOME! It totally gives me those classic Nintendo battle-theme song vibes, and it's just such a fun and lively composition! I cannot wait to hear more!

@QuickSilvi: For some reason I can't see the picture? I dunno if it's just me or what (since I'm struggling to figure the site out as well woopsss), but I'm sure it looks awesome regardless!

@Jigen: THAT IS SO IMPRESSIVE! It looks like an actual seal that would be in the games, I'm so amazed by that wow.

I AM UNWORTHY OF BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF ALL THIS TALENT! Seriously, I can't even express how lucky I feel to be able to role play with all of you lovely people. I've never participated in a project before where so many members brought artwork and incredible imagination to the table. It makes me so happy and excited! :-D
Since I'm writing from both Daeana and Pip's perspectives, here's the signup for Pip. It's significantly less detailed, but Pip is a simple bird.

Name: Pipperon, but almost always Pip for short

Species: Pidgey

Gender: Male (He/him)

Faction: Soon to be soldier (Mew)

Island: Runark


Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack


Pip is a young, energetic, excitable, Pidgey. He’s a kind soul who doesn’t give up easily, but he’s also naïve and somewhat of a late bloomer. Because an Umbreon raised him instead of his Pidgeot parents, Daeana being hesitant to find a teacher for him, and living underground rather than out in the open, his flight skills are very underdeveloped for a Pidgey of his age.

Despite this, he’s surprisingly self-sufficient and often runs errands for Daeana by himself, wandering the caves as he pleases (so long as he stays away from dangerous tunnels), and he’s very excited to grow up. He looks forward to learning to fly, evolving, and becoming as honorable a Pokemon as he’s told his parents were.

Pip is curious about the war, the stories of glory and honor filling his head, as well as what his parents were like and Daeana’s roll in the war. She often tries to redirect conversation away from the topic of war, but when it does come up, she’s firmly against it, making it abundantly clear that Pip is not to have anything to do with battle if she can help it.

Pip, while he can get frustrated with her, loves Daeana very much and sees her as his biggest role model alongside his deceased parents. He strives to make her proud and, while she tends to be distant, knows that she cares for him just as deeply.


Pipperon’s parents were loyal and dependable Runark soldiers. He doesn’t remember anything about them because he hatched while they were off fighting in the war. They were mortally wounded in the same battle that Daeana lost her leg, dying under her care. In their final moments, Daeana promised to take care of Pip.

When she returned from the war for good, taking up the healer’s position, she took care of Pip most of the time, but when she was busy with healing duties that Pip couldn’t help with, he stayed with Leona and played with the other young Pokemon of Runark, often getting drawn into their games and stories glorifying the war.


Even though Pip isn’t a strong flier, he’s a very good climber and uses his beak and talons to get to places otherwise inaccessible.

More pictures!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Pip.jpg.047e16dd30cab59423726fccd908c9f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Pip.jpg.047e16dd30cab59423726fccd908c9f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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@Vanilla: Haha, that's actually been a major inspiration style-wise for this piece, so thanks! :)

@Ryve: Thanks, I'm just hoping I'll be able to keep that spirit through the end. (It's taken forever to try and compose the end, so...)

@Jigen: Hey, I was wondering if you'd bring that back! Glad to see it again.
He didn't appear a whole lot in my last post, but here's Benji's Sign-Up! I'll probably post a picture of him soon as well. I'm posting this on mobile, so my apologies if things look a little funky.


Name: Benji

Species: Linoone

Gender: ♂ (He/Him)

Faction: Feulis-Dweller

Moves: Headbutt, Iron Tail, Play Rough, Mud Sport

Personality: With his big heart, whimsical nature, and seemingly endless energy, Benji is sure to make anyone either love his joyous spirit or hate just how annoying he can be. Whether you find Benji charming or want to avoid him like the plague, there’s one sure thing that can be said about him - he’ll want to be your friend either way. Because his parents have always taught him that there’s some good in all Pokemon, Benji has never met anyone that he doesn’t like. This is partially why he has remained a subordinate of sorts to Littna for so long - in his mind, her cleverness and ability to stand up for herself completely obscure her childishness and anger management issues.

