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Fandom /Detailed The Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa RP)

Asher and Aioki

Asher and Aioki couldn't see for a few seconds because the lights went out. Asher was in the hallway behind Hanea and Aioki was next to a wall which she grabbed onto when the lights went out. When the lights went back on Asher rushed to the girl that he was next to and rushed down to her and Aioki was shocked by the girls scream. She rushed to her and looked around. She had no idea what had happened and was so scared.

(I have no idea what happened LOL)

@McMajestic , @OnceDarkness

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Holy shit Lettuce actually knows how to post. He also doesn't feel like posting for Haruko

Oka Kagome

When Oka initially saw an acceptance letter to Hope's peak sitting in her inbox, she had written it off as a prank by one of her clients. Ultimate Drug Dealer? If she was the ultimate high-school age drug dealer, then how would they have figured it out? After all, she hadn't once gotten caught by the cops, so she didn't have a record with the cops. Yet, she didn't delete the e-mail. Why? Perhaps to keep it as a laugh, one of her clients trying to fool her, or perhaps because, deep down, she believed it was true.

That deep belief only surfaced the day before her response was due; she did deal to some pretty rich people, maybe one of her clients bragged about her to the Hope's Peak school board, or some other thing along those lines with the same insanely low chance of actually having happened. After about an hour of debate, she decided to respond to the e-mail, confirming that she would actually be going to the school.

That was how she ended up standing in front of the school, about thirty minutes early. She didn't think that her Taxi driver could have possibly driven any faster, and, even after getting out of the car, she thought she might get sick. Given that she didn't ever get car sick, he must have been driving really, extremely, badly. Stumbling and clutching her stomach, she walked into the gates of Hope's Peak.

That was when colour's started to blur, and a worse wave of Nausea came over her. She managed to stumble around doubled over for few seconds before whatever was in the air got to her, and she fell to the ground, probably in a puddle of her own vomit.

She would never know whether or not she had vomited, though, because when she woke up, she was clean, though her nausea still hadn't gone away. Nobody else seemed to be in the room, which Oka found extremely strange, of course. Weren't there supposed to be other people in class rooms? And why was she in a class room? If she had passed out on campus grounds, shouldn't she have been taken to the infirmary?

Years of drug dealing made Oka suspicious of things really quickly, but she thought that anybody would find something like this extremely suspicious. Sitting in an empty room, windows with metal over them, and a note on her desk telling her to go to the Foyer. That was the only thing she had to go by, though, so the short girl picked up the note, and started out of the room.

She didn't know the layout of the school, though, and it took her until after some voice that sounded like it was from the depths of hell itself came over the intercom and some girl screamed (which was what actually led her there) that she found her way there. She walked over to the girl, nudging her with her foot, "Eh... What happened to her?"

@OnceDarkness @anyonenearby

~ Yuriko Daoko ~

- SHSL Pianist -

"This is very bothersome..."


Yuriko's upper body laid sprawled on the desk in the empty classroom, a bit of drool leaking out of the side of her mouth. She was suddenly jolted out of her peaceful dream by the loud screeching noise of the alarm. "W...What? I fell asleep?" She asked as she looked around in a confused and disoriented state. The most confusing part about the whole thing was that she didn't even remember falling asleep. She didn't even remember walking into the classroom or seeing the faces of her new classmates. In fact, the only thing she could remember was walking past the gates to the main hallway of the academy and then being overwhelmed by a feeling of dizziness. After that, the young woman's memory was fuzzy. Even trying to piece everything together made her head hurt so she didn't think about it much. Someone must have taken me to the nurse's office where they gave me a pill. That could explain why I was asleep for so long. She thought to herself, but even that made little sense.

