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Fandom Digimon SparK (Character Sheet)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
▬▬▬{Tamer Template}▬▬▬
──────「Personal Info」──────
• Name ➜
• Age ➜
• Gender ➜
• Sexuality (Optional) ➜
• Nationality ➜
• Birthdate ➜ M/D/20XX
• Evolution Line ➜
Baby / Baby I / In-Training I →
Baby II / In-Training / In-Training II →
Child / Rookie →
Adult / Champion →
Perfect / Ultimate →
Ultimate / Mega →
• Personality ➜
• Digivice Color and Charm➜
• DNA, Bio Merge, or Burst Mode? ➜
• Description (Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Height, Weight, etc.) ➜
• Faceclaim (Optional) ➜
────「Goods & Gear」────
• Clothes ➜
• Other Utilities ➜
─────「Quirks & Traits」─────
• Likes ➜
• Dislikes ➜
• Fatal Flaw ➜
• Fears and Phobias ➜
• Habits & Hobbies ➜
• Natural Strengths & Skills ➜
• Natural Weaknesses & Flaws ➜
• Personality ➜
──────「Character Background」──────
• Backstory ➜

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:alien:──────「Personal Info」──────:alien:
• Name ➜
Haru Jyun Takashi.
• Age ➜Sixteen.
• Gender ➜ Male.
• Sexuality (Optional) ➜ Bisexual.
• Nationality ➜ Japanese.
• Birthdate ➜ 04/15/20XX.
• Evolution Line ➜
Baby / Baby I / In-Training I →
Baby II / In-Training / In-Training II → Gummymon.
Child / Rookie → Terriermon X.
Adult / Champion → Galgomon.
Perfect / Ultimate → Rapidmon.
Ultimate / Mega → SaintGalgomon.
• Personality ➜ Terriermon is loudmouthed, sarcastic and a jokester. He's hardheaded and fiercely loyal to Haru, they've only known each other for a while but he would literally die protecting Haru. He tends to get amused when Haru talks about aliens and occult stuff, causing him to get smug when he debates with he boy about realism and not his fantasy world. He tends to think his tamer is broken and sighs at his antics.
• Digivice Color and Charm➜ Aqua with this charm.
• DNA, Bio Merge, or Burst Mode? ➜ Bio Merge


• Description➜ Haru is a red-head and proud. He's got green eyes and stands at about 5 foot 6 inches. He's lanky and not exactly too muscular. His skin is creamy and it doesn't look like he's hit too much sunlight, which is reasonable seeing as he spends his free-time hold up in his room on the computer. His weight is about 150 pounds, he's not exactly chubby but not skinny either, there is a bit of baby chub there.
• Faceclaim (Optional) ➜ Leo Tsukinaga - Ensemble Stars
:alien:────「Goods & Gear」────:alien:
• Clothes ➜ Casual | Formal | Digital World Outfit
• Other Utilities ➜ A backpack, A Swiss Army Knife, A Water Bottle, First Aid-Kit
:alien:─────「Quirks & Traits」─────:alien:
• Likes ➜ The Occult, Aliens, Science, Nature, School, Books, Mythology and Theories.
• Dislikes ➜ Bitter Coffee, Assholes, Nature Destroyers, Arrogance.
• Fatal Flaw ➜ Loyalty, his loyalty will get him harmed or hurt one day.
• Fears and Phobias ➜ Astraphobia- Fear of Thunderstorms, Acrophobia- Fear of Heights
• Habits & Hobbies ➜ Drawing, Reading, Chewing his fingernails, Gardening, Studying
• Natural Strengths & Skills ➜ Haru is a logical thinker, he's smart when it comes to planning out how a situation will go. You can count on him to get you out of a sticky situation. His skill in drawing is his best skill, especially since he wants to become an artist.
• Natural Weaknesses & Flaws ➜ He's too overly excited, lazy and too trusting.
• Personality ➜
he's a seventeen-year-old nerd who loves aliens, the occult and anything strange. He's got an insatiable curiosity and it usually leads him into trouble. He loves science, space, and plants. He's usually seen on a computer or with his nose in the latest fantasy novel or manga.
He's a good kid, who always wants to do things that are right, he's not a troublemaker in the slightest. He's got a sharp tongue with less tact and more sarcasm. He would probably see his duty to protect the digital world as a serious one, that doesn't mean he won't have fun in the process.
If he were to be sorted into a Hogwarts house he would probably be Ravenclaw. Due to his intelligence, quick wit and curiosity. Though he also leans kind of on the Gryffindor side as well.

