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Fantasy [/detailed] School of Dragons









Dragon name:

Dragon type(looks):

Dragon personality:

Why do you want to become a protector?: (answer of character)

What qualifies you to be a protector?: (answer of char)

Anything else??:

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Name: Melissa Collins (Mel for short)

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Personality: Mel is a out going girl with some attitude. She's pretty hotheaded, not liking the word no much. She is sweet though and makes friends really well, even if she's.. Weird and drops lame jokes every now and then.


(Without the black wings, just ignore those)

Dragon name: White Storm (sometimes called Ribbon)

Dragon type(looks):

Dragon personality: Storm has as much as attitude as Mel does. She's not as out-going though. She's more secluded and has dedicated her life to keeping Mel safe. Can shoot spikes out of her tail and electricity in her body, along with shooting the jolts out of her mouth like fire breath.

Why do you want to become a protector?: "Me and Storm has kinda taken care of our town more than anyone else. I feel like if I can take care of my town, I can't take care of all the other ones."

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "me and Storm have a great bond and great agility. If we work on it, we can get better at it!"

Anything else??:
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Name: Sebastian




Personality:kind of arrogant over confident of his own abilities but overall he's a nice guy

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Black-Butler-image-black-butler-36349921-729-1024.jpg.f814d23361fef81a842c671433fc43ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Black-Butler-image-black-butler-36349921-729-1024.jpg.f814d23361fef81a842c671433fc43ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon name: fang

Dragon type(looks):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-3.jpg.806f8dcd0fbb83ede6a0a3c6ef2acb7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/latest-3.jpg.806f8dcd0fbb83ede6a0a3c6ef2acb7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon personality: cocky and reckless

Why do you want to become a protector?: "I have nothing else to do might as well do some good with my time"

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "Fang and I are two of a kind we work seamlessly together almost like we can read each others minds"



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Name: Sierra Anne Saedor

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sierra is an adventurous, spirited, and outgoing girl. She tends to slack off from work and can be a little overdependent of her cousin, but she's also very easygoing.



Dragon name: Severus

Dragon type(looks):


Dragon personality:

Severus is a proud dragon. He has a habit of showing off what he can do and likes to do it. He is, however, very loyal to Sierra.

Why do you want to become a protector?: "'Cuz it seems fun, that's why!"

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "I've got a dragon and I know how to kick butt!"

Anything else??:

So what if you're not smart, or strong, or like anybody else? All you need is fire and a little bit of confidence!


Name: Bismarck Donovan Saedor

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Bismarck is very much the opposite of Sierra. He's quiet, modest, shy, and incredibly withdrawn. He's incredibly intelligent and kind, but he has a major anxiety problem.



Dragon name: Patronus

Dragon type(looks):


Dragon personality:

Patronus, much like her master, is a good-natured and sweet dragon, but can be scary when angry. She possesses a strong sense of self and can be sassy if she feels like it. If anyone insults her, then they are guaranteed a short life.

Why do you want to become a protector?: ".......T-To make sure Sierra doesn't get killed......"

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "I'm a decent fighter....and I'm really good with dragons."

Anything else??:

- He's obsessed with strawberries.

Theme songs anyone?

Wynter Snow








He's very shy and secluded often not speaking unless spoken to. He will however make a friend or two if he feels that he must. He hates being in large groups of people which he considers groups of two or three large. However when he is by himself he actually becomes childish and silly.


4'10" 84 lbs (lol he's so tiny)


Dragon name:


Dragon type(looks):


Dragon personality:

Sapphire is very bold and brave making up where Winter is lacking. She is like his guardian and leading helping him make the right choices. She acts almost like a mother or an older sister.

Why do you want to become a protector?: (answer of character) "Well... To protect the village for one thing... It also seems a little fun.."

What qualifies you to be a protector?: (answer of char) "Me and Sapphire are very good at combat whether it be close or far... We also have agility and speed on our side..."

Anything else??:

Nope, nada, zip, zap, done (I think)

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The Character

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1091792__water-goddess_p333434.jpg.631e7a21434c4dbbcb89a7440146c806.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1091792__water-goddess_p333434.jpg.631e7a21434c4dbbcb89a7440146c806.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Fiora Velaeris








"I am extremely lucky to have been allowed such a dragon as Aerithal. I truly hope that I do not lead him poorly."

Despite her dragon's affiliation to water, she herself can be quite a fiery individual.

Fiora's personality is the contrast to her companion's.

