• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom    ♕. descent —fire.emblem [characters]

Roleplay Availability


Currently, we need the role of the princess filled. That's currently our top priority in terms of roles. Besides that, however, I have no real set roles and everyone is free to do as they please. But if we get like five characters and still no princess, we're gonna need to stop and look for one.

[bg=#eee9e2][row][column=span1][color=transparent]x[/color][/column][column=span6][border=0px #000000 solid][bg=#eee9e2][accordion=70%|bcenter][bg=#eee9e2]{slide=[bg=#eee9e2][img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21770874/descent/cs1.png][/bg]|open}[bg=#eee9e2][font=Droid Serif][bg=#f9f9f9][border=1px #eee9e2 solid][centerblock=85][color=#4c4c4d]
[column=span2][img=http://placehold.it/100][/column][column=span2][size=4][font=Yanone Kaffeesatz][color=#eee9e2][highlight]FULL NAME[/highlight]
[highlight]COUNTRY[/highlight][/color][/font][/size][/column][column=span4][size=4]Full Name Here
Age Written Out
Feel Free to Invent One[/size][/column]


[justify][size=3]A brief general description of your character's appearance. Focus more on distinguishing aspects! [/size][/justify]

{slide=[bg=#eee9e2][img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21770874/descent/cs2.png][/bg]}[bg=#eee9e2][font=Droid Serif][bg=#f9f9f9][border=1px #eee9e2 solid][centerblock=85][color=#4c4c4d]
[column=span2][img=http://placehold.it/100][/column][column=span2][size=4][font=Yanone Kaffeesatz][color=#eee9e2][highlight]CLASS[/highlight]
[highlight]FIRST WEAPON[/highlight]
[highlight]SECOND WEAPON[/highlight]
[highlight]PROMOTION[/highlight][/color][/font][/size][/column][column=span4][size=4]Class Name
Primary Weapon
If None, Write None
If Promoted, Write None[/size][/column]


[justify][size=3]A brief general description of how your character fights or their strengths and weaknesses. For the classes, please choose from [url=http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_classes_in_Fire_Emblem_Awakening]Awakening[/url]. You can choose any non-promoted class. You [i]may[/i] have a character that is promoted, but the pre-requisite is that for every promoted classes there are two non-promoted.[/size][/justify]

{slide=[bg=#eee9e2][img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21770874/descent/cs3.png][/bg]}[bg=#eee9e2][font=Droid Serif][bg=#f9f9f9][border=1px #eee9e2 solid][centerblock=85][color=#4c4c4d]
[justify][size=3]I think you can guess what to put here man.[/size][/justify]

{slide=[bg=#eee9e2][img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21770874/descent/cs4.png][/bg]}[bg=#eee9e2][font=Droid Serif][bg=#f9f9f9][border=1px #eee9e2 solid][centerblock=85][color=#4c4c4d]
[justify][size=3]Pretty self-explanatory as well.[/size][/justify]

Make sure to
turn off Rich Text Editor, or this will break. o /

I will keep accepting until we get around 6-8 roleplayers. We will then be closed off to new roleplayers, but the existing members can continue creating characters. Please wait for 'Like' Rating on your character + a tag from the OOC before you start posting!


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Roan Nosta






A tall individual with golden eyes that look like they've seen the worst of humanity. He doesn't look or act his age, carrying himself with a maturity far beyond his years. Already gifted with a well-built body, his three years spent running have only toned him further. Quite frankly, he doesn't look anything more than the mercenary he claims to be. Whatever he'd learnt as a prince he buried so far down there's little trace of it left.












Balance is the key in Roan's fighting style, which primarily borrows from Yune's swordsmanship. This is both his weakness and strength. He excels at sword-handling, a result of years of training. From an early age he'd already shown great interest in swordplay and it only peaked as he grew older. Besides that, he's been expressing interest in picking up the axe.



If one were to look at Roan now, and the Roan from four years ago, it would be difficult to believe they're one and the same. The uprising changed him in many ways, and chief of it is his trusting nature turning into one of suspicion. Ever since witnessing firsthand the betrayal of his father's righthand man, he can't completely invest in his relationships with others.

Still, that doesn't mean he can't rely on them to get the job done. While he may not fully trust his people emotionally, the brunette doesn't hesitate to give them difficult tasks because he
knows they can do it. And they follow him because matter how many years have passed, you can't hide a natural inclination to lead.

Around the few who've gotten close to the rebellion leader, he's like an older brother... if it weren't for his young age, it would be closer to father figure. Much of the their group's stability can be attributed to Roan. He may not say much, but when he does, everyone listens as he never wastes his breath on useless words.

When it comes to sentimentalities like family, however, the prince is unable to keep a calm head. Due to the brutality of his parent's deaths, it's easy to move and manipulate him with sob stories. In other words, he's gullible. He'd spent most of life believing the knight's code and all that; three years may teach him better, but it doesn't fully erase this naivety.

Roan's spoiled upbringing has lead him to believe that most of the time, he's right. Although he's learnt that it's not always the case, he has a tendency to let his past and his current status as rebellion leader to get to his head. Thankfully most of his members are happy to remind him that he's only a human and if they all ganged up on him he'd be dead within seconds.



The prince fondly remembers days of playing around in the castle courtyard, wooden sword in hand as he learnt from the best that money and status could buy. And considering he was crown prince of Yune, that was quite a bit. Unlike most children, he voraciously pursued his studies with an appetite to understand how the world worked. The only classes he showed little to no interest in was etiquette, but it was always easy to bribe him with a combat lesson afterwards. Those were far simpler times and until now he wishes for them.

The only time he'd truly grown to dislike his title was the forced engagement. Yes, his parents were arranged but happily in love. That didn't mean that everyone was as fortunate. An argument broke out between his father and him. Eventually though, his father won out, and the brunette was forced to accept the union. Roan knew it was only one of the many difficult things that came with his name. The Princess wasn't the worst partner, and he was already fond of her as a friend. It wasn't a remote possibility to turn that affection into romantic love like what his mother and father did.

Sheltered as he was from the world, he never knew about the small rebellions until it had reached an extent where the main castle needed to dispatch their own guards to assist with the quelling. Still, his family and tutors told him it was nothing, that he should pay it no mind. So he didn't.

But it definitely wasn't just
'nothing' as proven by that fateful night when everything disappeared. His family, his home and even his trust were gone. The only evidence of his past life are in his sword and the small blue gem that his father had thrown at him. Even then, both are kept hidden. He bound the hilt and handle of his sword with leather, while the gem is on a necklace always on his person.

Many offered him shelter at first, but one by one they were hunted down and killed. He knew he couldn't impose on people's kindness. With every escape, he seethed. With every death, his anger grew. He vowed to take back what was his. But to do that he'd need to raise an army.

Finding it only fitting, he did the same as his pursuers once did and talked to those who were disgruntled with the current leadership. Through and with them, he incited small acts of rebellion throughout the outlying towns. But even he knew that to take back Yune, whose government now revolved around the military, they would need something
much bigger than a ragtag group of misfits to take back his throne.

The castle of Atols was a good place to start looking.




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Leonard A. Gael






A very prim and proper seigneur, maturing in the lap of luxury has it's benefits. Master Leo's shaven face is nestled quaintly by his long, sandy hair. His virgin, olive eyes, never having seen the tragedies of war, rest upon his rather high cheek bones. His head altogether has rather angular, nimble shape, a feature of his mother's genealogy and her's before that.

