Diplomacy & Conflict


dem swamps doe
Application Below -

Letter You Chose:

Nation Name:

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:


Letter You Chose: a

Nation Name: The Kingdom of Lavia

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Primarily a trade nation, boasting a great multitude of ships and merchants, the average Lavian man answers to the King, but the King answers to the High Priest.

The King is the final judge to the laws, but the fair laws are what makes Lavia the proud kingdom. Firstly, if a minor crime is committed, the guilty will face a equally minor fee. Though in the case of a major crime, they will have to hold an audience with the King. The middle ground between minor and major crimes are decided by a local lord. Yet, the law themselves are not absolute, the High Priest holds the kingdom's power.

There are the Ten Great Gods in the Lavian lore, each with their time of prayer and devotion. The Ten have been said to send ten prophets into Lavia, predicting future events and major incidents. The occurrences are what the people pray for, as the gods have done the things in the past. For example, Yemi, the God of the Harvest, made the earth fruitful and blessed in his sent prophet. So will the people pray to Yemi, for a good autumn. The gods reside together in a majestic splendor and glory, high above in the clouds. Never quarreling, they watch over the world as one, though they are ten.

The last prophet of Nav, the Final God, speaks a day Bulara will split into two. Massive demons will arise from below. Then the Ten will descend from their place above and fight these demons. The world will be broken and torn, but the Ten will emerge victorious. A new Bulara will be made after, the Ten weaving the world into existence. Those alive and dead in the end will be judged. The wicked will be discarded and destroyed from the making of the new Bulara, while the righteous shall inhabit once again the world.

Lavia's military is fair. The preferred weapons are the long spear and shield, each able to stop horse charges and infantry advance. The navy, however, is Lavia's most prominent strength. The wooden boats, when deployed, would appear to span as far and wide as the very ocean they float upon.
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Letter You Chose: h

Nation Name: Burasland

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Religion: Everything has an essence to it. And that essence is to be respected. A priest is only used on special celebrations, such as the Harvest Festival, and the Long Night. The priest is usually the head of the community, but not always.

Culture/Politics: A very simplistic people. Their buildings usually have high peaked roofs and are rather low to the ground. The man of the house runs it, but the woman gets the food and manages trade. There is a council that dictates what the country will do, and so far they are leaning towards war.

Military: Their bows have an extremely long range and most people can't even draw it back all the way. Most of the soldiers use two handed weapons, but it isn't uncommon to see someone with a sword and shield. If a woman wishes to join the military, they are given equal footing with the men. They have an average navy, poor cavalry, and excellent infantry. Bulara.
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Letter You Chose: c

Nation Name: Holy Nicene Empire

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Highly religious with its laws and style dictating almost every aspect of the kingdom whether it is art, law or political agenda. Largely urban, its main attraction are ornate and enormous temples with large domes and the melodic hand mystical hymns resonating out of them every morning, noon and night. The people are officially considered equal under their beliefs with each having a place and say in the running of the empire wither farmer, merchant or soldier, though the priest the teachers of the faith hold true power due to their esteem among the populace. Similarly to Christianity, priest are meant to live simple and secluded lives in service to other though most are found to live very comfortable lives thanks to constant gift by the populace. Their religion is not based on any gods but gaining an understanding of life through meditation, chants, work and following of tenants that act as rules.

Official and permanent head of state or "emperor" is considered their prophet and nation founder Grivas, the position is symbolic as Grivas has been dead for over century. Government is surprisingly democratic, people elect priests from each district in the empire to become archbishops who come together in council every six months and make decision regarding the empire. Amongst them a Patriarch is chosen to act as ambassador and public face of the empire, he is normally confused by members of the other nations as the head of government but he is only as described "as a first amongst equals" and holds no more powers then other archbishop. In their law crimes are repaid through heavy labour and reeducation by their secretive religious police aka Inquisition, there methods are subject of a lot rumors and horror stories.

Their military focus is in its heavy cavalry known as crusaders who fight with lance and shield or short bow which are highly trained and fanatical with their bowmen able to shot accurately in full gallop. Their infantry is mix of lightly armed militia of zealots, and barbarian converts or mercenaries. The standard Nicene order of battle is that the infantry act as meat shield holding of the enemy and exposing weaknesses while the chivalry exploits those weakness. There navy is is below avarage just functional largely thanks to a crude short range flamethrower used in ship to ship combat, whose combustion chemical is a highly guarded secret. The weapon is highly dangerous, at can be boon or hindrance depending on the intelligence of the person who commands it or the intelligence of the person who facing against it.

