Discordia OOC and Character Sheets


Elder Member

Welcome to Discordia, the most expansive, realistic, and immersive MMORPG ever released! Travel through a large and diverse world, battling monsters and enemies of every kind! Customize your character to your heart's content! Join clans, complete quests, and discover the secrets of the land of Discordia!

As you move to close the browser window, you sure hope this game lives up to the expectations it sets. It's the newest MMO out there, released for the first time a few days ago; and if the advertisements aren't lying, it's the best one you can get. You did pay perfectly good money for it, after all. Just before you hit the "close" button, you read it one more time- the most expansive, realistic and immersive MMORPG ever released, it claims.

As it turns out, it's right. The game, at first, is a bitter disappointment, and completely crashes your computer with a blinding flash; but when the players go to sleep that night, they don't wake up in the same place they laid down to rest... or, in fact, in the same world.

Welcome to Discordia.


Anyone is welcome to join! Your characters should be human, and they shouldn't have any special powers, but feel free to do whatever with your characters after you've entered the game. You can even start role playing as non-human characters you meet in Discordia. Also, after entering the game, you'll get this map:

View attachment 1791

(Huh. Spoiler tags aren't working.)

Discordia is meant to be a blatantly Fantasy RP. Every fantastic element you can think of, you'll find in this world. There's a spot at the top of the map called (not very creatively) the "tainted lands," where creatures run amok and you find chaos everywhere. Perfect place for adventuring. The tainted lands are growing every day, though, so
someone needs to figure out what's causing it and stop it before it takes over the entire world.... Hint hint....

The Western tainted lands are mountains, and the East, swamps.

All site rules apply, as well as one other. Try to stay true to the map, and the distances. It only marks the larger towns and landforms, though, so feel free to make random small places appear!

Character Skeleton:







Current characters/RPers

Jill Adams: Sage

Ian Adams: Sage

Randell Dean: Nivrad00

John Smith: Supsdg

Rei Raposa: WhitNoise

Kura: Slayette

Kerei Suda: Sungazer

This RP is inspired by the novel Discordia: The Eleventh Dimension by Dena K. Salmon, but it's completely original ('cept the title, of course.) I'm aware there's actually something called Discordia on the internet; but as far as I can tell it has nothing to do with it.

MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
Name: Jill Adams -Age: 17 -Appearance:
- Personality: Smart, loving, caring, protective of her brother, cheerful. -History: She got into gaming shortly after her brother let her play one of his video games. When the siblings heard of the new game coming out, they need that they had to each get a copy. -Other: none ---------------------------------------- -Name: Ian Adams - Age: 15 - Appearance:
- Personality: quiet, usually keeps to himself but will help those he cares about, indepenant - History: He was a gamer for as long as he could remember. He got his sister into gaming and now he plays games with her. When he and his sister learned of the new game, they knew they had to each buy a copy. -Other: He hates when boys talk to his sister
Sounds great. Feel free to add any ideas if you want something to happen to them in the game.

I know my last promise didn't work out great, but I'll post my characters tomorrow morning. AND THIS TIME I'LL REMEMBER TO SET MY ALARM CLOCK. HA.
Name: Randell Dean

Age: 16

Appearance: Randy is lean, but not skinny; has a long reach, but isn't tall. He has black hair, adding to the "average" look, but green eyes that always stand out. He used to have glasses, but replaced them for contacts. His skin is pale. He is rather limber and has dexterous fingers, has a watch and always has a baseball cap on, for not much of a reason except that it was his father's. He isn't the attractive sort, but you wouldn't pin him as a nerd on first sight.

Personality/history (I tend to combine these two even if I try not to): Randy lived casually and without strife in suburbia for much of his life, and is therefor rather easygoing and fun (and according to others, talks way too much). He tries to keep that image up, as he is greatly dependent on friends. However- and this, he is reluctant to admit- at least half of his friends he only know by username. He's an avid MMO'er.

Randy's a bit of an overachiever. Since elementary school, he had been coined as the "smart one" in his classes, or if the class didn't like him; "nerd." It was true, really. He spent a lot of time reading and on the computer- half of the time on League of Legends- and he's not planning on lessening his habits until college is over, either. He gets ridiculed about this often, but it's usually in good fun and he knows how to take jokes at his expense. He has little athletic ability (another reason for ridicule), but manages to get along.

Other: Mm... nope.
Name: John Smith

Age: 23


Personality: John tends to be cold and mysterious, and often ignores others in games. Just about the only time he interacts with others, is when he joins groups for dungeons, raids, etc. However, those are usually done with people he has known for many years. He has an unusual soft spot for "noobs", or low level / newer players. He likes to help beginners, though no-one knows why.

History: John started as a gamer at a young age, starting with Pacman. He also grew into MUDDs, and D20 based games. He quickly developed a love of delicately balancing his characters across their stats. He started studying math, so he could tweak his characters to do the most possible. He quickly grew to the top of the charts on many games, and quickly stormed the RPG and MMO scenes. He joined the professional scene, being known as the enigmatic "HailTheNoobs". When Discordia was released, he decided he would top the chart of the game so high no one could ever break the records he would make, and then retire. Apparently, the game had different plans.