:alien:──────「Character Background」──────:alien:
• Backstory ➜

Life was always pretty good for Haru since his birth. His parents were well to do business owners, he never really had a rough day in his life. He grew up in a medium house in Canada, all his family lived in one house. His grandparents, his two sisters, parents and himself. It was a kind of communal household, stemmed from old traditions, the family lived together and raised the children together, chores were distributed to each member. So Haru grew up with a sense of responsibility and was caught that family was important.
In school, he was the weird kid that believed aliens were real and he was considered a complete nerd. He stuck to books, both comic and plain text. He has always been a curious person, and that ended up with him getting into sticky situations. When it came to his grades he was always excelling in science, English he wasn't that great at. He wasn't entirely sure why Japanese kids had to learn the language. His parents assured him that all academics were important so he should just go with it. He eventually got old enough to help around his parent's general shop. He'd make deliveries and stock the shelves.

His mind didn't skirt off his fantasies as he got older. He was always interested in the occult and odd things interested him. He often became the brunt of jokes at school but it didn't bother him. His parents started pressuring him to study harder if he wanted to get into a good high school. So when he wasn't helping around the shop he was in crunch time, He was always seen with his books and a tired expression on his face, he was determined to make his parents proud.

Soon came high school entrance exams and he managed to make the third-highest place, much to the excitement of his parents. They really weren't the type of parents to be upset if he didn't make the first spot. He made plenty of friends in his new high school and he was well on his way to his dream job of being a scientist. He just had to make it through high school and get into the college of his dreams.

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  • ──────「Personal Info」──────
    • Name ➜ Noah Asher Sigma
    • Age ➜ 16
    • Gender ➜ Male
    • Sexuality (Optional) ➜ Gay / Homosexual
    • Nationality ➜ Canadian
    • Birthdate ➜ February 16th
    • Themes (Custom) ➜ Coming Soon



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──────「Personal Info」──────

• Name ➜ Koma Dakeshi

• Age ➜ Sixteen

• Gender ➜ Male

• Sexuality (Optional) ➜ Bisexual

• Nationality ➜ Weeb/Japanese

• Birthdate ➜ 07/15/20XX


• Evolution Line ➜

//Basic Guilmon Line//

Baby / Baby I / In-Training I → Punimon

Baby II / In-Training / In-Training II → PetiMeramon

Child / Rookie → Guilmon

Adult / Champion → Growlmon

Perfect / Ultimate → MegaloGrowmon

Ultimate / Mega → Gallantmon

• Personality ➜ Unlike some of those that came before him, this Guilmon is a decently chill person. He's never really that quick to anger unless you press his buttons just right, and he's basically 90% of his partner's impulse control/voice of reason. Guilmon's a reliable partner and friend, and Koma is pretty lucky to have him in all honesty.

• Digivice Color and Charm➜ Purple.

• DNA, Bio Merge, or Burst Mode? ➜ Biomerge, activate!


• Description (Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Height, Weight, etc.) ➜ Koma stands at a somewhat average 5'7, with blue eyes that seem to shine brightly outwards despite their shade of blue being rather dark. His light brown hair falls messily into place most of the time, being a natural bedhead and being damn good at it. The teen's also white as fuck, and weighs about 131lbs.

• Faceclaim (Optional) ➜

────「Goods & Gear」────

• Clothes ➜ Koma normally sports a simple purple jacket, with insignias of pink and blue skulls on the elbows, shoulders, and center of the torso, both front and back. A beaten looking strap of leather ties the jacket to his waist, and he wears basic jeans along with this.

Koma's super casual outfit consists of a white t-shirt with the word 'Kashi' inscribed on the back of the shirt in black kanjii, and basic purple basketball shorts. What is this Kashi? No one seems to know.

Sometimes, if he's feeling extra homosexual energy on any given day, he'll put on a green or a purple crop top.

Whatever he wears, though, he always keeps his green striped scarf on. Why? It doesn't actually have any significant importance, he just thinks it looks cool. Thus, he wears it.

Other Utilities ➜ The teenager does tend to keep around a small but quite bright flashlight in his pockets. Could be helpful sometime.

─────「Quirks & Traits」─────

• Likes ➜ Koma quite likes chaos. Not really of the evil or bad kind, but he's the kinda guy who thrives in that sorta situation. Parties are great, and he's at his best when pressured to do so.

• Dislikes ➜ Relaxation is fine until you have too much of it. Koma hates staying still and not doing anything, because he feels like he's wasting his time and energy. He needs to do something.

• Fatal Flaw ➜ Koma goes too far with trying to be helpful. He created the person that he is now in attempt to help people. The teen can even be self sacrificial in his habits to try and play hero, harming himself for the sake of others if need be.

• Fears and Phobias ➜ More than almost anything else, Koma fears being useless. He fears that one day he's going to try his best and it's not going to matter. He fears that one day everything he's built up will leave him because he wasn't good enough.

• Habits & Hobbies ➜ [TBD]

• Natural Strengths & Skills ➜ Koma is pretty intelligent in a way most people aren't. He's got a few book smarts, but he's mostly easily able to read people and think tactically. He tends to lean more towards the street and people smarts side of things. If you ask him what the square root of -9 is though, he'll probably break.