His build is quite agile, as well. Having substantial training in the more elegant recreations of fencing, horse riding, lancing, is to blame for his limber, athletic build. On Leo's left shoulder is a very strange






Dark Knight

Sword, a rapier, specifically





A brief general description of how your character fights or their strengths and weaknesses. For the classes, please choose from Awakening. You can choose any non-promoted class. You may have a character that is promoted, but the pre-requisite is that for every promoted classes there are two non-promoted.



I think you can guess what to put here man.



Pretty self-explanatory as well.




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Jace Reeves


Twenty Four




A fun sized 5'0 ft male. He's got typical dirty blonde shaggy hair guy, and grayish green eyes. His face is pretty normal and masculine, except there is a burn scar from a long time ago which had burnt off some of his skin on the right side of his face. Due to this he mostly wears a mask covering his mouth. His arms are also bandaged for an unknown reason.












Well being small has it's own advantages, though he doesn't want to admit it. Although his strength is somewhat decent he focuses more on speed, flexibility, and small stature to confuse and tire out his opponents. When he's not serious he'll just drag it out. Partly due to his sadistic personality. He enjoys the feeling of being superior to others and often teases his opponent when he fights no matter if the situation is good or bad. However being short also has it's disadvantages. His reach is short, this makes it hard for him to get close enough to land a hit.

It's a different story once he's pissed though. There's no play time, he'd just make it an objective to overbearingly crush his enemy using whatever dirty tricks he can think of. He'll do whatever it takes, and loses sight of anything else, becoming more careless.



Typically off doing whatever he likes. He likes to joke around, and cause a bit of trouble. From his height he's developed a sort of superiority complex, and cheers in the dismays of everyone taller then him. Teasing them, making them angry, making them obey him, it's great.

He's got a rather fiery personality though, seriously, someone please stop him. Put a leash on him if you have to. Daring to be rash and reckless, he always does the most stupidest of things ever done to man. And why yes, he is an idiot. He rushes things too quickly and is bold about his ambitions. And like other hot heads, he is quick tempered, and gets angry easily.

When he feels his pride is being stepped on if he just has to hold it in. He shows no mercy. He does not know how to hold back. Once you piss him off, he will hunt you down. Believes in no philosophy where sinners, or others can change for the greater good, and they should all be damned.

Loves to freely expresses his opinions in even the most unwanted matters. Sometimes, you'll wish he'll just shut up. He is true to his beliefs, and most importantly thinks for himself. He is not the type to be easily swayed. Stubborn as a mule he just can't let anyone just walk in and tell him what's right and wrong. Especially people of the upper class. He's quite prejudiced about them. "All they know what to do is flaunt their riches."



He was born in a not so prosperous kingdom. Destroyed by war, it's people were tired, and starved to death as they had been experiencing drought for a decade. Instead of helping the citizens the king had mercilessly raised tax rates for all the citizens except the aristocracy. If you couldn't pay, you were either were forced to work in the mines or anywhere that hard labor was needed.

Eventually his parents did not have enough money to continue to support themselves anymore, to get even the smallest amount of money they had ended up selling him to the government who had recruited kids to go work in places that were too small for adults to do. As expected, he was sent to the mines. But after a couple years, he had an accident. While he was still inside the mines one of the areas had exploded. Because of that, his whole body had been left with burns. Particularly it which had melted the right side of his face to the point where you could see the muscle and bone, since the burn was too deep, no new layer of skin was able to recover even after months when all his other burns had mostly healed.

Due to his accident he was dismissed, and re compensated, though it wasn't much. The first place he went to was back to his home with his parents, but as soon as he had gotten close he stopped, it was gone.

After a few months he decided to run away, there was nothing to hold him back. Secretly, he escaped, crossing kingdoms borders at nightfall, and eventually found his way to Atols. Upon arriving he had made a place for himself with the others in the kingdom's slums, with them he had begun to form a thief gang, him being the leader, and enjoyed his peaceful days running through the streets, stealing from others. However, mysteriously he had suddenly dropped all his thieving activities. It has already been two years since he quit.

He is now trying to live an honest life and is currently living off of what he gets from helping out towns folk as well as hunting in the woods.




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Elise Lucianeris






Standing at a height of 5'9", Elise is rather tall for a female and while she doesn't boast the curviest body ever, she isn't exactly a complete beanpole either. Elise is as confident as she is tall and takes care to carry herself with dignity at all times. Her indigo colored hair which gets darker towards the tips is almost never seen untied and is often decorated with the traditional hair ornament of females within the land of the Nier. The feature that she is most complimented for are her soft but determined aqua eyes which give her an air of intelligence.







Double bow





With a well-trained eye and a calm mind, Elise is an efficient and experienced marksman when it comes to her primary weapon: the bow and arrow. While being able to shoot from a distance gives her more of a tactical advantage, she is left more vulnerable to attacks when enemies manage to get within striking distance. She has learned to be a more mobile combatant as to try to prevent such a situation from arising, but things don't always work out in her favor. Although she can still shoot at a close distance or deliver a kick with her boot in retaliation, she is virtually unable to block incoming attacks making staying a certain distance away a much more viable idea.



Elise is probably as mellow as one can get and relatively easy to speak to as a result. Her anger endurance level is quite high as well, making instances where she is angry quite rare. However, when she does get angry, you better run. People often tell Elise that keeping all that irritation bottled up inside isn't very healthy and it's most likely true seeing how explosive she can be once that patience shatters. It isn't a pretty sight, really.

Due to having lived in a secluded region in a forest, Elise isn't very adept when it comes to social norms. Things that seem like common knowledge such as shaking someone's hand or certain vulgar gestures are alien to her and something that she may need a bit of explaining to understand. This being said, Elise can be easily tricked into believing a false fact in regards to common customs. However, while she appears to be scatterbrained and naïve, she carries with her a keen wit when things really matter.



Well shielded and hidden from the treacherous reigns of monarchy, the people of the Nier had long secluded themselves within the forests bordering the territory of the Taguel. They didn't really have anything against the other countries surrounding them, but as a group of general pacifists, the people of Nier preferred to keep to themselves as to avoid any conflicts that may be happening around them. The members living within the Nier territory usually never left the lands until they die, but a select few were occasionally given the permission to find a purpose in life outside of the Nier Territory.

As a family used to orthodoxy, Elise's parents naturally believed that she would follow the same path as her ancestors and remain within the Nier Territory. However, Elise was born a curious child with a great sense of adventure, often found nearly crossing their border as to explore lands yet unseen to the young child. With the constant reprimanding as well as the painful punishments that would follow when she was caught at the border, she eventually grew out of attempting to cross the border that she would never be able to cross. At least, not yet. While she stopped acting out on them for a time, the desire to traverse the vast world remained burning within her, driving her to constantly test her limits as to prove herself worthy of leaving the Nier Territory.

Although it was rare for females to ever be granted permission to leave the territory, Elise nonetheless kept trying. As a reward for her efforts, she was bestowed the title of Excelse, a high honor given to those who have proven themselves as one of the best of archers within their sect or faction, at the young age of sixteen. This effectively brought her closer to her ultimate goal and boosted her confidence in her ability to achieve it.

