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Fandom Digimon: VC


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
The world as we know it is once more threatened. Recently, a huge solarstorm, larger than any seen before, erupted. It`s effects cause breeches ope in random spots. Breeches to the digital world.

Digimon began to come, blending with human society in a variety of manners. The best they could. Despite their attempts, they are seen as monsters. The reason? The digimon are violent, some times. And they didn`t come alone. A virus capable of affecting both human and digimon has begun to spread in the human world as well. The lucky become digimon themselves. The unlucky, well, let´s not tell the children about it...

An organization to restore peace has come and risen to step in against this problem. They seek to cooperate with dgimon to restore peace for both worlds. Would you like to join?

In recent years, there a huge growth in the usage of technology, especially of the internet. This connected to the very fabric of the universe, creating a form of cyberspace, the digital world. In it, living creatures began to take form: digimon (short for digital monsters).

Digimon have several stages, which amount to growth in Earth creatures. These digivolutions occur when a digimon achieves a certain amount of data within their body. This can be from a regular and metodic collecting of data from other digimon or from a spontaneous multiplication of the data.

There is also another form of digivolution, fueled by human emotion. These when properly channeled through a digivice will be translated as the number "2" in binary code. Given this number shouldn´t exist in binary code, it is what allows the conversion of data to matter and emotion to data. It also amounts to a huge amount of data, hence it`s power to make a digimon evolve.

img- an infection starmon


The nega infection is a disease with an unknown source from the digital world. All that it`s known is it`s symptoms. A digimon will reverse it`s colors and it`s personality and have a reversed sense of morale. The disease doesn`t seem to be curable and in fact it sometimes spreads even to those fighting it. Also, any digimon killed by or deeply wounded by and infected digimon will be become an infected digimon.

The decease has now begun to reach the human world. However, the effects are rather different. The infected humans become digimon, bent on destruction and with their will and reason utterly gone.
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Lore: The invasion.

Summary-The story of how digimon came to the human world And it's reaction.

The day was great. For a summer day, that is. It was hot as heck, the hottest day in decades, maybe centuries. Everyone was enjoying their sweet time, when a large noise suddenly came out of nowhere. It sounded like a tv tuned on a dead channel.

In the southeastern district, a commotion began as the gateways began appearing. Like digital miss, they began to cover everything. And so they began appearing. Creatures of all shapes and sizes and colours, raging into the world and attacking everything on sight. Survivors on that area where covered in the moss, but blue instead of green. The area was sealed off quickly. It wasn't long before people started to be introduced to the reality of the digital world, even as portals opened up everywhere brining the virus and the mosses along with the digimon.

The infected people became raging themsleves. Some turned blue and started acting like zombies. Others were slowly transforming into the very monsters that attacked them.

There were a few sane digimon around, butt the world wasn't ready to accept it. If not for some animal right's activists and some peace-loving organisations, the hunt on digimon would have been even more intense.

Today, the portals seem to be calming down, appearing only on more damaged areas. Reconstruction has begun, and some people have even begun working alongside digimon, but only behind the eyes of the public. From food stands to military organizations, the worlds are coming closer...but will they merge or die in the clash?
Lore: Tamer

Summary- An example story of how a tamer found his digimon.

Alex fought his way through the crowd. What was happening? He knew something was off, otherwise the station would be moving. But everyone was just staring at the screens. Suddenly, his phone rang.

"Yeah?" he asked. His eyes widened in shock. His father was missing in an area that was being sealed off. "I'll be home right away."

He ran to buy his ticket, but it wasn't a ticket home: he was gonna find his dad. He took out his phone, he needed a favor.

As he arrived on the spot, he saw the police cars spread all around. He took out a can of coke and threw it in the air, as that was the signal they had agreed to do.

A group of gangsters appeared screaming and running around, taking the police's attention. Alex thanked his luck Kasumi owned him a favor, and that he was the son of one if the big shots in the back streets. Taking a deep breath, Alex rushed in.

They weren't kidding. The place looked like a brocule milkshake had exploded in every inch of the district. In a corner, Michel found something rather curious. An egg of strange colours. That's when someone appeared. His dad.

The mass was covered in this blue moss, head to tie, except some parts of the face.

"Dad? " Alex inquired. The man looked at him with hate and roared. Out of fear and instict, Alex covered the egg with his body.

In Alex's pocket, there was a glowing light. His dad took a step back, and then run off. Alex turn and saw the man seeming to melt into this giant purple puke with large sharp teeth as he escaped. A tear fell down from his face as he turned to the egg, only be nearly blinded by it's light. There was a green creature in his hands, seeming like some living soap with a pacifier. Before Alex could comment and scream, he steps strps next to him. There was a girl in a fancy pink dress standing next to him, reaching out with her hand to help him up.

"You're a tamer too, huh?"

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Lore: Infected

"This is just gonna hurt a little." The nurse lied. Kamizuki screamed off the top of his lungs as they pierced onto the blue moss. Or rather attempted to. It wasn't working.

"That's all for today. We'll isolate him for now and see if we get anywhere tomorrow." The doctor said. TheY pulled out the instruments and closed the curtains behind them. Kamizuki could hear the automatic doors closing. He wondered what was gonna happen to him as drifted drofted into sleep.

He woke up in the dark. Not the city's morning dark, but complete and utter darkness. Even his memory was fuzzy. Suddenly, he saw a crack of light ahead, quite litterally. Then a burst of it.

Suddenly, he could feel his body again. Mostly. He couldn't move his arms or legs for some reason. He tried to walk, but ended up jumping in place. Looking around, he saw himself to be lying right in front of the back of a McDonald's, outside, not in the hospital.

"What's going on?" He inquired in a high pitched voice...wait a second. That wasn't his voice! He was begging to panic, jumping around and then he saw it. His reflection: A yellow head with three pertuberances. He screamed.

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Lore: Cure

"Don´t worry, they`ll find a way to treat you." Mom said. I wished she was right. But the moss kept growing, and the doctors didn`t seem able to stop it. What should I do? I heard a knock. "I guess it`s time for me to go. Bye dear, good luck."

"It`s time for your check-up actually." The nurse commented, approaching. She stared at me for a moment, then at my sorum bag. She had a replacement one in her hands and traded them. She then stared at me. I didn`t know why, she just kept staring. That`s when a bunch of other doctors began entering the room, with cirugical material.

"What`s go..." I began, unfinishing. My head was hit by a sudden and giant ache, and my lips felt heavy. My whole body was going numb and my sight dizzy. I could hear rumbling as everything faded...

"How are you feeling?" the doctor told me as I woke up.

"I don`t know." I replied, still sleepy and unsure. "What did you do?"

"Your parents agreed to this experimental procedure. A sort of vaccine for your decease." The doctor gazed over something and my eyes followed, widening. My arm was healed! No, my entire body was! The doctor smiled. "Glad you liked it. However, the vaccine redirects the decease to make it benefiitial, rather than wiping it. So, we need you. The vaccine`s price is that."

"Need me for what?"

"You`ll understand soon. First, take this." The doctor handed me a weird divice of sorts. I loo inquisitively at him. "Can you say "Bio-Hybrid DNA, fresh level?" for me? Press this button as you do it."

"Is this a joke?"

"Were you healed by a joke?"

I sighed and pressed the button,

"Bio-hybrid DNA, fresh level!" I said. I saw suddenly a flash of light before my eyes. Suddenly my body felt...different. I looked at the doctor. "What happened?"

My voice was different. A lot thinner. I realized I could feel body parts I never felt before and the doctor seem thrice as tall now.

"It`s time we explained a bit more..." he told me.

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