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Fandom Digimon Story: Code of Reality ~Reformation: Altered Code~ (Main)


The Explorer

Philippians 4:13
(The Main Thread for the Story RP described here:

Just Post the required OC and Digimon Info in the Characters Thread. Rules are in the OOC as well. Other is for important info as well.

As soon as you make your Character go to the V-Pet to find your Digitama(s) in order for you to raise them. They will hatch as soon as you post that you made the Digimon and OC in the Character's Thread and in OOC. Though give me some time to read your posts and setup the V-Pet.)
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Cole was excited, he had his own Digimon, but the Digimon wouldn't seem to listen to him. Still he sent out boxes all across the world, and in said Boxes were the Fixed Reality Watches, along with the App he made, it would allow for the Digimon in the Virtual Pet App to be realized into a physical form.

He strapped his watch to his wrist and pressed the "Realization" button, and Sukkutomon appeared before him. His project was a complete success.

All across the world people who downloaded the App would have their Digimon become realized.

"Hmph!" Sukkutomon spoke.

"You didn't want to eat, or train. Are you sure you're going to be fine, Sukkutomon?"

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll manage on my own." Sukkotomon hopped his way to the door and sat there.

"On your own, huh?" Cole smirked a bit.

After that, he posted on the Digimon Forum, "Come one, come all, It is I! The Digimaniac! If you think you can handle it, I have a challenge! Welcome to the first Digimania Trivia Session! It is elementary really, you must simply go to the location described in the three hints. The first hint is it is a place where Guilmon's Favorite food is made. The Second hint is it it is in a place where Sakura is a tree. The third and final hint is it is in a district well known as a holy ground for anime. Make it there first and snag a wonderful prize!"

After that, Cole took Sukkutomon and waited for a reply to the post, to see if anyone would accept his challenge.

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