

Elder Member

Discordia is finally out! The game disks are being distributed to stores all over just at the moment, and copies are being sent to the mailboxes of those who pre-ordered. Hundreds will check their mail today, and find a CD case labeled Discordia: the New World.People all over the country will rush outside in near-synchronization. No one's ever been more glad to see their post office truck.

But there were several faulty disks delivered. These disks are damaged, maybe hijacked, and certainly dangerous. The news asks all buyers of Discordia to be careful; these disks might completely crash your CPUs.

Then again, of course, there is one side-effect nobody saw coming.


Randell Dean was a bit sluggish to get out of bed. There was a kind of uplifted atmosphere, a feeling that something should happen today; but it wasn't anyone's birthday, and as far as he could tell there was no holiday on the 18th of February. Still hampered by sleep- and the late night he had spent last evening- he rolled out of bed, blinking and smoothing down his shirt. He stumbled to the bathroom, and only felt marginally better after splashing water on his face.

Thinking straighter now, he smelled bacon from the first floor. Breakfast would be ready soon... but, he still had some time. Randy strode back to his room and thumbed the power button on his small computer. Hearing the bleeps and blops coming from the speakers, he puzzled over what he had thought was so special about the day. Wasn't it just another slow Saturday?

The desktop loaded with the trademark Windows sound, and Randy didn't hesitate to scroll his cursor quickly to an icon labeled League of Legends. But before he clicked it, he paused.

In the silence, he faintly heard his mother yelling at his younger sister downstairs.

Then he leapt up. Of course! My God, how had he not remembered- He ran out of his room, pushing the door shut behind him, and slid down the stairs two at a time. Downstairs, he forced himself to nod amiably to his sister and mother, standing near a pile of broken glass where a vase had been the day before. Before they could respond, Randy quickly went outside and ran over to the mailbox.

Discordia was out that day.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Randy thumbed through the advertisements and business letters until he found- at the very bottom- a CD case, labeled with the Discordia logo. Grinning, he shut the mailbox and strode back to the house, reading the back of the case and ignoring the neighbor's barking dog.

When he went in the door, his mother was muttering furiously as she swept up shards of pottery, as his sister watched from behind, looking contrite. Although, while his mother was bent over, his sister reached over and plucked a strip of bacon off of the frying pan. She chewed it thoughtfully and waved at Randy.

Upstairs, he kicked at the disk ejection button, took a CD out and while struggling with the Discordia case. After a few strenuous moments, the plastic popped open and Randy slid the disk into the CPU with practiced ease.

The screen read, "Do you wish to open or save this file?"

He clicked save.

A loading bar ran agonizingly slowly under the gray pop-up, and when it eventually filled, something new appeared. His screen turned brown-ish gold, and an ornate border ran around the edges. There were dragons, and swords, and hammers, and trees and stormclouds and oases and potions all woven into the design, melding intricately. In the center, a prompt read in flowing script: What is your name?

Underneath, Randy thought for a moment before typing "Dean." It was what he used for other sites. Then he clicked the button that said Proceed to Discordia.

A rotating hourglass appeared over the prompt, which drew sand from one segment to the other, over, and over, and over....

And then, suddenly, there was a white-hot flash- Randy covered his eyes and staggered off his chair with a yelp- that blinded him for a few moments. Along with it came a loud sound not unlike a backfire from his CPU. When his eyes refocused, he saw an angry blue screen dominating his computer. Text scrolled through his vision. "WARNING- FATAL ERROR ENCOUNTERED. FATAL ERROR. PLEASE RE-" The screen spasmed black and white, then fuzzed over, then blinked out to an unmovable black before Randy could respond. Gaping aimlessly, he stood frozen for half a second before he bent down and hit the blank power button. When nothing happened, he hit it again. And again. And again.