Even if someone had taken her to the nurse, then why wasn't she laying in one of those beds. Why place her in an empty classroom where her body was positioned so uncomfortably while she was napping. Yuriko placed her chin inside her palm whilst tapping her fingers on the desk. She was so wrapped in her thoughts, she almost missed the announcement being made on the monitor. Wait, they had monitors? And cameras? Had someone known she was here the entire time and hadn't bothered to wake her? Yuriko seemed annoyed by the possiblity, but all she had to do was go to the gym right? That's what the weird blurred figure told them. They also mentioned a note and introductions. She looked down at the note and almost burst into a fit of laughter.

"This is supposed to be an introduction note? For such a prestigious academy, this doesn't look too serious!" She spoke as she struggled to catch her breath. Nonetheless, she stood up and adjusted her skirt while mentally preparing herself. Making introduction were easy, but the difficult part was how was she going to present herself? As the proper young pianist Yuriko Daoko, the pride of her family or the real Yuriko Daoko, the girl who wished to be free of her family's overbearing pressure? She would decide once she met the others but for know, she slowly made her way to the foyer.

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~ Aiko Britton ~

- SHSL Skater -

"Sup? The name's Aiko Britton, but you can call me Ai.


"What?! Fire alarms?!" The blonde haired teenager was forced awake by the loud alarm and rubbed her eyes listening to the announcement. She was thoroughly enjoying her name on the desk when she was rudely awakened. Aiko didn't even remember falling asleep, or even walking to class. I must have been a complete zombie to zone out like that. I only remember getting to the gate. She thought completely unaware that her situation may be a strange one. "Well I felt dizzy as well. That may have been why I was so zoned. Still...why don't I remember a blur of walking somewhere?" She asked herself before she felt a tinge of pain in her head. "Ow! Ow! Ok still too sick to think!" She yelled out and grabbed her throbbing head. She remembered everything beforehand, even gaining the email saying that she was accepted to Hope's Peak. Why was the simple act of walking to class such an overload on her brain? Speaking of her acceptance email, Aiko smiled as she remembered that day she received it. Her brother had to hold their mother, who was overwhelmed with tears of joy. Her brother smiled her way and spoke. "Congrats sis. You've deserved it. You've on your way to achieving your goal"

Aiko grinned remembering her brother's words. She had gotten into Hope's Peak by her own talents, which meant she was pretty well known. She wondered if the news would reach all the way to him. "Well no time to think about bad vibes. There's a note here?" She asked looking around the classroom, stopping to observe the iron bolted doors. That seemed out of the ordinary. The pictures she had seen of Hope's Peak didn't look like they had any bolted in windows. Not to mention, the windows seemed pretty normal went she arrived. As she looked down, she saw the crudely written note on her desk. Maybe some teacher got their child to draw these? Maybe but the note along with the bolted windows and announcement from the principal was enough to make Aiko cautious. She had been half asleep when she listened in but once she could recall the voice she heard, she realized that it had seem off.

"Well Ai. No time to keep sitting. Introductions and then entrance ceremony. Maybe this is a joke. Maybe the others know more." She sighed and stood up. The thought of this being a simple joke rubbed her the wrong way. She had heard of organizations inducing new members by hazing and hoped an institute such as Hope's Peak was above that level. As she walked out of her classroom, the sight of a student on the ground surrounded by others shocked her. Was this really a hazing? What had they done to that poor kid? "Yo! What the hell happened here?! Get away from them!" Aiko yelled out rushing to the aid of the fallen student.​

@Blue Fire @WingedAlabaster @Aquaknight @OnceDarkness @Homrworld @OnceDarkness
Hanae Serizawa


With all the chaos going on, it was hard to get a breath of air (Especially when you're unconscious.) The breathing of the young girl remained stable, however there were no signs of her being awake. Only the sounds of dismay could be heard in the main foyer now, and the fate that would await them is worse than death itself. A kiss with the grim reaper isn't what they wanted, but it is now what they're forced to do in their School Life of Mutual Killing.