She is proud, but not arrogant. She is aware of her strengths, weaknesses, and limits and is always looking for ways to improve herself. She can be a bit... one track minded as she focuses heavily on progress. She is also self-oriented. While generally friendly, she doesn't let much people into her circle and is quick to cut people out, but the people who she keeps around are the ones who she truly cares about. She is practical and tries to keep hold of her rationality when faced with tough decisions or obstacles. Fiora has enough potential to be a good leader as long as she can maintain her composure. She is adaptable to most situations and she can work well alone or in a team.

Fiora is actually quite sensitive despite what her stoical exterior would suggest. She takes criticism very harshly and will often times remember all criticism directed towards her for better or for worse. She does not like to show her emotions as she views it as a weakness. However, when others show their emotions in front of her, she will try her best to be comforting and understanding. Although she may appear as cold, she does indeed have a heart, and a rather big one at that.

She is very protective of herself and of the very few whom she holds dear. Deep inside, she fears failure and she tries her best not to get in the way or mess up any important plans. When she is put into leadership, she will show extreme caution to keep everybody safe under her command.

When angered, she can have a hard time calming herself down. When betrayed or done great harm to, whether directly to herself or to somebody who she cares about, she will not forget until she has simply lost interest or until she has satisfied herself with revenge. Very rarely does she forgive.


5'5 , 120 lbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2438136248284916588.jpg.90a0d19e0e02ad4370ba4d2ed4e9ab79.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2438136248284916588.jpg.90a0d19e0e02ad4370ba4d2ed4e9ab79.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Why become a protector?

"If I don't do it, who else will?"

What qualifies you to be one?

"I believe I'm powerful enough to become one. And if I'm not, I'll get there."


Sun sign: Scorpio

She loves sweets and flattery.



(This is Kyle Landry btw. He's awesome.)


The Dragon







Typically silent and observant, Aerithal serves as a contrast to Fiora.

He is proud, maybe even more than Fiora, but he is much softer at heart. Aerithal is usually very docile and laid-back when the situation allows him to be. He is not one to lose his composure easily in battle or habitually, however, he is definitely one to defy the odds and do whatever he deems necessary for survival of both himself and Fiora. He is very protective of her and shows great caution in all of his actions. Aerithal is also very caring of those whom he is close to and will dedicate himself to their causes. On the other hand, if you are not of any value to him, it will be apparent. He will prioritize his master over all else even if it means the sacrifice of himself or somebody else, and he follows her lead wherever she goes obediently.


Can both fly and swim

Does not breath fire, instead breaths water and/or ice.

Extremely mobile in water

Manipulation of water in all forms


Sun sign: Pisces

loves receiving affection.






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no slide


Adaptable; she can change quickly to certain situations or the environment. She knows the mood of the area.

☁ Quiet; that does not mean she is shy, she merely just wishes not to speak, but to observe

☁ Easily bored; she loves when her intellect is challenged or stimulated.

☁ Intellectual; she loves to write and always seeks knowledge and insight.

☁ Naive; on her views on life and even a bit innocent. She can get flustered quite easily.

☁ Awkward; she's not very good with hers and others feelings and what to do.

☁ Analytical; uses logical reasoning

☁ Reserved; she tends to keep things to herself, unless its about knowledge.

☁ Loyal; she'd put her life down for that person, risking herself for others even though she knows the plausible outcome.

☁ Open-minded; she wont judge because of appearance, history, etc, its all about who you actually are, thinking differently.



Height: 5'2

Weight: 122lbs

Hair: White | Usually in long braid

Eyes: Yellow/Golden


Why and What


Why do you want to become a protector?: "Well, I think everyone needs to be protected. Even the protector. Not only do I want to help any and everyone, I seek the experience and what I'll learn from those I protect.

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "I suppose I am quite light on my feet and quick. My intelligence and input might also help I hope."



Name: Paarthurnax


Tactful; he is an expert at getting things done, but not exactly cunning. They are too good to exploit the emotions of other people.

☁ Charming; he has a very pleasing manner of talking and chooses pleasant subjects to talk about which makes people fell just in his company.

☁ Just; They have a strong sense of justice and fair play. They may skilfully find their way out, but they will never resort to cunning methods to get what they want. To use your strengths to their full potential

☁ Diplomatic; They are well-known for their diplomatic skills and have the ability to listen to differing points of view with a great deal of patience.

☁ Balanced; he will never go to extremes, and will mostly choose the middle path in order to please everyone around them, whatever the issues may be.

☁ Detached; he is firm and strong, but they can also be detached and pretend to be pleasant sometimes as he doesn’t wish to displease anyone.