Benji has also stayed close to Littna due to his worst weakness of them all - his naivety. Benji loves having friends and company in his life so much that if he makes a friend, he’ll latch onto their every word and listen to their every command. It’s because of this that Benji is so prone to Littna’s trickery and manipulation - he simply doesn’t comprehend that someone who became his friend could possibly want anything but the best for him. Until Benji wakes up and realizes that there could be others out there for him besides Littna, he’s likely to stand proudly by her side for a very, very long time.

While his relationship with Littna, his only real friend, is unfortunately not as positive as he perceives it to be, Benji does share a very close relationship with his family. Benji’s mothers, Noko the Furret and Nitzi the Linoone, and his younger sister, Bea the Sentret, all love him very much, and he feels the exact same way. While some other Pokemon may find Benji’s adoration of everything and everyone to be irritating, Benji’s parents are proud to have such a kind and selfless Pokemon as their son. Bea, who possesses the same upbeat energy that Benji does, has spent many bright sunny days racing around the forest and playing games with her brother. Benji is certainly lucky to have such a kind and loving family - after all, before Littna arrived on Feulis, he didn’t have any other companions at all.

Benji has always been, well, a bit of an oddball. He gets excited by things that any other Pokemon may find ordinary, his attention flits quickly from one thing to the next, and he has the tendency to blurt out whatever happens to be on his mind. Benji’s many quirks make it difficult for other Pokemon to stand his presence, let alone be his friend. However, this has never gotten Benji down - in fact, it’s made him all the more determined to make friends with someone. This in turn has unfortunately caused Benji to become more forceful, more excitable, and, overall, a worse candidate for friendship. Benji himself has never seemed to notice the many reasons why he doesn’t have many friends, and has only continued trying to make some. Now that Littna is by his side, he is and will be a happier Pokemon - that is, until he realizes that his relationship with Littna is not a traditional friendship at all.

There is one big benefit that Littna’s presence has had in Benji’s life - she was the one who introduced him to the concept of exploring. Venturing out past Alnamos Village was an idea that Benji had never stopped to consider for even a moment - that is, until he met Littna. Littna’s passion for adventuring and discovery sparked a desire deep within Benji. A desire to journey deep through Greenleaf Forest - no, even beyond Greenleaf Forest! Since Littna first took Benji out exploring, he’s had the daring goal of travelling all across Pelagos! Plucky little Benji has a long way to go before he can explore each one of Pelagos’ 5 islands, but because he’s equipped with his deep-seated determination to get there, he surely will someday.

Overall, Benji is a quirky Pokemon to say the least. While his upbeat energy may be annoying and his desire to make friends with everyone around him may be even more so, you can’t deny that his childlike energy and naivety can charm anyone.​

History: For a Pokemon that embraces the world and all it has to offer, the first several years of Benji’s life were surprisingly devoid of love. Benji certainly received love from his parents. Nitzi taught him about the gods and the importance of thanking them for all that he has, making the trek out to the Forest Shrine with him every morning from the moment that he learned to walk, and Noko encouraged him to love others unconditionally, accepting and appreciating that flaws are a part of every individual. However, though Benji had immense amounts of love to give the world, he didn’t receive the same treatment from others.

Unfortunately, most of Benji’s friendships were doomed to fail from the start. He was loud, even for a young kid, and his unusual amounts of physical strength meant that he played hard, not really grasping how to control his own body. He often blurted out whatever happened to be on his mind, and his excitable attitude was more irritating than it was charming. It was around this time that Benji’s younger sister, Bea, was born. Tasked with the role of caring for and nurturing her, Nitzi and Noko had to leave poor Benji behind much of the time. Benji, remaining optimistic, figured that as long as he kept trying, the other children in Feulis would finally welcome him into their circle. However, repeated attempts to get close to others proved that trying again and again wouldn’t necessarily lead to success. Benji learned the hard way that he simply wasn’t someone who others wanted to befriend.

As his interactions continually fell flat, Benji found himself becoming confused. His parents had always told him about unconditional love, about bearing your heart to others, and about remaining positive and grateful about the blessings that came his way. Why was it that he couldn’t seem to make a single friend, even when he stuck so closely to those beliefs? Why couldn’t anyone see the kindness and overwhelming love in his heart? Benji’s confusion quickly turned to anger, which was only intensified because he couldn’t understand what he was doing wrong. This next stage of his life was one filled with loneliness and isolation.