When Elise finally came of age at eighteen, she determined that it was now the right time to request to be allowed to leave the territory in order to find some greater purpose than wasting her life away in the forest that had become much too familiar in the many years that she had spent here. As she still didn't have the consent of her parents even after eighteen years, Elise snuck off in the early morning in order to request to take the trial that she would be required to take as a final test to prove herself. Having worked to hard to achieve her goals, Elise easily passed the trials and received the permission that she had wanted for so long from the Council of Elders.

Upon being permitted to finally take a step outside of the Nier Territory, Elise returned home, determined to tell her parents that she was going to depart even if they continued to protest against her wishes. However, instead of the angry mother and father that she was expecting, she found only a note left on the table for her. The note was short, but it still conveyed to her what her parents had intended to tell her. They still didn't approve of her leaving as she did but were willing to accept her decisions in the end. Respecting their wishes to not see her before she set off, Elise carefully packed the note with her other necessities and left the Nier Territory at last.

Even after two years had passed since she began her journey traveling around the Oriel, Elise still felt unfulfilled. The most she had done was typical mercenary work, something that she didn't consider very special as she was used to doing the same within the Nier Territory. All of the new sights and knowledge was exciting, but she still couldn't seem to find her "purpose." Perhaps it just wasn't time yet...or was it?




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*COMPLETE* Warning: Heavy amount of information ahead. And I proofread it again.





Aren Mihiel






A man of average stature, standing at 5 foot 9 inches, with short bright red hair and a youthful, serious face that makes him seem a few years younger than he actually is. His unwavering dark red eyes, that are actually rather common in Lybriel, usually comes off as unsettling because of his habit of staring unabashedly while studying something. Due to these traits, most initially picture Aren as a young mature individual. Unfortunately (or fortunately), this image is quickly shattered because of Aren's tendency to be rather expressive when he's in a state of panic. Or worse, when he finds something that peaks his interests and spurs on his more stubborn side.












A generally well-rounded asset, Aren's quick, observant eyes and sharp mind allows him to have a wide and flexible arsenal of tactics on hand. Unfortunately, this also means that the young tactician isn't a master of much besides his wit. Strength, speed and even magical power being average at most, with his stamina just as average, Aren's capabilities are best left with someone watching his back and buying him time to catch his breath and think. This stems from the fact that this red head had always been paired up with his Myrmidon twin sister. While many say that some of Aren's tactics are just strange if not bizarre, some, like his sister, just roll with his plans while claiming, "There is a method to his madness."



At first glance, Aren is your typical quiet and intelligent young man who's silence often comes off as cold, aloof or even arrogant. This is far from an accurate description of Aren. His quiet nature comes from his inability to speak out fast enough to stay relevant to the topic on hand. Aren's nature is to "think before [he] speaks" but this often leads him to think too carefully and end up saying not much at all.

That isn't to say that Aren is
always thinking before speaking. While it is a core aspect to his personality, Aren's hesitant manner only seems prominent around environments that are not completely comfortable to him. Around friends and family, however, it seems that his "mind over mouth" tendencies take a backseat as he easily drops sarcasm and deadpan expressions left and right. Sometimes, he's even seen trolling his loved ones with a lightness in his shoulders that doesn't seem to appear very often around others. During his moments of open humor, however, all seem to find it hard to tell if the young man is being sarcastic, deadpan or just flat out trolling them. It seems that only his twin sister can tell the difference. (At one point or another, Aren claimed with a dry expression on his face, that he and his sister can communicate with each other telepathically. To this day, many can't decide if he was lying or not. He can't by the way. Just putting it out there.)

Putting his humor aside, Aren can also be labelled as observant. A skill that he puts to use both in and outside of battle. Within battle, it's most prominent when his quick adjustment in fight style and strategy shows through while tag-teaming with a comrade. Outside of battle, it's more subtle as he considers the delicacy of human psychology. Aren would never outright say "your actions lead to this unfortunate event" or "your actions needlessly hurt them" but he would still make his disapproval clear. Usually, it's by avoiding the problematic person/group all together or just staring them down with a look of disappointment and disapproval. While Aren isn't usually one to take sides during a fight between his friends (he's too much of a worrywart for that), when he does, it's usually because one or both sides took it too far.

Lastly, while a good chunk of Aren's personality seems unflappable, he does have his moments. For such a calm and considerate person, he's actually a huge worrywart and is rather susceptible to being easily flustered by crowds of excited enthusiasts of something other than books and art. Also, the red head is surprising stubborn and excitable when it comes to his passions. Books and art.



Lybriel means "Hymns in freedom" or "Hymns of freedom". As a small but dense country well known for its far-traveling merchants and mixed culture, the meaning of the country's name is rather fitting. The country was actually originally a group of nomadic tribes that came together with their similar interests and talents to form a small but firm country. Because of the origins of the country, the small country isn't ruled by one king but by the five noble families who descended from the five nomadic tribes.

The Ariyune family who's symbol is the lute, represents music. The Ran family who's symbol is the loom, represents the arts. The Freyis family who's symbol is the bee, represents medicine and culinary arts. The Martel family who's symbol is the hammer, represents blacksmiths and weapon masters. The Mihiel family who's symbol is the tome, represents literature and knowledge.

While there are other smaller families who formed their own specialties over time, the five noble families are the most well-known, as well as well-respected, because of their age and influence. It's not uncommon to see smaller families join one of the noble families through marriage or other means without much conflict.

Despite being a small country, Lybriel has been a relatively peaceful country that tended to stay out of wars because of their mixed and accepting culture. As such, many call Lybriel "The Melting Pot". Also, because of their tendency to take as much culture as they give, Lybriel is also well known for it's wide variety of small and unique festivals. (Different towns often have different festivals depending on what they were most influenced by.)



Aren and Esther Mihiel, are twins born to Rowen Mihiel, the current head of the Mihiel family, and Aria Mihiel-Martel, a member of the Martel family who married into the Mihiel family. The Mihiel family are most well known for their large collection of books (also of various topics and genres) and grand libraries (both private and public) spread all over the country. Growing up in a household who's trade is knowledge, it wasn't surprising for one of the twins to pick up on the family's love for books. While Aren chose the Mihiel side of his blood, Esther, his twin sister, chose the Martel side of her blood. Choosing to pursue the art of the blade and it's creation, Esther chose to join her mother's side of the family when she became of age.

This didn't mean the twins grew distant. In fact, it seemed to bring the twins closer together as they found means to share their worlds with each other. Sometimes, one would find a young Aren settled down in one of the Martel family smithies with a book or tome in hand as his twin listens intently to her teacher as they show which blade loves which fire. Sometimes, one would find a young Esther drawing and writing what she had learned the day before on one of the library's tables as her twin seems to flit from shelf to shelf with an armful of books of both old and new. Sometimes, one would find the twins side by side out on the fields learning the ins and outs of swordplay. Sometimes, one would find the twins side by side reading. One about blades that cut through oceans. The other about tales so old that only the ancients and the books can whisper them.

However, as close as they stayed in their hearts, the older the twins grew so did their responsibilities. As he grew older, Aren found himself traveling more and more with his father to prepare for his
Ethoriae or "Journey of Inspiration". Likewise, his twin traveled with her teacher to prepare for her own Ethoriae. Ethoriae is a old tradition between the noble families of Lybriel to have their children and apprentices to take a series of journeys to find inspiration and make their own masterpiece no matter what form it takes and however long it takes. Some, choose to leave for their Ethoriae as soon as they come of age at nineteen years. Some, like the twins, choose to leave after a few months to a year has passed. Others, take years before deciding that their masterpiece would not come to them within their home. A rare few choose to not leave at all.