Paarthurnax has the ability to form smaller tornadoes with his mouth, he also has extremely sharp teeth and pointed edges around his neck. The feathers along his body also provides him to be even more aerodynamic, causing him to be faster and smoother.


((blegh. my layout is kinda meh but I shall do my male character soon~ ))

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its lit fam



Name: Branton Hayes

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual



♈ Adventurous; he's not the one to shy away from taking risks, at times he pushes his luck just for that adrenaline rush.

♈ Courageous; when things get tough, he keeps going. No matter how difficult the situation may be, he will take the challenge head on.

♈ Versatile; since he looks for excitement and adventures, he's often the ones who’d try out newer things in life, a bit of a daredevil.

♈ Lively; its rare to find him low on energy.

♈ Passionate; if he is interested in something, he will be deeply involved in it.

♈ Arrogant; what he perceives as right and wrong is different from others, insensitive of others’ emotions and arrogant.

♈ Stubborn; he has fixed opinions and will not budge for anything in the world. His stubbornness makes him even more difficult to deal with.

♈ Impulsive; in fact he is both impulsive and impatient, and hence many a times he will not consider minute aspect of the matters and think through the situations to arrive at a decision.

♈ Indiscipline; he may be enthusiastic and active, but his energies are, more often than not, scattered in different directions.

♈ Confrontational; he wont think twice before being confrontational and asking questions that may potentially harm his relationships.

♈ Moody; he can go from his happy-go-lucky self to infuriated in 0.3 seconds. And he is quite temperamental. 0-100 real quick,



Height: 5'11

Weight: 130lbs

Hair: Red

Eyes: Red


Why and What


Why do you want to become a protector?: "I mean, it sounds pretty exciting. Plus I get to protect people from harm. Two birds with one stone.

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "Well, what doesn't? You guys are going to need my energy and my strength. I have plenty of good traits..?"



Name: Odahviing


♈ Kind and big-hearted; unlike his master, he's admired for his kindness and helpful nature. Big-hearted, he will graciously shower love and affection on people.

♈ Energetic; he is an energetic individual, and spreads the positive vibes around.

♈ Optimistic; he's a glass half-full kind of dragon, he doesn't get easily disheartened by disappointments and setbacks. He will always try to come on top.

♈ Straightforward; he is frank about what he wants to say. Mincing words is not his thing.

♈ Loyal; While he demands loyalty from the people associated with his, he himself is also a loyal and trustworthy individual.

♈ Headstrong; he is opinionated and headstrong, and it takes a lot of convincing to make him change his stance.

♈ Possessive; since he holds everything that is his very close, he tends to become possessive and prone to jealousy. He is giving, but sharing doesn’t come easily to him.

♈ Dominating; he wants to be in control of situations and expect people to follow him.

♈ Impatient; he wants to get things done and over with as soon as possible. But his impatience leads him to unnecessary anxiety and even failures and disappointments.

♈ Arrogant; he tends to become so self-centred at times that he would become harsh and say things without considering the fact that it could hurt someone, much like his master.

Odahviing actually can't breathe fire.

Instead he has the ability to summon it and engulf his body in flames.

He also can control how much damage the fire on his body does. If Branton were to ride him, Odahviing could surround him in a protective fire, that'd do no damage to him but to others outside of the flame. He also has the ability to warm someone up, becoming a huge fluffy blanket...of nice fire.


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Name Adel Zalel

Age 17

Gender female

Sexuality bisexual


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-5.jpg.352eb41b48aca0180f07bde9e0e52498.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-5.jpg.352eb41b48aca0180f07bde9e0e52498.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality strong willed and kind to most she meets. Adel is a person that cherishs her friends above all else and would go to the ends of the earth for them. She also is over protective of her friends and may start a fight with someone or something if she reads the situation wrong.

Dragons name Fel'zen

Dragons looks

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-6.jpg.a52bd62b3115f611498bda35bea3149d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-6.jpg.a52bd62b3115f611498bda35bea3149d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragons personality unlike adel Fel'zen cares not for others but him self and Adel. He tends to be lazy and quiet most of the time while taking a nap. Only time he ever gets motivated is when Adel is in danger or promises him cooked rabbit.

Why become a protector "I wish to be one to save and protect people, on what other reason do I need."

What qualifiesypi to be a protector "well I could say because I am strong and won't give up to anything, but I have yet to show you just have far I am willing to go."

Other Adel happens to carry some cooked rabbit for Fel'zen and she is sensitive about her hair since she dyes it from her normal brown color to red in order to match fel'zen.



