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Fantasy Derika: Land of the Gifted


Sylph of Life
Please read the rules first before you make an application. Also please do not "reserve" a post for your application. You can simply post in the OOC that you're interested in joining the RP or that you're currently working on an application.



Nickname(s): Optional, delete if not used.



Gift: Supernatural ability or mutation, you can only have one Gift. Only write about the basics of what the Gift does and what is easily observable. Any specifics should be put in weaknesses and limits. There is a process to evolve one’s Gift, but do not expect to be able to anytime soon. Gifts do not naturally evolve on their own.

Gift Classification: Is the Gift Dimensional/Physical/Mental/Elemental/Unaligned? This does not mean your character is a member of a faction. Leave this blank if you are unsure and a mod or I will edit it in.

Weaknesses and Limits: PM me this section. If you do not have PMing privileges, either indicate here or post in OOC that you need me to PM you. The reason for hiding this information is to prevent others from metagaming or being unconsciously influenced by this knowledge. You will be held accountable for RPing these faithfully in the RP though. If not, I’ll first give you a warning and then call you out on it. Only I will know this information unless I need to consult the other mods about it.

Appearance: Describe your character. Image is optional


History: Required, but just basics, like where you were born, your life before coming to Derika, how you got to Derika, etc. New characters may not be members or former members of ETG. Any returning characters can leave their history intact, but must RP their character as if he/she follows the changed lore.

Equipment: Clothing, weapons, whatever you might have on you. Could be nothing but the clothes on your back. Any artifacts, aether, and antinite equipment must be checked with me first. Keep in mind that they are hard to obtain and without good reason I will not allow characters to start with them.

Party Control: Yes/No. You may also list out certain terms or conditions. You can change this option later if you wish. Just make an OOC post notifying everyone of the change.

Watched the IC, IC2, OOC, and Updates tabs: Yes/No

Other: Anything else. Delete if not used.

Character Compendium:


Name : Edonis Yvette

Age : 21ish now

Gender : Male

Gift: Manipulation of metals

Gift Classification: Elemental

Appearance: (See Equipment)

Personality : Highly creative and curious, Edonis is endlessly intrigued and attentive to what is going on around him. He is slightly obsessed with social media and immediately knowing what is currently going on. The competitive style of schooling he went under, as well as restrictions of his Gift isolated him from classmates, resulting in his in indifference in socializing with strangers.

History :

Edonis was born into a family of merchants owning reputable stores situated on the docks of Derika, selling any and every good imaginable. The business functioned as a gateway to less legal business, but otherwise maintained a clean image. His parents enrolled him at the Center for Extremely Talented Gift, a highly prestigious school for Gifted children. Suspiciously similar to the government organization, but no one seems to bring this connection up.

Unfortunately, he was denied admittance to the respectable Gifted and Talented program, and he had no notion of what his Gift was on entry. Luckily, he discovered his Gift early on, as in the midst of one class, Edonis fell limp, essentially paralyzed in his seat while the metal of his desk lifted in the air and crumpled together.

>In school (CETG)

>Reading my book

>Don’t know my Gift

>Chilling with the other kids who don’t know their Gift

>Other kids make fun of us

>Can’t sit at the cool kids table at lunch

>So frustrated

>Suddenly fall over paralyzed

>Metal desk is flipping $#!%

>Desk does a 180 and warps

>Teacher hits me with Antinite turret on ceiling

>Footage probably gets sold

>Can move again

>Desk is rekt

>Holy $#!%I can tk stuff

>Can sit at cool kids table now

Having learned his Gift, Edonis’ class schedule slightly shifted to include safe, nurturing, and sheltered environment to develop control over his powers.

That’s right kiddos, he’s GT(Gifted and Talented) now.

While the Elemental faction was an option to go into, Edonis had no interest in joining up with them. He graduated from high school successfully and successfully applied for a job with a construction company. Lift all those steel beams. Dig all those holes.

At the age 19, the Smugglers gang approached Edonis at work to offer a proposal for him to join the organization. Edonis, who had dank job security in construction work, accepted the invitation. He was assigned to escort high value goods throughout Derika with other gang members. His family having dealt with the smuggling organization before raised no objections to his participation.

Equipment :

When working or just generally out and about, Edonis wears an extremely dense suit consisting of layered metal alloys. The suit is a dark grey, contrasted with silvery highlights of a an alloy, and is further filled with another liquid metal alloy, protecting and cushioning his body. His suit enables him to move by manipulation of the armor surrounding his body. In addition to his main suit, he is followed by a gargantuan set of floating wings composed of general purpose construction-grade steel to use as material. The wings are embossed to give them a feathered appearance. Typically kept folded, the wings can expand to angelic proportions of tens of meters wide.

Party Control: Aye, I forget to post or I just fall asleep and miss everything. Pretty sure I killed the last 2 Derika threads doing this.

Music: Euphonium, Warframe, Brave Frontier.

Name: Esther Artaux

Age: 21

Gender: Light

Gift: User can transform into an ethereal ball of light capable of flight and convert objects into wisps of colored light that will follow on command.

Gift Classification: Elemental



Esther, five years old, lived a peaceful life in her peaceful home in her peaceful town. She had a loving and caring stay-at-home non-Gifted mother who made her grilled cheese sandwiches everyday. Her father was a firefighter, and also Gifted. Specialized in resistance to extreme temperatures, he could risk venturing through flaming buildings with ease. As a Gifted in a town of many non-Gifted, he was well known and renowned for saving people from dire situations.

Her peaceful life was pretty peaceful until the fire nation criminals attacked.

Criminals breached her home one night, kidnapping both the father and her. Fortunately the pair were kept together and were moved to a large boat filled with other captured Gifted. Many other Gifted were continually sedated by a man who seemed to knock them out with a flick of his wrist once they arose. After spending what seemed like an eternity within the darkness of the ship, They were taken far from home, to Derika (surprise).

Morale never fell for the pair, as their captors had the intent to keep the captured Gifted alive, so the criminals kept everyone in the ship within slightly reasonable health standards.

The journey to Derika took a little less than a week, and before they knew it, they were being brought to their feet and escorted out of the ship. At this point, Dad Artaux and Esther were separated, one going brought into a building nearby the docked ship, and the other taken into a truck. Esther was dumped into the warehouse while her father was taken away into the night. Esther fell asleep quickly, tired and defeated.

She woke early morning to the sound of gunshots ringing out in the distance. Only restrained by her arms, she rose to her feet and stumbled to the window. Outside were men and women appearing out of thin air, wielding guns and other assorted weaponry. Across the front and back of each in bright white letters were the letters BPD.

Although unfamiliar with Brinkhaven police, Esther still watched in awe as they quickly defeated the criminals defending the ship and warehouse. The officers made their way to the door and dramatically blasted the door open with way more force than necessary. The door flew off its hinges over the heads of the Gifted inside and embedded itself into the back of the warehouse wall. At that exact moment, the sun rose over the horizon, outlining the silhouettes of the officers as the ship exploded behind them in a glorious fireball.

This image was forever embedded into Esther’s mind, even more than the door embedded in the warehouse wall. From this point on she would look up to the BPD as her saviour and vowed to join them. She and her father were soon reunited after being rescued, and were taken into Brinkhaven along with the other captured Gifted.

Father Artaux, with no way back home enlisted in the Brinkhaven fire department, as he had the required skillset as well as a Gift relevant. Intent on bringing his wife to Brinkhaven, he diligently worked from that point on in order to earn money to pay for her passage over. Daily Skype sessions were not enough.

Esther lived with her father in Brinkhaven from that point on in a building where the firefighters stayed. She attended a school in Brinkhaven until age 18, where she eagerly joined the BPD she looked up to all this time. Eventually the father and daughter pair brought in enough money to pay for Mom Artaux’s passage to Derika, and the family was reunited again. :D

Now 21 years old, Esther continues to work for the BPD, and takes pride in every assignment. Sometimes too much pride.

Equipment: Glock 37 (2), SRM Arms Model 1216 , Riot shield laced with T6 Antinite, T3 Antinite Handcuffs (3), Tear Gas Grenades (2), M110 SASS, Bulletproof Vest, Fingerless black leather gloves ;) , Police radio, Granola bar, Flashlight, Napkin, Zipties (6), $600 cash monies for orange juice

Party Control: Yes, just don’t use wisps or change her form. You can like, move around though, and stuff like that. Literally all of the antinite gear would fall out. Bad. All of the illegal stuff would be discovered. Just don’t tell Ice about it.

Other: Girls with guns?


Name: Kris Calvero

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: Can create and mentally communicate with "brain ghosts" inside of people's heads, as well as put his mind into a similar yet physical ghostly form while asleep or knocked unconscious.

Gift Classification: Mental

Appearance: 5'10. Unkempt blonde hair, brown eyes, and overall a completely average appearance. Brain ghosts look exactly the same, except slightly transparent.

Personality: Kris isn't too bright and is a pretty awkward person. He tries to be nice to everyone he meets and loves joking about things, but has a bit of difficulty talking to people. Kris is also narcoleptic, and tends to fall asleep quite easily. He also is highly interested in bladed weapons and enjoys reading.

History: Kris had always lived an incredibly average life in a regular town. Nothing interesting happened to him until one day, he was told by a preacher on the street that he needed to "discover his inner self". These words echoed within his mind, and when he went to sleep that night, he indeed awoke his "inner self", otherwise known as his dream ghost. Although at first he thought this experience was merely a dream, he soon discovered that this new ability was in fact real. A few days after this, he noticed one of his brain ghosts walking around next to one of his friends. Naturally, he started to think of ways to initiate conversation with it, as any normal person would do when encountered with this situation. However, once he had thought up the perfect introduction in his head, the ghost mentally responded to him. After two months of discovering the possibilities with these ghosts, Kris decided that he would use these abilities to do something extraordinary, and left his home to go and do exactly that. Unfortunately, he did not in fact end up doing anything special until one of his brain ghosts told him about a conversation it had overheard about a place called Derika. After learning about this, Kris snuck onto a boat and arrived at Derika.

Equipment: Currently wearing: Blue t-shirt, jeans, high-collared purple cape, pointy anime sunglasses, duffel bag. In duffel bag: Three hoodies, another pair of pointy sunglasses, a decorative dirk, and $10 USD.

Party Control: Yes, but not for his brain ghosts.

Other: I'm currently pretty interested in sketching, and my favorite game right now is Nuclear Throne.

Name: Beatrice "La Croix" Laplace

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Gift: Enhanced metabolism/Asimilation: By eating chunks of her adversaries La Croix is able to mend her wounds and gain unholly strenght who adds to her already noticeable speed, sometimes asimilating qualities of her food for a limited time, proportional to the ammount of meat consumed, wether be something as simple as increasing the time she can hold her breath, enhance her senses, harden her skin or gain resistence to things like fire... however, this is not frequent, the chance increasing by consuming more.

Gift Classification: Physical

Apperance: White messy hair Pale skin, dim hazel eyes, her canine teeth grow longer when she uses her abilities, eyes having red motion blur. She stands at a 5'7", with a feminine muscular build. Her chest is inadequate, other feminine areas being somewhat moderate, but lacking in curves for the mostpart.

Personality: Seemingly in an eternal bad mood, she revels in confrontationand fighting, She is rude, agressive, and always has some snide coment in her sleves or some joke to mock at the actual problem... However, the very few who have come to stablish friendship with her can say she is very caring and protective towards whoever she deems important enough for her, resuming all above, She is like a rose, You can see the good inside her once you've travers through the myriad of spikes outside... and survive...

History: Born as product of an incestuous rape betwen the members of a noble house, she was born on this workd to be the vessel of an ancient evil... Revered as a Goddes by the cult in which said noble house was involved, her unholly heritage slowly consumming her mind untill at the age of 18, the cult tried to make her eat her own mother, after that, she reached breaking point, killing everyone but her mom, who managed to get her under control, since then shes been fighting against the ravenous shadow that lingers inside her, walking her own path in search for peace

Equipment: She wears an overcoat, the sleves slightly longer than her arms, because of this only her fingers are visible, the over coat is black in contrast to her hair and skin, in the middle of the back lies a Cercent moon crossed by 3 lines colored Golden just as the buttoms of the coat, the symbol is enclosed in a circle and 3 lines run from it to the ends of her sleeves and neck, a peaked cap on her head with a Golden cercent moon on it... she wearsshorts and light footwear so she can run unencumbered. She has a rusty, lightweight longsword, similar to that of a claymore or katana, which has a very sharp edge. With enough force, it cuts through unprotected flesh with ease, as well as thick rope, bamboo, thin metal (aluminium cans, etc.), and such.

Party Control : No


Themes -

Upon a Burning Body - Red Razor Wrists

See video in original application.

I like gaming for the most part, favorite one being Transistor

Name: Sven Pilter

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Gift: One mark centered on his left and right palm. The symbol on the left gives him the ability to shift (teleport) himself short distances, while the symbol on the right allows him to shoot pulses of energy from his right hand.

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet <this is a picture of the symbols

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Sven is an amiable, though undeniably egocentric, guy who attempts to make everything a friendly competition. He rarely gets mad, but his playful banter can be misinterpreted as anger.

History: Sven lived with his family of four as the older sibling in a suburban environment. He lived a casual lifestyle up until he turned 18. All throughout his life, nothing seemed completely out of the ordinary; His entire family were plain people with no eccentricities. Sven was taking his routine walk back home from school when he spied a wild dove perched upon a sapling of a tree. The dove seemed strange however, with faint traces of iridescence at the tips of its feathers. The avian creature glared into Sven with it's small beads for eyes and a seed of a headache was planted in his head. It quickly bloomed into a migraine that caused Sven to have impaired vision for a short while. Quickly returning to his house, solace was achieved in his room where he slept away the migraine.