And so, on their twentieth birthday, the twins who were born in Lybriel together, left Lybriel for their
Ethoriae together.

Of course, they didn't stay together after the start of their journeys. They couldn't take the chance of finding their magnum opus to be at the same place at the same time. Find it together would have been cheating in the eyes of tradition. Throughout their series of journeys, while they did occasionally meet up to travel home together for a break or to just travel together to enjoy it, the twins tended to travel separately.

So, it was during one of these travels without his sister that Aren found himself stuck with Roan and his group of rebels. If one were to ask just
how exactly the red head got stuck, he would just helplessly shrug and claim that he doesn't really remember. He will admit, however, that something about the group interested him and drew him in like a moth to a flame. He doesn't remember what exactly spurred him to impulsively join but if someone suggests that it was Roan...one should know that they haven't seen a deadpan expression until they see Aren's.




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Dez Braga



Xeso Plains



Dez is 6'1 and has a strong build. There is a deep, nasty bite mark on his right shoulder that was given to him by a wolf and still throbs from time to time. In fact, Dez still rubs vulnerary into the spot in order to relieve the ache. He usually is seen wearing a black hood with an emblem of a wold on the back, black pants, and black shoes.







Iron Axe





Dez's fighting style is a mixture of brutalizing force and skill. He has the strength to injure with every blow and the speed to match it. His brutal power and superb skill with an axe makes him a force to be reckoned with. However, this fighting style makes him a little reckless and decreases his ability to dodge and block. Des can also take a lot of abuse to cover for his bad defense.



Dez is usually quiet and rude to people when he does talk. He likes being alone but after working for so many mercenary groups has grown to enjoy the company of others. Dez is sarcastic and realistic, often seeming pessimistic. He is also observant and often can tell when someone's upset or angry.



Dez was born in the Xeso Plains and his mother died shortly after. He was taken in by a vicious mercenary called "the Beast"? From his youth Dez was trained extensively to wield an Axe and has been trained to kill. At age 16, shortly after he performed his first mercenary assignment, his father grew fatally ill. Dez would perform many more jobs to buy medicine for his father figure. But it was all in vain as 2 years later "the Beast" passed away peacefully in his sleep.

After his father's death, Dez became a cold and cruel mercenary and for 3 years he became known as "the Savage" for his brutal, take no prisoners mindset. That all changed when he was imprisoned and made friends a gentle, kid young boy named Runo. He learned more about the Xeso Plains and the tribes that lived there. Dez, in order to return Runo to his family on the Plains, broke out of the prison and escaped. He and Runo traveled to his tribes village and he was reunited with his family. But, Dez was recognized as the man who had killed one of the women's sons and was thrown out of the village. He chose not to fight back and left in order for Runo to have a normal life with his tribe. Dez continues to wander to this day and look for a purpose.




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Xiu Nue






It's a little hard to ignore the pair of white and ash brown wings on the back of a tall man, making Xiu one of the most eye-catching individuals in the Prince's company. Especially with the clothes off, and I mean that in the least sexual way possible. Several white and brown tattoos riddle his body, a natural indication that he was a member of the bird tribe. His hawk form shares the same colors as his wings and tattoos, being primarily white and then dotted with brown.






Taguel (Hawk)






First and foremost, Xiu is a Taguel. He scoffs at the notion of weapons and fights with his other form, a sizable hawk that could easily lift a small man with its talons. He uses his much greater speed and strength to his advantage, though he is prone to missing due to his large wingspan. But his ability to duck in and out of battle also make it easy for others to miss him. Unfortunately, being an airborne unit he is susceptible to arrows and wind magic. Taking away his Aviastone is a simple way of rendering Xiu useless.



Once things get too rowdy in the rebel gang, Xiu's presence is one of the fastest ways to get them all to calm down. The man commands an imposing presence; if he tells you to stop, you will stop. There is no compromise when gives an order. Quite frankly, no one really dares to disobey. He treats everyone the same, regardless of status. If he thinks Roan is being an idiot he will bluntly tell the renegade prince that he's an imbecile. Being privy to his past doesn't spare Roan from his sharp tongue.

Though initial impressions are that he is a hard ass, time spent with the Taguel will show that he has a sense of humor. It's actually quite easy to make him laugh, provided the situation and circumstance are appropriate. Obviously, cracking a joke when he's the middle of giving out duties won't win you any points. But if you're all settling down for a meal or sometimes even in the heat of battle, it's perfectly fine to unleash those puns you've been holding on to.

Xiu's sense of responsibility and idea of debt are not to be taken lightly. He will always find a way to pay you back. In the same vein, he does not forget any favors you owe him. Nah always joked that if Runa worked with taxes like other humans, Xiu would make a great collector.

Fortunately, greater than his ability to remember is his skill in negotiating. He rarely uses diplomacy on the rogues, instead reserving it for procuring supplies or shelter for the night. If one were to inquire of Roan's past, Xiu's always ready to sidestep the question for him. This extends to any member of the group; if any of them feel uncomfortable sharing details they don't need to reveal, Xiu will steer the conversation to another direction.



Hawks are solitary creatures, but Runa's Taguel are different from their non-magical brethren. While birds of prey definitely stood at the top in terms of power, many other kinds grew up alongside Xiu. He could even remember a couple of peacocks and pidgeons within his flock. They treated each other like siblings; competition was fierce and Xiu thrived in the active environment.

As with each generation, he and a few others grew to stand above the rest. Most opted to join the council, leaving the nest for the city that housed their government. Xiu left with them, but it was not to join the council. Instead, he left simply to sate the wanderlust that seeped into his veins. He'd wanted any excuse to move. Though no one would've minded if he suddenly decided to leave for no reason, his sense of responsibility tethered him to Runa.

While in the city of Neru, Runa's capital and largest tribe, he first met humans from Yune. He'd seen them before, but his tribe was a distance from human civilizations and so he'd yet to actually speak to one. The contents of those conversations he'd find himself repeating often in the years to come. Xiu realized he liked hearing of their lands, wanting to see for himself what the humans had described.

Soon after, he met Nah, leader of all bird Taguel. The two came to become unexpected friends, and when Xiu had mentioned his interest in seeing Yune for himself, Nah told him he should. Nah knew Xiu had talent in speaking; all he needed to do was study as humans did, and he would make an ideal diplomat for the kingdom of Runa.

Years passed, and the hawk grew into the title granted to him by Nah. His travels led him to all sorts of corners of Oriel, but he always had a soft spot for the kingdom of Yune and their royal family. When the uprising came, he'd been in business in the far east and could do nothing to aid them. Months later, Nah once again sent him to meet the new powers. Upon meeting Seth for the first time, Xiu could easily say that he did not trust the man.

Though he was primarily a diplomat, it was also his job to collect any information about the inner workings of the kingdoms he visited. News that the crown prince of Yune might be alive yet was one he was happy to tell to his Alpha, who tasked him to find Roan. The task was an arduous one, though if it weren't the prince would be dead by now.

At the brink of giving up, he followed one last lead to a series of small rebellions on the outskirts of Yune. Expecting nothing more than simple men unhappy with the new administration, the sight of Roan leading the charge brought him both hope and apprehension. The two recognized each other, and Xiu promised to keep his status a undisclosed to everyone else. To this day, he continues to send updates to Runa in secret, knowing that Nah and Rhys were simply waiting for the right time to join forces.




