discovering un told power


Junior Member
for years the supernatural beings have stayed hidden in the shadows. until they fell in love with a human had children and left creating halfings. now they have grown into adolosence as they begin to realize they arent completly human. will they live with there gift or go on a destructive path to the bottom?





supernatural being



quentin{left} &{right} jessie

16 &16

Quentin is a vampire Jessie is a wizard

Quentin and Jessie are brothers theyre mother died and they never knew either of their fathers so they depended on each other and theyre aunt Ruth. quentin is an outbursting charming and hardheaded guy whose not afraid to fight. the exact opposite of his brother Jessie is a quiet and easy going guy he doesnt like conflict yet he loves to read.

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Name: Maylin Conners ( May )

Age: 15

Supernatural Being: Half-Human, Half-Witch

History: She Doesn't like to talk about it, but will on rare Occasions.

Personality: Sweet, Shy, and Kind. May is always there for her friends, although some call her rather shy. She is never afraid to talk to them, if she is friends. If not, She tends to be the loner in the corner. She could be fierce and agile. Dangerous and cunning. Depending on the scene around her.

Appearence: Golden Blonde hair, that bounce sweetly onto her shouldrs in delicate curls. Beautiful Blue eye's, Silver when mad. She is fair and lean, tall and wieghts nearly 110 pounds. Her occasional outfit is A White blouse, denim pants, and a pair of sneakers. Her cheeks are splashed with hazel freckles, that spreads onto her apple-doll nose. Tan skin.
( Is this okay? I could change it if you want. )

Name: Axen Knight (Axie)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Supernatural being: Djinns (can kill when their skin is touched, most likely a demon)

History: Axen and Allen were both brothers and sisters and were always together since birth, nothing could separate them apart. Their mother died giving birth to them so their father was the only legal parent to take care of them, although the problem was he was an abuser. One day, she saw her father hitting Allen with a stick, seeing him bleeding half to death made her angry and pushed her father to the wall. He was about to hit her with the stick although when he looked at his skin it was burning, slowly he died. Police has thought he left town and never came back although those twins promise themselves to keep it a secret. From that day forward she began wearing gloves to make sure she won't do anything like that again.

Personality: Shy; She never talked to anyone, at all and promised it to stay that way. She only sticked by her brothers side and protected him whenever someone would hurt him, always she would lock herself in her room and would stay alone knowing that she was a killer. Although there was also another side of her which was sort of scary and unexpected at the least moment, Competetive, whenever she would see someone hurt an innocent person her other side would just come out and help that person to the fullest, which ens up killing the bad one (that's why Allen wants her to stay by her side every second to avoid that dark side of hers)

Appearance: Light pink hair, baby blue eyes, pale skin

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Name: Allen Knight (Allie)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Supernatural being: Half Demon (Teleportation in thin air)

History: Allen had been the one to take care of his sister and made sure nothing bad to happen to her. Even though that was his supposed to be job, he noticed that she was the one protecting him. Sometimes he felt guilty that she had to be the full demon instead of him, he only figured out that his mom used to be a demon but then fell in love with dad, which was slightly understanding that she would fall in love with a drunken bastard, but was killed by being stabbed with a 'Ruby's Knife' a deadly weapon to Demons.

Personality: Friendly; he could make tons of friends because of his attitude and appearance although some of his friends gets sort of out of hand. He loves to sing and dance randomly in front of his sister to cheer him up or just goof around to have some attention


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Hell, I'll bite.

Name: Simon Eliot Laroux

Age: 32. Appears to be about 25.

Supernatural Being: Vampire.

Bio: Simon is a tall, red-haired man who appears to be in the prime of life. He has large hands, and the way he walks tends to remind one of a wading bird. He tends to wear suits, has a pair of reading glasses he's never seen without, and looks rather sophisticated.

Simon is a vampire, who tends to keep to himself and avoid the dealings of his kind. He's a poet, and has self-published a slim volume called
Lucifer's Hymn. He can often be seen scribbling in a small moleskine notebook, which he often keeps in his breast pocket.

Simon is charming, elegant, and just a tad superficial. He's witty and a good conversationalist, but doesn't like to talk about heavier matters. He's queer, and in a long-term relationship with a human named Jeremy Cox. However,
since Jeremy is human, he tries to shelter him from 'vampire' stuff. Though he may occasionally mention the other members of his large family, he doesn't like to discuss his past. He suffers from a touch of PTSD, so if you approach him too quickly, he may flinch and panic.


Name: Lachlan Connor Laroux

Age: 24

Supernatural Being: Not Applicable.

Bio: Lachlan is a short, dark-haired man, with green eyes and delicate features. His shoulders are rounded and his movements are hesitant. He tends to wear baggy, shapeless clothing, black wifebeaters and cargo pants being his preference. He's transgender, and may appear to be a tomboy at first, because of it. He often gets mistaken for a girl, and it bothers him.