Waking up considerably dazed, Sven was surprised to see that his parents were bent over him like buzzards over a carcass. Relief washed over their faces when Sven regained consciousness, and they hugged him. The first thing he noticed was that it was now dark outside. The second was that blood soaked his bed-sheets, pillows, and comforters, with a trail of the crimson glory leading to the front door. Nearly jumping out of bed, Sven banged his head on the bed frame and clutched the back of his cranium in painium. That's when he also felt a splitting pain in his hands. Looking into his palms, two strange scars stared back. He flicked his head forward and looked towards his parents for an explanation, and explain they did.

Sven's uncle on his dad side had suddenly disappeared one day, with no trace of him remaining. He disappeared before Sven was born, and his father didn't feel the need to introduce Sven to his uncle who seemingly vanished. It was not until Sven was born that his parents received a letter in the mail, written by none other than the uncle who had gone missing. He explained his disappearance and the wonders of a fortress named Brinkhaven, where people with... strange abilities amassed.

Now, nothing his uncle said hinted towards their son being one of these so-called "Gifteds," but the parents sure kept an eye out for any blaring hints that might suggest a special kid. It wasn't until Sven came home on his 18th birthday that his parents had come home to see their child, blood spattered across the ground, with signs of a weird ability. Light glowed from his room, one blue, one yellow. They stepped in to see him completely passed out, arms outstretched and palms facing the ceiling.

Upon explaining to him the situation, they sent him to the care of his uncle in Brinkhaven, where his powers were discovered and improved.

Equipment: Just a luggage full of clothes, a small knife, and a wrist watch worn on his left hand.

Party Control: Yes, just don't get me kil pls

Other: I play League. If you too play league, and found this character familiar, then you're probably thinking of the right person.

Name: Sylvia Onaire

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Gift: Hallucinations

Gift Classification: Mental

Weaknesses and Limits: ;~)

Personality: Quiet, kind, and attentive, also has insomnia.

History: Sylvia was born and raised in Brinkhaven, where she discovered her gift when she was 12. She developed a migraine during class, where she promptly passed out. She woke up, still in the classroom, but she was all by herself. Sylvia gathered all her stuff and walked out into the hallway when she noticed a bit too late that there was a gaping hole at the entrance to the door. She plummeted straight down and her vision cut out once more. As soon as she regained consciousness, she noticed she was, once again, in her classroom. Everyone was still there, bored out of their minds. When class ended, she stayed back to ask her teacher about the experience she just had. The teacher told Sylvia to wait a couple of minutes as she called Sylvia's parents. That's when the teacher took a seat and explained to Sylvia about the wonders of the Gifted and their abilities. Sylvia shivered with excitement as she thought about all the people she had seen on T.V.

When she got home that night, she found that she was unable to sleep. She peered out of her window to see the streets, the lamps casting a faint blue light onto the ground. Out of her peripherals, she saw shadows dancing around her, but she felt that they seemed a bit unreal. She blinked hard and the room became still once more.

Equipment: Clothes, headphones, and a small knife that she carries on her person at all times.

Party Control: Sure, just have me do simple things, like follow the group.


Name: Nathaniel O'Halloran.

Nickname: Nate.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Manipulation of energy. Pretty much fire, lasers and stuff like that. Shoot them from his finger tips, throw fireballs. Standard stuff. He takes the energy from other people by contact. Kind of soul sucking, I guess.

Gift Classification: Elemental

Appearance: Tall and wiry, perhaps touching six six on a good day. Nate looks pretty skinny, but has enough strength in him to prove you wrong. His affection for extremely tight pants do not help his case.

His hair is long and lank (like him), a tousled mop of whitish-blond. He has a sharp, angular face and a chin pointy enough to punch holes in paper. Large, pale eyes and a prominent nose are his most obvious features. He has a tight-lipped mouth that, at times, shows a dazzling white-toothed smile to charm the ladies (and sometimes the men as well).

When on business, his regular attire is a creased charcoal suit that looks expensive, but upon closer inspection actually probably originated in a bargain bin at a department store. Black formal shoes and a stripy tie complete his outfit. His casual clothes obviously range a fair amount, but skinny jeans, a plain shirt and a leather jacket is his normal wear.

Personality: Handsome, charming, and courteous would be some of the words used to describe Nate if you had to ask one of his 'friends.' And at times, he is. But when he needs to be, he can be utterly ruthless. Willing to throw a friend under the bus just to accomplish his objectives, he looks after number one at all times. A little arrogant at times, he often likes to make jokes at other people's expense.

History: Born in Ireland, Nate was raised in a large orphanage in Belfast after his single mother was killed by a drunk driver days after his birth. It was a rough place, with over three hundred orphan boys crammed into small rooms, fights were almost inevitable. Poor Nate was smashed as a little kid, but toughened up and established his spot as top dog by the time he was thirteen.

Nate could never really point at one incident where his Gift 'ignited.' It's almost like it's always been there with him. He didn't really show anyone his abilities, but sometimes used it for convenience or when fighting others. Perhaps this is why he hasn't yet experienced the ETG.

Around this time, Nate had caught the eye of one of his school teachers, Mr. Howell. In school, he taught algebra, but after hours it was well-known that he was an 'employee,' at the biggest illegal boxing club in the city. A shady little place, it was rife with fights, stabbings, murders, and that was just the boxers.

There, Nate learned to box and wrestle. He was also groomed to become Howell's successor, taking on starting roles in the organization, like smuggling drugs and collecting 'protection,' money. He soon rose through the ranks, until he was commanding several other gangsters at the tender age of nineteen.

One day, Howell was running a routine delivery. Three bags of drugs to a safe house four blocks over seemed easy enough. Howell's body was found two days later, stuffed in a dumpster in a side alley. He had been beaten to death, and the drugs were gone.

Another Belfast gang were blamed for the killing, and over this started a bitter gang war. Nate, now in Howell's old position, over viewed several operations of revenge for his mentor's murder. Car bombs, kidnappings, shootouts in the streets - the city had turned into a war zone.

It all came to a point one summer day. The boxing club, stronghold of Nate's gang, was stormed by their rivals and burnt to the ground with loss of over twenty-five lives, many of them young boxers and associates of the criminal side. The head boss of the gang was shot and killed in the attack, leaving several ambitious gangsters vying for pole position. At this time, Nate was out on a deal, running AK47s to some buyers in Dublin.

He had no wish to be embroiled in a dangerous title race. He finished the deal and left with $150,000 of profits, leaving the gang life behind. It was enough money to survive maybe a year. He had to find a long-term plan.

So Nate joined the Irish military, giving him both a job and a way of escaping the angry gangs back in Belfast. He was sent to the Middle East to train and fight, and spent four nondescript years there, never raising above the rank of Private, and rarely seeing any action. He was dishonorably discharged after 'accidental discharge of a weapon causing grievous injury to a fellow soldier.'

After his military career fell apart, Nate quickly fell back into his old ways in Ireland. He managed to get into contact with another Gifted through drug dealing, who taught him about Derika and Gifts and stuff. And more importantly... about Rapture. The purple drug that was said to be give users the greatest high, above all normal drugs.

Nate traveled to Derika (several months before this RP). Since then, he has set himself up as a Rapture dealer and grower. He is also a bartender and odd job worker at a shady little gambling den somewhere in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Suit. Wooden baseball bat, well used. Key card for apartment. Concealed handgun. Several bags of assorted drugs, mainly Rapture. A couple thousand dollars. Crappy cellphone.

Party Control: Yes.

Other: Interests. Probably playing and listening to music would be my favorite. My favorite game is football. If you meant video game, probably Age of Empires or Civ. All about those strategy games <3.

Name: Vilks.

Age: 21-23ish. I can't really remember how old he was when he started and don't know how much time has passed since then.

Gender: Male.

Gift: Turn into a werewolf on command. Bit more buffed than just a normal wolf. Toughened bulletproof fur, really pointy claws and stuff.

Gift Classification: Physical.

Appearance: Tall and muscly, athletic looks. Vilks has a short cut of muddy brown hair, and is clean shaven in the beard department. Rather squarish face, with a large, defined jaw and prominent cheekbones. One ear is pierced with a tiny metal stud, for that authentic playa look. He has dark brown eyes, and a big nose and normal mouth.

His standard outfit is a plain shirt over jeans, sometimes capped off with aviator sunglasses. When at work, he wears a pink flowery floury apron. When he is a wolf, he looks like ... a wolf. His fur is the same colour as his human hair - muddy brown.

Personality: Friendly and open. He likes to make jokes, especially in tense situations. Quite solid and incurious. Hard to anger. Quite optimistic, he tries to look on the good side of things even when there isn't really one. Good at listening, but doesn't talk as much.

History: Link to wiki page with history - Ivan Vilks (Let's all forget that I named him Ivan, OK?)

Equipment: Kind of nothing. An apron. Small amount of cash. Muffins.

Party Control: Yes.

(Im leaning towards FO4 as my favorite game, my interests: digital art, video games)

Name: Proteus Luminus

Age: 31

Gender: M

Gift: Reactive armored cells, Proteus's cells can rebuild themselves at an amazing rate while also able to withstand amazing damage.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: Standing at 6ft 1. Proteus was built like a Greek god. Shoulder length black hair that is slicked back and sharp brown eyes. A full jaw and a stubble adding a 'bad-ass' look to him.

Personality: Often sarcastic and casual, Proteus maintains his self composure in the hottest of situations. While also polite and respectful, Proteus will not mind a single bit about being brutally honest, he can get a bit cocky from time to time but will quickly go back to his normal self. Proteus will also stay on the neutral side of an argument, not siding a single side and trying to stay out of things that dont concern him.

History: Growing up as an Orphan in New York, Proteus learned the ways of life, avoiding thugs, slipping out of sticky situations. After finally becoming adopted, 16 year old Proteus went into a rich family that soon got him into college. But due to him not caring about anything, Proteus got kicked out. He found his way into several jobs after getting fired from the previous one while also self educating himself in multiple aspects. After giving up on life and robbing banks and small stores, Proteus found his ability after getting shot by the police. He recovered (obviously) and found his way into Derika.

Equipment: Several clothing, Proteus wearing hoods and jeans most of the time. He also has a few pistols in his possession and some combat knives.

Party Control: No

Computing Magus


Marcus Trimiad






*Man of Bones*: Marcus is completely a skeleton; He can grab a limb or part of his body to use as a weapon or control body limitations like holding his skull to view better if he is too short or he could grab grab his left arm with his right arm to extend his reach, to name a few examples. He can also control bones to fly swiftly as a good projectile.

Gift Classification:




Sorry if I couldn't find him in a happier scene. Basically him alone.


He is a positive person of sorts, extrovert and outgoing. Cheerful enough that it can be considered contagious if you let him. He would gladly make as much friends as possible. Despite his stereotypical villain-like appearance, he wants to help people in need. May crack jokes and give you pup names if you are a close friend. Doesn't want to feel left out in any group. If alone, he gets rather deep in thought and wears a sad expression, contradictory to his attitude towards other people (because of backstory).


Raised with a father who could control dark Elemental using his Gift and his mother with the Gift to heal, Marcus is his father's attempt at trying to revive the dead. Using his son as a vessel at a very young age, he used his Gift at him. Skin ripped off of him and magic instead envelops him like flesh. He obviously failed, almost killing Marcus but his mother Awakened him to keep him alive. Because of this, Marcus' father left him and his mother. The two lived a sad hidden life kept alive by his mother's friend who cared deeply for the broken family. They lived like this until they were forced to live to Derika by the people who don't like the people with a Gift. Marcus and his mother, after arriving, tried to make this home as comfortable as possible. Marcus' mother then left one day saying she would want to help other Gifted to arrive at Derika, saying it won't take long. She left with an Artifact in hand and left Marcus the Save Star, a memento of her and to keep his hopes up once she returns. It has been two months since. Marcus likes finding friends because of the lack of attention since childhood.


Clothing are at the appearance and he wears the jacket on cold occasions, his weapons are his bones and he carries no other outstanding equipment.

Party Control: No, but might change later


Leitmotifs (because I have no other things to do)

(Common Leitmotif)

See in original application.

(Battle Leitmotif)

See in original application.
Appearance based on a character I love from Overgrowth, an AU of Undertale

I am an anime trash and trash in general. I like chocolate. LOTS OF IT.

Favorite Games: Undertale & Terraria

Name: Sakura Akagi

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Gift: Sakura has an eternal watcher over her who goes by the nickname Umbra, playfully picked by Sakura. He follows her around all the time and is invisible to others unless Sakura lets that person see him through a smaller part of her gift that allows people to see Umbra for about a day or when she cancels the effect. But when Umbra has to go offensive, everyone can see him.

Umbra✤: This shadow figure is physical at all times even to the ones who can't see him, so people usually either brushes it off as something random or they get confused on what happened. Umbra can cast many forms of fire at his enemies, whether be it firestorms, fireballs, fire manipulation, and more. He is also a skilled swordsman along with his abilities. Whenever anything happens, Umbra is almost always there to protect Sakura through fending off enemies.


Gift Classification: Unaligned



Sakura: She's a lighthearted young child who isn't exactly spoiled but, like many children, she'd rather not do anything not fun. She likes to talk to new people even if they are older than her. She's cheerful and likes to be carefree every once in a while. Sakura is an extrovert and likes travelling everywhere.

