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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Rel-Taren looks forward to the day Saimos dies an ignoble death.
she needs to be tempered still, if she is to survive the storm of steel with her body intact
Lizardman about to eat GOOD.

Anyhow, Pilgrim, how much of your posts would be known to the rest through comms? In general, what are you expecting us to do here?
Also, what erode said, I was planning to AT snipe at some of the Titans, or "paint" the leader for the rest to be aware of. But yeah, while they are good posts, instructions are not clear.
Aighto, posted anyways. Aeoun bait laid, and I'm going to use my powers to sacrifice Pursuance's reserves to bring back Durthai as a vegetable. Chest wounds aren't fatal, right? And medical tech should work out A-OK!
If he dies, he dies.

And once he does, I think what we should do is like, activate all our Resonances at once and just nuke the Duke.
Lizardman about to eat GOOD.

Anyhow, Pilgrim, how much of your posts would be known to the rest through comms? In general, what are you expecting us to do here?
Well, most of the chatter from Saber is broadcasted over open comms. So everyone should know what's going on at the moment.
I expect you all to do your part and go pew pew at the Titans. Results will follow with my next post. The Duke and their wingman are gonna recurring chars, so scale your fresh skillz from AICA vs. OP Titans accordingly.
Aighto, posted anyways. Aeoun bait laid, and I'm going to use my powers to sacrifice Pursuance's reserves to bring back Durthai as a vegetable. Chest wounds aren't fatal, right? And medical tech should work out A-OK!
Bring back Durthai as vegetable huh? Guess we're skipping a few chapters to get right into Zombie gameplay.
ok so surely we strap a bomb on Ein Sof and have it charge at Duke with its ult.
Bring back Durthai as vegetable huh? Guess we're skipping a few chapters to get right into Zombie gameplay.
Chest wounds are just blood loss hijinks. We can save her more easily than that loser Saimos, at least.

Also Pursuance has done nothing, so he may as well pump out his goddamn soul for this.

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