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Beowulf said:
Letter You Chose: h
Nation Name:

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Religion: Everything has an essence to it. And that essence is to be respected. A priest is only used on special celebrations, such as the Harvest Festival, and the Long Night. The priest is usually the head of the community, but not always.

Culture/Politics: A very simplistic people. Their buildings usually have high peaked roofs and are rather low to the ground. The man of the house runs it, but the woman gets the food and manages trade. There is a council that dictates what the country will do, and so far they are leaning towards war.

Military: Their bows have an extremely long range and most people can't even draw it back all the way. Most of the soldiers use two handed weapons, but it isn't uncommon to see someone with a sword and shield. If a woman wishes to join the military, they are given equal footing with the men. They have an average navy, poor cavalry, and excellent infantry.
Accepted. :D


ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Letter You Chose: c
Nation Name: Holy Nicene Empire

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Highly religious with its laws and style dictating almost every aspect of the kingdom whether it is art, law or political agenda. Largely urban, its main attraction are ornate and enormous temples with large domes and the melodic hand mystical hymns resonating out of them every morning, noon and night. The people are officially considered equal under their beliefs with each having a place and say in the running of the empire wither farmer, merchant or soldier, though the priest the teachers of the faith hold true power due to their esteem among the populace. Similarly to Christianity, priest are meant to live simple and secluded lives in service to other though most are found to live very comfortable lives thanks to constant gift by the populace. Their religion is not based on any gods but gaining an understanding of life through meditation, chants, work and following of tenants that act as rules.

Official and permanent head of state or "emperor" is considered their prophet and nation founder Grivas, the position is symbolic as Grivas has been dead for over century. Government is surprisingly democratic, people elect priests from each district in the empire to become archbishops who come together in council every six months and make decision regarding the empire. Amongst them a Patriarch is chosen to act as ambassador and public face of the empire, he is normally confused by members of the other nations as the head of government but he is only as described "as a first amongst equals" and holds no more powers then other archbishop. In their law crimes are repaid through heavy labour and reeducation by their secretive religious police aka Inquisition, there methods are subject of a lot rumors and horror stories.

Their military focus is in its heavy cavalry known as crusaders who fight with lance and shield or short bow which are highly trained and fanatical with their bowmen able to shot accurately in full gallop. Their infantry is mix of lightly armed militia of zealots, and barbarian converts or mercenaries. The standard Nicene order of battle is that the infantry act as meat shield holding of the enemy and exposing weaknesses while the chivalry exploits those weakness. There navy is is below avarage just functional largely thanks to a crude short range flamethrower used in ship to ship combat, whose combustion chemical is a highly guarded secret. The weapon is highly dangerous, at can be boon or hindrance depending on the intelligence of the person who commands it or the intelligence of the person who facing against it.

Cool, cool! Accepted.
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Letter You Chose: b

Nation Name: Argo (main town of Argonia)

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/bagratuni-flag.png.a1836918df571fa5d1ff7fc45fd8be23.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/bagratuni-flag.png.a1836918df571fa5d1ff7fc45fd8be23.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Lay of the Land-

Argonia is a fairly large expanse of land stuck between one nation and the sea. most of the land is highly forested and painted over with rolling hills. The thickest parts of the Argonian forests have proven themselves to be dreadfully dangerous; home to many dangerous creatures, the most dangerous and most common is the Blackcat, a very deadly panther like creature. there are also many streams, lakes and rivers amongst the land making fresh water easy to find.

The Towns of Argonia-

Argonia is home to six towns; each is quite small but some have begun to prepare for war after learning of the intentions of Argo, a town that wishes to control the land as a whole, were made known to the rest. The people of Argo are the only townsfolk of the nation who call themselves Argonians; the other towns each have their own name. The five other towns are, Buckington, Greendale, Evinstead, sellfast, and Mell. (Argo is the town I am essentially playing, meaning I will be attacking the others with them, hopefully over time giving them control over all the land.)

The Town of Argo-

Argo is a small town in the northeast corner of Argonia (Currently, they hope to move closer to the coast eventually.) with high hopes of conquest. The town is only some 300 people in total; most of the townsfolk are, tree-cutters and miners, merchants, woodworkers (Argonian made furniture is some of the finest around.) and of course women and children. The architecture of the town is simple yet elegant, that is to say they are quite modest buildings but done with fine detailing, thanks to the woodworkers of course; they are made with a mixture of stone and wood.

The town is run by Sir Marcus Brent, once he was looked to more as a mayor but with the towns new found interest in expansion they have taken to calling him their king. The people of the town have given him complete control, his word is law. Despite his young age he is wise to the ways of a king and does quite well at pleasing his people and maintaining power and authority.