Umbra: Sakura's guardian, on the other hand, stays silent all the time but is friendly to anyone Sakura trusts. He follows Sakura everywhere she goes. He usually asks questions to Sakura on things he doesn't understand since he doesn't have a human mentality.

History: Sakura was the only daughter and child of a between a middle and high class family. She was loved and taken care of by her parents. Suddenly, a Gifted said he seeks for her father, who was once a great warrior, and commands him to go with him or his family will have to pay the consequences. He didn't listen and suddenly the home they were in erupted in flames and Sakura was knocked unconscious in her father's battle. When she woke up, almost nothing was left in her house but ashes galore. A man stood in the midst of the destruction and he went up to her, saying that he protected her from the stranger's wrath. Sakura believes him, for her very spirit feels that it was right to trust him. He also entrusts her a shield and said "Just in case I couldn't be there for you in time". They set out for a place to call home and found Brinkhaven through something her father told about once and said he wanted his family to move there one day. They snuck into a ship and away they went.

Equipment: Clothes and a phone.

Party Control: Yes, please use Umbra's abilities correctly and that you show correctly his protective behavior towards Sakura (If she is ever in trouble).


Theme: See in original application.

Intial Money:



Name: Sylvester McKane

"Some people say my gift is useless. Then I pressurized the oxygen in their lungs."

Nickname: Kane(preferred), McKane

Age: 27

Gift: Controller of Gas and Smoke

Gift Classification: Elemental

Appearance: Long curly black hair, down to his nape. He has sharp green eyes and a semi athletic build. He stood st 6'4", weighing at 230 lbs. He had a fuzz for a beard, visible but thin.

Personality: He is a "Charge Forward!" and "Decieve" kind of guy st the same time. At times of heat (intense times), he tends to use his gift and strength in unison to kill the enemy as fast as possible. This of course can affect his team mates. However, whenever he can he choses to be more indirect, an assassin. When not in either of these situations, he is a serious, energetic, social guy. Whenever people insult him, he tends to get grumpy or offended easily. One case being him destroying the persons breathing process by pressurizing the oxygen in his lungs.

History: He was born as a standard male in the main city (FORGOT THE NAME BUT TO LAZY TO CHECK). He loved life with his family peacefullt at the family led cafe. Life was good. One day, Kane meets some stranger while working for his cafe. This stranger, seeming kind enough to a young boy, took him privately to the backroom. This is where he is taught sbout gifts and even a gift of his own, completely dormant. The stranger, being an old geezer who couldnt really handle power much more, had awakened McKane. Not listening to much on the "warnings" bit of this epic discovery, he tells his family about it. He is rejected shortly after. He had no Idea why, but his family rejected him... they were scared. He is given to the old man to be taken care of. The old msn would bring him to Derika, where he was trained and raised. He, at his current state, is in okay wealth. With 825 dollars he is living okay... for the most part.

Equipment: He has a brown leather trench coat, two .357 Revolvers thst double as 6 inch blades, a navy blue tee with a leather undershirt, work jeans, and work boots.

Party Control: If needed, yes. Other than that, no.

Other: He intends to join the Elemental Guild or atleast support himself.


Name: Jayce

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Gift: (Self) Blood Manipulation - The user can control his own blood to a degree.

Gift Classification: Physical

Weaknesses and Limits: I'm currently unable to send PMs. If you PM me first, I can send a message detailing his weaknesses.

Appearance: While not always visible, there are a few scars along his body.


Personality: A troublemaker at heart, the blood wielder seems to not mind getting into a little trouble as long as nobody innocent gets hurt because of him. Despite his rather rough history, Jayce seems to always try to keep a cheerful outlook on life and a wide grin on his face. After all, it would've been harder for him to get by day to day if he couldn't make himself laugh with a bad joke every once in a while. However his tone shifts dramatically when he feels threatened or if he thinks his life is in danger, becoming much more serious in his attitude and the way he carries himself.

History: (Short Version) Hailing from New York City, Jayce never really knew who his parents were or why they left him in the care of some group of homeless before he was old enough to even properly think. As a young boy, Jayce tended to mainly keep to himself save for one other kid named Ralph who happened to be another troublemaker in the den they lived. While most of the people they knew spent their time on street corners asking for handouts, Jayce and Ralph had no interest in such things. They got by just fine working as pickpockets on the streets, sneaking out at night to slip wallets from drunken folks on their way home from the bar. While it wasn't exactly a noble life, it was exciting for the pair and they had lots of fun encounters over the years. It wasn't until they were in their teenage years that they really started to crank up their troublemaking. They started getting into feuds with the local gangs as they would break into warehouses holding illegal merchandise, cut off a bit for themselves, and be gone before anybody even noticed. At least they thought that nobody was noticing. Soon enough, a gang enforcer came for the two and they found their lives in extreme danger. Injured from trying to escape their attacker, Jayce quickly discovered his ability to manipulate his own blood by pure accident. With no other choice than to fight, he created a crude blade from his own vital fluids and met his attacker head on, catching the man by surprise and with a bit of effort, ending the enforcer's life. Though it was not met without casualties of his own as his friend Ralph's life was cut short as well. After spending a few months mourning by himself, he eventually returned to the streets of New York wearing a smile that seemed like it would never return. He'd had enough time to figure out that just wasting away while scolding himself over what he couldn't change now wouldn't do him any good. Determined to press on and live his life for both himself and Ralph, Jayce set out now to some land he heard about called Derika, figuring that if there were people like him there, maybe he would have a hell of a lot better chance at fitting in.

Equipment: His outfit, at first glance, probably just resembles some simple clothing that could be picked out anywhere. However, the buckle of his belt as well as the top of his left gauntlet seems to have unusually sharp edges that stand out from the rest of the outfit.

Party Control: Sure, but please do not try to do dialogue for my character. As well as that, try not to go overboard with blood weapon spawning.

Other: I'm very open to criticisms or advice. Please let me know if I can improve in any way.

(Also I enjoy listening to various types of rock music and I enjoy games including but not limited to League of Legends, Undertale, Garry's Mod, and King Of Fighters.)


Name: Alice McKay

Age: 22


Gift: Has the ability to create wings on most surfaces. These wings inherently have the ability to fly and the size of them is in proportion to the target. The wings sprout from an external surface and applies force to anything in the way. If the wings are put on a living creature, they have full control over them. If nonliving, Alice has control.

Gift Classification: Physical

Personality: If there was one word to describe Alice in full, it would be whimsical. She seems to just do whatever she wants without a care in the world. Despite having seen many battles, Alice has retained a surprising amount of naivety and optimism. She is enthusiastic in almost everything she does. Not much is known about Alice’s background, but the faction heads seem to trust her enough, giving her charge of new recruits and a position within her own faction (Physical). Alice is especially fond of justice and is quite child-like normally. Her favorite food is meat.

History: Alice was found stranded in the wilds of Derika, injured with a broken wing and other wounds. The adventurers that discovered her described her having a wild look in her eyes. That along with her unkempt hair, ripped clothes, and bloodstains made her seem more monster than human. She was taken in by the factions and placed under the Physical faction’s care. After recovering, Alice became her normal cheerful self that most people know her by today. At the age of 19, Alice was promoted to a leadership position and assigned to oversee new recruits.

Equipment: Physical faction official uniform with two slits in the back for her wings, Z-Watch, and her faction badge. A Gifted-made straight sword is also buckled to her hip. Her battle gear consists of Gifted-made armguards, pauldrons, customized chest plate, and greaves.

Party Control: No

Eating vast quantities of food. Undertale, Warframe, LoL, rhythm games.

Name: Aurel Belmont

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gift: Creates mental links with creatures that allow him to direct them. Also has a stronger version of this, a special bond that makes him take on characteristics of an animal.

Gift Classification: Mental


Personality: Due to his special bond, he’s very cat-like. Likes to wander around by himself, susceptible to most cat things, and somewhat nocturnal. Has an appreciation for nature and is relatively quiet. Serious most of the time, but can be playful as well.

History: Aurel grew up on Derika, in a small settlement near the Derikan wilderness. Despite his parents’ persistent warnings, he would frequently venture into the forests. He never went particularly deep in and usually explored the edges of the vast uncharted land. Aurel grew to have an appreciation of wildlife and nature through his frequent excursions. He always steered clear of the creatures and was cautious of the many dangerous plants, staying a good distance away. The more non-hostile creatures gradually warmed up to him and even allowed him to pet them sometimes. One day, Aurel found a kitten that had sprained their leg. He looked all around for the mother, but to no avail. Aurel decided then to take the kitten home with him. When he went to pick the creature up, it bit him, drawing blood. Aurel winced in pain but refused to leave the kitten to fend for itself. He rushed home, grabbed a warm blanket, and wrapped the kitten up in it. It struggled furiously against the blanket, but Aurel was able to successfully bring it home. Nursing it back to health wasn’t easy either. The kitten would hiss at Aurel whenever he approached for the first several days. Aurel would just leave it food and try to calm it down with soothing words. Eventually, the kitten stopped hissing whenever he was nearby and the relationship between the two improved from there.

The day came when the cat was well enough to be released back into the wilderness. With a heavy heart, Aurel took the kitten to where he found it and left it there. Despite his attempts to make it stay there, the cat would follow him. Aurel gave up and let the cat come back home with him. He named it Mimi and as the cat grew up, Aurel realized that Mimi was a phantom cat, a species that could make themselves intangible. One day, he spontaneously received his Gift. Nothing grand happened when he did, but Aurel woke up one day feeling that somehow, things were different. When he pet the cat, now named Mimi, Aurel felt a surge of energy course through him. Suddenly, he could tell what Mimi felt and judging by the way his cat looked at him--she could too. He also developed cat ears and a tail, as well as improved reflexes and senses. What astonished him the most though, was his newfound ability to become intangible.It took Aurel a while to adjust to his new capabilities. Now that he was markedly Gifted, he decided that he should go to Brinkhaven to live there, free from the notorious ETG.

His parents, while sad to see their son leave, let him go on the journey, giving him a large sum of cash to make the trip. Aurel managed to arrive at Brinkhaven safely, his power to turn intangible playing a huge part in his survival. He was able to live in Brinkhaven for quite a bit, doing jobs and requests here and there. But eventually, his money was drying up and he decided to try throwing his lot with the Factions.

Equipment: Not so much equipment, but a phantom cat named Mimi, a light brown tabby with green eyes. Other than that, a small backpack, $250, various snacks, cat food, backpack, cat toys, and a knife.

Party Control: Yes, only for group movements.

Name: Eliza

Age: [REDACTED] It’s rude to ask a lady how old they are

Gender: Female

Gift: None

Gift Classification: N/A


Personality: Laid back and calm. Although she’s not Gifted, Eliza is very interested in Gifts and holds no resentment towards Gifted. One could say she practically loves Gifted and dotes on them sometimes. She’s carefree and finds it amusing to troll people. She often lies about her name, giving people a different one each time.

History: She’s been an inhabitant of Derika for years. Eliza moved to Brinkhaven because she was interested in the Factions that were set up. The faction heads and her know each other, going so far as to permit her to lounge around the Faction’s headquarters. Currently, she oversees the portals leading to the dungeon areas and other areas of interest.

Equipment: A high level barrier necklace artifact that automatically protects her from any mental or physical harm and prevents her mind and body from being manipulated or interfered with.

Party Control: Yes, but only to troll your own character.

Name: SDK-079 or Kuhaku

Nickname(s): Haku

Age: 13


Gift: Her cells can produce nanites. Nanites are by default, semi-biological, but can be manipulated into any shape and composition granted that body contains the necessary elements.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: 4' 11” Due to a genetic disorder, her hair is pure white. Her eyes are an ice-blue shade. Typically wears her long hair down.

Personality: Cold and calculating. She is without morals due to the training at the hands of ETG. She follows and obeys instructions from the ETG not because she is loyal, but because it is the only thing she has ever known. Straightforward and tends to eat whenever possible.

History: Was sold out by her parents to the ETG when she was four after they found out about her Gift. She was never given a proper name by her parents as they loathed her. When the ETG took her in, her identification became SDK-079 to signal that she was to be treated and trained as a living weapon. While being transported in the Pacific, the ship was destroyed by a faction raid and in the commotion, she got a concussion and lost the ability to retrieve most of her past memories (for now).

She was taken in by the factions for questioning. Her interrogators quickly found out that she had lost all of her episodic memory, but none of her killing ability or semantic skills and knowledge. SDK-079 was put back into a holding cell until Jake, a teleportation gifted, vouched for her and was assigned to watch over her. She was given the name ‘Kuhaku’ by Jake after Siri misheard what Jake had asked. Liking it, SDK-079 took on the name and shortened it to ‘Haku’. She, Vance, Jake, and Izuna recently defeated a ferocious alot during a training session and Haku passed out from overexertion and exhaustion afterwards...

Equipment: Standard ETG uniform

Party Control: No


Name: Sapphire Taft

Nickname(s): Saf

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Gift: Has a power dampening aura around her.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Mostly quiet until you get to know her. [More detail in RP.]

History: Saf would never have discovered her gift if she hadn't gone to Derika, where her Gift was awakened by pure chance. She first learned about the Gifted when she found an interest in a particular mineral - antinite, and she proceeded to become an apprentice to an antinite blacksmith, Bartholomew Smit. It was only until he brought her to Derika to further her studies that her peculiar Gift was awakened by a certain client of Bartholomew. She is still unsure of who it is, but vows to find him/her in the future. Now, she spends time in a Gift practice school where she uses her Gift to help train others, mainly children with explosive abilities, to control their Gifts while learning to master her own.