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Claire Aquene






Claire, is a keeper or one emotion, and that emotion only. That being a placid being. One who rarely frown, or lose composer especially when her Kingdom calls for it. Often seen drone in a long grown, black gloves, and her hair loose enough to swing freely against the summer breeze. Plain in one sense, but easy to approach nevertheless. After all we're talking about a princess, one who's sole role is to take over the Kingdom one day. Pose with grace, talk slowly, and maybe just maybe, she can become a true princess. Appearances be damn.






Pegasus Knight



Falcon Knight



Atols are known for their rural landscape, one in which houses farmers and those alike. Animals came in all shapes and sizes, some with wings, and like any young child young Claire was highly fond of them. Riding them especially came naturally, owning a horse at her fourth birthday, the horse was name her's 'Cat' (something about sounding like one) thus the rest is history. Warship exist has existed long before history text book first came into existences, in which Claire would read all too many, but without prior or much experience in the battle field is one of her biggest weakness. Exposure is key, exposure the princess is yet to experiences. Another is the her inability to defeat herself, well, not yet anyways (holding a lance can only do so much when in the sky.) Nevertheless Claire talented rider, one who relies on speed and resistance, and that itself is enough to pride one's ability.



Little has change for the princess, since her upbringing into the world. Sure, her world as she knows it has now change, but really what can one person do? Royalty or not. Even if Claire is hereby Queen one day, within a distanced future, after her parent's final breath, for now she is just simply Claire. One with an untouchable title, but one also without power. It's not to say Claire is a pessimistic being, but rather is content to watch mother nature runs it's course, even if it means allowing mankind to destroy it all and burn it to the ground.

She's calm, but a bit too collective for some.

It's not to say the error or the wrong doing has gone notice, if anything, politics and public relations has long numb the young princess. She has long accepted that all is not well within her frail world but if it's within the best interest of her Kingdom then so be it. Her family and Kingdom happiness comes first, then everything else. It's selfish and it's immoral, and Claire knows it. However when you're a princess one's expression speaks all, it is best to keep up an image than be toll your people.

Being placid is key, or as her father would dub when she was nothing more than a child (along with a hand on her shoulder.) Noways rarely does the princess ever get excited, nor can she be easily upset either. Claire is nevertheless young at heart, but she is forced to grow up upon her 16th birthday, get married, for it was to all the problems between the two countries. Oh how she was naive that day, crying over the lost of her childhood friend a few years later. For now her highness is far too mature for her age.

Trust comes too easily from Claire, she'll be there if you need her. Body, soul, all hers is now yours if you dare to seek some sense of stability. Like a mother confronting a child, Claire is there. However read too deep, lingering in her sights lies another obsession one the princess, herself, has yet to discover:

To rule, to conquer, and finally fix what is now broken.

For she has collected too much.



Welcome to her once upon a time. A time when all was mundane for many, tranquil to those who lead, and by all means a rather content princess. Claire Aquene, once fidgets an awful lot. The resonates of silences never did ease the young child need for attention, one her parents failed to bestow since birth. Flipping through several novels at once, tapping her blunt finger nails on wooden tables, lingering towards the sound of chatter. She lives source out those that provides the princess a sense of chaos. Those being her brother, then her servants, the chiefs, and finally her maids. Those were to be playmates until she was merely eight years old, her world open up to a boy - from a foreign land - but a child nevertheless.

He was a prince from the South, and he was to be her friend nevertheless. With humble beginnings, it was enough bloom a fond relationship between the two. A year later, Claire was given a personal retrained. Who would later on in life serve her mentor, and the sole person she trust.

"You are to marry him."

"Him? As in the prince of Yune your highness?"

"... yes."

Rarely did the princess and her father exchange words, and when they did often filled the walls with petty wisdom and mere politics. Today, Claire to receive a form of politics, public relations, better yet - an arranged marriage. Her parents had too married for political reasons, because of their royal status, and to maintain peace. There was nothing romantic about their relationship, yet there was nothing bitter between her parents either. They were good friends at best, and as Claire continues to observe her parents for many years to come before she was marry her childhood friend, she concludes as long they remain friends even after marriage, all is well. She was unaware of the civil unrest in which was to come years later.

"We are unable to find his body you highness."

Claire licked her lips and felt her knees buckled, the weight on her chest double. Fear didn't allow the princess to question the calamitous situation any further. Asking the guards to leave the room, the future queen took a sit and allowed herself to cry.

She was in love, deeply in love.

And she knew it.

With the status of her future now dead, the Kingdom continues to live on as normal. Feelings changed and her attention shifted to the wellbeing of her Kingdom, her family in particular her older brother to whom she writes letters to daily. Almost, not as much as would she like. Today especially when she couldn't find the right words to address her brother. It wasn't long till she was to face an old father, her childhood friends - the man she once loved.

"Busy as always, your highness. I see that hasn't changed."




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Gailardia Arlorne






A young man standing at a height of 5 ft and 10 inches. Underneath his golden blonde hair is a handsome face with unnerving crimson red eyes and toned body. A highborn noble, he carries himself in a dignified and proud manner and carries a bemused and bored expression most of the time. He gives off a spoiled and proud aura around him because of his proclivity for golden clothing which makes him stand out a lot if not his already domineering personality.






Dark Mage



Dark Knight



Gailardia's proud personality resulted in him wanting to excel in both the magical arts and swordplay. Though he later appears to have a better affinity for magic, he remained determined to show that he was better knowing sword and tome together. In the end though he had to leave the sword behind though but vowed to pick up again once he had mastered his tomes. His affinity for magic is actually pretty high though his strength is somewhat average. His skill and agility more than make up for this but a hit from an enemy can immediately put him in danger. If not properlybacked up by any allies, can potentially be killed or caught.

Gailardia's fighting style relies heavily on making quick work of his opponents using overwhelming power. His overall status labels him as a glass cannon. Though quite observant, he prefers looking for opportunities that can gain him glory, which makes him a liability because he doesn't like working alongside most people unless someone of a higher authority and someone he respects gives him the order to. He'll do it begrudgingly though. He specializes in the use of fire magic because it's the most explosive and awe-inspiring for him.



Born of noble status, it's no surprise that Gailardia would turn out to be proud and arrogant. He was raised believing he was the best and that he should never gaze upon those who were of lower stature and if ever he did, it was to express a command, scold or praise. But he was also a naive child and gave his trust to those of equal stature to him. This would bite him in the back at the young age he was in and erase his childlike innocence.

Exposed to the ins and outs of the court and its noble families, Gailardia learned to be sociable and perceptive in order to survive in the venomous environment of politics. While he didn't really care about politics and only participated when ordered to, he was determined to excel at the things he had put his mind on. Typically laidback and easygoing, Gai turned out to be a determined and hardworking individual as he trained in the magical arts and swordsmanship. And it paid off as he was recruited by a retainer of the king to train under him and become retainer to the Princess Claire.