He is a power gamer (read: He likes to make his characters OP)
Don't say that, sage! Your characters are fine! By the way, OP means overpowered. Power gamers calculate the highest damage/heals/health/etc that is possible and achieve it. I actually do power game in D&D, so I know how it works. Its not an excuse to godmod, I know the limits. Besides, as a fantasy setting, power gaming isn't quite the same :P


ei . aposa.



Rei Raposa




Rei…tends to fluctuate when it comes to personality. In reality, she is rather innocent—to the point that people think she needs medical attention because of how much it defies her age—and shy, almost resembling a small child in a way. However, when looking at her upbringing, this behavior is no surprise. When it comes to gaming, however, she likes to hide behind her character’s persona, often using the mask of a hero to overcome her shyness and associate with other people. She tends to use “Black Knight” as her screen name, because she looks up to knights as a symbol of bravery and courage {and how cool does Black Knight sound?!}, something which she strives to attain despite her timid nature {…even if she looks like a bit of a fool along the way}.


Growing up with the last name “Raposa” wasn’t exactly something that only played a small factor in a young Rei’s life. The multi-billion dollar organization, LUNA CORP., dealing in multiple fields in technology ranging from cars to phones, was owned by her father; Henri Raposa. Being the heiress of her father’s business, Rei was kept under close surveillance and protection, leading her to be isolated from the rest of world. She was taught to be shrewd and cunning in business from an early age, but isolation takes a toll on a person’s character more than teaching and luxuries. She grew up innocent and rather naïve, believing in whatever someone told her, as this was the way her father instructed her to behave with her guards; to listen attentively and obey. However, that didn’t mean that she had
no contact with the outside world. On the contrary, she had plenty. Her father had gifted her numerous sets of video games, and lived by an ‘ask-and-you-shall-receive’ lifestyle, so video games were never in shortage. She interacted with many players, and grew up believing that the world was like that, somewhere where one could just act like a hero and get through life, hence her ‘I-want-to-be-a-hero!’ persona. When her father caught word of Discordia’s release, he thought it might make a great early birthday present for his daughter…little did he realize that it would be anything but…


Rei has an infatuation with anything fox related, and keeps a small stuffed fox close to her at all times.


ACCEPTED, twenty times over!

Sorry, I'm getting more excited with every new person. First RP ever, and all.

All that put aside, welcome to RpNation, by the way! I'm both honored and very glad to meet you. Honored 'cus your first post was in here, although you're "4- Highly Experienced."

Why, thank you very much... I appreciate the warm welcome. owo Yes, I've had a lot of experience with other roleplaying sites, although I find RpNation to be the most difficult to navigate.

xD Glad my character got accepted, I didn't know whether you'd like her or not, so thanks for that, too. xD ;;

Name: Kuro

Age: 17


5'11", Jet black medium/short hair with red tips in the front of his silver eyes

Has an Athletic build is good at playing sports but tends to be a loner due to his family life.


egotistical, creative, musically inclined and artistic


Kuro was a typical spoiled child until the age of 7 when his parents were killed in an 'accident' no one knows the cause of the accident either. He was shipped to live with his Aunt and Uncle because they thought they could get control of his inheritance. However, because of the way his inheritance is held and the binding will of his parents Kuro is unable to know what his inheritance is until he turns 18. However, even if he does turn 18 it does not mean he will have a long life to live so far as the 'family' members are involved.

Kuro knows that his 'family' does not want him to be living with them. They only do so begrudgingly because they are the only family he has and the State checks up on him frequently.

Kuro decides to give gaming a try since after-school sports were not helping to relieve the tension he felt from his family life and school.


to be seen.....

View attachment 1962
Name: Kerei Suda

Age: 19


Personality: Appears to be apathetic, but enjoys singing and pocky

History: has no memories of his past

Has no memory of the past? As in he wakes up in Discordia but can't remember anything from his previous life?

If so, ACCEPTED. With 6 RPers I'm going to start the RP thread. Look out for it later today!

--- Merged Double Post ---

I think 3 characters will wake up in one place, and 4 will wake up somewhere else; 7 character in one group would make for a laggy RP. Near the beginning, an NPC should explain to them what happened. I guess I'll RP as that specific NPC for the time they're in the RP.

NPC means non-playable characters, by the way, in case someone doesn't know.
haha sungazer, the pic you are using for your character my friend is using in one of my rps. lol

--- Merged Double Post ---

ok i JUST noticed that my siblings characters had differnet last names. Fixed that lol
Name: Evan Nicholae Kaega


Appearance: View attachment 1988

Personality: Quick thinking, brave, talkative.

History: Evan has lived on his own for 1 year now. He's kind of a computer nerd. He does know, however, Tae Kwon Do.

Other: He tries to be a ladies man but has a severe case of foot in mouth-itis.


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