She is now considering joining a Faction in hopes of finding more people with Gifts like hers so that she can understand more about it.

Equipment: A thin antinite bracelet given to her by the Factions to cancel out her power when unneeded.

Party Control: Yes, mostly.

Other: What else do I do other than roleplay? Hmm...read books and write my own stories, I guess.


Name: Dianna Makoisa

Nickname(s): 'Dia' or BlueJay

Age: 19


Gift: Her 'gift' is the ability to Manipulate gravity, Causing two or more objects or people to be suspended in the air.

Gift Classification: Dimensional



She is a quiet and reserved girl. She tends to stick alone and is very independent. She hates it when people look down on her and categorize her as weak when shes not. She is kind and Sweet once she opens up, but tends to withdraw when certain topics come up.

History: She was born a small town located in A rainforest. She had been raised in secret since she had an outburst with her power when she was two and had to be hidden to keep her from being taken. One day when she was 8,She left the silence of her home and went outside, She didnt expect her Fellow villagers to chase her out of her home and kick her out permantly. She ran away and eventually found some other gifted she joined and reached Derika.

Equipment: Her clothing, A large backpack, A curved Sword with sheath attached to hip, Money,Extra clothing in backpack.

Party Control: Preferably No.

Theme: See in application.


Name: Abbey Lyons

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Gift: Extreme intelligence when handling scientific matters

Gift Classification: Mental

Personality: Defiant, rebellious, and free-willed, Abbey lives the most active and free life she can to make up for the years of passivity she endured. She’s talkative, curious, a little lonely, and very socially awkward at times.

History: Abbey grew up with a cold, abusive mother and an abusive, alcoholic father. Neither parents was originally like this toward their daughter at all--on the contrary they were warm, kind, and caring. Abbey used to get all the toys, hugs, kisses, and love she could ever ask for--just never any friends her age, or really any contact with anyone aside from her parents.

The Lyons mother was a wealthy Irish woman, obsessed with status and reputation. Wealth, status, and standing was what drew Abbey’s father to her mother. A renowned Japanese scientist, Mr. Lyons married into the Lyons family for the reputation that he thought befit his intellect. While the couple had poor compatibility, they put up with it if only because the loss of standing that a divorce would cause would be too much.

The frequent arguments her parents would hold made school elementary school an escape for Abbey, but in second grade at age seven, even that was taken from her. Abbey’s sudden academic excellence and rate of learning aroused attention immediately, and she was pulled out of school to be homeschooled by her father.

Under her father’s tutelage, Abbey absorbed information rapidly and before long surpassed her own father. Even casually built innovations proved to contain technology previously thought only theoretical and the Lyons family made millions, attributing their gains to Mr. Lyons. Their means of living shot through the roof and Abbey’s parents entered the ranks of the rich elite. However, as the saying goes, money doesn’t buy happiness.

A prideful man, Mr. Lyons fell into a frustrated depression as he realized he’d been surpassed by a girl not even 10, whose slightest bit of effort could easily outdo his life’s work. He lived a lie where he was constantly praised about technology he had no hand in creating. This was only exacerbated by Abbey’s inability to explain to her father how she had developed what she had. Alcohol became a way to dull his intellect, which only seemed to exist to mock him, and forget his lies, which now defined his life.

At the same time, Abbey’s mother became pressured by multitudes of the most powerful companies intent on securing cutting edge technology. Attracted and blinded by the money and class, she was duped into poor deals that left her bereft of profit or even in some cases in debt, when inventions failed to function as planned later on. In order to support her opulent new lifestyle, Mrs. Lyons pushed her daughter to produce innovations faster and more effectively. Abbey was soon reduced to nothing more than a golden goose that could only hope for affection proportional to the money her next invention would produce.

Weapons development became the most lucrative line of research, and promised quantities of money that could possibly bail the Lyons family out of their precarious position of making and spending massive amounts of money in equal amounts. Unfortunately, weapons development attracted the wrong type of attention, and ETG showed up at the door one day probing about Mr. Lyons’ sudden spark of genius. The envoy was politely refused, but no one refuses ETG without consequences.

Mr. Lyons’ disappeared days later. Not long after, ETG came for Abbey. During the time her father was gone, Abbey had reinforced the house with whatever she could put together--a comprehensive alarm and defense system that could have actually made ETG reconsider how worthwhile an attack would be. This system fell apart when Abbey’s mother disarmed the traps herself, intending on selling out Abbey.

Without a single remaining ally on her side, Abbey escaped the mansion and went on the run, vowing to use her Gift for her own ends for once in her life. She’d spent the last eight years obeying others--she was done with being told what to do.

In search of a relatively safe place to hone her Gift, Abbey came to Derika, accompanied by two trusty bodyguards, her modified pet Judas.

Equipment: A backpack full of miscellaneous mechanical parts, cyborg dog Judas, a few hundred dollars, and a laptop.

Party Control: Yes.

Name: Jake Barker

Age: 16


Gift: Teleportation: Jake can teleport himself and anything he touches.

Gift Classification: Dimensional





Personality: Initially extremely apathetic to the rights of others due to the culture of casual murder and violence, Jake is slowly recovering some humanity. He acts much older than his age due to having been raised primarily among hardened, militant men. Jake tends to lack a sense of humor, and what humor he does have is in line with that of a jaded and cynical 40 year old soldier.

He is also not a particularly good conversationalist, so don’t expect much from him. Poor social skills abound.

History: Orphaned and raised by ETG, Jake was led to think that his older brother Liam left him to die at ETG’s hands, creating resentment whilst simultaneously instilling a sense of gratefulness toward ETG. These emotional controls were used to exploit Jake’s Gift of teleportation. He willingly endured inhumanly punishing training in order to best serve ETG, becoming an effective soldier and assassin.

Upon meeting his older brother Liam during a mission, coupled with the lingering doubts Jake already held about ETG, Jake was convinced to accompany Liam instead of continuing to serve ETG. He arrived at Derika with his brother and soon after joined the Dimensional faction. Lives with his girlfriend Nariko, another ex-ETG Gifted, in an apartment in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Numerous weapons, munitions, explosives, blades, and survival and first aid gear.

Party Control: Yes

Name: Liam Barker

Age: 17


Gift: “Trick House” -- Liam is capable of absorbing and expelling objects from his body.

Gift Classification: Dimensional



Personality: Liam is easy-going and good-natured, but can switch moods in an instant when angered. Fiercely loyal to his friends and family, he’d do anything for the people he cares about and nothing for the people he doesn’t. Has a phobia of being trapped and restrained.

History: Liam was born to a happy nuclear family in a 1st world country to a normal mother and a Gifted father. ETG orphaned Liam when he was only seven, instilling in him a lifelong grudge against the organization. Liam later encountered his younger brother Jake, who had been found to be Gifted and taken in by ETG instead of killed. Liam convinced Jake to switch sides and the brothers arrived at Derika together.

Soon after entering the city, Liam joined the Dimensional faction alongside his brother and began a successful spree of missions. During a raid on an ETG base, he was captured and brutally tortured. Heavily mutilated within an inch of his life, Liam was rescued in the nick of time and was eventually brought back to Brinkhaven to be restored to full physical health. Although perfectly health, without even a trace of a scar left on his body, Liam still finds himself haunted by his experiences and vents his frustrations by mercilessly hunting ETG.

Equipment: Wears an aether shirt and shorts, allowing Liam to channel his Gift through his clothing. His Trick House contains a huge variety of things. (The clothing was purchased in past RPing history.)

Party Control: Yes. Just don’t waste his Gift.

Oh yeah, I like manga, light novels, webcomics, and Sakura Clicker.


Name: Melanie Melody Simcox

Nickname(s): Melody, Mel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Gift: Melody has the ability to adopt the attributes of living things onto herself, such as a bird's wing, a person's skin color, or a tree's bark.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Melody is a semi-introvert, mostly due to smothering parents and teasing classmates. Reserved from the start, Melody had never really made any true friends that lasted, and therefore, she was never much for people. She won't go out of her way to avoid people, but if given the choice, she'll almost always prefer to be alone. However, don't let her reserved nature fool you, as Melody is very much a true thrill seeker. Cliff diving and other private extreme sports are her favorite pastimes, and adventure has always called her name.

History: Melody grew up on the cliff sides of England in a moderately sized house. Melody's family consisted of herself and her two parents, a double income household making a sustainable income with room for luxury. Her father was the principal of an English public school, his hidden Gift of an ultra-photographic memory granting him substantial knowledge and respect in the educational field, although the public was not aware of his Gift. His Gift also granted him the ability to be insufferably pretentious and an absolute smart aleck, the first nail in Melody's coffin of unhappiness at home. Despite his flaws, Melody had never disliked her father, nor her mother, who was a teacher in her father's school. In fact, until her 13th year, or her senior year, Melody, though often annoyed, was fine at home, with the cliffs providing a welcome retreat when necessary. Melody discovered her gift in her first year of high school, when she was coaxing a slug onto her finger. Thankfully alone, she had unexpectedly adopted the slug's slimy mucous exterior. After a moment of panic, and a few long moments of disgust, she grasped what was happening. Experimenting farther with her Gift, she discovered that she could take attributes from anything that was alive. This was welcome to Melody, and she found great joy in taking the leathery gliders of a flying squirrel and using them when diving off of cliffs. Despite her father's Gift, Melody elected to keep her abilities to herself. Unfortunately, as if her mouthful of a name wasn't enough, during freshman year, Melody also had a loud, gaseous incident during a quiet class. Going by Melanie at the time, her mature classmates lovingly dubbed her 'Smellanie'. The odor of this nickname followed her throughout her tenth and eleventh years, until she elected to go by her middle name, Melody. Thankfully, no one thought to change her nickname her Smellody, the joke stale after months of relentless teasing. Melody was a straight D student, not because she wasn't bright, but because she didn't care, and she had better things to do than spend time studying. Even so, this infuriated her parents, who were very academically oriented. Not even mentioning the dumb blonde jokes that she had to suffer, combined with the Smellanie run, this was enough to give her a bad taste for people. Her parents were furious with her grades, and her senior year, they threatened to kick her out as soon as she turned 18 if she didn't improve her grades and muster up enough of a GPA to get into a good school. Naturally, this did not make Melody happy, as she didn't even have an intention of going to college, though she dare not tell this to her parents. After a blow-out argument with her parents, Melody took what funds she had of her own and rented a motel room for a week, skipping school and taking only her important possessions. Through the grapevine, she caught wind of an island called Derika. Eager for adventure, she did some research. Hearing about the large population of Gifted only increased her interest. Following shipments to Derika, Melody snuck her way onto a cargo ship and stowed her way to Derika. Though eager to explore the island and it's wide range of flora and fauna, Melody now has entered Brinkhaven to learn about the island and gather supplies.

Equipment: A grocery bag full of cheap food and a change of clothes, a piccolo, and herself.

Party Control: Yes if really necessary, but please don't be hasty with it, and try to avoid using Melody's abilities.

Other: Melody's other passion is ironically, music. She plays the piccolo.

I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons, as well as Minecraft, Portal, Civ V, and a number of other games! I also enjoy free breakfast buffets.


Name: Vix

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Gift: Slime

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: She is normally human in form and stands about 5' tall appearing to be under 90lbs. Her slime has a matte finish to it and is generally the typical semi-transparent slime green, with variations in shade and opacity for mood, situation, and diet. She keeps her head and neck opaque for the benefit of those around her, as some find it rather unnerving to talk to a transparent face. Her facial features can change from day to day but she stays pretty recognizable. She wears clothing in public, but any time her ability to change shape becomes a priority she generally doesn’t. Additionally she smells faintly of petrichor.

Personality: More extrovert than introvert

History: Vix has lived in Derika since birth; which is probably for the best as its nigh impossible for her to hide her gift. Her parents are curently stateside helping new gifted get to derika.

Equipment: nothing remarkable

Party Control: Yes, however implied actions with no dialogue is preferred.

My favorite games are “why wont this compile” and “wait why is this working now I didn’t change anything”

Name: Asta

Nickname(s): Echo

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gift: Demon of Darkness -- User can create opaque black smoke from her body to fill an area. Under certain circumstances, she can transform into her Demonic form where she is stronger and faster.

Gift Classification: Physical


Normal Appearence:


Demonic Form:


Personality: Find out in Roleplay as I can be a little random with personalities... =I

History: Asta was raised in a pretty isolated environment, she lived in the cold wood's in Canada with her mother and father who mostly rejected her as she was adopted when she was three year's old with no records on who her biological mother and father were. After years of harsh home schooling and loneliness she finally snapped and caused havoc in her families small house leaving it in shambles with adoptive mother and father terrified inside. Soon she would find her way to Derika after wandering the cities alone, most of the people avoiding her as she made many people uneasy.

Equipment: A large duffle bag, filled with her clothes, food(like nutrition bars(snackbars(?)), a brush, some money and a simple cellphone.

Party Control: Shure

Theme: See in original application.

Interests: Playing Strategy games...Uhhhh games like the Total war series...and...War thunder?

Ronin Ezekiel

Name: Nathan Kimbley

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Gift: Nathan is capable of assuming an intangible, spectral form that is immune to harm. Additionally, this allows him to move through spaces that humans couldn't possibly fit through, such as an air vent or even through window screens.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: He stands at 5'11", sporting a lean and muscular physique and an average frame. His blond hair is short, ending just above the forehead and pointing almost completely straight forward, and the ends are subtlely tipped black. His eyes are an eerie green color.