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The Character



Veridius Wensylve








While his dragon may be sassy and temperamental, Veridius compliments her as a level-headed leader with a few quirks of his own.

Veridius is a guy of few words. And with what little words he does decide to speak, they usually contain a snarky remark or they're filled with sarcasm. He loves joking and he prefers to keep the mood light-hearted. He doesn't mean most of the things that he says, but it can be hard telling whether or not he's being serious. He usually keeps a stoical expression, even when cracking his jokes. And he greatly appreciates people who can joke along with him. He is also blunt and will speak his mind freely when asked of his opinion.

Despite his laid-back exterior, he has a serious side. He can read the mood well and he can switch from his joking side to his more serious self in a second. This is very apparent in combat as he will drop his playfulness aside and focus intently. He also shows this when having serious or intellectual conversations as he will be concise and straightforward with his words. He does not like sugar-coating or digression.

He is impassive and not a sensitive individual at all. He very rarely ever feels down. Even when those around him are upset, he isn't effected much by their emotions. He tends to be very detached from emotional matters. He would rather think and act based on logic rather than emotion, causing him to lack understanding of what others feel. Because of this, he isn't the best person to go to when seeking comfort. However, because of his insensibility, he can handle criticism extremely well and he doesn't mind being the butt of everybody's jokes.

Loyalty is one of his best traits as he will stand by those whom he holds connections with no matter the circumstance. He is actually quite reliable and he definitely can be counted on to watch the backs of his companions. He is heavily team-oriented and will rush to the sides of those who have fallen injured. However, he is more likely to prioritize those who are most important to him first. He will not ignore strangers or acquaintances in need though, as in general, he does wish to help. He will follow through on any and all promises that he makes as well, and he expects the very same dependability from others. And of course, he will always be down for whatever his friends are planning no matter how much trouble it could bring.

Veridius is introverted and very independent. He does not like when people cling to him. He will actively push people away if they are too demanding of his presence or if they are pestering him too often.


5'9 1/2 , 140-150 lbs


Why become a protector?

"To be honest, I just need something to do with all the spare time that I have."

What qualifies you to be one?

"Now, I could go on about how strong I am, but that's a little conceited, yeah?"


Sun sign: Capricorn

Don't ask about the scar on his face. You'll trigger him.




The Dragon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/255701__green-dragon_p.jpg.106d994ad3a4610e745c734e1428ec25.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/255701__green-dragon_p.jpg.106d994ad3a4610e745c734e1428ec25.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






In contrast to Veridius's apathy, Feiyumis is much more cautious and sensitive.

Feiyumis is lazy and likes to lay around doing nothing whenever given the chance. Although usually unmotivated, she can be perked up with promises of food. She is sensitive to changes in the atmosphere and is very reactive to even the smallest signs of disturbance. She will always warn her master of danger and try to keep him from doing anything that could potentially bring him great harm, though whether or not he chooses to listen is up to him. She is also fiercely protective and possessive of him. She will not tolerate any hostility towards Veridius and can become jealous if he gives other dragons more attention. She has a sassy attitude and doesn't take too kindly to insults directed towards herself either. While usually peaceful, she is sensitive and easily provoked or driven by emotion. She also has a stubborn streak in her.


Manipulation of Earth

Superb strength and defense

Does not breathe fire

Very sharp senses


Sun sign: Taurus

You can buy her affection with food.



(Shout out to Kyle Landry, the dude playing the song, he's soooo wonderful at piano)



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Devious Dilbert, post: 6232721, member: 51763"]


The Character











5'9 , 140-150 lbs


Why become a protector?

"To be honest, I just need something to do with all the spare time that I have."

What qualifies you to be one?

"Now, I could go on about how strong I am, but that's a little conceited, yeah?"


Sun sign: Capricorn

Don't ask about the scar on his face. You'll trigger him.



The Dragon

View attachment 308251

Dragon name:





Feiyumis is lazy and likes to lay around doing nothing whenever given the chance.



Sun sign: Taurus

She can be won over with food.

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Roahon said:
Feiyumis and fel'zen are gonna like each other a lot.
Looool they both like food and being lazy. True friends.

But Feiyumis is also gonna be really sassy looool, im not done writing out her personality just yet
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]


The Character



Veridius Wensylve








While his dragon may be sassy and temperamental, Veridius compliments her as a level-headed leader with a few quirks of his own.

Veridius is a guy of few words. And with what little words he does decide to speak, they usually contain a snarky remark or they're filled with sarcasm. He loves joking and he prefers to keep the mood light-hearted. He doesn't mean most of the things that he says, but it can be hard telling whether or not he's being serious. He usually keeps a stoical expression, even when cracking his jokes. He greatly appreciates people who can joke along with him. He is also blunt and will speak his mind freely when asked of his opinion.