(Just gonna fork out a shit post right now, also to @Blue Fire @WingedAlabaster @Aquaknight @OnceDarkness @Homrworld @OnceDarkness @DaniBot
Once the students had gathered in the gym and made their introductions the voice returned. At the front of the gym was a makeshift stage with a podium. There was a microphone on the podium and speakers on either side of the stage. The voice appeared to be coming from the podium mic but there was no person there. "Welcome everyone, to Hope's Peak Academy. I'm sorry for the....somewhat rude introduction, but that's just the way we do things around here! You probably have lots of questions I know, so I'll be sure to answer them to the best of my ability." When the voice stopped talking what appeared to be a black and white teddy bear popped up from behind the podium and sat on top of it. "Of course, it has to be in person to answer questions properly!" The stuffed animal didn't appear to move, but there was no doubt the voice was coming from it.


(I am pushing the story forward. I apologize for any inconveniences. @Blue Fire @WingedAlabaster @Aquaknight @OnceDarkness @Homrworld @DemonKitten @DaniBot )

Lucio Lovengood

Lucio looked at the podium, but figured it was just a corny trick of a ventriloquist or something. "What is this? Some kind of kids game," he scoffed while keeping a steady smile on his face. This whole charade was getting boring to him and he was already ready to leave. "I'm hungry and done with this terrible game you have going," he said as he yawned to express his utter boredom from it all.

Miyu Aiki

Miyu wasn't buying it. "The stuffed animal must have a vocal box in it that is being talked through by someone else," she deducted.
The thing isn't even moving, she thought as she couldn't help but think how off the animal was. It had an eerie feel to it and put her in a bad place. What ever it was, her intuition was saying that this was not good and her intuition was never wrong.


Asher and Aioki

Asher and Aioki was super confused by the bear who was talking and wasn't moving and Asher could tell that this was no animal and Aioki clinged onto Harlow "Wha.. Is that." "Yeah What is That." Asher Started to stepped up to the bear and put his hand out to the bear and went to see if it would move.

@McMajestic @PenguinFox

When Miyu spoke the bear moved for the first time; it's smiling face turning into a frown. "Stuffed animal? No! I am your principal, Monokuma!" it cried out raising it's hands in the air. It then looked in the direction of Lucio. "This isn't a kids game and you aren't done sir." Monokuma swatted Asher's hand away. "What you want me to smell it or something? Get beck with the others. No touching the principal." The bear then stood up and put his hands on his hips. "Now listen up everyone! As I said I am your principal, Monokuma! Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy! I know you'll enjoy your stay here, and if you don't...well too bad!" The maniacal grin returned to the bears face and he spoke cheerily even though his words were eerie. "As I'm sure you've all noticed there a giant metal plates over the windows, and even here, in the gym, there is a shutter door over the windows. You may have also noticed the front door is....well like a vault. Anyone have any idea as to why?" Monokuma only paused a second before answering his own question. "It's because you're not allowed to leave!" he giggled evilly. "That's right, you get live here for the rest of your natural lives!" the bear danced a little before giving the class time to let his words sink in. @Blue Fire @DemonKitten @Hope's Peak Class

~ Aiko Britton ~

- SHSL Skater -

"Sup? The name's Aiko Britton, but you can call me Ai.


As she walked with the other's into the gym, the sight of a monochrome bear confused Aiko. She looked around at everyone to confirm that she wasn't the only one that thought the whole situation was weird. "So I'm not the only one who sees this?" She pointed at the bear and asked everyone else. The longer this went, the more Aiko thought it was a joke. Her patience had been grated and when the bear known as "Monokuma" announced that they all were gong to be staying at the school for the rest of their lives she spoke up.

"Ok that's enough. I've had enough of this little joke. It's one thing to scare us, but this is going too far!" The skater yelled angrily at the now moving bear. "You've had your fun now why don't you come out from behind your little toy. You surely don't think you can get away with this for long do you?" With her hands now at her tilted hips, Aiko glared at the bear. They surely didn't think that she was going to go along with this quietly. Surely no one believed the talking stuffed animal. She hoped they wouldn't.