His wardrobe consists of a black hoodless cloak that completely wraps around his body. It doesn't have sleeves, making it more like a full body cape. Under that, he wears a black windbreaker and light grey slacks, coupled with a pair of black boots and a ring on his left hand.

History: Nathan has lived a life mostly in solitude. He didn't make many friends aside from partners he frequently worked with. He considered himself a vigilante, working in the dead of night to drive crime away, but for a very long time the injustice he sought to destroy was small-time. Gangs, dealers, and the like.

The ETG changed that. The moment rumors started cropping up about Gifted being stolen off the streets, Nathan started digging, and what he found was disturbing, to say the least. Nathan made it his personal mission to screw over the ETG as much as he possibly could. To this end, he sabotaged missions, killed known financial supporters, and even went as far as to rescue a woman that was being held hostage in an ETG facility.

He's been living in Brinkhaven for 2 years now, seeing himself as something of a protector of the Gifted ever since he took up residence in the city.

Equipment: Under his clothes, he conceals a handgun and a very long retractable knife that easily fits on his belt.

Party Control: In the event that it's required, yes.

Other: Creative writing. My favorite series would be Dark Souls.

Name: Ceft Michaels

Age: 15

Gender: ♂

Gift: Body contains healing properties. Dead skin, bodily fluids, any part of him can act as an appropriate drug, herb or medicine. Helps heal wounds and cure illnesses when consumed or applied directly to the affected area.

Side effect: Minty

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Rather shy, unable to speak his mind and easy to boss around. Chivalrous, but unhesitant to execute killing orders without mercy. Deeply loyal to Lesua. Deems Lesua more important than morals.

History: The youngest priest in the church of Lesua, a backwards church erected by Lesua herself, proclaiming herself divine and often carrying out activities akin to an extremely violent gang. (Participation optional) He was smitten by Lesua herself. Since Lesua’s church is an odd mix of legitimate church-goers and rowdy mercenaries, it wasn’t unusual when a church dispute with other criminals led to his two devout parents both dying. The damage was, of course, avenged in full, under order of Lesua, but his parents were in faction housing, and his ability wasn’t very useful for carrying missions out on his own. With no home, the absurd church was all he had left. He never really cared about the ideals of the so-called “church”, but as long as Lesua was there, that was all that mattered.

Lesua, seeing his devotion and poor state of affairs, decided to take him in, hiring him as a bodyguard for when she was vulnerable, and thusly using church funding to grant him an apartment across from hers. His ability was suited for repairing her injury, but as his offensive presence was lacking, she granted him some “regalia” in order to better serve her. For a while then, he was Lesua’s right hand. The youngest priest of the church of Lesua, both her protector and servant, and responsible for more killings than anyone else in the church.

Has never killed anyone unless it was under order of Lesua.

Time went on though, and after a run-in with church enemies leaving them useless, Lesua decided that her regalia were too vulnerable to antinite, and should be replaced with proper artifacts.

Equipment: With his regalia lost getting new equipment to make himself more useful to Lesua is his current goal. Owns an apartment across from Lesua’s.

Party Control: Yes

Theme:See in original application.

Name: Ezel Ash

Alias: Jake De’elcruz

Age: 20

Gender: ♂

Gift: Capable of “charging” things and then expending the charge in order to teleport it.

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: A naive, excitable romantic. Can be a bit thoughtless at times.

History: Ran from an abusive household. With some luck and stolen money, found out about Brinkhaven and hired someone to sail him there. Paranoid, he started going by a shortened version of his middle name and took up his mother’s maiden name. He’s been living in the dimensional faction ever since. He had a run in with several characters, inducing severe brain damage. The physical wounds were eventually healed by virtue of Brinkhaven’s impressive hospitals, but he was messed with by mental gifted before and after. While he hasn’t been affected by it much as a person, The end result is that he’s become resistant or immune to most mental gifts. This is possibly reversible.

Equipment: Carries a pair of semi-automatic pistols wherever he goes and charges every bullet ahead of time.

Party Control: Yes

Theme: See in original application.

Name[/B]: Iradia

Age: 27

Gender: ♀

Gift: Capable of resurrecting the dead to do her bidding

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Adventurous and precise, she tends to act with a sort of whimsical guile belying her intentions. Usually friendly.

History: An accomplished explorer of the world, particularly its tombs and catacombs. A personal friend of Rachael and a founding member of Brinkhaven. She is the only founding member of Brinkhaven that lives outside of Brinkhaven’s walls, in a house in a clearing in the middle of a forest. She lives near peculiar ruins she hasn’t yet fully explored and maintains a beautiful flower garden along the side of her house. Mixed in with the flowers are small tombstones.

Equipment: Several taxidermy animals and skeletons scattered around her house. A consequence of her abilities, she’s rather good with taxidermy and crude surgery, and her house is equipped with a formaldehyde sink. Through her travels, she’s accumulated an impressive collection of relics, none of which actually have useful applications in her opinion. They can be found scattered about her house, used as decorations or paperweights mostly.

Party Control: Yes

Theme: See in original application.


Name: Jackie Augustine

Nickname: Jack the Ripper

Biological Age: 20

Gender: ♀

Gift: Universal Compatibility. Able to instantly attach and integrate body parts to appropriate areas, regardless of blood types, original owners, and without the need for stitching or cauterization.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Fun-loving to a fault, she always lives in the moment. Has a violent temper. Likely insane.

History: Born in 1869 London, she was an only child of a single father, a man with whom she never got along with. Hairstyles, clothing of her own design, romantic pursuits, it seemed as if her father disapproved of her very existence. Her mother was never around, and her father didn’t like to talk about her. She supposedly abandoned her father, leaving him to raise her on his own.

She wanted to study medicine, putting her otherwise irrelevant ability to good use, but there weren’t many medical schools that accepted women at the time, and her academics were below-average. Failing to get into a couple meant she had no other options, and with her father impatient with her “unrealistic” goals, she was urged to either marry someone or get a job. She was denied her preferred romantic targets and her biggest dreams for her career, so she didn’t know what to do with herself and fell distraught. She took up self-harm, taking a kitchen knife and cutting up her right arm. Love after love, but torn apart by her father every time. Clothes upon clothes, a passion besides medicine, but torn apart by her father whenever he finds them. Her father refused to even let her sell clothing. Wouldn’t want to have anyone thing he’s peddling the wares of a prostitute, would he?

Things like this filled Jack with a hatred against the state of society. One day, she let herself get carried away by this hatred when she saw one Martha Tabram, making profane gestures to a man Jack knew wasn’t her husband. She, this prostitute, could have a loving spouse and an upstanding reputation, while Jack was barred from love and berated over “looking like a prostitute.” That was fucking unacceptable! An injustice she couldn’t stand for! She refused to accept the way things were, so she asked the drunk client away and led the angry Martha Tabram to an alleyway. She didn’t plan what happened next, but when Martha refused to put up with Jack’s beration, Jack couldn’t just let her leave. Oh, no. She had to PAY for all the hours she spent sewing every costume! For all the lovers ripped from her! For every little injustice she faced, it was all fucking Martha’s fault!

Stab after stab, the body was in a macabre state of mutilation when she calmed down enough to cry. Even as the tears fell from her eyes though, her smile never waned.

When she got home, her father wasn’t around. He was on a business trip overnight, as he tended to be. Jack didn’t care. It was her chores to clean the clothes, and clean them she did. She removed every bit of blood from her clothes and the blade usually reserved for her right arm. Of course, this wasn’t the end of it, and she couldn’t stand living with her father any longer. She gathered up what clothes she kept hidden along with some clothes that wouldn’t attract attention, a bit of supplies and stolen money from her father. She cut her long black hair short, and from that point on she decided that she would be a killer. She intended to leave, living in an abandoned building nearby, but that was before she met Mary Jane, by complete and total luck. Fate, if you will.

Mary Jane was a beautiful woman, and appreciated Jack’s fashion sense. Free from her father, it didn’t take long for them to hit it off, and on the very same night she left her father’s home, she was living with Mary Jane.

The next time Jack killed a prostitute, Mary Jane caught Jack in the act, finding out that Jack was the whitechapel murderer. To Jack’s surprise, Mary Jane agreed with Jack’s mindset, sharing her hatred of the current state of society and immediately joined in, writing letters under a male pseudonym in an attempted scheme to cover for Jack and, in a perfect world, use the power of “Jack the Ripper” productively. Jack was certain there was nothing that could come between them at that point. She was wrong.

One night, under heavy influence of alcohol, Mary Jane revealed to Jack that she was a prostitute herself. Jack immediately left, going out that night to commit not one, but two murders. She brought the kidney of one home, to a now lucid and frantic Mary Jane. Jack simply ignored her as she went about slicing it in two and cooking one half. After serving it, still refusing to talk to her, she doused the other half in ethanol to preserve it, tossed it in the fridge and went to bed.

When she woke up in the morning, she acted like everything was fine. When Mary Jane probed, worried about their relationship, she simply asked her to quit. When she agreed, Jack brushed it off, claiming it was no big deal. Mary Jane was unlike all of her other victims, who were married or in a relationship. Her former husband died in a mining incident, and she could sympathize with being lovesick. In exchange for giving up prostitution, Mary Jane asked her to give up killing, suggesting she take a more constructive approach against society. She wanted to make her profession clear before she asked, and, since she already gave up prostitution, Jack swore off it without hesitation. She then asked Mary Jane with help finding a job.

Jack discreetly got rid of the other half of the kidney, sending it to the police along with the first note as "Jack the Ripper" she wrote herself.


Soon, with Mary Jane’s help, Jack landed a simple job to support them financially. It was working alright, but that all changed when Jack came home one day to find a man in a fancy hat leaving their apartment.

Rushing inside, She found Mary Jane, naked and drunk. She couldn’t help herself. In a blind fury, she killed Mary Jane, mutilating her more than any of her victims. Her perfect lips. Her perfect eyes. Her perfect cheeks. Every last perfect lie. She couldn’t stand it. She ripped Mary Jane apart until she was indistinguishable. Her velvet skin, now marred chunks of flesh clinging to bone. She removed every single organ. She was a doctor after all!

Jack kept Mary Jane’s heart… but… she was too perfect to be tainted with Ethanol, or to be carried around and let rot. She tried to cut herself open and replace her own heart with hers, so that she could always have a piece of her, but she couldn’t go through with the pain. In the end, she simply decided to eat it. What more could she do, to hold on to the Mary Jane that was no more?

Jack started seriously damaging her right arm after that and became an alcoholic. Soon enough either one of the vengeful husbands of her victims or an illicit paramour got to her and cut/dismembered parts of her body in an incident she doesn’t like to talk about. She died from blood loss. Her body was handed over to her father, who had her buried.

It took Iradia a lot of searching and gravedigging, but eventually she found her: Jack the Ripper. Her greatest treasure. While her body had rot quite a bit in the interim, she was repaired pretty well by the gifted in Brinkhaven, in addition to a few modifications added by Iradia. Of course, her skin tone remained a bruised color, her hair never went back from white, and she never got a replacement for her missing eye, but her left arm was reattached on a retractable chain, taking advantage of her hollow shoulder. She also got a fancy new “demon” arm, from a monster on Derika, in place of her especially damaged right arm.

Iradia also let her pick out a new outfit, much to her delight.

Equipment: Iradia has provided her with a knife.

Theme: See in original application.

Name: Kitan Aruha

Age: 22

Gender: ♂

Gift: "Reversal, the negation of physical and mental changes, including the erasing of memories and death."

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Usually quiet and stoic, keeping to himself. Obsessive-compulsive and generally neurotic, he exhibits death-seeker tendencies. Has a sense of humor that can trump his up-tight, reserved nature. Easily flustered. "Kill me" is his catch-phrase.

History: His parents were some hot shit. Big successes in their respective glamorous occupations, without being Gifted. He's yet to do anything special himself, so...

Decided to move out to Brinkhaven. If anything, it's easier to explain using his abilities on the job. Faction housing is pretty neat too.

Equipment: A suitcase full of essentials and a bit of money

Theme: See in original application.

Name: Lí

Age: 16

Gender: ♂

Gift: Manipulation of Bagua


Bagua consists of eight trigrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each line either "broken" or "unbroken," representing yin or yang, respectively.

☰ - 乾 (Qián) which represents 天 (Heaven)

☱ - 兌 (Duì) which represents 澤 (Lake)

☲ - 離 (Lí) which represents 火 (Fire)

☳ - 震 (Zhèn) which represents 雷 (Thunder)

☴ - 巽 (Xùn) which represents 風 (Wind)

☵ - 坎 (Kǎn) which represents 水 (Water)

☶ - 艮 (Gèn) which represents 山 (Mountain)

☷ - 坤 (Kūn) which represents 地 (Earth)

In practice, ☰Heaven represents light, ☱Lake represents fresh water, ☵Water ironically represents all other liquids and forms of water, ☳Thunder represents electricity, ☶Mountain represents stone or metals, and ☷Earth represents dirt, sand and dust, with the other three being straightforward. Lí can absorb and store these elements for later use, manipulate all of them, and furthermore apply a secondary effect of each trigram.