Despite his laid-back exterior, he has a serious side. He can read the mood well and he can switch from his joking side to his more serious self in a second. This is very apparent in combat as he will drop his playfulness aside and focus intently. He also shows this when having serious or intellectual conversations as he will be concise and straightforward with his words. He does not like sugar-coating or digression.

He is impassive and not a sensitive individual at all. He very rarely ever feels down. Even when those around him are upset, he isn't effected much by their emotions. He tends to be very detached from emotional matters. He would rather think and act based on logic rather than emotion, causing him to lack understanding of what others feel. Because of this, he isn't the best person to go to when seeking comfort. However, because of his insensibility, he can handle criticism extremely well and he doesn't mind being the butt of everybody's jokes.

Loyalty is one of his best traits, as he will


5'9 , 140-150 lbs


Why become a protector?

"To be honest, I just need something to do with all the spare time that I have."

What qualifies you to be one?

"Now, I could go on about how strong I am, but that's a little conceited, yeah?"


Sun sign: Capricorn

Don't ask about the scar on his face. You'll trigger him.



The Dragon

View attachment 308251

Dragon name:





In contrast to Veridius's apathy, Feiyumis is much more expressive and sensitive.

Feiyumis is lazy and likes to lay around doing nothing whenever given the chance.



Sun sign: Taurus

She can be won over with food.


Hot.(; xD
Name: Isabella lavenza

Age: 10

Gender: female

Sexuality: uhhh xD


Hyper, innocent, playful, annoying at times, does almost anything to get attention, cute, always happy


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.48ca372a12ea9be796254df65d54f7c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139624" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.48ca372a12ea9be796254df65d54f7c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon name:


Dragon type(looks):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.d5f157fb440485b834c759f2f259f101.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpg.d5f157fb440485b834c759f2f259f101.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon personality:

Strong, quiet, cold, intimidating

Why do you want to become a protector?:

"Because that's what my parents were!! And I must follow in my

Mother and fathers foot steps!"

What qualifies you to be a protector?:

"It runs through my very veins"

Anything else?

(I'm on a first gen iPod so this is all I could do xD please forgive me for the vagueness



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Name: Menah Frisk

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: Menah is determined, intelligent, resourceful, passionate and dynamic. She is always seeking to improve her abilities and skills. Her bond to her dragon is something nature can't explain, they're deeply connected. Menah is fierce and loyal like a dragon, can be jealous and possessive over those she care about; she has her unyielding convictions and is almost impossible to talk sense to her once she makes a decision. She hates boundaries and rules, her spirit is too free to adequate on them.

Menah appreciates spending time on her dragon's back, flying among the clouds, playing her ukulele and singing improvised indie folks. She rides without armor, saddle nor reins, the communication between her and Dragon is purely intuitive based on their solid partnership.



(The things on her arms are just regular tattoos in this rp)

Dragon name: Momo

Dragon type(looks):


Dragon personality: Momo is a extremely brave and resilient dragon, he can be reckless and lacks judgment, but relies on Menah to make the right calls. He is super protective and affectionate to her, accepts strangers as long as his master feels comfortable with them around. Momo doesn't accepts any kind of saddle on his back or reins, he listens to Menah and knows what she wants to do, they have a perfect sync.

He can be difficult to read for strangers, but is quite relaxed when alone with his human. Momo loves to hear Menah playing ukulele and singing, he usies his nostrils to produce a flute-song like to sing along.

Few dragons can compete with Momo when it comes down to speed, his body -from bones to scales- is built for high speeds, agility and deadly precision. His full power is only revealed during storms, when there's electricity on the clouds. His eyes glow in a majestic blue and he manipulates the lightnings with his wings. In normal conditions Momo relies on his speed, agility and claws, he rarely uses his blue flames (they take a great toll for burning hotter than usual flames and he can't control the temperature, which can drive his body to overheat).

Why do you want to become a protector?: "I believe in freedom, and I won't sit and watch the people falling in the hands of tyrannic leaderships. Plus, Momo also wants to be a protector."

What qualifies you to be a protector?: "I'm a good team worker, I have a great bond with my dragon and we are eager to offer any help to the cause. I also have experience on the field."

Anything else??: Menah lived as a nomad for years, travelling the world with Momo and improving their combined skills; but off his back she's helpless, so she needs some training in combat. She also has trouble staying away from her dragon for too long and often sleeps with him in his stall.
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