Agitated, he grabbed a screwdriver from off a high shelf in his room and unscrewed the side of his CPU. A cloud of smoke plumed out from the metal, and Randy was set coughing. The inside of his computer was charred and twisted. He saw one part of the computer chip; it was bent and melted almost beyond recognition.

After a few seconds, just sitting there, Randy said, "Oh my God."

"What was that?" called a voice from downstairs.

"Nothing," he responded, dazed. "Just, my computer exploded."

There was a skeptical silence, then the sound of the sink running.

Randy stared. Sitting in the middle of the wreckage was the CD, somehow unharmed. It seemed to gloat at him, going, Haha! I killed your computer!
Jill and Ian had spent the night sleeping in their living room. They had each preordered a copy of Discordia and it was supposed to arrive in the mail today. The sound of a delivery truck woke Ian up and he hurried outside. He saw a man in a brown uniform carrying two small yellow envelops The man did not see Ian and put the envelops in the Adams family mailbox. After the man drove away, Ian excitly opened the mailbox and pulled out the packages. He opened the one addressed to him and the game box titled "Discordia" greeted him. Ian ran back inside to wake his sister up. "Jill! Jill! The games are here!" He yelled, shaking her awake. "The what?" Jill asked, half asleep. "Discordia." "Oh!" Jill sat straight up, her hair a mess. Ian handed Jill her copy and she smiled looking at the disk. "We should install the games on our computers seperatly so we don't cause it to glitch up in the process." Jill said, remembering when they had tried to installed another game on their computers at the same time. The game had taken forever to install and when it had finished installing, some files were currupted. Ian nodded, remembering the incident too. "I'm first!" Jill laughed and followed her brother up to his room. Ian turned on his computer and logged in. He opened the diskdrive and put the game disk inside. A window popped up asking Ian what he wanted to do and he chose to install. The install wizard screen popped up and Ian clicked the nessary buttons. He tapped the jeporady theme song with his finger on his mouse, which made Jill laugh. A new window loaded and asked Ian to type his name. He did so and clicked continue. The screen flashed a blinding white causing both siblings to yell with shock. The screen began flickering. "What is happening!?" Ian asked. "The computer has smoke coming out of it!" Jill yelled looking at the harddrive which was puffing out dark smoke. The harddrive exploded right before Jill and Ian's eyes. "What....why?" Ian said looking at the wreakage of his computer, "How is the disk still okay?" he asked, after noticing the game disk was unharmed.
Randy had to own up sooner or later. It was hard to hide an exploded computer in your bedroom for any extended period of time. When his mother came too close to opening his door, driving the vacuum cleaner back and forth, Randy darted up from his math homework and exclaimed, "Mom! Hey, uh, mom, I already cleaned my room." At his mother's skeptical glance, he grabbed the cleaner from her hands and said, "Here, I'll vacuum," and pushed his way into his room. Afterwards, he shut and locked the door, leaving his mother nonplussed outside.

He flopped onto his bed, letting the vacuum run. He'd have to tell his mother about the explosion sooner or later; and better she hear it from him than see it while he was at school or something. That gave him this weekend. But he shivered at the thought of telling the truth, just going up to her and saying, "Hey, mom, you know my computer? Well, it sorta exploded."

Randy pulled out his iPhone and sent a message to his closest friends, 'net friends and otherwise. "Hey guys" he wrote. "i cant do anything this weekend on the comp, my pc sorta exploded." As an afterthought, he added "sorry" and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

Eventually, he cleaned his room.

He spent the rest of the day trying to find things to do, and finding himself a bit lost without his computer (He wondered what that meant for his lifestyle.) He didn't dare leave home, lest his mother find out about his PC; so the sun straggled across the sky, and eventually went down, and Randy stayed home the whole of Saturday. The weary teen gave his ruined CPU one last look before stretching out on his bed to sleep.

Maybe I'll bring it up at church tomorrow, he thought, at confession, or something. "Dear father, please forgive me for exploding my PC." Yeah, that'll work out well.


