• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

sorrow made you

from the bottom of the dark, dark sea
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Click the banners below for more info!

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• I would usually say casual posting with detailed quality, but because there are so many academy roleplays out there, I am restricting this to

https://www.rpnation.com/threads/prefixes-list-updated.85194/#post-2430180Detailed Roleplay Standards

https://www.rpnation.com/threads/prefixes-list-updated.85194/#post-2430180 only, please. I am usually pretty relaxed in enforcing post length, but I will be looking for quality concepts for characters.

• Feel free to have more than one character, but try to have them be different ranks and different genders. I also don't want to see too many of the same personalities or background stories, despite most of the characters are going to be orphans. Not every person has the same experiences.

• Okay, so powers, I'm going to allow a little bit of overpowered-ness, so long as they are justified. Every power


have a flaw or weakness that goes beyond personality or moral disposition. If I don't feel the weakness is great enough compared to the power, I will ask for it to be edited.

• Human characters only. Sorry, but they're mutants, not beasts. Along with this, anime/illustrated pictures only. I will be enforcing this, because it sets the feel for the rp.

• I do require some ooc activity from all players. I want to get to know who I'm rping with. I like communicating with people! D;


(Please note that these rules are most likely going to be broken... often)

• Every student must attend classes Monday - Friday. Weekends are available for club activities, sports, and recreational activities.

• Curfew for students to return to their respective dorms is 8pm sharp. Anyone caught on the grounds after 8pm without specified permission will be given disciplinary action.

• Dorms are separated by gender. There are no co-ed, and boys are not allowed in girls dorms and vise versa. Also, teachers are not allowed in student dorms without a verified reason and students are not allowed in teacher dorms.

• No fighting other students on school grounds unless specified in the training room. All fighting should be monitored and made sure it is safe and fair.

• By no means should students leave school grounds without a chaperon and/or without permission.


I will be putting restrictions on powers so that we eliminate all of the magical ones. All powers must somehow be related to the self. They will be split into two different categories called




. If you have any questions about powers, please ask.


- Enhancements to the body, senses, or reflexes

- Manipulations of one's own body

- Chemical manipulations of chemicals found within one's body

- Atomic or Molecular manipulations to the body


- Enhancements to the brain, mind or mentality

- Manipulation of one's own mind or functions


○ CANNOT induce power on others (no power inducements, no brainwashing, no element manipulation or life stealing)

○ No dimension hopping or teleporting.

○ No, you can't control The Force.

○ In some way, shape, or form, science must be able to explain the power.

○ I would prefer no two people have the same power, and if too many people have similar powers, I'll ask for some to be changed.

(click on the bar below to see list)

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♚ | KING | Teachers+Staff

Headmaster: NPC

Subject/Adviser: open

Subject/Nurse: open

Subject/Counselor: open

Weapons Specialist/Teacher: taken

Physical Conditioning/Teacher: taken

Power Control/Teacher: taken

Subject/Teacher: open

♛ | QUEEN | S-Rank

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

♜ | ROOK | A-Rank

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

♝ | BISHOP | B-Rank

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

♞ | KNIGHT | C-Rank

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

♟ | PAWN | D-Rank/Unranked

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

Student: open

How to join!

If you're interested in joining and would like to reserve a spot, I would like to hear a pitch for your character first. I don't have a character sheet made up yet, however, you can still give me some information about your character. I want to be able to get an idea about your character before accepting the reserve. Here's some information you can post in this thread so we can discuss:

Character Name:

Student or Staff/Teacher:



Ideas about character background:




You can now find the rp here! −D⇡L⇣GENCE
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I need to learn how to hype train. OTL


[QUOTE="red dragon]wheres the CS

Uhm... I wrote at the bottom I don't have one yet. That's why I'm accepting reserves for now. xD ;;
Character Name:maria miles

Student or Staff/Teacher: student

Rank: A

Personality:shy, sweet, loving, caring, and protective of her friends

Ideas about character background: when maria was 9 her parents died but was raised by he grandmother knowing nothing about her parents so she desided to find every infomation about her parents.

Power: pyromancer

Strength: fire being with friends

Weakness:water ice and being shy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Akai.jpg.3b97c1e92728e5aad2ba5ac31e080911.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Akai.jpg.3b97c1e92728e5aad2ba5ac31e080911.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Akai.jpg
    67 KB · Views: 91
Maybe I should use Leo as an example. xD

Character Name: Leo De Luca

Student or Staff/Teacher: Weapons Specialist/Teacher

Rank: King

Personality: Stubborn, charming, perceptive, impulsive, quick-tempered

Ideas about character background: From a renowned family that refused to give up their kin, they often made deals with military and public officials to keep in good standings. Leo being the middle child out of seven, was the only one to show defining signs of being a metahuman. Though he was taken by the military for research, he was treated rather well considering his family and their prominence. Years worth of military service warranted him the ability to break his service if he accepted the offer of becoming a teacher at IGNITE Academy. And thus, he's here.

Power: Molecular Regeneration

Strength: Complete regeneration so long as a single cell molecule is still living. Cannot die of sickness and has pretty much stopped aging.

Weakness: Extreme cold slows down his molecules too much to regenerate. Perpetual drowning. Complete incineration or any means of destroying him on a molecular level with no remnants. Molecular disrupting devices prevent him from regenerating.



//grabby hands
I'm having to pause on DOM things for a bit. >_<;;

I'm starting to get into that slump where I have ideas but it won't come out of my head, or I'm getting stuck on things. So I need to take a break and regroup.

This is a good filler. xD ;;
*drools over coding*

*drools over academy role plays*

*drools over yuuki's role plays*

N-n-no ! ;w;

I can't join any more role plays.

I'm still so behind and gaaaah.

not now

do not tempt me satan

*flees the scene*

//hides mushroom behind back

Come baaaack!

Its k. I'm not sure how fast this would actually fill up. xD
@welian, military created academy to make mini super solders. Shenanigans commence.

Oh and there's an airborn mutagen that made most people mutants with hidden superpowers. Tah-dah~
@Yuuki of the Strata

Better put that in the first post. I know you want people to read everything you wrote, but you should also present some sort of very short description that's NOT hidden under an accordion so that people can see at a glance what the story is and if they'll be interested or not.

@The Fuzzy Pixel

You have no idea what you're doing. xD
@Yuuki of the Strata talking out my character now. x)

In all my years role playing, I can honestly say that I haven't been in a school or academy oriented role play. I generally avoid them, but I like the sci-fi element of this one and I love all of you. Here's to popping my academy rp cherry~

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