
"Normal?" Jill asked, still getting used to her new title. She looked at the wolf. "It looks like a dire wolf." Ian took out his sword and Jill readied her bow and arrow. "Kuro, you should get behind us. You don't have a weapon."
Kuro laughs and then says to the group. "Sorry force of habit to protect something even though I have no idea what I am doing." He laughs but suddenly everyone is protecting with a bubble and green light is glowing off and on on them. "Whoa... " He gets behind Ian but still tries his best to be in front of Jill without blocking her aim. "Even if I don't have a weapon, I won't let it get close to you Captain." He smiles and then notices that his ring is glowing faint green.
Jill laughs then aims at the wolf. She pulls back the arrow and lets in go. The wolf yelps and starts charging at Jill. Ian runs at the wolf and stabs it. It falls to the ground and Ian stabs it again through the heart. The wolf's legs twitch once before it lays motionless. Ian is able to put his sword away, after cleaning it off when another wolf howls. The bushes around the group russel and three wolves come out and surround the three.
"Well, if it was that easy to take out that one.... we should be able to handle three." Kuro laughs as he holds his hand up high and shouts "Protect Us!" More bubbles surround the three as green lights flash on and off on them. Kuro can't help but this this is kind of fun. He looks at Jill and shouts to her "You get the left, I will get the middle and Ian you get the right." Kuro takes off his shirt rips it quickly and bandages up his hands. "No time like the present as he runs toward the middle wolf to pound it to death."
Jill puts a new arrow on the bow and shoots it at the dire wolf on the left. It hits its shoulder. She shoots a few more arrows, the final one hitting it in the head. The wolf falls to the ground. Ian rushes to the right wolf to hit it on its side. He stabs the wolf in the side. Before it falls to the ground it bites Ian's arm, pulling off a chunk of his skin.
Kuro looks over at Ian as he pounded the middle one's head in.

"Hey kid are you okay?" He wipes the blood that was splattered all over his face and it smears.

He grabs Ian's arm and looks.

"Well did it hurt?"

"We can try to find out from this what could happen if we die in this game." Kuro says as he heals him and watches the flesh grow back.
"Ian!" Jill rushed to her brother's side. She was worried. "Yeah, it hurts..." Ian replied, letting Kuro heal his arm. He kicked the wolf laying motionless on the ground. "Thanks Kuro." Jill thanked him before turning to her brother. "Are you going to be okay?" Ian nodded, "I'm fine. It just hurt is all."
Sara wandered through the forest, confused. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her dorm, right after watching her laptop get fried. Stupid game. How was she going to do her homework now, if her laptop didn't work? If you ever figure out how to get back to school... she reminded herself. She sighed, and continued searching for the way out of the forest, for another person...maybe a few answers, if that wasn't too much to ask?

Her shirt was tied back at the hip, so that the loose fabric wouldn't get caught in anything. She had been so frustrated last night that she had gone t osleep without changing out of her clothes. The good part of that was that her casual clothes were fairly loose, so that she could pass as a bo in public, if she so desired. Unfortunatly, that wasn't so good when you were...wherever this was...and tying it had revealed a some of the few curves the slender girl had. She just hoped it didn't stretch the shirt out too much.

She turned her head suddenly, swearing that she heard something. Carefully, she walked towards the noise, slow and low, so that she could turn around and escape if it turned out to be something not-so-friendly. In the time since she'd woken up, a few things had begum to fall into place, but her brain wasn't yet ready to accept it in a way where she'd actually understand it. Still, her instincts tol;d her what to do.

(I'm going to try to skim the other pages, but it would be helpful if someone woulf fill me in on anything major that I need to know or might have misunderstood, just in case I don't get the chance before the library closes. :) )

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