Not all of the towns people are practicing members of a religion, though most are, and they are for the majority of the same religion as there king. The religion has no name, nor the one God of it. They have two churches in the town both teaching the towns one main religion. Many of the towns laws abide with the ways of said religion but in a way that is only so far as to roughly dictate the most significant of right and wrong. A good example is that it is against the law to kill any man woman or child in the town, but there is no law that says anyone must attend the church services.

Argo has no navy as they are quite far from the sea; their army is small but don't be fooled, they are very efficient at what they do. Sir Marcus Brent leads them. They typically aim to attack at night in the darkness; the men carry a mix of weapons consisting of shortbows, crossbows, and swords. Their armor is leather and hide as they do not have any proficient blacksmiths at the present for the task. They do not look as rough as they sound, and are. In fact they are quite uniform all with matching attire and colors; they even bring a man to carry their banner during raids. They are known as The Kings Arm formally. Bulara.



  • bagratuni-flag.png
    91.6 KB · Views: 61
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Am I going to be the only "barbarian" nation? Well, that just makes it easier to unite it all under one banner.
[QUOTE="Chris Wyman]Letter You Chose: b
Nation Name: Argo (main town of Argonia)

A Banner. Not Mandatory:

View attachment 71204

Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Lay of the Land-

Argonia is a fairly large expanse of land stuck between one nation and the sea. most of the land is highly forested and painted over with rolling hills. The thickest parts of the Argonian forests have proven themselves to be dreadfully dangerous; home to many dangerous creatures, the most dangerous and most common is the Blackcat, a very deadly panther like creature. there are also many streams, lakes and rivers amongst the land making fresh water easy to find.

The Towns of Argonia-

Argonia is home to six towns; each is quite small but some have begun to prepare for war after learning of the intentions of Argo, a town that wishes to control the land as a whole, were made known to the rest. The people of Argo are the only townsfolk of the nation who call themselves Argonians; the other towns each have their own name. The five other towns are, Buckington, Greendale, Evinstead, sellfast, and Mell. (Argo is the town I am essentially playing, meaning I will be attacking the others with them, hopefully over time giving them control over all the land.)

The Town of Argo-

Argo is a small town in the northeast corner of Argonia (Currently, they hope to move closer to the coast eventually.) with high hopes of conquest. The town is only some 300 people in total; most of the townsfolk are, tree-cutters and miners, merchants, woodworkers (Argonian made furniture is some of the finest around.) and of course women and children. The architecture of the town is simple yet elegant, that is to say they are quite modest buildings but done with fine detailing, thanks to the woodworkers of course; they are made with a mixture of stone and wood.

The town is run by Sir Marcus Brent, once he was looked to more as a mayor but with the towns new found interest in expansion they have taken to calling him their king. The people of the town have given him complete control, his word is law. Despite his young age he is wise to the ways of a king and does quite well at pleasing his people and maintaining power and authority.

Not all of the towns people are practicing members of a religion, though most are, and they are for the majority of the same religion as there king. The religion has no name, nor the one God of it. They have two churches in the town both teaching the towns one main religion. Many of the towns laws abide with the ways of said religion but in a way that is only so far as to roughly dictate the most significant of right and wrong. A good example is that it is against the law to kill any man woman or child in the town, but there is no law that says anyone must attend the church services.

Argo has no navy as they are quite far from the sea; their army is small but don't be fooled, they are very efficient at what they do. Sir Marcus Brent leads them. They typically aim to attack at night in the darkness; the men carry a mix of weapons consisting of shortbows, crossbows, and swords. Their armor is leather and hide as they do not have any proficient blacksmiths at the present for the task. They do not look as rough as they sound, and are. In fact they are quite uniform all with matching attire and colors; they even bring a man to carry their banner during raids. They are known as The Kings Arm formally. Bulara.

Me likes. Accepted! 
Wooot. Halfway 'dere.
Letter You Chose: F

Nation Name: Zairuth (long u)

A Banner. Not Mandatory:


Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Culture: The country prides themselves in art. That is one of the things that helped them become a country, or at least a collection of tribes. Most of their people focus on their art, hunters even finding time in their daily life to make something. It is sort of a show of status that doesn't effect the person's actual status, the more intricate the art, the more honor.

Religion: They have the belief that each tribe leader is a son of a god, or chosen by their god to be the leader. Their Gods are based on emotions, not elements. Their gods are mainly male, but the calmer emotions are seen as being female. Each tribe has one shaman or witch doctor. Their jobs are too judge what the gods want, and to heal to some degree.