His personality changed as he trained and he became more open about what he thought although whatever thing he said could range from rude, arrogant or even downright perverse. Initially a self-centered individual, he learned to take value in the things he had around him though it couldn't be helped that he remained arrogant and can be a bit twisted when expressing his concern or affection by insulting you and laughing at your misery. He still also retained his laidback personality and would actually prefer to just be lazy or have fun than fight. He's turned out to be a flirt too which tends to annoy others but also successfully woo his targets. What's worse is that his proud vanity has reached a level where he'd probably kiss his own reflection. This arrogance of course is not without its drawbacks as he tends to belittle and is quick to assume the worst in everyone and this includes underestimating his enemies and doubting his own allies capabilities and treating them as baggage in his quest to become glorious in battle.

He is known to be quite sadistic and makes a habit of inflicting insult and injury to those he would disagree or fight with. He truly enjoys watching them break which is something he is also notorious for and a reason why not a lot of people want to work with him. A villain at heart, Gai will not hesitate whoever you are unless you are someone he respects or someone with a higher authority.

Nonetheless he remains a stalwart guardian and retainer to the Princess. Though he is notoriously lazy and ill mannered, he would normally trust her with her own safety. And if he believes the threat to be something she couldn't handle alone, he'll be her fiercest guardian. She is the only person he trusts and would do his utmost to protect her; he will follow her orders, selectively, even going as far as to die for her if she willed it.



As a child of nobility, one was expected to do his/her best to uplift the family's name. By every means necessary. This was the ideal drilled into Gailardia Arlorne and his siblings as they grew up. They were made to believe that they were more important than any other person that they were going to encounter in their life aside from the royal family. A proud and arrogant noble family that sought only power in the Kingdom of Atols especially because they came from the southern seaside territories of the Kingdom of Atols. It was harder for nobles like them to gain popularity because of they sat at the borders that separated Atols from Yune.

At the age of 8, the harsh reality of the upper society of the kingdom ate the child up as he was left to hang for something he had no hand in. Neither his parents nor siblings showed any support for him which hardened his outlook on life and made him think ill of and doubt others. So he dove himself in his studies,isolating himself unless he was ordered to and expanding his knowledge and honing his skills so that if it was necessary, he could exact his vengeance on those who turned their back on him. But even more so, the desire to prove to them that he could achieve greatness without resulting to kneeling down and kissing up to the upper echelons of society was achievable. He craved that power of holding someone's life by his hand.

His efforts would pay off eventually as he was took in to be the apprentice of a dark knight who turned out to be the king's retainer. The knight, Sir Tempus Elainus, had been looking for an apprentice for a while now and he took him with him all the time to train and be familiarized with his new environment. This was how he met the princess who at the time he thought was merely a figurehead. They became quick acquaintances then and he would later come to serve as her retainer and knew of the fact that she tended to sneak away from her retainers to go off on her own adventures. Sir Tempus, took Gailardia on missions as well and trained him in magic. On these missions, he was exposed to the reality of the world and how it really functioned.

Changed, Gailardia came back to the capital much more capable than he had ever been before. He wasn't guaranteed a spot as retainer to the princess but he was confident that whatever the condition was to become her retainer would be something he could overcome. As it turns out, 18y/o Gai would have his chance by winning a tournament held between the squires of the current retainers of the king's retainers. It was long and arduous and he had almost been beaten but he prevailed. Among the twelve squires, he was the last one standing and on that day he became one of the princess' retainers. He became a confidante to the princess who he unexpectedly becomes good friends with.

When word of Yune's fall to the revolts reached Atols, Gai had been ordered to return south to his hometown of Xer'rath, a suzerain city in the seaside territories of Atols. When he came back to the mansion where he was raised in, he found it to have been burnt to the ground while the port city seemed to hold its breath and bracing for whatever came next. He left the city as quickly as he could and made a beeline for the capital. His return was wrought with hardship and a number of times he was almost captured had it not been for his quick thinking. Though he would've preferred to gain better information on these usurpers, he knew it would be meaningless to pursue an answer if he would just end up dead. Once he'd gotten to a better defended city, he had a rider send a message to the castle as he recovered from his injuries.

Though he seemed unaffected by the destruction of his home, he believed that the snakes he called blood relatives would still be slithering their way into somebody's good favor, not killed. They were still family after all. Guiltily he felt a sense of satisfaction at the fact that the family that betrayed him was nowhere to be found and with barely any semblance of the power they had once accumulated. He could honestly care less.

But that also meant that the danger was imminent.








Adelaide Volkov






A brief general description of your character's appearance. Focus more on distinguishing aspects!












A brief general description of how your character fights or their strengths and weaknesses. For the classes, please choose from Awakening. You can choose any non-promoted class. You may have a character that is promoted, but the pre-requisite is that for every promoted classes there are two non-promoted.



I think you can guess what to put here man.



Pretty self-explanatory as well.




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Khiel Varesteu






Although his slow aging is not as severe as most manaketes, Khiel is still often mistaken for a child of about fifteen due to his youthful and delicate features. Honestly, you can't really blame others for making such a mistake with his baby face and rather short stature of 5'4". Even with the excuse of stunted growth, his height and build are still quite surprising considering how much he eats, as he's almost never seen without some kind of food item or snack around. Other than his childish appearance, people tend to be most curious about Khiel's odd hairstyle, which has been fashioned into a ponytail that somehow forks out into two parts. Well, there's that and the fact that it's quite common for him to be mistaken for a young girl at first glance. He'll grow out of it in another ten or twenty years...maybe...possibly...

With the use of a dragonstone, Khiel takes on the form of a dragon colored a silvery green, contrary to what his hair color in his human form suggests. Unlike certain other dragons like fire dragons, Khiel's dragon form is plumed with feathers and something akin to fur. The feathers are most prominent on his wings–which are retractable in his human form–whose color graduates from a slightly darker shade of green to a near whitish color at the tips. Due to still being young for a manakete, Khiel is a bit on the small side and his hide isn't as tough as the older, more battle worn manaketes.












As a hybrid who was born primarily manakete, Khiel is capable of transforming into his draconic form with the use of a dragonstone. Khiel's human body–like most other manaketes–is weak, making him incapable of effectively fighting in that form. However, as a dragon, his power and durability are heightened considerably, making him a more viable asset for combat. Like wyverns, Khiel is capable of flying with his wings, although he cannot effectively do so while attacking, making him a ground fighter rather than a flying unit. He also has issues with speed and accuracy of single strikes. He compensates for this with a high defense and resistance, although even this is easily bypassed with the use of a dragon killer weapon such as a wyrmslayer. On an offensive standpoint, Khiel can strike using his tail, teeth and claws, and can utilize semi-ranged attacks with misty breath, which is especially effective on fellow manaketes and wyvern type units.



From the moment you meet him, it's quite obvious that Khiel is an odd child with his voracious appetite that doesn't seem to affect his height or weight at all, his unhealthy obsession with rice, his love of surprising people, and his claims that he's actually much older than what he appears to be.

While manaketes are known for maturing more slowly than humans, both physically and mentally, Khiel still judges his age according to human years due to having lived among humans for the first few years of his life. Although Khiel always takes care to correct people who believe that he is still a child, many seem to be unable to take him seriously due to his rather childish nature. It isn't uncommon for him to get into all sorts of trouble--not that he really pays much attention to his various predicaments. It's not that he has a bad mouth or attitude, but rather that he simply does what he wishes to do without any restraints, especially when the situation has to do with food. 90% of the time, these curious actions are what end up landing him in hot water. Surprisingly, Khiel actually manages to get himself safely out of sticky situations without really suffering the consequences be it due to having the devil's luck or due to actually putting his draconic intellect to use for once.

