Discordia OOC and Character Sheets

Name: Sara "Sabel" Erikson

Age: 16


Personality: Kind of reserved. She can to be very friendly, and can be a bit bossy in a 'I know what's best for you' kind of way, though.

History: If you talked to anyone from her hometown to describe her, you might think the were talking about a completely different person. A while ago, she was a very bubbly, normal girl. After she got accepted into a boarding school, however, she changed drastically. She cut her hair short, and began to spend all her free time in her room on her computer. He grades even slipped slightly, until the headmistress warned her that she'd lose her scholarship if her grades weren't satisfactory. She refuses to talk about the fact that, shortly before the summer ended, she discovered her parents were gettign a divorce. It was during that time that she discovered gaming. It became her escape, because it gave her the chance to make an entirely different life for herself, in which she didn’t feel like everything was collapsing around her. Unfortunatly, certain aspects of her gaming have been leaking into her real life, even before she started playing Discordia…

Other: A few months ago, she started joining RPGs as a boy instead of a girl, going by the name Sabel, because it made her feel stronger. She doesn’t actually want to be a boy, but she sometimes pretends in real life, too, when she’s off campus, so that she can continue the charade she began with her gaming persona.

(I hope it's okay. I'd totally understand if you found her a bit wierd.)

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