Military: Their military consists of hunters. Their largest tactic is to hide and ambush their foes. Because their tactics rely on their knowledge of the land, the offensive strength is not as good as their defensive strength. The warriors are mostly hunters, so bows are most often used.

Politics: They have a system of birth. Although there is a small chance to change your position, it is few and far between. The leaders are picked from the higher ranking of the tribes, mostly warriors, and they participate in challenges to become the leader, and to show they are the son of a god. To decide the shaman or witch doctor, men and woman are sent on a journey to find plants and other ingredients, and bring them back to the current shaman/witch doctor. Shaman or Witch Doctor are the only two jobs that both a man and woman can have. The one who finds the rarest or most useful becomes the new shaman/witch doctor. Those are the only actual fluctuations in the system, as a child is trained for his job from birth. Although the males lead the tribe, the woman have developed their own circle. While the men rule the outdoors, the women lead the indoors and other parts of the village. The woman meet almost as often as the men for their meetings, which control festivals and it is thought that they control the trade systems.

Terrain: Most of the terrain is swampy, and the people who live there wear clothes all over their bodies to keep the mosquitoes away, the material being thin so that they don't become too hot. Bulara
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darkev said:
Letter You Chose: F
Nation Name: Zairuth (long u)

A Banner. Not Mandatory:


Description - including culture, religion, military, political structure and anything else you feel necessary:

Culture: The country prides themselves in art. That is one of the things that helped them become a country, or at least a collection of tribes. Most of their people focus on their art, hunters even finding time in their daily life to make something. It is sort of a show of status that doesn't effect the person's actual status, the more intricate the art, the more honor.

Religion: They have the belief that each tribe leader is a son of a god, or chosen by their god to be the leader. Their Gods are based on emotions, not elements. Their gods are mainly male, but the calmer emotions are seen as being female. Each tribe has one shaman or witch doctor. Their jobs are too judge what the gods want, and to heal to some degree.

Military: Their military consists of hunters. Their largest tactic is to hide and ambush their foes. Because their tactics rely on their knowledge of the land, the offensive strength is not as good as their defensive strength. The warriors are mostly hunters, so bows are most often used.

Politics: They have a system of birth. Although there is a small chance to change your position, it is few and far between. The leaders are picked from the higher ranking of the tribes, mostly warriors, and they participate in challenges to become the leader, and to show they are the son of a god. To decide the shaman or witch doctor, men and woman are sent on a journey to find plants and other ingredients, and bring them back to the current shaman/witch doctor. Shaman or Witch Doctor are the only two jobs that both a man and woman can have. The one who finds the rarest or most useful becomes the new shaman/witch doctor. Those are the only actual fluctuations in the system, as a child is trained for his job from birth. Although the males lead the tribe, the woman have developed their own circle. While the men rule the outdoors, the women lead the indoors and other parts of the village. The woman meet almost as often as the men for their meetings, which control festivals and it is thought that they control the trade systems.

Terrain: Most of the terrain is swampy, and the people who live there wear clothes all over their bodies to keep the mosquitoes away, the material being thin so that they don't become too hot.

Why won't anybody pick the big barb nation? >.>
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You know, I did read the rules, but I took so long making my CS, I forgot to put it in... It's fixed now.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Well, I 'm Greek: we do not play as barbarians we call others that and make them become Greek.;-)
Haha. I did think about Romans and Barbarians when I made the map.

darkev said:
You know, I did read the rules, but I took so long making my CS, I forgot to put it in... It's fixed now.
Oh! Well, the application is coolie cool otherwise! :)

Letter You Chose:


Nation Name:


A Banner. Not Mandatory:



The Vocii are a barbaric tribe inhabiting a portion of the eastern coast of Bulara, right next to the Towering Yesti. Having a fierce independence and preferring to die in battle than giving up the freedom their forefathers gave them, the Vocii will do whatever is necessary to protect their land, their homes, their women and their future.


A part of the Vocii culture is influenced by their neighbor, the Zairuth, the appreciation and creation of art. The Vocii express the form of art in decorating swords, armor, helmets and shields. Combined with their warrior side, the Vocii are deadly and fierce warriors, and beautiful and elegant. Creative and merciless people.


Urakles, God of War and Power, is the dominant divine figure in the Vocii culture. They believe that the only way to gain entrance into the heavens is to prove it by clashing swords with the enemy and dying a glorious death in battle. The Vocii have other gods, such as Goddess Isura, the goddess of agriculture and nature, for those who the warrior part is not what their heart want.