The other children in Feulis were often cruel, using Benji’s sensitivities and turning them against him with harsh words. So, Benji retreated into his shell, spending his days alone at home. One day, his parents encouraged him to go out into the forest instead, for the sake of getting a change of scenery. Benji reluctantly obliged, stepping outside of Alnamos Village for one of the first times in his life, aside from the treks he took up to the Forest Shrine to pray to Celebi. Little did he know that this fateful decision would bring light back into his life.

As Benji plodded along the forest path, he began to notice the life of the plants surrounding him, taking in all of the sights, sounds, and smells that he could. Even though he lived right outside the forest, he had never truly taken the time to absorb all that it had to offer. Just as he started to contemplate the forest’s beauty, however, Benji’s train of thought was interrupted by a loud crash and a sudden darkness.

Something had fallen from the trees, surrounding Benji on all sides, shielding his vision! He had just been walking about, minding his own business, but before he knew it, he was trapped! The only hint he had as to who the perpetrator could be was a mischievous cackle that would soon become all too familiar to him. “Ahahaha!” A loud voice laughed. “I sure got you good, didn’t I?!” What surprised Benji even more was that, in that moment, his body almost seemed to move on its own. With one mighty smash of his head, the wooden structure around him was reduced to a pile of splinters. SMASH!

When the darkness cleared, Benji again found himself surrounded by the sea of trees, but there was one thing that had changed. A lone Aipom stood before him, with messy fur and eyes wide open in shock. She began to speak, and as she did, Benji recognized her voice as the one that he had just heard only moments ago. However, this time, her words weren’t powerful and confident, but rather confused and almost... fearful? “Y-You... You broke it? But how? I spent ages putting that thing together, and you just...?!

By all means, Benji should have been angry. This stranger ambushed him, and if he hadn’t had the physical strength to break free of his wooden prison, who knows how long he could’ve been trapped there for? But, instead, he was... happy? Benji was impressed by the Aipom’s confidence, by her ingenuity... But, most of all, he was excited that someone, anyone was finally paying attention to him! In one sudden rush of explosive energy, Benji felt the life rush back to him. “Golly, you made that?! Wow! It was so cool how you just dropped it on me! Wow, I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t been able to get out of that one...” Benji’s eyes lit up, and before he knew it, words were spewing forth from his mouth. “Hey, hey, can you show me how you made that? Is that the first time you’ve made something like that? Why’d you do that, anyway? Oh, and what’s up with that weird bag you’re carrying?”

Benji soon learned the Aipom’s name: Littna. The two spent the whole day together, talking, plotting, and most of all, exploring the forest. The entire time, Benji was thrilled. Every one of Littna's actions just oozed confidence. It was almost as if she'd never been unsure of anything in her life. He figured that she had never struggled like he had. She had probably never had trouble making friends or felt alone in the world. However, as Benji soon learned from their conversations, this wasn't the case. Littna had only just recently moved to Feulis - for reasons that she wouldn't tell him. Littna and Benji's time together soon grew, until they saw each other every day. Though Littna's quickness to anger and disregard for others made him hesitate at times, Benji truly saw Littna as his first real friend, someone in his life who would finally value him.

Benji is happier now than ever. His meeting with Littna has re-awakened the joy within him. He has a true companion, a loving family, and a beautiful home. What more could he want? Though the true nature of his friendship with Littna is rather twisted, with her using him for her own gain, Benji is unaware of her manipulative nature. Maybe things are better off that way...

Other: Benji looks more like a canine than a weasel, with a doglike body and a longer tail that wags when he’s happy. This is because he has some Growlithe blood running in his family. He has quite a few doglike mannerisms -- in particular, he often sticks out his tongue when he’s excited.

Benji possesses a very unusual amount of strength when compared to the average Linoone. It’s unknown why he is this way, but this special power of his is a key reason as to why Littna chooses to have him help her with her schemes. However, currently, Benji is having a bit of a hard time knowing and controlling his own abilities. This is because Benji only just evolved from a Zigzagoon into a Linoone. As a result of this recent evolution, he’s still growing accustomed to his new form. It’s been very common for Benji to stumble or even fall over when running, and have other similar clumsy movements.​
@QuickSilvi: Oh, how embarrassing. I didn't even notice... oops. c':

But, now that I can see them, I must say that they look absolutely adorable together!

And oh my gosh, both Pip and Benji are such precious cuties I can't even handle it. ;-;

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