~ Yuriko Daoko ~

- SHSL Pianist -

"This is very bothersome..."


Yuriko stared at her peers and nodded with her blonde-haired classmate. "She's right. This is a bit much..." Who would believe it? Surely no one in the group would. Things didn't add up. How did they know the bolted windows weren't some sort of prop? She didn't really think to check them when she read the note or heard the announcement. "I'm sure if the headmaster found out about this, he'll get really upset." She mentioned, trying to talk the person controlling the bear into stopping the joke. In all honesty, she wouldn't have cared if the headmaster found out and the student was punished. They obviously had a few screws loose.

The whole situation was worrisome. Yuriko held her sides as she thought. If she didn't get home before the sun went down, her parents would surely lose their mind. The last thing she needed was be the subject of someone's twisted and vulgar joke.

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"Well when you put it like that, I don't know what I was thinking! You're all free to go!.....NOT!!" Monokuma laughed again. "You think this is a joke?! The only joke is that you think it is a joke. Yes, I know that was kind of meta, but hey, you do what you can." The black and white creature pointed to Ai "Look missy, I'll let you off with a warning because I know you kids are all probably really scared right now. But please in the future..." claws extended from the bear's paw. "DON'T call me a toy! I am your principal and you will show me some respect!" his voice became a little harsher. "Trust me, this isn't a joke. You really are trapped here. Even if I wanted to I couldn't let you free. Those bolts on the steel plates? Impossible to get off. Try and leave through the vault door and you get perforated by those machine guns. I know, I've tried." Monokuma giggled before sitting down once again. "Now, I will accept any further insults and disbelief for the next two minutes. As they say, smoke 'em if you got 'em! After that I don't want to hear any more 'this can't be real' or 'where's the real headmaster' got it? If I do you'll just be ignored." He waved his arms in a gesture signifying any could now speak. @Blue Fire @Homrworld

Lucio Lovengood

Lucio was a little on edge inside, but his body language and expression still showed his laid back attitude.
If this is a game, I am not about to lose my cool like some of these people, he thought to himself. "Well, Mr. Headmaster, he said with a mock smile. "What is the reason for the notes and run around just to get here?" he asked as he watched an all too curious girl looking around the podium as if checking for something.

Miyu Aiki

Miyu still was not drawn in by the "reality" of the bear. She knew something was happening.
This would make a great report for technology if I can just find the mechanics making that thing work, she thought silently. She would ask, but it seems he no longer wished for the accusations that he was not real so she scanned every corner of the podium and ignored the frantic yelling behind her.

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Harlow stared at the teddy bear in a sort of perplexed awe. "A fucking teddy bear?" she muttered, glancing around. "I sleep with stuffed animals that are menacing than you," she snapped, getting to her feet. She brushed herself off, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Monokuma. "Come on, where's your puppet master, Teddy? Behind the podium?" She scoffed, cocking one hip to the side as she stood, tilting her head slightly as she looked at the bear.

"You know, you kind of remind me of a black and white series I did, but it looked a lot better than whatever needle and thread pieced you together," she growled, before realizing something. She was insulting a
bear. An abiotic specimen controlled by some remote or perhaps a game controller. "This is the dumbest fucking thing that's ever happened to me, and I've snorted paint before," she snorted, shaking her head before leaning against the wall, keeping her eyes locked on the bear.

Miles chuckled as the teddy bear popped into sight. "Oh finally, something to make me smile. You're pretty cute, little guy! The claws are kind of cool. Is that like a mechanical skeleton, maybe?" he pondered out loud. "We once made a dummy and did something similar to scare all the new recruits to the baseball team. It was hilarious." He smiled at the memory, finding the teddy bear with claws kind of cute rather than terrifying.

