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Fandom Destiny - Revived in the Light (M X Reserved for ? and Lord Shaxx)

Demon King Ryuki

The Great Unmerciful One

The rain was falling heavily on the dense lush forests of Old Chicago. The usually ever present winds were stilled on this particular day. Trees and wild flora grew out of the crack and breaks in the sidewalks and roads. The buildings that had laid in ruin for many years were spotted in moss, and rusted skeletons of cars laid abandoned and disordered. Three lights hovered along in the distance.





"Well this is just perfect. Of course we have to search for them out here..." A snarky female voice came from on of the shell clad lights. "We go where the Traveler wills, have faith we will find them here." A man's voice said reassuringly in reply. A booming clap of thunder sounded from the distance. "Well, I am going to search over here... Just try not to take to long in your search." The female voice replied back to the other lights and hovered off. "That one may be a little impatient but speaks the truth, we can cover more ground if we split up." The third said, to which the other nodded, and the both went off to their separate ways.





All was dark... Nothing was the only something and that was it. But all at once, from nothing, a spark, a hint of consciousness. "Guardian..." A voice seemed to call out, "... A Warlock" the voice fades out again. The female exo opened her light pink eyes for what seemed like the first time. All around was darkness. Three orbs that surrounded her were the only things keeping her company. One orb was a dark swirling mass of void, the other crackled with intense lightning, and the last burned with a white hot blaze. She didn't know why, but she already knew what to do. With no hesitation she turned and put her hand into the orb of void, which seemed to get absorbed into her hand, and she felt a calming sensation wash over her.





She felt a wet sensation on her synthetic skin. "...Guardian, rise and shine. Hello!? Ahh, there the spark worked, welcome back. Listen I don't have much time." The strange mechanized light said to the Exo. "You may see alot of things you won't understand, that is because you have been dead... For quite a while if I am to be honest." "Wha-?" The exo started to reply. "No time, we move, now!" The disembodied low man's voice urges from the floating machine. Somewhere nearby two other beings were being awakened in a similar manner. "Guardian..."

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