Randy woke up, refreshed. Having nothing to do on Saturday he had gone to sleep relatively early, and woken up early as well. He stretched, feeling the sun on his face, and the birds from outside. Eh, he thought, not opening his eyes, I thought I closed the window.

He rolled to his right, fully planning to sit up on his bed, but was a bit surprised to find that he was facing a tree. He stared at the tree for a moment, before saying, "Why, hello, tree. What are you doing in my bedroom?"

Randy gave the tree a few moments to respond, but deciding it had nothing to say, he decided to go ahead and start being surprised. Where the crap was he? Standing up, using the tree for support, he examined his surroundings. He was most definitely not in his bedroom, but at the outskirts of a forest to his left. There was a large, open, dirt path to his right- certainly at least 20 feet wide- and on the other side of the pathway were a few more scraggly trees growing along a wooden fence. He saw cattle roaming the field beyond the fence, and a small building in the distance.

"Where the crap am I?" he said. He entertained for a moment the notion that his mother had discovered the computer and thrown him out of the house, but mentally waved the thought away. Of course not.

(If you look at the map, Randy, at the moment, is on the Pathway just north of the Remus forest and Celanon.)
Jill nervously attempted to install her copy of Discordia onto her computer but the same thing happened to her computer as it had done to her brother's. The two had told their mother what had happened and their mother had been furious. She called up the costumer service who told her that a few copies were faulty. Jill and Ian watched their mother call the person on the phone words she had never used before and heard her demand for a refund of the game and for them to pay for the damages to her childrens' computers. They went to bed early that night. Morning came, and Jill sat up yawning. She opened her eyes and saw trees everywhere. "Am I still asleep?" she wondered, looking around. She saw Ian sleeping in the leaves nearby. "Ian, wake up." she shook her brother awake. "Huh?" Ian said rubbing his eyes, "What the.... where are we?" "I have no idea..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Ian and Jill are in the middle of Remus Forest))
Kuro rolled out of his bed onto the floor and stood up to stretch. His lithe body shivered as he realized it was pretty chilly this morning and he was only wearing boxers. He shuffles over to his slippers with bunnies on them that some random girl had given to him when she confessed that she liked him a few months back. He pulls the blanket off the floor and wraps it around his body. He sits on the bed and tries to adjust to the light surrounding him and sneezes. He sniffles a bit and runs his finger across his nose. He sits quietly for a moment as he tries to wake up and then realizes that it's midafternoon and he missed another day of school. Not that it really mattered in this one room apartment (basically a shack in the backyard) that his Aunt and Uncle removed him to but he rather enjoyed the solitude compared to always worrying about his food being poisoned or when his aunt or uncle were being extra nice for no reason. There was always a reason for their kindness and that usually involved money or the state was coming by to make a visit. This usually involved him having to stay over at their house which was 100 yards away and playing 'perfect' family. He knows all too well that in 3 months he will be turning eighteen and that will probably signify his death so he never really got involved with any relationships. He gets up out of bed and goes to brush his teeth then spits out the toothpaste into the makeshift sink. *Man I really f***ing hate living like a dog* He takes some water and runs it through his jet black hair the bangs hinting the blood red color he recently dyed it to.

He steals a glance over at his laptop sitting on the bed. His aunt and uncle don't know he has it otherwise they would have confiscated it as their own. He packs up his things and heads over to his 'friend' Ken's house. Ken is the codename for some random chick that he hooked up with to get some money to live off of or pay for his cell phone bill which he uses to connect to the internet. The current Ken he is visiting is a tall red head chick with green eyes. She saw him on the subway recently and ended up taking him home for some, we will call it r&r. Either way he went home with over $300.00 in his pocket. Ken invites him into her apartment and they take a few hours to relax.

After relaxing with Ken, Kuro heads back to his place but decides to go walk the streets to spend some of his 'cash' when he stops by some Game Stop and sees some kids fighting outside of the door.