☰ (Heaven) lets his manipulation of light be more powerful, making it his strongest general-purpose projectiles

☱ (Lake) lets him negate momentum

☲ (Fire) allows rapid movement

☳ (Thunder) lets him reinvigorate himself (Does not heal wounds)

☴ (Wind) greatly improves his evasive capability

☵ (Water) Allows him to physically bind himself to something (His arm would sooner break than lose its hold with this ability)

☶ (Mountain) Allows his body to be absolutely still, preventing any compression and rendering him for the most part invincible

☷ (Earth) Allows him to greatly compress himself, giving him an elastic quality and letting him take some (but not all) blows unharmed

Finally, he possesses the magical ability to prevent his hat from falling off in any circumstance

Gift Classification: Elemental


Personality:Somewhat awkward and straight-laced, though a large part of that is because he seldom relaxes in front of other people. His guardian having rubbed off on him, he will often do things simply because it's "cool". Energetic and a little reckless.

History: Originally an orphan in China, he befriended a Buddhist monk when he was young and was eventually adopted. Accordingly, he was raised as a Buddhist monk, and while technically he only had one legal guardian, all the monks at the monastery treated him like he was their own child. As years past, the monastery suffered from financial troubles, a problem he discovered was due to the financial toll he had inadvertently taken on the monastery while being raised. It was a rather small one after all, and his guardian was in a poor financial situation. The monastery was starting to accumulate debt, and it appeared that it might have to be sold. Soon enough a strange man who appeared to be roughly in his late 20s came to the monastery, claiming to have heard of a young Gifted living around the area. His intentions for doing so were unclear, but he wanted to take Lì and train him and his abilities. Guilty over the state of the monastery, he declined but instead offered to sell himself to the man, who accepted. He left without saying goodbye, leaving the money and a note behind. He’s never returned to the monastery since.

As the years passed, he came to learn more about his new guardian. He was a fabulously wealthy American with a particular love for martial arts. He frequented many parts of asia, and brought Lì to several places to learn a variety of martial arts. He had apparently already spent time learning at every place they visited, and every time, he had to bribe the “masters” to teach Lì. Even still, without exception, he left to bring Lì to the next one before finishing the training of the last. While Lì did learn a great deal of martial arts, it became clear the man cared more about looking cool than actually using what he learned. On occasion, he would try to teach Lì something himself, which was more often than not impractical or directly taken from a movie. He also had an obsession with religion. All religions. It didn’t matter if they directly contradicted each other, he would recite principles from one and then a different one immediately after all the time as a means of “advice”. He would bring Lì to churches and shrines, giving him shallow insight into religion after religion, without ever suggesting any sort of dedication. The man gets upset if Lì criticizes him over this though, so Lì usually just bears with it.

Of all the religions, the one the man probably likes most is Taoism, and it is this that he taught to Lì more than any other. Lì never fully understood the mechanics of his ability before, but as he was introduced to the Taoist concept of Bagua (with the man harping on about it constantly no less) Lì’s abilities were either realized or shaped. The man, concluding that Lì’s abilities were strongly affected by symbolism, had a set of special equipment made just for him, including a garment with the trigrams for Heaven and Earth over each bicep and a hat that is also a planter, containing some rare plant or another, which supposedly aids in the absorbing of elements. The man insisted he wear it whenever possible to possibly awaken more abilities, like maybe manipulating the Yin-Yang in the center of the Bagua. Lì just thinks it’s stupid, and is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have no effects on his abilities whatsoever. It’s grown on him though, and the outfit itself was made for combat. The man made tons of everything except the hat. The hat is irreplaceable.

Eventually the man sent him on a "mission" meant to amplify his powers and possibly unveil secrets of the universe. [sic] Lì was meant to go to Derika, an island apparently full of gifted and retrieve an artifact with a Bagua on it. The details he received were extremely vague, but he was given black and white photos and was told it was in a facility underneath the island. The man said he had other business to attend to. He gave him instructions on how to reach Brinkhaven and join a faction, along with a little bit of money and supplies, and was told to call when he had found it. They had separated before for reasons like this, but never with such distance between them. Still, Lì is determined not to let what had become his father figure down and set out from the Derikan harbor he was dropped off at. After reaching Brinkhaven and joining the Elemental faction, he’s kind of at a loss as to where to look for it.

The fact that he doesn’t speak fluent English is a little troublesome, but he does so well enough.

Equipment: A backpack full of clothes dumped unceremoniously on his bed in the elemental faction. It contains a fair amount of money provided by his guardian for miscellaneous expenses.

Party Control: Yes

Theme: See in original application.

Name: Valen

Age: 38 (Appears much younger)

Gender: ♂

Gift: Invincibility; Invulnerability; Immune to all forms of damage. Accordingly, does not age and is for the most part immortal.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Easy-going and polite. Has neither a strict moral code nor a strong sense of responsibility. Rather mild, but isn’t afraid to get deadly serious where he feels it matters

History: A former member of the ETG, he was Aaron’s right-hand man. He climbed the ranks almost solely through the power of nepotism, and even became an awakened Gifted when he wouldn’t normally qualify for such a privilege. His power was initially valued highly, but that value wore off when he failed mission after mission. With that, he mostly went back to working under Aaron, who ran the cushiest section of the ETG. As such, he never faced much moral quandaries. Of course, he would frequently be abused by the ETG - a test dummy for captives, a grunt on the most dangerous missions, or even an antinite guinea pig. Even still, the pay was simply insane, so he didn’t mind a little disrespect. When Aaron planned on leaving though, he didn’t really have any problem dropping everything to go with him.

He’s purchased his own apartment in Brinkhaven, and has been enjoying an extended vacation ever since. Still gets abused by Aaron every so often in the name of science.

Equipment: A variety of militaristic ETG equipment, a lot of which was made by Aaron. Has a large assortment of laser weapons Aaron dumped on him, but prefers good old bullets, normally using handguns. He also has a small assortment of grenades, again, many of which are laser-based, but he still prefers simple gunpowder and flash. He also has a laser-firing Z-watch. (An A-watch if you will)

Aaron has a habit of making everything fire lasers, Valen’s frankly sick and tired of it.

Party Control: Yes

Theme: See in original application.

[Spoiler = XZY-Proto-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001]
"Model": XZY-Proto-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

”Nickname”: XZY0^52

Name: Xzyckxse

Age: “15 or 16”

Gender: ♂

Gift: Possesses 52 “cards”. Small, card shaped devices of strange mechanics made by Aaron, hidden on his person. For anyone else these cards have no functional purpose, however, Xzyckxse is able to use each as infinite power sources. With this energy, he can give function to three systems: Storage, weapon and duel. With the storage system, he can store and conceal objects in sizes or quantities he wouldn’t normally be able to carry, withdrawing them at his leisure later. With the weapon system, he can materialize extremely durable weapons of any design he inputs. With the duel system, he is able to initiate “duels”, trapping an opponent and initiating a pattern of bullets to fire in salvos.

He can also develop new systems himself by observing the actions of others. If that were to ever be on the agenda, which it isn’t, I’d get it approved first.

Finally, he’s a cyborg. His blood is rife with nanomachines and a good portion of his skeleton is no longer bone. He’s naturally strong, fast, durable, and has google at the ready.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Note: Everything that isn’t exposed skin can change to any color.


Even if the colors are awful…

Forgive my lazy editing here, just an example.


Personality: Awkward and emotionless, he truly possesses the feel of a robot. Highly enjoys creative pursuits, but never satisfied with the results. Obey’s Aaron’s every order.

History: Literally grew in a test-tube. An unethical experiment of sorts conducted by Aaron under the ETG's nose, most of his knowledge is downloaded. Not long after he was awoken, he was given a task to destroy the ETG facility he was made in and escape with Aaron, Valen, and all the captive Gifted in his storage system. Considering how much dangerous materials Aaron had lying around, it wasn’t hard.

Equipment: The mechanical parts of his body if that counts, 52 cards.

Theme: See in original application.

Senor Koquonfaes

Name: Lucia Vickers

Nickname(s): Lucy, Big Girl, Rusty

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Gift: Control over corrosion, oxidization, and decay.

Gift Classification: Elemental



Personality: Abrasive and maybe a bit over-confident. She seems a little invested in seeming like "one of the guys", although judging by the fact that being gentle and feminine in the kind of gang she's running with is ill-advised, she at least has a good excuse.

History: Born and raised in Boston, Lucia has had a rough go of life. She moved to Derika as soon as she learned of its existence, bringing along a bad attitude, a chunk of money filched from her parents' accounts, and a surprisingly industrious work ethic... for all the wrong fields. At the moment she's part of a team of dungeon-crawlers that call themselves Faceroll, though she's trying to get out from under that particular boot and go freelance.

Equipment: Clothes (vest, tie, jacket, collared shirt, gloves, pants, belt, socks, shoes), concealed crossdraw pistol holster, low-profile leg pouch for pistol magazines, cigar box, cigars, HK45 Tactical, two magazines for HK45 Tactical, sunglasses

Party Control: No.

Other: Lucy is a Natural Gifted and is not part of any faction. She can be described as a small-time criminal.



See in original application.


See in original application.


Name: Angie A. Jedele

Nickname(s): AJ, Double A, Double A...J, Monomania, Freak, Tin Man...err Woman…

Age: 19


Gift: A facial deformity/mutation in the form of a metal mask growth that covers the eyes, but allows the victim to willingly produce, receive, and read sound waves via vibrations of the mask (much like a tuning fork, but essentially for echolocation). The vibrations can be interpreted by the victim’s acute/heightened mental capabilities (also part of the mutation) to determine the location of objects (much like a bat). The facial deformity also allows the victim to transmit a pain-inducing nose.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: A narrow-minded, young lass with a one-track mind. She only has the perseverance and determination to accomplish one task at a time, but will not stop until said task is complete with utmost precision and perfection. Her mindset revolves around a single state of mind and emotion. She does not change said state of mind or emotion until satisfied. Her default is a cheerful persona, especially following the completion of a task.


Angie Jedele was born at the epicenter of the once motor vehicle production hub of the Rust Belt: Detroit Michigan. Her parents, who were big history junkies, desired to be inspired by the dilapidated city and chose to settle there of all places, despite the polluted atmosphere. The toxic environment, of course. poisoned their bodies and afflicted their unborn child. Angie was born an abnormally heavy baby; the cause: a strange metal facial outgrowth sprouting from her hairline. Doctors citywide were utterly confounded. There had been several miraculous cases of birth defects over the years, but this one was by far the strangest and most disturbing. Angie was confined to the hospital for the next three years of her life, playing in her hospital bed as doctors monitored her…”condition.” There didn’t seem to be any cure nor solution to the mutation. Cutting the metal was too dangerous, as it seemed to be adhered to the skin, and surgery proved to be ineffective. Any means that seemed to remove the metal were sorely squandered by the sudden reappearance of the metal with its same progression down the child’s face the very next day.

By Angie’s fourth birthday, the metal plate had almost fully covered over Angie’s eyes, so the doctors released her from the hospital with the grim news that at the rate the plate was growing, her nose and mouth would be covered, and she would be suffocated by her sixth birthday at the latest. Angie’s sullen parents took their ailing daughter home, and they vowed to make the best of the remaining years of their daughter’s life, as it was their fault their daughter ended up with such a strange growth. Luckily, the family was receiving slight monetary help from the local governing body in return for keeping their daughter’s condition hush. The city of Detroit didn’t need any more negative publicity if it ever hoped to recover from its decrepit state. So, Angie’s parents literally devoted themselves to catering to their daughter’s every whim. One of the most frequent requests Angie demanded was news of the outside world. Blinded by the metal mask, Angie desired to know more about the world that left her behind. Her parents, guilty about the world they stole away from their only child, lied, telling tales of a glistening place with clear blue skies and anything but a bleak outlook. The many brilliant tales of such a wonderful world filled Angie’s mind and heart with determination and motivation to persevere through life. She became an undying optimist. If the world was so brimming with life and opportunities, then she should be too!

Miraculously, after soon after, Angie’s parents noticed that the metal plate seemed to have stopped growing. Angie’s eyes had been completely covered, but her nose was spared. She could breathe! She could live!

Immediately following the momentous event, Angie’s parents set to work to educate their beloved daughter. She now had a chance to potentially make something for herself in this world. And perhaps, people might overlook her strange appearance if she could best them with her smarts. Society seemed to eventually accept some geniuses despite their unruly looks if they proved they could contribute something worthwhile. Therefore, from that point on, Angie’s homeschooling adventures began. Angie’s ailment, though, continued to be a constant obstacle in her life. Angie struggled to learn efficiently. Unable to see, Angie found it increasingly difficult to grasp certain topics and subjects that require some sort of visual aid such as the english language and math. Workbooks and textbooks ineffective unless they were in braille...but then Angie hadn’t learned Braille yet, so her parents were constantly flitting around in a mad frenzy to find ways to teach their daughter. Plus, if too many different subjects were taught at once, Angie became easily confused. Therefore, her parents taught her the beauty in taking steps and completing one task at a time until it was done properly, correctly, perfectly.

By the age of twelve, Angie’s parents had successfully caught their daughter up to speed with the curriculum taught in the district’s public school system, so they decided to give Angie the chance to learn in a normal school setting like a normal teenage girl. Sadly, their plan failed to account for the fact that society is not generally so readily accepting of misfits and outsiders. Angie was eaten up and spit out in less than a day. By lunch time of her first day, Angie was sent to the principal's’ office and her parents were called to come pick her up. Her teachers complained that her strange “attire” was distracting the other students and that even the teachers couldn’t tolerate the bullying and gossip spread in relation to Angie. So Angie was withdrawn from public school.