The mountains in Vocii land allowed them to craft sharp and powerful swords and spears. Their military power is consisted mostly out of heavy melee infantry, equipped with iron armor and deadly swords or spears with oval harden wooden shields mixed with iron parts. The Vocii have cavalry too, but it is very weak, mostly used to scout ahead or kill routing men from battle. However, despite powerful infantry, the Vocii learned a lot from their neighbor, the Zairuth, including their ambushing tactics. But the Vocii are pathetic bowmen, unable to use the Zairuth style of ambush. Instead, they prefer a more brutal and closer approach while ambushing.


The Vocii have warchiefs, aided by the elders. A warchief is chosen by the people, depending on not his skill with the sword, but with the tongue. Most Vocii warchiefs were both warriors and bards and anyone can become a warchief. There is no noble blood within the Vocii. Every man is equal in their society, but on the battlefield, their skill with the swords is the only thing differing them when it comes to status. However, in society, the Vocii women are the only individuals having a rank in the Vocii society, depending on their duties. A woman duty in the Vocii is to take care of their husbands households, their children, the shrines and prepare for the festivals.


Excluding the mountains chain, the Vocii's terrain is composed out of dense and massive, endless forests.


NorbertM said:

Letter You Chose:


Nation Name:


A Banner. Not Mandatory:



The Vocii are a barbaric tribe inhabiting a portion of the eastern coast of Bulara, right next to the Towering Yesti. Having a fierce independence and preferring to die in battle than giving up the freedom their forefathers gave them, the Vocii will do whatever is necessary to protect their land, their homes, their women and their future.


A part of the Vocii culture is influenced by their neighbor, the Zairuth, the appreciation and creation of art. The Vocii express the form of art in decorating swords, armor, helmets and shields. Combined with their warrior side, the Vocii are deadly and fierce warriors, and beautiful and elegant. Creative and merciless people.


Urakles, God of War and Power, is the dominant divine figure in the Vocii culture. They believe that the only way to gain entrance into the heavens is to prove it by clashing swords with the enemy and dying a glorious death in battle. The Vocii have other gods, such as Goddess Isura, the goddess of agriculture and nature, for those who the warrior part is not what their heart want.


The mountains in Vocii land allowed them to craft sharp and powerful swords and spears. Their military power is consisted mostly out of heavy melee infantry, equipped with iron armor and deadly swords or spears with oval harden wooden shields mixed with iron parts. The Vocii have cavalry too, but it is very weak, mostly used to scout ahead or kill routing men from battle. However, despite powerful infantry, the Vocii learned a lot from their neighbor, the Zairuth, including their ambushing tactics. But the Vocii are pathetic bowmen, unable to use the Zairuth style of ambush. Instead, they prefer a more brutal and closer approach while ambushing.


The Vocii have warchiefs, aided by the elders. A warchief is chosen by the people, depending on not his skill with the sword, but with the tongue. Most Vocii warchiefs were both warriors and bards and anyone can become a warchief. There is no noble blood within the Vocii. Every man is equal in their society, but on the battlefield, their skill with the swords is the only thing differing them when it comes to status. However, in society, the Vocii women are the only individuals having a rank in the Vocii society, depending on their duties. A woman duty in the Vocii is to take care of their husbands households, their children, the shrines and prepare for the festivals.


Excluding the mountains chain, the Vocii's terrain is composed out of dense and massive, endless forests.


Preeetty! Accepted. 
Darn. The Holy Nicene Empire is huge. And so is the last barb nation.

Oh well. All to fall under the Lavian banner anyway. :bigsmile:
BigHippo8 said:
Preeetty! Accepted. 
Darn. The Holy Nicene Empire is huge. And so is the last barb nation.
Oh well. All to fall under the Lavian banner anyway. :bigsmile:
Of course its huge to house all the many faithful. The lavian banner will only remain let alone conquer , if it purges the heretics in its ranks. A service our grand crusaders and missionaries will gladly provide. Grivas be our guide!
BigHippo8 said:
Preeetty! Accepted. 
Darn. The Holy Nicene Empire is huge. And so is the last barb nation.
Oh well. All to fall under the Lavian banner anyway. :bigsmile:
The wolf who hunts alone will starve to death.
My confidence just fell through the ground.

Darnit guys. 
Also, we need one more person. Get your friends!
I'm looking at the map, and suddenly I began to wonder if it was a good idea to be the smallest nation next to the biggest barbarian nation.
Beowulf said:
I'm looking at the map, and suddenly I began to wonder if it was a good idea to be the smallest nation next to the biggest barbarian nation.
Diplomacy, my friend, diplomacy.
The biggest nation isn't even taken yet. >_> 
Need more one applicant guys. Seriously. Spam your friends. >_>

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