'Yo what the hell is your guys' problem? You know you are in public, right?' He looks over at them and sneers. *God gamers are f***ing ridiculous* He eyes the smaller kid and grabs the game they were fighting over.'What is so special about a damn game that you have to brawl like this in public'

Suddenly, a police officer shows up and starts arresting the kids while a woman is pointing at them and describing the incident to the other police officer. Which leaves Kuro holding a brand new game he didn't have to pay for. As the kids leave in the police car, he realizes that he still has the game in his hand and shrugs. Kuro decides not to spend his money and heads back to the house.

Waiting at the front gate was his uncle who sneered at him. 'Empty your pockets'

'Sh** you have got to be kidding me' as Kuro empties his pockets to keep from being beat to a near inch of his life by his uncle.

His uncles smiles leering at Kuro. 'It seems like you definitely got yourself another good friend. Thanks for the donation kid.'

Kuro walks past his uncle to his shack and plops down on the bed. *Man I swear that guy can smell when I have money on me*

Kuro lays down and feels a sharp jab in his back. 'Ouch!' He pulls whatever it was and then realizes it was that kid's game.

*Discordia* Kuro pulls out his laptop and tethers it to his phone. It seems like the game needs to run on the internet. He pops in the DVD and let's it run. The next thing you know the whole shack is flickering on and off like it is having a power surge. The game loads but it's a symbol of a skull laughing and then it disappears to show a brown scroll like map with all kinds of images intertwined around it's border. Boom. The lights shut off and the laptop starts flickering white and blue then black. Next thing you know his laptop is smoking and the DVD pops out.

'F***, you gotta be...Are you effing serious... I cannot...'he throws the laptop against the wall. *This game just broke my laptop....seriously....today is just not my effing day*
Evan Kaega opened up the box the mail man just dropped off. He put the new discordia game into his computer it was within seconds that his laptop caught on fire. "OH MY GOD!!!" Evan lived alone so he didn't worry about someone walking into his house. He immediately got the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. He dismantled his computer the disc seemingly unscratched. He threw the disc across the room. The clock read 12:00 noon. He walked out his room and opened the door to a different area. He was in a room with fancy gold accessories everywhere. "Ok this is new."
Kuro feels a blinding heat upon his body for a while now but is unable to wake himself up. *It's just a dream* He turns over and finds himself landing promptly on the ground. The first thing he notices is he can smell dirt. The second being that something is tickling his face. He opens his eyes to see that he is staring at fresh grass and sits up slowly rubbing the sleep from his eyes. *There is no way....* He looks around and sees a tree beside him. He looks up into the sky and notices that there is branches above him with leaves. The sun is beating down on his face from an angle which means it is still early morning. *Where the hell am I*? He stands up to brush the dirt off his body while doing so he notices that he is clad in some kind of brown tunic. *Okay this is seriously starting to creep me out* This has got to be a dream, right?* He pinches his face. 'OUCH!' He yells and birds fly out from the branches in above him. *That really hurt* Guess this isn't a dream but where the hell am I?*
Evan looked all around. The area was medieval looking that was for sure. He looked at him self. He was in a wolf's pelt vest and slacks. "Ok this is very wierd. Why am i here." He was frustrated. He found the nearest exit and walked out. He then found himself in a wheat field "What the hell is this place!!!!"
Randy scratched his head, looking out at the cows. "How did they even get me out here," he wondered, "without waking me up?"

He wandered away from the woods, crossing the path; he'd never seen this place before.... He hung over the fence, squinting at the farm in the distance. He guessed he should ask for directions from there.

"Hey, cows," he said, waving.

"Moo," they responded.

Randy nodded, knowingly, then made to climb over the fence. Just as soon as he hopped over, however, he heard a rustling from above; he held his hand over his eyes to shield from the sun as he examined the treetops. It was a teen, maybe a bit older than him. He was sleeping peacefully in the branches.