• Natural Weaknesses & Flaws ➜ As mentioned before, he can be quite self sacrificial when it comes to it. Koma can often be reckless and quick to jump to conclusions. He also suffers from almost an inability to take things fully seriously unless he's been angered or he gets to comprehend the gravity of things personally, but that doesn't happen much. As such, he's not good with comforting or all that whole emotional stuff. The best he can give you is a hug.

• Personality ➜ Koma's a friendly guy! He's pretty touchy-feely, as hugs and pats are his main language, and he doesn't quite always have a concept of personal space, but he doesn't have any bad intentions for the most part. The teenager likes to play tricks and get people to smile when he can, just wanting to be helpful most of the time. On the other side, he can be somewhat easily angered if you manage to hit his buttons correctly, which isn't as hard as it may seem. Some simple insults can set him off. But then he hits the mood reset button and everything's okay again!

… Right?

──────「Character Background」──────

• Backstory ➜ [TBD]
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▬▬▬{Tamer Template}▬▬▬
──────「Personal Info」──────
• Name ➜ Jake Sunderland
• Age ➜16
• Gender ➜ Male
• Nationality ➜ Canada
• Birthdate ➜ 12/12/20XX

• Evolution Line ➜
Baby / Baby I / In-Training I → Kuramon
Baby II / In-Training / In-Training II → Tsumemon
Child / Rookie → Keramon
Adult / Champion → Chrysalimon
Perfect / Ultimate → Infermon
Ultimate / Mega → Diaboromon/ Armageddemon (by fusing with copies of its Diaboromon form)
• Personality ➜ Egotistical, snarky, seeks power, needs technology around.
• Digivice Color and Charm➜ Pale grey
• DNA, Bio Merge, or Burst Mode? ➜ none
• Description (Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Height, Weight, etc.) ➜ Hazel eyes, black hair, 5 ft 11, slightly lanky.
────「Goods & Gear」────
• Clothes ➜ Button up t shirts with various patterns, jeans or casual pants
• Other Utilities ➜ Swiss army knife, compass keychain
─────「Quirks & Traits」─────
• Likes ➜Cool weather, spicy foods, staying up reasonably times, video games
• Dislikes ➜ Carelessness, large vehicles, polluted air
• Fatal Flaw ➜ Has a hard time saying no
• Fears and Phobias ➜ Atelophobia (fear of imperfection), anxious when people shout at him
• Habits & Hobbies ➜ Shrugs his shoulders and awkwardly smiles when he makes a mistake
• Natural Strengths & Skills ➜ Was a member of his school's track team and can run/sprint pretty fast, additionally being agile. Yet he's been out of the loop for quite a while.
• Natural Weaknesses & Flaws ➜ Absolutely terrible when it comes to expressing creativity, typically leading to situations going in a poor direction.
• Personality ➜ Not trying to stick out in a crowd, Jake does what he thinks is right or fun. He'll openly criticize other people for their own mistakes and poor decisions, but doesn't have an introspective of his own faults. Though when he does slip up, he attempts to allude suspicion and blame.
──────「Character Background」──────
• Backstory ➜ Living a tranquil life with seldom worry and despair, Jake pays very little attention to what people think of him. This has aided him well with making friends and his reputation, though tends to backfire eventually. Not recognizing his area of weakness and refusing to train harder after failing a hurdle jumping segment of a tournament led to his dismissal from the track team.

Since then, Jake just spends his days mulling through school and freetime doing whatever he sees fit; healthily balancing work and leisure. Though, the leisure side has started to take hold of him ever since he got a new gaming laptop for a birthday present. Sure, it allows for both assignments and playing online with friends, but his time management has started to suffer as a result.

Which is exactly why meeting up with his partner went the way it did. After visiting some debauched sites at the suggestion of gaming friends, Jake found his connection cut off as his computer screen began glitching out. Staring in awe, he found that the screen seemingly pulsed at waved as if in a fluid state. Like a horror movie, it expanded outward to a rather large oval-shaped form. Plopping out an egg right on his desk, it was followed by a small device shooting out of the screen and smacking him in the forehead.

