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Futuristic [DISCONTINUED] Astral Fulcrum OOC

Everyone else: Just one more post, do moar tings and just activate the panels to get all three guns online, and you're done! Yay! Or... are you?
Probably won't be posting this round, unless Sarina asks something on comms. Rel-Taren'll just be taking his Snickers break while watching the two parked MOBIUSes.
I'll be gone this weekend for vacation so I won't have access to a computer till I get back, though I assume Odessa will be on lookout duty.
Rel-Taren and Odessa trading quips via gunfire-morse code, while their squadmates go through the nightmare of solo-clearing rooms.
I'll be posting Monday my time, tomorrow's Father's Day. Also copped Armored Core VI, so a revised Mournful Vow is coming :D
Depending on how lazy I am, Liane will either be reading angsty poetry or busting out the Monster Hunter longsword moves
I'm just going to solo run this line I guess, wanna get this post out, plus other things to do today. Hopefully it makes for a good read.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Mind if I just have Sarina getting the map and just solo clears the battery? I was hoping for a post from the one of us that seemed to be going in, but that was over two weeks ago at this point. Might as well go "Big damn hero." and take the battery, maybe make an action movie scene out of it if my writing is up to snuff.

Also, if you grant my request, give me some canon swear words, lul.
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It might be worth doing another roll call or rearranging squads after this mission because rn they're feeling a bit uneven, player wise.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Mind if I just have Sarina getting the map and just solo clears the battery? I was hoping for a post from the one of us that seemed to be going in, but that was over two weeks ago at this point. Might as well go "Big damn hero." and take the battery, maybe make an action movie scene out of it if my writing is up to snuff.

Also, if you grant my request, give me some canon swear words, lul.
Yeah sure. Bekom the Solo-Piloting MC. I was hoping someone will pick up on supporting her. But oh well.

Feel free to make one up. Like "shaz" was Pleb's idea.
Nah, we got you, and in that case I might throw up some old ones I know of from what my PC is based off of face claim wise. Won't be till tomorrow though, then I try and put on a good act. She might take a bullet or two though. Don't want to super soldier/plot armor the whole thing flawlessly.
Nah, we got you, and in that case I might throw up some old ones I know of from what my PC is based off of face claim wise. Won't be till tomorrow though, then I try and put on a good act. She might take a bullet or two though. Don't want to super soldier/plot armor the whole thing flawlessly.
I appreciate the thought. Can't wait.
Also me: Super excited for someone to be wounded for the med-roleplay.
Hahaha, Rel-Taren wanted Pursuance to NPC-aid her and everything. Alas.
I would have liked this too, I could do that towards the end or what have you, though I've never been comfortable using the pc's of another. I'll leave it up to Pilgrim.

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