"Hello?" he called into the leaves. "Hello, up there," he said.

A cow mooed.

"Not you, cow," muttered Randy.
Kirei was sleeping in a random tree when he heard a voice from below.

"Hi" He said back without giving much thought to it.

He then looked straight up into the sky blankly.

"What's up?" He then turned toward the newcomer.
The Adam siblings stood up and looked around at their surrounding. "Jill, you are wearing leather armor!" Ian exclaimed, noticing his sister's outfit which consisted of a leather short sleeve shirt which cut above her chest, a leather skirt that was just above her knees, leather fingerless gloves, and leather boots. "You are too!" Jill pointed out, examining her brother's new outfit. He was wearing a tunic, a pair of pants, gloves, and boots, all leather. They each had a weapon. Ian had a broadsword and Jill had a bow and arrows. "How did this happen?" Jill asked aloud. Ian shook his head in shock. "Maybe we can find someone who can tell us what is happening. They started walking through the forest, hoping to find a way out and find some people.
Randy examined the person closer. He was wearing very out-of-date clothes- and by out-of-date he meant 1000 years out of style- with a brown leather top that looked like nothing more than a sheet wrapped around him with arm holes, a stiff-looking pair of pants, and sturdy but leaky-looking boots.

"Well," he replied, "You're in a tree, there's a bunch of cows, and I'm completely lost right now. Where am I?" He leaned against the fence, craning his head upward as he waited for an answer.
Looking around at his surroundings he realizes that he is in some clearing in the middle of the woods. *What is this...I am in the middle of an oasis? Crap if I leave here then I will be in the middle of the woods still lost to know where I am. I think I would rather stay here.* He sits on the ground with his back against the tree. *I wonder if my Aunt and Uncle probably killed me off and this is death.* He looks down at his feet and then pulls his arms around him.


Kuro blushes to himself.

*Man I am hungry* There's nothing but water here I wonder if it is fresh?* He gets up and walks over to the water. He looks into the clear liquid. He notices something shining at the bottom of the water in this case its a small spring pond. He looks closer, squinting to see what it is. While doing so he feels something pull at him tugging and as he is trying to resist he falls into the pond. Slowly he is being dragged toward the shining object at the bottom. He tries to swim and resist but realizes that he can still breathe. *What is this...magic?* He reaches the bottom of the pond where the object is.

'You are in Discordia, young adventurer.'

'I am in what?' he thinks back. 'You mean the game that blew up my laptop?'

'Yes, Kuro, it seems like you have had a rough life in your past but your future will depend on how you play in this life.'

Kuro looks around to see where the voice is coming from. He notices that the object is shining more when he hears the voice. He walks toward it.

'How do you know my name and who are you?'

'I am the magical essence of water bestowed upon only the greatest of heroes. You may call me Aoi-sama.'

'Wait you are a female?' Kuro slicks runs his fingers through his hair and tries to look presentable for her as he walks closer to the object in the ground.

Upon walking closer to the object he realizes that the object dims.

'Wait where are you going?' He says grabbing the object. He looks close at it. It's a vial that is wrapped with leather twine around the top. Inside lays a figure of a beautiful woman wrapped in blue silk like cloth. Around her is blue vines wrapped around her wrists and feet. Her hair is a dark blue black that spans the length of the tube and wraps around her hips like a blanket.

'I do not have much time, Kuro, you are my last hope. I will grant you the power of water if you will help me' Her voice is now a small whisper. 'I used to much power to pull you here. I wish you would not have fought me. If you need to use my essence please call my name and what you want to do with me. Until then please let me rest.'

The figure closes her eyes and suddenly Kuro realizes he is at the bottom of a spring fed pond and cannot breathe! He swims as fast as he can toward the surface and breathes in a quick breath of air. He had only swallowed a little bit of water but he realizes that its not volatile. He drinks some more and more. He starts laughing crazily.