Seven years later, Angie’s parents surprised her with the news that they were moving to Derika...or more specifically, Angie. Having heard about a magical place called Derika where society’s mystical, inexplicable misfits lived relatively peacefully amongst themselves, her parents scrounged up the money to purchase a one-way ticket for their daughter. Angie, eager to tackle the real world, embraced the challenge with her radiant optimism and set out to start a new life in Derika.

Equipment: A suitcase filled with 10 more of the same brown dresses, a credit card (b/c who gives a blind person cash moneh? ...Who sends a blind person on a trip alone?), and a card reading “Please help me. I am lost and blind, but not deaf. There is, in fact, a significant difference.”

Party Control: Yes, if she is in a party. You may move her along with the group and use her ability of echolocation. Just remember that she is blind, so she may or may not be clumsy at times...so try to make it at least a little bit funny...please?



See in original application.

Name: Mayumi

Nickname(s): Mayu

Age: 19


Gift: Strain - an extremely rare breed of animal (cat) with enhanced mental capabilities on par with those of an average human and the ability to morph into a human-like form. Strains still retain animal-like characteristics (cat ears and tail in this case) and instincts their transformation is never complete.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Mayumi is a shy, reserved, independent kitty; however, at the slightest mention of humans and human culture, Mayu pounces on the opportunity to sing about her love and knowledge of the subject. Becoming significantly more open and less abrasive, Mayu would gladly and happily rant about the wonders and grandeurs of human life. My, how she wishes she could have been born a real gril.

History: Mayumi hails from the not-so-glamourous streets of New York City. She lived there for a good seventeen years with her two parents and five siblings, all of whom share the same ability. However, it has been a family rule never to transform after witnessing several of their relatives be dragged away by strange people wearing white uniforms with black and gold highlights…

Nevertheless, Mayumi always fantasized what it would be like to live like a human. All day she watched humans enter the high-rise buildings and feast upon delectable delicacies while she and her family scavenged through filth to find a half-eaten meal. It just didn’t seem fair. It didn’t feel right. Mayu dreamed of being a human and living the luxurious life. Oh how wonderful it must be to have friends and live the good life.

After seventeen years of fantasizing and waiting, Mayumi overheard her parents talking. Their second cousins twice removed had learned of a place where mystical, magical being could live in peace and possible harmony with human beings. It would be the perfect place to live. However, it had been two week since they boarded the supposed ship that would bring them to the proposed paradise and there was no word back whether the place was legit or not.

Mayumi, elated to hear that there was even the slightest possibility for her to life like a human with other humans, sought out the mysterious ship and boarded it as a stow away, a runaway stow away.

Out of sheer, once-in-a-lifetime luck (good thing she has nine lives), Mayu seemed to have boarded the right ship and successfully arrived on Derika. Chased off the ship, she fled toward the city gates with the precession of people and the hopes of finding her distant relatives.

Equipment: Nothing. She is a cat. She can’t carry anything...

Party Control: Nah



See in original application.

Interests: Drawing, reading novels and manga, watching anime, being Undertale trash/trash in general, supporting others and their dreeeaaammss

Favorite games: LaTale, Bravely Default, Pokemon, Undertale, Blade & Soul (is lyfe), Super Smash Bro.s, Touhou (EOSD ~<3), FE:A, FE if, and too many others...I need to stop listing...))


Name: John Vernon

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Gift: Inherent knowledge of how machines work. A form of technomancy.

Gift Classification: Mental

Appearance: John has brown eyes and messy, black hair. A few locks of hair always seem to be in his face, and it's easy to see that not a lot of effort goes into his appearance. Why bother making yourself look nice if you're just going to end up getting messy again? John's wardrobe consists mostly of t-shirts, jeans, and shorts, though he does have clothes for different weathers and temperatures. At any given time, he can usually be found in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He dresses casual. John usually has bags under his eyes, from nights spent tinkering and thinking about new things to build. John stands 5'9" tall, and has an average build. (He would be leaner if it wasn't for exercise.)


John is (admittedly, in his own words) sarcastic, cynical, and sassy. John also suffers from a most tragic case of terminal apathy. (he couldn't care less about a lot of things). That is, however, not to say he is unpleasant to talk to. Though he is loathe to admit it, the politeness drilled into him during his upbringing has stuck with him. John loves to tinker, a perfect fit for his gift, and often will stay up late creating machines. (Not useful machines per se... But having a completely useless machine is "completely socially acceptable, thank you very much"). This of course, leads to John always seeming to be a bit tired- which he usually is. Normally, John is aloof, with the exception of when he is being sarcastic and the like.


In all regards, John Vernon had an exceedingly average childhood. He did not have above-average grades, (he was mostly a B student), his high-school sports career was not noteworthy, and nothing exceedingly embarrassing or impressive happened to him, nor did he do anything embarrassing or impressive. His parents were very fine people, perhaps a bit too strict concerning manners and presentation, but they were for the most part, pleasant people. John went to an unremarkable community college and did well, but he got something even better than an Associate degree there: he got a spot in the school's robotics club. It was an instant hit with John. His team quickly defeated many other local colleges in robotics competitions, and it was regarded as the best year for the robotics team in a long, long time. John loved it as well. By the time he graduated, his goal was to get into a better college and land a career in robotics. Unfortunately, this would require money that his family simply did not have. It would have been a long time waiting tables for John, if he had not been approached by someone asking if he wanted to compete in what was painted to be a local equivalent of Robot Wars. It seemed John's performance at the competitions in college had payed off- or were about to pay off, literally. What it actually turned out to be was an underground robot fighting ring. Of course, this did not deter John, and soon he was competing for glory and money to fuel his trip to college. It was here that John first heard of Derika, and Brinkhaven, through hushed whispers. John, putting two and two together, realized he probably had some sort of gift. Selling his apartment, most of what he was unable to carry, and using almost all of his money, John left and got transportation to Brinkhaven, telling his parents he was traveling on "college-related business". (Fortunately for him, they bought it.)


- A backpack

- Clothes

- Pocket knife

- Toolbox

- Toiletries

- Lots of granola bars and water bottles

- 47$ in cash

- A labtop

- Small first aid kit (bandages, triple antibiotic ointment (neosprorin), average strength pain medication, gauze)

Party Control: No thank, parties are too loud for me. I have books and cats imaginary cats.

Other: I like sitting in my room and doing absolutely nothing all day, every day, no matter what. I also enjoy Pokemon. (Real shocker, there.)

(also I'm new to Derika please don't eat me I'll be good I promise hopefully maybe possibly not q.q)


Name: Franklin Roberts

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: Sound Manipulation

Gift Classification: Dimensional

Weaknesses and Limits: PM me this section. He weak. I don't think I can actually PM.

Appearance: 5' 9". Caucasian. Short blond hair that goes past his shoulders just a bit. Bright blue eyes. Average build.

Personality: Arrogant, hot-headed, and loves to fight.

History: Born in the suburban Midwest, Frank was always picking fights. When his powers manifested, his parents tried their best to keep his power hidden. Frank had trouble resisting using his power, so he was shipped off to Derika as soon as he turned eighteen. Supposedly he has family in Derika, but he can't remember where they are and doesn't care.

Equipment: His clothes, a wallet, music player, and headphones

Party Control: Kill him or whatever.

Other: Other.

I like turtles

Vagabond Spectre


Adrian Anderson






Adrian can manipulate and control diamond, and some other crystals to a lesser extent. He can form them into any shape he desires into something like a weapon. He can make a different variety of weapons. He can summon diamond swords, spears and shields. He controls individual summoned diamonds manually, if they were ever in a form that didn't need them to be held like a weapon.

Gift Classification:



Stands at 5'6". His skin tone is Caucasian, has black hair, and brown eyes. He sports a Van Dyke beard and mustache. He has a muscular build and is slim. Has a thick amount of hair on his arms and legs. He is also covered in scratches and tiny scars.


He is a light-hearted man who always looks out for others. Nice and extroverted, he's easily called friendly by many people. Sometimes, Adrian can be quite stern and easily irritated. He is, when infuriated, a bit arrogant and stubborn. He is seen serious when situations are getting difficult. He's rarely sad because he he tries to be positive.


Born in an unknown town, Adrian spent his childhood living alone in an alley where he lives alone with neither parents nor a guardian. He lives through his life by stealing money, taking food, and stealing in small shops without being seen. One day, discovered that he can control diamonds and crystals, when he was almost got caught by the police and, with sheer faith that he'll still live with freedom, they appeared. Not only can he control them but Adrian can shift them to any form and shape. These powers increased the ante in his skills in stealing items from people. On the alley in where he lives, he was almost successfully kidnapped by an organized mafia group because of his unnatural Gift. He was imprisoned in a boat and was sent to a different country. With his abilities, he escaped the boat. The first place he happened upon was Derika on his small boat.


He wears a black vest, a dirty white t-shirt, cargo pants, and a pair of work boots. Other then that, he has no redeeming item.

Party Control:



(I like Undertale, CoD: MW2, and Insurgency. These totally pique my interest.)


Name: Gwendolyn Durante

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Gift: She can create and use digitalized copies of others’ Gifts.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


(Image pending)

5’2, 130 lbs

Personality: A little distant, a little kept to herself, she has things she'd like to keep secret. Though she will be more friendly with those she gets to know, she stays a bit reserved. She would think she's a loyal friend, but be careful- she is rather self seeking and while she wouldn't do it on purpose, might stab you in the back. All that said, she's often to be seen in public, as she likes to be around people for the most part. She has plenty of things she'll talk about in casual conversation, just don't expect to get much information out about her history.

History: Gwendolyn grew up in a strange little town, with a man and a woman not her father and mother. Though adopted at the age of five, she had no memory of her birth parents. And while the town, likely not containing much more than a hundred people, was full of Gifted, Gwen displayed no Gift as a child. Despite that, she was still happy, as a small child constantly awed by the casual use of Gifts. As she grew up, though some thought her a little strange, she wasn’t ostracized for lack of a gift- after all, some of the other kids’ weren’t too obvious most of the time, anyway. That being said, though while she wasn’t ostracized, she wasn’t always necessarily welcome either; the other kids were much more likely to want to play together, and play games with their Gifts, than they were to play with Gwen. Though hurt by this, she would go into her own little world with music and/or books, and be happy that way. By the time she got into high school, and childhood games faded behind them, Gwen’s friend bubble expanded, though she never forgot to keep time aside for books and music. Eventually, her closest friend, Phoebe, expressed a desire to start a band.

Gwendolyn was on board immediately.

Gwen wasn’t very good at playing any instruments, but she could sing. Not only could Phoebe sing decently, she could also play violin very well. Unfortunately, nobody else they talked to was really interested in joining them, and two singers and one instrument does not a band make.

So, they decided they'd digitalize the rest.

They started off singing covers from some of their favorite bands, gradually working their way to writing a few songs of their own. As they went, they traded off editing the songs, remixing and modding and just generally having fun with it.

One late sleepover night together spent up editing songs, them trading off between editing each other's songs, Phoebe told a joke and Gwen laughed- and left a scorch mark on the ceiling of her room from a short spout of flame produced mid-laugh. They sat in stunned silence a moment. Not only does someone spitting fire not exactly happen every day, that was in fact Phoebe's Gift. So how the $#%& did Gwen use it?

They pondered, they googled, but they eventually boiled it down to a guess that Gwen could somehow steal- no, copy, other gifts. Because when Phoebe tried herself she was perfectly able to use her gift. They were amazed by the discovery, and song editing was pretty much done for the evening.

In the morning, after Gwen's parents had awoken, they excitedly explained what had happened. The adults exchanged a small look of worry before turning back with all smiles and happiness for them.

However, a few days later, when Gwen answered a knock to their door, she found a middle aged woman in a white, militaristic uniform standing beyond. The woman in uniform requested her parents. Gwen brought them. They invited the woman inside and sat Gwen down for an explanation she'd waited for twelve years- who her birth parents actually were. Turns out, this strange woman was her mother, returning to claim her. Though, of course, it was Gwen's choice wether or not to go- but, her mother warned, it would be wiser to leave. She didn't state why, but it clearly made Gwen's adoptive parents nervous.

She deliberated, consulted her parents, but decided to stay. Her birth mother, though clearly displeased, didn't fight it; she just left, quietly. All was well. Until, a few days later, it turned out Phoebe was missing. The only explanation was an envelope, left on her bed. With "Gwendolyn" written across the front.

Unsure of wether it was from Phoebe to Gwen, or something else, it was given to her to read alone. It happened to be a note from her birth mother, explaining the fate that the small town would suffer- and that Gwen was still offered a chance to escape it. Phoebe had been given no choice, but taken away from danger, for her own protection and- to Gwen's understanding, though not stated- to solidify Gwen's allegiance.

She went home and packed some things, then left that night. Going to a meeting place arranged by her birth mother, she met with some others in similar white uniforms. Without a single question they escorted her to a building in the woods, where she found her birth mother. Gwendolyn was offered two choices: stay with her birth mother, and allow Phoebe, her family, and Gwen's adoptive parents escape the fate slated for their small town, and Gwen would see none of them again; or, go back to the town, and get to die with them, instead.

Gwen chose to help them live.

Clearly glad for her choice, her birth mother took her to an ETG base, where she was trained as an agent and they figured out what her Gift was. As Gwen lived there, she tried to turn a blind eye to the Gifted tortured and killed in the same building. Lucky for her, she was able to quite easily, as she wasn't given tasks to do with the captives. A couple more Gifts were added to her current ones, and she rigorously trained herself in her gift, figuring out her limits and weaknesses in it.

A few years later, she wound up passing through the Gifted containment areas on an unrelated errand, and she saw Phoebe in a cell. Once she registered that, it didn't take her long to decide to break her free, upset that her birth mother had gone back on her promise.