To many, Khiel appears quite simple-minded with his stubborn preference to only do things that interest him and to not think too hard about too may things at once. Believe it or not, Khiel was much more cautious in the past but decided to just let things come as they go once he learned that no matter how intelligent and prudent you were, it is impossible to prevent bad things from happening. Overthinking things only made him feel pessimistic in the end and doesn't answer his questions and concerns either.

The one thing that puts Khiel on edge are liars. He doesn't quite have the same ability to "smell" a person's true intentions as other dragons, but he's still sensitive to lies. He isn't always spot on, but even just the uncomfortable feeling that a liar gives off is enough to make him wary of said person. Due to this, Khiel himself tends to be honest to a fault. Should a situation arise where he is unable to tell the truth, he would rather stay silent or say something that is true but misleading rather than an outright lie. He's pretty bad when he tries to lie, anyway.



Azel Varesteu and Nel Varesteu - Khiel's adoptive father and mother, respectively, as well as good friends of his biological mother. Azel and Nel were entrusted with Khiel when the child was only a few months old. Due to this, Khiel wholly considers Azel and Nel as his parents and bears a close relationship with them, despite knowing that he's adopted.

Ruto Varesteu - Khiel's older brother (not blood related). Ruto was often the one cheering Khiel up whenever he got depressed. He wasn't always the best older brother with his tendency to get the two of them in trouble, but his support was very much appreciated back before Khiel decided to just let go of the past that he never did and could have known. Ruto's free-spirited personality may have rubbed off on Khiel, for the better or for the worse.

Selphy Varesteu - Khiel's younger sister, although currently, she looks older than him. Selphy was rather mature for her age and was often seen dragging Ruto and Khiel out of whatever sticky mess that they had gotten themselves into. Selphy often stated that she was jealous of Khiel's "pretty hair" and was the one who convinced him to keep it long. She had absolutely no influence on his odd hairstyle, however.

Ymir (no surname) and Seris Abestia - Khiel's biological father and mother, respectively. Not much is known about Khiel's biological parents other than that they were good friends of Azel and Nel. They supposedly left Khiel with Azel and Nel due to some sort of dangerous situation...

Warning: This only covers the most basic stuff. It's missing a lot of details.

Basically, Khiel always felt that he was a bit different from his siblings. He knew that he was adopted, but it was something more than just that. Whenever he asked about his biological parents, his adoptive parents would always simply reply that they had left him with them in order to protect him. Of course, this answer didn't satisfy him, so he was a it tormented by this during his early life. After a little while, Khiel grew out of being a depressed child and let the unknown past stay in the past. No need to beat himself over something that wasn't even his fault, right? Feeling the need to show his appreciation towards his family, Khiel decided to start working at the forge, the family trade, although he had never really been interested in it before. Things turned out to be fun and Khiel nearly forgot about everything that had been plaguing him when he was a small child. That was until he had a particularly bad run-in with a particular guardsman of Lystol.

After a series of events with the guardsman acting like a jerk, Khiel decided that it was high time to return home. A few weeks later he happens to overhear Azel and Nel discussing the matter of his parents and their worries on what they would do if someone found out that Khiel was a child of a manakete. Sure, children of hybrids didn't always express the traits prominent in manaketes, but Lystol still despised and persecuted them. They hated manaketes and taguel of any kind. Soon enough, Azel and Nel are alerted of Khiel's presence. A long conversation later, Azel and Nel finally fess up everything they knew about his parents and give Khiel the dragonstone that his parents had left with him when he was an infant. Since he already knows what's up, might as well give to him what is rightfully his, right?

Realizing that the guardsman's strange actions were due to having realized that Khiel was descended of a manakete, Khiel decided that it was high time to depart from Lystol before things became hard for his family. Long story short, he left Lystol and traveled around for quite a few years, getting used to his dragon form and gaining more knowledge on manaketes, before somehow ending up joining our little group of misfits.

Although Khiel is strange for a human, he is probably even more strange for a manakete. Unlike the manaketes and taguel who grew up in Runa and their respective tribes, Khiel is oddly uneducated in the ways of his race. He often becomes surprised at facts that most manakete might consider common knowledge and seems to think more like a human rather than a manakete. This puzzles many at first, but once they hear of his circumstances, they begin to understand just a bit as to why he behaves as he does. Afterall, he had been raised among humans and had even lived believing that he was one for the first eighteen years of his life. It was all rather ironic, having been raised in Lystol, a country whose government despised the manakete and taguel when he himself was a manakete.

From the beginning, Khiel had always known that he was adopted. It was especially obvious with how his adoptive father and mother, Azel and Nel respectively, constantly reminded him that his biological parents had left him with them in order to protect him rather than because they didn't want him. While it was certainly much better for the truth to be known from the beginning, Khiel still couldn't help but doubt the words of Azel and Nel. As a child, he couldn't understand what could have possibly happened that his parents would have to leave him for his own safety. What he could understand, though, was that his adoptive parents were hiding something from him. It wasn't the same feeling that he got when people straight out lied to him, but he could sense that they weren't telling him the complete truth.

This doubt was only further reinforced when Khiel slowly began to notice a few differences between himself and other children around his age. Unlike him, his sister, Selphy, and brother, Ruto, could not tell the difference between a liar and an honest person unless it was evident in their expression. There was also the fact that he appeared to grow at a slower rate than his siblings. At first, this was barely noticeable and would simply be brushed off as being a late bloomer, but it become more and more evident as he grew older. Khiel looked and felt human, but there were just times when he felt that something was off. He just couldn't figure out what it was.

These days of uncertainty continued, but gradually grew less tormenting. With the influence of Ruto and Selphy, Khiel began to accept things as they were. Although the state of their country wasn't the best right now, he was still living a happy and healthy life with two parents and two siblings to support him and that was all that mattered in the end. Nothing he thought or did was going to be able to answer all of the questions he had of his biological parents. If this was so, then it wasn't worth worrying himself over it. With this in mind, Khiel began to fully delve himself in Azel and Nel's trade as blacksmiths. He had never really been interested in the forge before, but he didn't have much else to do and felt that he should do something to show his appreciation for his family.

While on a delivery one day, Khiel happened to have a particularly nasty run in with the head guardsmen of Orland. He had always been uneasy around the guardsmen and rightfully so. As the enforcers of the authority in Lystol, the guardsmen often overstepped their boundaries and "delivered punishment" on the citizens of Lystol simply because they were bored. This was especially so with the guardsmen of the city Orland. He didn't really get why, but his parents often told him especially to be wary of the guardsmen. Being that he neither wished to disobey his parents on this matter nor wished to stick around the guardsman, Khiel attempted to quietly creep away, only to be discovered by bumping into a barrel in his haste. This immediately caught the head guardsman's attention, prompting him to grab the "child" by the collar as to prevent escape.

Apparently, the guardsman had been in a particularly bad mood that day due to having had to personally deal with a few ruffians on the outskirts of the city. Apparently, they had somehow managed to dredge up the memory of a past even that had caused him to lose his left eye, and the appearance of Khiel hadn't made him feel any better either. In his confusion, Khiel could not process much of what the guardsman said, but he managed to catch bits of the guardsman's ramblings on how they had managed to kill the "goddamned dragon," but failed to capture both the wife and child. After a threat and angrily spitting in his face that he resembled that child a bit and that he was lucky that he wasn't that child or he would have well been dead by now, the guardsman finally released his hold on Khiel and went on his way.