'WATER!' he shouts and laughs. *God I was thirsty* He swims to the shore and gets out. His brown tunic is soaked. *What is this made of?* He examines it. *First of all I need the most stylish threads* I never even played a game before so what do I do to get new clothes?* He ponders for a while when he suddenly hears rustling behind him.

He looks behind him to see what it is to be caught off guard. It's more people! Two more people to be exact! He jumps into the tree to hide himself. Since he is naturally an observant type. He waits while he watches the two people. *Who are these kids? They look to be about my age? Oi, is that a real girl?* He drools a bit then wipes his mouth. *I look like some kind of perv when I say stuff like that.* He contemplates how to approach the people when he suddenly falls straight out of the tree landing on the girl.

'I am sorry, sorry, he looks at his hand then jumps off the girl, I didn't mean...to...er...I am not a perv...'
"I hear water up ahead." Jill says. "We should probally take a break and get something to drink." Ian nods, realizing how thirsty he is. They walk closer to the sorce of water when suddenly there is a rustling in the trees above and a boy, around their age, falls out of the tree and on top of Jill. She yelps out of shock and when the boy moves her brother helps her up. "Um, it...it's okay." Jill stutters, recovering from the surprise. Ian glares at the boy, "What the hell where you doing!?" he asked. Ian hated any guy besides him or their father talking to Jill. He was very protective of her, even though he was the younger one. "Ian, it was an accident." Jill said before turning back to the boy. "I'm sorry about my brother. He is very protective of me. I'm Jill and he's Ian." She smiled.
Kuro smiles at Jill and sneers at Ian. *This kid has a sister complex* He dusts himself off and does a gradiose move to kind of lighten the mood. He extends his hand out to Jill and bends down to one knee.

'My name is Kuro, it is very nice to meet you young lady.' He smiles up at her and then laughs.

'I am extremely sorry about falling on top of you, what happened was I slid up into the tree because I wanted to observe you guys.' He says as he stands up. 'Do you guys know where you are yet?' He smiles and then points to the vial he placed around his neck.

'This is Aoi-sama, she told me that we are in that game Discordia.' Not that it makes much sense to me since I never played a game before but she seems to have at least told me that much.' He leans his back against the tree.

'Do you guys know how to get better clothes in games?' He says accepting the fact that they are in some game like it was nothing. Which in fact normal people would probably be freaking out right about now.
Jill blushes slightly, feeling embarrassed by the boy's way of greeting her. "It's nice to met you too, Kuro." She says, taking a small step back. "What do you mean we are in Discordia?" Ian asked, still annoyed at Kuro, but wanting to know what the guy knew. "How can we be in a video game?" "Discordia blew up our computers." Jill said, looking at the vial around Kuro's neck. She saw a tiny woman with dark blue hair wrapping around her body and blue cloth covering her. She wondered if there were others like this small creature around. "Clothes?" Jill asked, "Well normally you'd have to go to a town to buy clothes in most games. Usually at a blacksmith, or a general store. Sometimes you could find some in chests placed randomly around the game.
"We should get some new clothes then! If we are in a game let's have some fun!" He grabs Jill's hand and pulls her toward the forest.

"There has got to be a way out."

He looks down at the sleeping figure inside the vial around his neck.

"I wonder if she knows how we can get out." He calls out her name.


Aoi-sama opens her eyes slowly. She takes her tiny hands and rubs her eyes. She looks up at his face.

"Kuro, Didn't I say I needed some rest?"

"You did but I found some people see....and we were wondering if you knew how to get to the nearest town."

Aoi-sama looks around Kuro and sees the people but only notices that Kuro's hand is grabbing the girl's hand.

"No way I am not helping you." She glares at the girl.

Kuro looks at Aoi-sama then at Jill then back to Aoi-sama.

"Are you jelly? You are jelly! So Aoi-Sama likes me?" Her face turns a bright pink color. He smiles and whispers so no-one can hear.