Rubbing his head from the strike and examining the small tech, the egg rolled out and fell to the ground with a loud crack. It was not his intent to let gravity damage the thing, but he hesitated to go near it. Whatever was inside came out of it's own accord, being a small greyish jellyfish creature with a single red eye. Hastily, it scurried up the desk and stuck a tentacle right into the usb port of Jake's laptop. Confused by this, he found that the recycling bin on his desktop had just been emptied of all junk files. The creature jumped up and down with contention, leading Jake to figure it somehow cleared the data, possibly as a source of nourishment. So, he's made it a daily routine to download plenty of crap and put it into the recycling bin for his Kuramon partner to eat. Though he does have to take it to school in his backpack to hide it from people; naively, he has no idea how gluttonous for data the digimon would eventually become.
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▬▬▬{Tamer Template}▬▬▬

──────「Personal Info」──────

• Name ➜ Michael

• Age ➜ 14

• Gender ➜ Male

• Sexuality (Optional) ➜ Unidentified

• Nationality ➜ Canadian

• Birthdate ➜ 12/13/20XX


• Evolution Line ➜

Baby / Baby I / In-Training I → Keemon

Baby II / In-Training / In-Training II → Yaamon

Child / Rookie → Impmon

Adult / Champion →Wizardmon

Perfect / Ultimate →Lady Devimon

Ultimate / Mega →Piedmon

• Personality ➜ Impmon is shy around new people. They are very loving and get sassy around people they are comfortable with. When put into stressful situations, they tend to break down and can end up attacking even if they don't want to hurt anyone.

• Digivice Color and Charm➜ Pink (it wasn't his color of choice) with the charm of a small yarn doll.

• DNA, Bio Merge, or Burst Mode? They are able to DNA


• Description (Eye Color, Hair Color, Skin Color, Height, Weight, etc.) ➜ Michael has red eyes, white hair, and extraordinarily pale white skin. He’s 5'4 and 90lb.


────「Goods & Gear」────

• Clothes ➜ He wears a ragged red shirt, some old black pants, worn down shoes, and a large trench coat. All of his clothes have holes in them.

• Other Utilities ➜He has a backpack with a blanket, pillow, lighter, lock pick, some granola bar crumbs in a sack, a bunch of McDonald's napkins, some two day old food that looks like it was pulled out of a dumpster, and empty water bottles.

─────「Quirks & Traits」─────

• Likes ➜ Michael likes candy, mainly chocolate, though he doesn't get it often. He likes stray cats to the point that he will feed some of them even when he is hungry.

• Dislikes ➜Michael hates adults, police, and pretty much any sort of authority figure. He hates the taste of sour things.

• Fatal Flaw ➜ Michael doesn't trust people, for good reason. With all that hatred that he harbors in his heart, he will be hard pressed to ever fully trust anyone. He’s arrogant. He believes that he is capable of overcoming any situation because he is always prepared. He experiences suicidal ideation; he is reckless and disregards the consequences for his own life.

• Fears and Phobias ➜Michael is scared to get close to anyone in fear of losing them. He is afraid of being kidnapped. He is very superstitious so he is scared of ghosts and bad omens.

• Habits & Hobbies ➜ He enjoys "window shopping" and testing security systems free of charge, such a nice guy. (I’m sure i’ts obvious, but in the off chance someone doesn't get it, he likes to steal stuff.) He can be a bit of a troublemaker, pulling pranks. He has been known to run a scam or two in his life. Though when he is alone he does enjoy nature; he likes to watch animals run around and do their own thing.

• Natural Strengths & Skills ➜He is a light sleeper, quick on his feet/fast reflexes, he can fit into small places, he can pick locks.

• Natural Weaknesses & Flaws ➜ He is albino, so he has sensitive skin and eyes. He is a bit malnourished and doesn't have a ton of energy.

• Personality ➜ Michael an abrasive person who will speak his mind, he doesn't care much about what he says and how it will affect other people. He is grumpy most of the time, and does not like it when others touch him at all. Michael knows that nothing in life is free, so he can't rely on others to help him. As such, he is willing to do whatever it takes to survive on his own. He will trick people into giving him what he wants or needs and will even take it by force if need be. Michael knows full well that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. He will put on a mask in order to be whatever he needs to be in order to survive. If you manage to make him trust you somehow, you will begin to see his meaner and brutally honest side.

──────「Character Background」──────

• Backstory ➜ Michael was orphaned early in his life, he never really knew his real parents. Through his early years he was raised by a group of homeless people. They kept the kid and took care of him as best as they could. They all knew how bad the system was and figured that as long as they could keep him fed that it would be okay. It was hard on them but they thought it was the better choice. Even with their best efforts protective services eventually took Michael away, for obvious reasons. Even so he ran away again and again, preferring to stay with the family that he cared about. Until one day when he couldn't find them anymore, it was always so easy in the past. They always stayed roughly in the same spot but they were gone, there was no sign of them. Michael never learned that they were killed by gang violence, but he took this as a betrayal. He was hurt, he felt abandoned, so from then on he was determined to live on his own. Because of increasing boredom, accompanied by being arrested for truancy several times. Michael relented and attend school regularly, at least it was an escape from the cold during the winter and the heat during the summer. He didn't do well in any of the classes, but he didn't really care either, he was just there to stay out of trouble, trouble with the law anyway, and to have a safe spot to sleep.
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