Completely dumbfounded but glad that he had been released, Khiel made his way home. He thought over what had happened with the guardsman and the things that he had said, but these words were soon forgotten. It had nothing to do with him and the guardsman must have been drunk, even though it had still been midday. Not even a single thought of this incident came up again until a few weeks time when he overheard his adoptive parents discussing their worries. Normally, he would have ignored these conversations as it was rude to eavesdrop, but when he heard his own name being mentioned, he couldn't help but stay to hear more. Khiel was fearful that he was causing Azel and Nel trouble, but he forced himself to stay. If he was doing something wrong, he wanted to fix it. Of course, this was what he thought only before he heard the following words: "-his slow aging is getting too obvious. The guardsmen might figure out that Khiel is the hybrid manakete that went missing eighteen years ago."

These words brought back the memory of the run-in with the head guardsman and the realization as to why he reminded the guardsman of the manakete's child. It was because he
was that child. Wanting to know more, he stepped into the room and demanded firmly for the first time to know everything. Seeing that they could no longer cover the situation up, the two began to explain the real reason why he had been left in their care. His father, Ymir, had been a manakete who had ended up falling in love with his human mother, Seris Abestia. While Seris had grown up in Lystol, she didn't share the same views as many of the people there and ended up eventually sharing the same feelings for Ymir as well.

Deciding to live as a human for Seris, Ymir locked away his dragonstone and hid his identity as a manakete. For a certain period of time, the two lived together happily and even had a child which they intended to raise as a human as to avoid all suspicion of their true identity. However, all good things come to an end and Ymir was soon discovered by the guardsmen of Lystol. Telling Seris to escape with their child, Ymir took out his dragonstone for the first time in years and revealed his true form in order to be capable of protecting Seris as she ran. Having no one else she could trust, Seris ended up running to her old friend, Nel, and requesting that she raise Khiel alongside her own children. Realizing the dangers that could come with such a responsibility, Nel was hesitant, but accepted in the end seeing her old friend's desperation. To Seris, keeping Khiel with her would only put him in greater danger as the guardsmen knew what she looked like. Soon after giving Nel Khiel's name as well as saying her final farewell, Seris departed from Nel and Azel's home and disappeared, possibly killed later on.

After finishing their story, Azel took out an old dusty pouch and handed it to Khiel. Upon opening it, he saw inside the pouch a dragonstone. Nel then further explained to him that it was the dragonstone that Seris had left with them when he was a child, stating that it should be given to him only if he should ever find out that he was a manakete. The two then tried to reason with Khiel that his staying with them didn't burden them and that it wouldn't bother them too much if he stayed for a bit longer, but Khiel knew otherwise. The more the years passed, the more his lack of aging would become obvious. Although it was on an extremely short notice, Khiel explained his situation to his siblings and left Lystol after another month with the promise that he would return in secret back from time to time.

Khiel ended up traveling from place to place, never really staying in a single area for too long, for fourteen years. During this time, he gathered all of the knowledge that he could on manaketes and adjusted himself to his dragon form. Eventually, he ended up settling down in the country of Yune, which seemed to be one of the countries who were least hostile towards taguel and manaketes. His life was rather stable and peaceful from then on. At least, it was for three years until Seth and the rebel group that followed him slaughtered the royal family and forced a military rule over the country.

Yune wasn't his home country, but he had still lived there for some time. True, Yune's economy was the best that it had been in years now that Seth was in control, but his methods of doing things did not always sit well with Khiel. Many others agreed with his opinion as well, seeing that Seth was not trusted by many. However, most did nothing to go against the new leader of the country of Yune. Determined to see a different outcome than an eternal rule for as long as Seth lived, Khiel set out once again in search of a lead as to what could possibly be done to go against Seth. Soon, he was lead to a particular group of rebels. Although he couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was, he felt that there was something different about the man leading the group compared to the leaders of previous rebel groups. Betting on the hope that whatever was different about this man would be the key to a successful rebellion, Khiel decided to follow the group and do what he could do to aid them.


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Status: Not even remotely finished LOL (Also I'm not in any particular hurry with Essie since she's not coming into the group until later on anyway.

xD )​





Esther "Essie" Mihiel






Standing at 5 foot 7 inches, Essie is not much shorter than her twin (even though she does often begrudge him for his extra two inches.) Like her brother, Essie has a youthful face that makes her seem younger than she actually is and red hair that she usually keeps tied up in an odd half down and half pulled up fashion that many often call a "pineapple hairstyle". Essie does prefer to have long hair but she isn't against getting an early haircut if the situation calls for it. Also like her brother, and many other citizens of her homeland, Essie has dark red eyes that, unlike Aren's, seems to express her soul wholeheartedly. Like her eyes, her face is just as expressive that leaves her at a disadvantage in the lying department. Often, one would find this particular red head running or fighting her way out of her situation rather than lying out of it.












A brief general description of how your character fights or their strengths and weaknesses. For the classes, please choose from Awakening. You can choose any non-promoted class. You may have a character that is promoted, but the pre-requisite is that for every promoted classes there are two non-promoted.



I think you can guess what to put here man.



Pretty self-explanatory as well.




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FULL NAME[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#4c4c4d][SIZE=14px] GENDER


Matthias Aurelius Corvinus






A tall, lanky young man with a head of dark, wavy hair pushed back away from his forehead. He has a mark just below his right eye and a scar along his left cheek. In all things but combat he is posed casually, never standing quite straight, often leaning over people to further magnify his own size. He has the build of a well trained fighter, a result from seasons of spear hunting and mercenary work. He is graceful despite his size.







Iron Lance





Matthias is accustomed to fighting enemies many times his own size and strength, as well as fighting multiple attackers at once. He uses his lance in a graceful, dance like pattern from the lands across the sea to the east. This style emphasizes skill and speed rather than strength, relying on the ability to strike critical areas more often than attempting to end a fight in one overwhelming blow.



Matthias is best described by the class he aspires to attain, cavalier. He could care less for the fate of kingdoms or peoples, Matthias only cares about shiny coin and beautiful women. At least, that is what he will claim. As a mercenary, his toughness is part of the brand, so such theatrics are par for the course. Even if they betray his true feelings and ideals.

Matthias is actually very vested in the wellbeing of others, especially those left behind by the ravages of war, and he often dispenses his spare coin to old wives who's husbands will never return. He also has a great interest in politics, and would love to be able to take some form of power to better the world, he is especially interested in the theory of a court of law, with a trial conducted by impartial judges and a jury of peers.

Matthias' weakness for women is not in his love for them, but in his utter inability to communicate with them. If confronted, he will blush red in the face, stutter, mostly in the native language of his homeland, and then stagger away from the conversation in shame. It is unknown where this reaction comes from, but it is both sad and entertaining to watch.



Matthias hails from a mountainous land of tribes and dangerous animals, there is little for any young person to do in that land, especially with a sense of indomitable wanderlust. Matthias has been traveling the world since he was much younger, always appalled at how the people beyond the tribes treated one another. He was shocked at the lack of any sense of commonality, as if there was no brotherhood with your fellow men. All around him there was war, he watched kingdoms fall and people slaughtered. Matthias bloodied his hands regularly for the coin to survive. He dreams that one day the world will see and end to the senseless killing, and that a feeling of community will win out over the urge to war.



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