"Aoi-Sama is the prettiest girl I have ever seen even if you are tiny."

Aoi-Sama blushes. Everything surrounding the siblings and Kuro turns rosy and smells sweetly. Suddenly, everyone feels a thrust as they are blinded by a pink light. When their eyes adjust they are standing in the middle of a town square. Staring directly at a statue of some random person who neither of them have met.

"You are the best Aoi-Sama!" Kuro exclaims. "Now you can sleep if you would like." She smiles sweetly up at him and then falls asleep.

He looks at Jill and smiles brightly. "This is the most fun I have ever had my entire life!" He plops down on a bench and looks up at Ian.

"See Ian, it's handy to be of some use for girls, right?" He laughs and stands up to pat the him on the back. "I am sure your time will come soon enough."
"Huh?" Jill says as she is pulled by Kuro. Ian hurries behind them. Just as Ian catches up to them, he is surrounded by a pink mist. He closes his eyes and when he opens them again he finds him, Kuro, and Jill in the middle of a town. ,What are you talking about?" Ian asks Kuro. Jill looks around at the town excited, one of her favorite things about games where shopping in the towns.
Kuro suddenly realizes that he has no money to go shopping.

"Wait what kind of money can we even use here?"

He checks his tunic for a pocket and comes up empty.

"I never been in a game before." He looks to Jill and Ian. "What do we do now?"

He smiles at Ian not answering his question on purpose.
Ian glares at Kuro again. He really didn't like the guy so much but he could tell his sister was okay with him. He didn't want to leave her alone with him though. "Hm, maybe one of the shops could use some extra help." Jill said. Ian nods, "Yeah, we should look around for work." He starts walking towards the shops. Jill follows him.
Kuro smiles and follows Jill. His thoughts preoccupied with the fact that if he is alive inside of the game is this his real body or just his spirit. Then he wonders what happens if he dies in this game. All of these thoughts preoccupying his mind when they come to a shop. The outside looks like a tavern but the inside is also housing weapons. He looks over at Ian.

"I know you don't like me much but did the thought cross your mind that we may end up dying in this game?" He nods over to the weapons in front window.
Both Ian and Jill froze. Neither of them had thought of that. What WOULD happen if they were killed in the game? Would they be transported bck to their own world? Would they be revived in the game? Or would they really die? Jill shivered at the thought. "I don't know..." Ian stayed silent. She and Ian were both terrified at the thought.
Kuro sighs and the pats both of them on the back at the same time.

"Well we all will worry about that when the time comes, okay?" He winks at Jill and opens the doors wide.

"Just to let you guys know even if I never played a game before, I will definitely never let either one of you die."

The innkeeper turns to his patrons and smiles.

"Welcome to Border City, this is the Border City Inn & Weapons Shop"

Kuro looks over at the Innkeeper and smiles. He strolls over to the bar and asks in a low voice.

"Hey I am new here, how do I get some money?"

The Innkeeper laughs out loud and points over to a Bulletin Board on the wall.

"People post up jobs over there on that board. If you want to do a job, come talk to me so you can register for it. However, if you are just starting out don't do anything above a rank E mission."

The Innkeeper turns to another patron to help him.

Kuro looks to Ian and Jill.

"Did you guys hear that? Let's go over there and pick out an E-ranked mission"
Jill nodded and walks over to the bulletin board. Ian follows her over. "Hmm, there's a few E ranked missions." Jill says, "Which one should we take?"
Kuro ponders looking at the board.

"I am pretty new to this but if we are to gather mushrooms for this guy that seems kind of boring." He keeps looking at the board.

"Can any of us really do any kind of fighting? This one says if we gather a bunch of wolf pelts and turn them in we get 1,500 gold per piece." He points at the post. "I can fist fight really well but that doesn't mean that I am some kind of fighter." He folds his arms in front of him.

"Jill what do you normally play in a game like this?"

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