Digimon: VC [reboot] (open)


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Alright, questions, complaints and other comments all go here! Do remember to make sure you understand the rules before posting your characters. I´ll begin the tagging now... The thread is not yet completed (we still need the locations and the neutral characters tab...) , but you can start working on your characters! Remember to be clear and concrete in the making of your characters and marking them as [WIP] while you´re not finished.

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@Zy That Guy , armor evolution is an intermediary state of evolution unlocked OOC by a given number of posts like any other and IC by overcoming a given flaw or struggle relating to your personality. They have power intermediary between the forms above and below them (armor one is between rookie and champion and armor 2 is between champion and ultimate). To pick your armor, you can pick an actual armor digimon or you can pic any digimon from either of the two levels it is in between.

Any questions?
So I hate to be /that guy/ and pull something like this but, as I said in the interest message, my week is hectic and I probably can't start on my character until Sunday.

Sorry about that!
ridermiyo said:
So I hate to be /that guy/ and pull something like this but, as I said in the interest message, my week is hectic and I probably can't start on my character until Sunday.
Sorry about that!
that´s fine. The RP will likely either start tomorrow or on wednesday next week (the later most likely), so as long as you are ok with people starting without you at first... you´re fine.
Dear god, I don't actually know the evolution line to my digimon as it was never really said anywhere.

I don't if anyone has heard of him but it is sorcermon and I only ever saw him in digimon frontier
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ChoasMaker said:
Dear god, I don't actually know the evolution line to my digimon as it was never really said anywhere.
I don't if anyone has heard of him but it is sorcermon and I only ever saw him in digimon frontier
There is no need to know the evolution line since custom lines are allowed
Oh my god, my tabs were messed up for some reason and I had all of the forms and stuff done but when I went to fix the tabs I deleted everyone but one word and it saved that way!
ChoasMaker said:
Oh my god, my tabs were messed up for some reason and I had all of the forms and stuff done but when I went to fix the tabs I deleted everyone but one word and it saved that way!
that´s annoying
ChoasMaker said:
Alright sort of fixed it, just need to fill in the personality. Would you look it over to tell me if I need to change any of the attacks?
I have done so. Do you need help with coding?
Idea said:
I have done so. Do you need help with coding?
Take a look at it I don't know what went wrong with it. I have the basic

[tabs][tab= ][/tab][/tabs]

if you can fix it I would be grateful
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Penance said:
I'll make a human one once I get the digimon one situated

also, for @Penance and @ChoasMaker your digimon could I ask you that you changed the origin of your digimon to the human world (as in, they were infected human who turned to digimon from the infection)? This is because the digital world is gonna be lore-heavy, and I don´t want contradictions. Alternatively, you could try to suck in the lore yourselves. That includes keeping up to date with everything I put on the other tabs and possible frequent changes to posts to accommodate the lore mistakes. Or, third option, you can add a bio for your characters and within that bio, come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they are so unfamiliar. I will hold high standards in terms of creative thinking for the third option, though.
Idea said:
also, for @Penance and @ChoasMaker your digimon could I ask you that you changed the origin of your digimon to the human world (as in, they were infected human who turned to digimon from the infection)? This is because the digital world is gonna be lore-heavy, and I don´t want contradictions. Alternatively, you could try to suck in the lore yourselves. That includes keeping up to date with everything I put on the other tabs and possible frequent changes to posts to accommodate the lore mistakes. Or, third option, you can add a bio for your characters and within that bio, come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they are so unfamiliar. I will hold high standards in terms of creative thinking for the third option, though.
I will change mine to an infected human, and I fixed the other things you pointed out.
Idea said:
also, for @Penance and @ChoasMaker your digimon could I ask you that you changed the origin of your digimon to the human world (as in, they were infected human who turned to digimon from the infection)? This is because the digital world is gonna be lore-heavy, and I don´t want contradictions. Alternatively, you could try to suck in the lore yourselves. That includes keeping up to date with everything I put on the other tabs and possible frequent changes to posts to accommodate the lore mistakes. Or, third option, you can add a bio for your characters and within that bio, come up with a reasonable explanation as to why they are so unfamiliar. I will hold high standards in terms of creative thinking for the third option, though.
Gonna go with the easy option and make him infected human

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