Monokuma sighed loudly. "If I could roll my eyes I would! Yes, yes, you don't believe I'm real. I get it. No, I'm not being controlled by anyone, I merely am. Get your insults out now, I won't let them slide later." he explained to the group in monotone. "Snoop all you want toots, you aren't going to find some small man down there or something." he said to Miyu. "In fact..." he hopped down to the side of the podium and kicked it, causing it to tumble over. "Well, that hurt, but my point is made. No chords, no strings, no man behind the curtain. Satisfied?" Climbing back onto the podium's side he looked around. "Now that all your doubts have been sated it's time for the main event! I'm sure you all don't want to live here for the rest of your lives right? Of course not! That's way too boring! So I'll give you an out, if you graduate you may leave."

The bear grinned widely, his red eye gleaming. "If you want to leave, all you have to do is...." he paused as if he was thinking of the conditions, even though everything was all a part of a plan, a plan already set in motion. "Kill one of your fellow classmates and get away with it!" he clapped his paws together and jumped up and down in excitement. "Yes, that'll do nicely! Here's how it'll work: You kill a classmate." he pulled out a bag and started pulling things out as he spoke. Each item was a prop that went along with what he was talking about. He first pulled out a knife. "An investigation is done." he pulled out a magnifying glass as he tossed the knife aside. "A class trial is held." he pulled out a gavel as he tossed the magnifying glass aside. "At the class trial a punishment is dealt. Now here's the cool part! If you correctly figure out the guilty person then they are punished. If you can't figure out the guilty person then the guilty person goes free and graduates and the rest of you are punished! Doesn't that sound great! Now fret not young ones. Your principal is not an unfair person by any means. I will help you out in the investigation if needed, but don't come crawling to me looking for answers!"

Monokuma turned around and was about to walk off but stopped and turned his head "Any questions students? After all, this is a place of learning and I would hate for your young, beautiful minds to go to waste. That wouldn't be beary principal like of me now would it?" he chuckled his creepy chuckle at his pun.


Ryori jogged through the foyer and finding it empty continued to the gym. Hearing voices from the open door ahead he was feeling relieved as he approached -until he caught his first glimpse of the assembly before him. Ryori blinked. Once, twice, but the scene didn't disappear. His future classmates stood gathered around a podium talking to a stuffed bear.

His mouth dropped open as the bear jumped down on to the stage and proceeded to move about barking instructions that made no sense. Killing? Class Trials? Was he still asleep or something? Now he wasn't normally fazed by much, but Ryori couldn't bring himself to move, gaping at the door until the bear -
his principal looked back, beady eyes momentarily settling on his figure in the doorway.


Hanae Serizawa


He awoke to a loud noise, "What's happening?" Apparently their new principal at the school was a... TALKING TEDDY BEAR? Hanae's vision wasn't working properly, but that didn't matter in a time like this. What mattered was survival, 'Kill one of your classmates without getting caught, and you get to graduate!.' Immediately he was confused, "No way! That's impossible! Why would we kill one of our classmates!" Now he was on logical mode, calling back on his memories to assess the current situation. He arrived here with a letter, and felt dizzy after the first step and then awoke to an academy that was bolted shut. Already, he knew to do so was impossible within a span of a day, but for now he'd set those thoughts aside.

@Blue Fire @Homrworld @PenguinFox
Monokuma turned around fully to look at whoever shouted out. "Impossible? No dear child. Hasn't anyone ever told you nothing is impossible?....Of course that makes the impossible possible, meaning there is impossible, but I digress. Listen kid, it's not like I'm forcing you to murder, I'm allowing you to murder. Free choice here. You can do the worst crime in society and not be judged here! It's great isn't it?!" the bear clapped to itself as if the thought of murder alone got him excited. "Or, you can all choose to live the rest of your lives here. That's usually how it goes..." he said the last part quieter, almost as if he was mumbling to himself but it could still be heard. "Anyway, what's a school without rules right? You may have noticed you don't have your phones, but instead you have our school sanctioned PDA. You do, check your pockets!" he paused and let everyone see the truth of his words then continued. "Each one is assigned to one person specifically. It has your name and everything, isn't that cool?! Now, I recommend you all read the rules because rule breakers will not be tolerated, and I won't accept 'I didn't know' as an excuse. You break a rule you will be punished. Harshly." his red eye flashed again as he grinned evilly.

