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Fandom Devil May… Take on an Apprentice?


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Contact with the strange old family had been brief, but almost desperate. One would expect that an old bloodline with dragons would be capable of magic, or that magic would be a fairly common occurrence. But no. Despite having the ability to tame and control fire made flesh, magic had all but died out in the lineage. And with humans being as wary of demons and magics as they were, it was naturally damn near impossible to find someone to actually help the situation, with advice ranging from friendly offers of “Maybe a covenant or something to help suppress the issue” to the outright cruel of “Just wash your hands of the situation and be done with it” of varying levels of grotesque detail. Things that would help the family, but not the individual.

The ancient, violent history of the old noble blood wasn’t forgotten, nor had it ever been truly forgiven. From old conquests to a civil war that had nearly wiped out the family and their dragons to multiple heads of the house being viciously mad for one reason or other, abandonment would have made just another cut in the already fragile reputation of the family. Simply leaving the problem member to suffer or die wouldn’t have helped them recover and properly reintegrate into modern society.

Weeks turned to months of searching for a teacher, and the news eventually reached Dante, who was quick to take the information and send it to Nero without Any further explanation than it was an urgent mission. He could have taken it upon himself, sure. But the constant struggle with bills and whatnot was more than reason enough to not take on some pampered mage. At least, reason enough to keep his stubborn nephew from protesting things too much. He really didn’t want to, and even if he did, he knew he wouldn’t be a good fit to teach the fledgling magician. Between the bills and the dragon and his more chaotic and playful nature, he was sure the poor girl would be left abandoned because he would “corrupt her” from her family traditions. He figured Nero would be a better fit.

When Nero would arrive at the old manor, the sounds of dragons playing, growling, sleeping, and singing had already taken over the air surrounding it. The occasional sound of scales or claws on rock would spook local squirrels and birds for a brief moment before they would go back to their activities. They were used to the presence of the beasts.

A deep blue dragon flew low over Nero before landing nearby, pale green wing membranes stretched below the sun and gracefully folding as the somewhat small dragon touched ground and slowed into a stop. It may not have had the size of some historical dragons, but it was still large enough to carry its rider, a young woman with hair the color of moonlight And eyes the color of lilacs. Despite sitting on the back of a dragon, she looked small, and particularly fragile. As though a fairly weak gust of wind would carry her away Ike a mote of dust, or a close enough rumble of thunder would shatter her like glass. The dragon was slender in build, with simple horns that curved upwards and a single row of spikes along the eye ridge.

She and her dragon both had something of a wary, anxious look to them as they looked over the devil hunter who was clearly a stranger to the lands. The dragon carefully moved in and simply sniffed at the young man, trying to get an idea of what was going on. Ready to unleash flame or bite if necessary, but more curious than threatening. Not even a tiny growl escaped the beast’s throat.

”I take it you’re the one my family sent for…?” The girl asked carefully. She could have sworn she’d been told that she was expecting an older man in red to collect her, not someone so close to her in age. But perhaps details had gotten mixed up in a poor attempt at researching some modicum of understanding of her power.
Nero didn't enjoy the fact his uncle simply trickled down jobs he didn't fancy doing himself, although it nice to actually hear from him abs know that he was still kicking about. But really? Babysitting? He didn't really feel equipped to help somone else learn, he'd had to learn under pressure and he didn't really want another attempt for devils to take over the human world again anytime soon.

Ever since the breakdown of Neros old life it was nice to have some sort of ancher and not just drift away. He unfortunately knew that he'd do anything for Dante now. Things with kiria.... Hadn't exactly worked out. They'd both been though a lot and they both had different ways of dealing with it. While Nero felt more assured of himself knowing that he actually had a family it had come at the price of his loves life. With his sibling gone and her faith shattered she's found it hard to look at Nero. She had gratitude towards him... But that didn't stop that stabbing feeling in her heart when she looked at him so she left. She'd told him that it was just too hard for her to stay and that while she was glad he'd found himself she now needed to do that... Away from him.

It fucking hurt, but he sort of understood her and if anything else he wanted her happy and if that meant she had to be away from him then he wasn't going to stop her.

The hunter shook his head, he didn't need to focus on that right now. After all he had some fancy manor to get too. Nero tried focusing on the music coming though his headphones instead until he'd reached the gates. After taking down his headphones and creaking the gate open the hunter couldn't help but look at the dragon in the sky and look over to where he heard any conflict. That was until one of them was sniffing his chest. The hunter took a half step back and had to stop his instinct of reaching for his blade.

Neros eyes went instead to the woman on the back of the beast. This is who he was meant to be teaching? It was definitely going to be... Interesting to say the least. "How'd you guess? Get many people casually walking up here? " Probably a little hash already, he'd tried a lot recently not to say the first thing that popped into his head but sometimes he couldn't help it.

"Nero" He gestured to himself "and you are....?" The Hunter took a better look at her now that the dragon had given him back his personal space. She looked like she'd break, like a pretty stained glass window. "My Student or somthing? You were expecting the old man I take it?"
”Most people are afraid of the dragons and my family, so you don’t get too many visitors here.” The girl explained as she carefully climbed off the dragon’s back and stroked along its neck as she approached. “I’m Polaris. This is Seadancer.”

Seadancer simply yawned and shook his head, decidedly ignoring Nero. If the dragon was bothered, there was no clear sign. The fins along his neck rippled, but that easily could have been left over from him shaking off his yawn. His wings and claws stayed firmly on the ground, and his tail wrapped around his feet much like a cat would. If a cat had the basic body shape as a reptilian bat.

Polaris Looked over Nero a few dozen times, trying to get an idea as to how she felt about the man who would be her mentor for the next however long, but she found him difficult to read.

”Yeah, I guess I am your student now, huh?” She said, tilting her head ever so slightly in thought. “I was informed that an older man would be taking me in, not someone so close to me in age.”

Part of her couldn’t help but worry that there was some sort of joke or “matchmaker” type scenario going on behind the scenes. There had been enough failed attempts to control her magic mixed with joke attempts that she didn’t trust things to go over well. She was just as worried about potentially hurting Nero as she was this being some sort of joke or attempt to set her up with someone.
"Can't see why not, she sure is pretty" Nero knelt down for a moment to look at the dragon. He at least assumed it was a her. The hunter glanced down to his arm that was half wrapped up in bandages, it looked like they shared the same scales and slight coloration. Although his tone would have come across as sarcastic he genuinely did think the animals scales were beautiful.

Nero pushed himself back up to stand as he spoke to the woman in front of him. "Polaris, right, good to meet you" He took a moment to look over her now that he could see her properly. He...wasnt exactly sure on how he was going to help her. He knew honestly very little about her since his uncle had passed on little to no details. Only that there was someone who needed help and a place to go. Somthing he could at least relate too.

"yeah, Dante" The Hunter lent back slightly as he spoke "He's... Family, old man's version of mentoring is leaving you to a hoard of demons by yourself so-" Nero smirked at the memory, it was stupid but for him that really was the best way for him to have learn to control is power. If it wasn't for Dante then he'd probably not have any control over his devil side. "-So he thought it might have a better hand in helping your..."

Nero twisted his hand and gestured to the mannor in the distance. "Situation? That the right word for it?" from what he'd been told it sounded like the same bullshit from when he was a kid. Blah blah blah suppress everything about yourself.

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