Lachlan is a human, who knows very little about the 'supernatural' universe, though living with Simon, he has more than an inkling of what's going on. He's a bartender, who's taking classes at the local community college. However, his passion is art, and he wants to write graphic novels for a living.

Lachlan is shy, sort of the 'strong and silent' type. He's not good with words. He has a very strong maternal instinct, and likes to help people who are in trouble; people who know him say he'd be a good shrink. He enjoys solitude, but is able to make friends and be around other people, if he needs to. He might have a knack for magic, if he tried it, and has been getting into Wicca lately.

Also, when are we starting?
lets go ahead and start on this i dont feel like makin another thread im kinda busy so i will let someone else start
The street was quiet, lit only by a flickering, yellow streetlamp. Simon paced outside a large and rather exclusive club, counting steps. Five to the left, pivot, five to the right. He counted every step. It gave him something to do.

He was waiting for his brother. Lachlan worked in the club; the Maenad, they called it. It was a club only for vampires. Lachlan was only working there because Simon had gotten him the job. He worried for his brother's safety sometimes, but it had to be done.

Two steps to the left, pivot, five to the right. Lachlan was taking far too long, and Simon was starting to get worried. Especially because of the scents around- the earthy, common smell of human, but also the icy, sickly sweetness of vampire, the crackling, ozone-like scent of magic, and a smoky smell he thought might be demon.
Quentin looked around and stretched the night was young and he was hungry as he looked around kicking his brother gently to wake him up.

Jessie jumped up and looked at his brother with a nexpression of wonder "Dude your a jerk" he said jokingly getting up "So whats on the agenda for tonight?" he asked curisoly

Quentin shrugged "No clue." he said simply
Simon approached the two young men and examined them critically, before turning to the blonde boy.

"Well met, friend," he said, eyes narrowing slightly. "...Quentin, wasn't it? I've heard of you. Your sire spoke highly of you."

He hoped that the boy would catch on to the slight 'vampire' cues he was giving off- not to mention his scent- and instruct the other boy to leave.
Quentin stopped dead in his tracks hate rising up out of his gut. "My sire? that man was terrible probably the devil himself if you ask me and i dont believe you and i have met?" he said seriously but politly. Jessie walked off he kept his distance but stayed within eye sight just in case things headed south he was already getting ready to conjure up his spells and seperate the two before something went wrong
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Forgive me, where are my manners?" Simon bowed his head.

Power, in vampire society, greatly depended on age. Simon had only been a vampire for eight years- barely a tick of the clock, as things went. But he'd learned that others of his kind took him more seriously if he acted much older than he was, and he could play the Victorian gentleman well enough to fool other young vampires.

"My name is Simon, Simon Laroux."
May sat on the front Steps of her porch. Her house laid into the town, She pushed her blonde hair out of her eye's. Bored as Always, she Twirled a mini Tornado in her palm. Even though it was rather late, she knew she was forbidden out this late. If anyone found out she would Be Severly punished. May grabbed her bookbag off the porch, and slowly walked on.

A few blocks or so, she stopped abruptly. All her sense's were on high alert. Two men were standing outside of a building. Both with a strong Vampire Scent.
Quentin smiled thinking back to the last time manners where shown to him. He nodded and took Simon's hand. "I am Quentin that one {he nodded towards Jessie} is my brother Jessie." he said smiling and shaking the mans hand

Jessie crouched in the shadows seeign a blonde girl in the distance he worked his way around her and quietly snuck behind her. he cleared his throat loudly so she knew he was there
(( Hey, this is my New account, I lost my old password. Maxine Ride))

May nearly jumped out of her skin. She spun herself around until she was facing a stranger. "Um, hello." She said, brushing her hair out of her eye's. Trying to look normal even though she was freaking out inside. Truth was she could smell his scent, quite stronge actually
its all good lol

Jessie looked at her "why are you watching them doll?" he asked smoothly running his spell book in his mind awaiting for her reaction
May stepped back. "I-I was.. Just uh. Out. I didn't mean any harm." She studdered. Fear washed over her. She began thinking of a way to escape. Quick and Easy.
Jessie threw his hand out "nos fra ta keao" he pronounced the girl rose from the ground and leavitatied in the air trapped "your lying what are you doing here?" he asked again his eyes turning a dark purple
May screamed out. Thinking lightly she screamed out. "Mara Tes De Levada!" The Arua around her dispersed. She hit the ground on her knee's. May turned and dashed away.
Jessie stunned and smiling took off after her "Hey wait a sec chick!" he screamed after her. he had no idead she was a sorceress he thought he was the only one around that could use magic he needed to talk to this girl
May ran at full speed, until she turned the corner and found herself at a dead end. "Please don't kill me!" She said, Backing herself against the wall.
Jessie stopped at the corner and grabbed his knees breathing heavy "relax...... I..... Just.... wan to talk..." he said
Jessie shook his head and conjured up his own made spell. a table two chairs and coffee appeared. "Please sit." he said politly taking a chair

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