On the PDA there are several apps including 'Map' and 'Rules' When rules is pressed the list of school rules is displayed as follows:

1. Students may reside only in the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

2. "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

3. Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

4. With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.

5. Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

6. Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

7. Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

@Blue Fire @Homrworld

Asher and Aioki

Asher and Aioki were shocked by being told to have to kill there other classmate's and they had to get away with it. Aioki Hated the thought of murder and her having to kill someone is just to much. Asher looked all pale "W-we have to k-kill someone that's illegal." Aioki played with a charm necklace that her mother gave to her and got out her PDA and looked at the rule's and Asher didn't want to look at that until he could calm down.

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At the headmaster's words Ryori felt his pockets and pulled out the PDA. He scanned the apps, but barely took it in as his head spun with the information they were being given. He hesitated briefly before deciding to step out of the shadows and slowly walked up to the back of the crowd of concerned teens.

Were any of them taking this seriously? Considering killing someone they didn't know to escape this craziness? Surely not. As he scanned the gathering he realized some of them were barely more than kids. He wasn't tall for his age, but felt out of place in this assortment of heights and faces varying from horror, bewilderment and despair. Some glanced at him as he approached but others were too focused on the scene in front of them. Deciding to ignore the strangeness of their instructions Ryori decided it was time to figure out the basics.

"What about food?" he asked.
"Oh geez...look quit your whining kid. You're stuck here whether you like it or not. There's only one way out and that's to off one of your classmates." Monokuma said to Asher. He turned when Ryori spoke up. "Finally, someone accepting the situation and speaking logical and useful words. You needn't worry about food. There is plenty in the cafeteria and it is restocked daily, thanks to yours truly. You're welcome. Any other useful comments or questions? By which I mean nothing like 'oh why do we have to do this?' or 'I don't believe this' because your two minutes for that is over." every time he quoted what students would say he would raise his pitch in a mocking way. The kind of mocking that would seriously annoy someone if he was directly quoting them specifically. @Blue Fire @Homrworld
Shiki, who'd been standing in a silent, horrified awe finally spoke up.

"Hold on. Aren't our parents wondering how we're doing? Aren't they worried that we haven't responded? The police probably already know what's going on here!" She pointed out logically, voice calm yet forceful. He huffed and crossed her arms, looking around at her fellow students for validation.


Arwen, who had already been feeling uneasy, was now nearly in tears, his bottom lip trembling a little bit. Kill someone? He didn't think he could handle that kind of thing happening, plus, he couldn't imagine kids committing murder. But if they didn't, wouldn't that mean they were stuck there forever? Shiki's words made his heart race a little, his brain grasping onto any sort of sanity in this situation he could find. The police would be able to get them home, right?


Asher and Aioki

Aioki and Asher were still frozen in fear of having to kill someone and then a two people said that there parent would know if the were gone and the police would know. "The police would have came by now if that were true and I think we are stuck here." Aioki pointed to the minigun's with the camera and the barricaded window's and door's. "If they had came they might be dead." Aioki looked back down and played with her charm necklace and Asher was shocked of how the girl had already accepted the fact that they were trapped and the police wouldn't come for them.

@WingedAlabaster @PenguinFox @OnceDarkness @McMajestic @Evi @DemonKitten @DaniBot @Lettuce
She had a point. Shiki nibbled at her bottom lip thoughtfully, nodding at the girl who'd spoken up.


"Oh no..." Arwen mumbled, looking around for someone else to have a brilliant idea.

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