A few days later saw the two running from the base and finding themselves quite lost. However, they eventually came to a place that looked like it had once been familiar.

Looking as if it had been recently destroyed, it was the town they had grown up in. Upset and also furious, Gwen searched out the home she had grown up in, finding it nothing but a pile of rubble, with a couple of crushed corpses mixed in.

Unable to handle it, she ran as far as she could, not hearing her friend cry after her. She didn't stop until she was completely lost, far away, but she stumbled on, leaving the horror behind her. Eventually collapsing and just laying on the ground, she slowly registered that she had left her friend behind.

But she still laid there. And she let her emotions out in tears. Eventually, sleep claimed her from this pit of despair.

Through much difficulty, she eventually made her way to more civilized areas, and from there she continued onward to leave America, finding a ship that would take her to this strange island she's heard of- Derika.

As of the time of the roleplay, she has been on the island a few days, temporarily staying in a hotel.

Equipment: iPhone and headphones, laptop, a few changes of clothes(including her old ETG uniform), toiletries, towel, wallet with money, various forms of legal ID, charging cables for devices, and a backpack to hold it all.

Party Control: No


From Phoebe: Can literally breathe fire.

ETG 1: Heightened agility/balance.

ETG 2: The ability to dampen emotions within a target.

Name: Lesley Jernigan

Age: Physically 19.

Gender: Lesley does not have time for your gender binary.(genderfluid) uses xe/xem/xir pronouns

Gift: Shapeshifting, within the bounds of natural physical attributes of humans, and minor self healing. Keeps multiple aliases.(see bottom of app for their stuffs)

Gift Classification: Physical


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height: 5'3"

weight: 125 lbs

Personality: A touch secretive, a touch paranoid, a thwack socially anxious: the mental makeup of a young writer, sometimes. Xe has a tendency to get lost in xir own head sometimes, and when left alone, usually falls into daydreaming. Xe likes to write as a hobby, and reads widely. Part of why xe has xir aliases is because they tend to be who xe writes about. They also provide a mask to hide behind when in public, which is a large part of how xe deals with xir social anxiety. It doesn’t work as well as xe would like it to, but xe does better while an alias than with xir own face, so xe continues with aliases.

Xe is generally quiet and polite, but awkward. Also tends to avoid particularly hyper/overactive/jumpy/peppy people.

History: The Jernigan family was a very gifted one from near its roots. The family having a personal history of many impressive gifts, the mother and father of young Lesley were quite disappointed with their child as xe grew up displaying not a hint of a Gift. Lesley’s older sister had the gift of healing from birth, and their parents were sure she was going somewhere good- at the age of 16, the elder Jernigan was already set on her path to the best medical school in the states, and Lesley… Well. Five years younger and not having a hint of a gift, but merely a proclivity for a great enjoyment of reading, xe was definitely not the favored child. Though not meaning any harm by it, both parents and sister wound up nitpicking on many aspects of Lesley- if xe wasn't going to have a gift, xe needed perfect grades. If xe spent any more time inside reading, xe’d become allergic to sunlight. If xe didn’t make any friends, xe’d be socially stunted for life. If xe… So on, so forth.

After xir sister had gone off to med school, Lesley finally manifested xir gift- having read a book amazing enough for Lesley to imagine xirself so completely as the main character, xe took on the appearance of that character, to the shock, amazement, relief… and perhaps slight disappointment, of xir parents. Though it wasn’t anything particularly special, a Gift was a Gift and they were alright with that. And soon enough, the painfully awkward Lesley started to use aliases with xir gift- becoming at times Christopher Jekyll, xir mask to the world. As they saw Lesley did better in social situations with xir mask on, xir parents supported his existence, helping Lesley get legal ID for him as well as xirself.

As time went on, Lesley developed two more aliases, and began to see the three aliases as xir friends more than just masks. Around the same time as that, xe started to write creatively, most of xir works starring Christopher, Lucas, and Amelia. Xe also began to spend more time as xir aliases than as xir actual self- at times, xe has almost forgotten who xe is.

After graduating high school, xe didn’t immediately go to college. Spending time with one of xir uncles, who had many close connections with other Gifted, Lesley heard of Derika, and with the help of xir uncle, traveled there.

As of this point in time, Lesley has been in Brinkhaven a day or two.

Equipment: A backpack with a few necessities- clothes for each alias, money, various forms of ID(at least one per alias), a towel, and some assorted toiletries.

Party Control: Tentatively yes, but don’t change from the current alias.

Other: Plays the piano and reads a lot.


Christopher William Jekyll, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 25. 5'11", weighs 150 lbs. Friendly, gregarious, little snarky. Plays piano a lot.

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Amelia Ebony Higgins, she/her pronouns, claims to be age 17. 5'6", weighs 130 lbs. Soft spoken but firm. Often is seen with a cat, a novel, or both.

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Lucas Osmond Cunningham, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 23. 5'8", weighs 140 lbs. Relaxed and gentle, playful, also a huge dork. Will stay up all night watching comedies and is always there for a friend in need- if only Lesley/Lucas had friends!

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I like to play violin, and three games currently consume my free time: Minecraft, Undertale, Starbound, and Pinterest. Oops, Pinterest isn't a game. it's a time eating device specifically designed to distract the creatively minded. Sigh...
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NPC Compendium

Still a WIP: Shiki

All the others are complete.


Name: Aaron Feuhr

Age: 37

Gender: ♂

Gift: Technomancy

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Calculating, callous, and perhaps a bit volatile, he’s a mad scientist through and through. Cares only about his projects and his friends. Very few friends. You can count them all on one hand. Somewhat of a dandy.

History: An indirect founding member of Brinkhaven, he became an ETG scientist as Brinkhaven was being established, where he could gain funding for his various projects. Not believing the ETG to be a cause worth fighting for, he held out on them when it came to his inventions. He didn’t exactly need to compete with other technomancers, so he could toss the ETG inventions he’s long since rendered obsolete and still be the have valuable member of ETG R&D. As such, he could utilize the ETG’s immense funding to carry out many, many pet projects.

Eventually, the time came when he was given a reason to leave the ETG. Fortunately for him, a certain project of his made that very, very easy. The ETG base he left behind was largely destroyed, and he came to live on Brinkhaven. It was a trivial matter at that point upgrading Brinkhaven’s defense system, and after having his allegiance verified, he was accepted as Brinkhaven’s minister of defense.

There are many who still don’t trust him.

Equipment: A varied, vast, and constantly expanding arsenal. Has replaced parts of his body and has many android duplicates to act in his place. Likes lasers and has a tendency to tack them onto everything.

Name: Akira Ciago

Age: 26

Gender: ♂

Gift: Extreme luck, to the point that everything will go his way.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Appears completely and totally perfect. If he has any character flaws, he’s too lucky for anyone to notice them. Promiscuous perhaps?

History: A founding member of Brinkhaven and the leader of the Unaligned faction. He tends to be pretty irresponsible, going on far too many consecutive vacations and in general rarely doing anything productive, so it’s a wonder how he even got the position. Oh wait, no it’s not.

Name: Amadeus Luxord

Age: 22

Gender: ♂

Gift: Complete and total mind control

Gift Classification: Mental


Personality: Princely, with a bit of an inferiority complex. Well-mannered and kind to most, but has an extreme, hateful phobia of sentient things he cannot control. Angstiest faction leader.

History: A founding member of Brinkhaven and the leader of the Mental faction. Both the most willing to go out of their way to help and the most willing to go out of their way to harm.

Name: Caedere Fiore

Nickname: Crow

Age: 32

Gender: ♂

Gift: Can mutate himself in virtually any way to accommodate virtually any change.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: A bit rough and insensitive, but never on purpose. Quick to violence and quick to apologies.

History: A founding member of Brinkhaven and the leader of the Physical faction. Has been a little… off ever since the death of his fiancee, but he’s not the type of person to confide in another.

Name: Kirin Kaliborn

Age: 29

Gender: ♂

Gift: Capable of synthesizing and manipulating any element

Gift Classification: Elemental


Personality: Normally restrained and calm. While not particularly impressed by feats of power, an excitable nerd about the most inane of things.

History: A founding member of Brinkhaven and the leader of the Elemental faction. A dedicated scientist of many trades, and the primary researcher into the nature of Gifts as well as phenomena, flora and fauna of Derika.

Name: ??? - Long since forgotten

Alias: Kourin

Age: ??? - Long since forgotten

Gender: ♂

Gift: Manipulation of the subconscious

Gift Classification: Mental


Personality: A phenomenon.

He tends to be fickle and spontaneous, and isn't afraid to bend people to his will.

History: Does he even exist? Was he a figment of your imagination? Are you sure that what you're looking at is even him?

"Kourin", as he's known as, is capable of manipulating the subconscious. He uses this ability, among other things, to keep himself undetectable. Hard to notice at all, but if you do lay eyes on him, you forget him as soon as you look away. It's what he's decided was best for himself, and even if he decided otherwise, he'd just forget about it. A side-effect of his ability, he has very poor memory, to the point of frequent, random amnesia. Always finding himself in odd places, with no regard for how he got there or what he should do, he tends to wander aimlessly, doing things on whims and manipulating people to entertaining ends without them even knowing. Nothing about him is a guarantee- his ability makes even his perceived appearance and behavior change from person to person, influencing and being influenced by the subconscious of all around him. "Kourin" isn't even his real name. It's just what he gives out when people ask, not knowing the answer himself.

Quite possibly the strangest and most inconsistent phenomena on Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Had sticky notes at some point. Forgot where he put them.

Other: I forget.

Name: Lesua

Age: 16

Gender: ♀

Gift: “Divine Power”, styled after White Magic

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Has two personalities, the first of which is an introverted otaku and competitive gamer. Light-hearted and sarcastic among friends, she’s rather quiet and glum when she has to go outside or deal with strangers because of the influence her second personality holds. The second personality developed only when her abilities awoke, and is much more volatile than the first- one might even call it completely insane. Characterized by an acute god complex, the second personality is convinced she is divine, and will smite any blasphemy against her. Speech becomes markedly more grandiose and booming in her second personality, and she becomes extremely arrogant and overbearing. Ironically more charitable than her first personality.

History: When she first got her abilities, she was in school. Because of her new arrogant attitude, she got into an argument with a student and killed them. Because of that, she got into an argument with a teacher and killed her. By the end of the day she had commit the Gifted equivalent of a school shooting, wiped out most of the local police department and destroyed a significant portion of her neighborhood. When her mortified first personality returned home after a day of carnage...

Suffice to say Lesua couldn’t stay there. With some money from her parents, she left and never came back. She didn’t know where to go at first, but she did, eventually, find someone who did know. A few overheard words weren’t enough to actually know how to get there, and they were being particularly tight-lipped about it, so she challenged them to a certain fighting game. Considering she overheard this at her local gamestop, they accepted, and they were set to fight at their house. When Lesua inevitably beat them, they still refused to disclose how to get to Derika. Lesua wouldn’t back down. One thing led to another, and Lesua’ second personality came out. While he told her after, his house was never the same. Not very long after arriving on Derika and settling into a quiet apartment on the edge of town, her second personality erected a church to herself.

The church itself, with such a violent goddesses at its head, attracted quite a few odd characters. Lesua cared for every member of her church, which entailed “smiting” their enemies. This had an odd effect where the church was, more or less, like a real church, while simultaneously behaving like a violent gang. One criminal member lead to a few more, The criminals, appearing to shape up their acts, attracted their families, and those families attracted others. Sooner or later the church became an odd amalgamation of legitimate church-goers and villainous mercenaries. The church became a hub for criminal activity of all kinds, which brought many colorful characters. Meanwhile, the friendly church atmosphere (enforced by Lesua) and outright false promises Lesua spouted in her sermons attracted people from all walks of life. Lesua had successfully started a cult with deadly influence.

Her first personality hates it more than anything in the world. She has a begrudging tolerance of it, seeing as how the church protects her when she's vulnerable, but it's not like she would have these problems in the first place if it wasn't for the church.

Name: Meenah Bind

Age: 17

Gender: ♀

Gift: Manipulation of Newton’s three laws of motion.

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Normally calm and/or childish, she has something of a short fuse and a sadistic streak. Somewhat irreverent, can swear like a sailor.

History: A founding member of Brinkhaven and the leader of the dimensional faction. Somehow manages to be the youngest, most unnecessarily violent, and most responsible faction leader all at once.

Name: Orion Sirius

Biological Age: 27

Gender: ♂

Gift: Able to restrict or forbid any action. Those affected are unable to do that which was banned.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: A lonely, straight-laced kind of guy. Not very outgoing and keeps to himself. A bit stiff and stress-prone.

History: Born and raised on a strange island nation a long time ago. He lived a pretty ordinary, happy life, but unfortunately it didn't last. The island itself was destroyed, uprooting his life and separating him from his fiancee. It was only thanks to his ability that he was able to cross the ocean, and, as it so happened, he ended up in Derika, becoming its first settler. Years passed, and he couldn't stay alone forever. Almost as soon as he could, he began construction of a large mansion- a mausoleum of isolation. It was eventually completed, and, agelessly immortal, he had just enough time to become a living myth before his mansion and an entire neighboring village sunk deep underground. The villagers left, but he remained, repairing the damage. Spending centuries underground with only his musical instruments and abilities to play with, he became a talented musician. it was only recently he came out, under special circumstances.

That's when he was introduced to Brinkhaven.

As technical owner of the island of Derika, (as its first settler) he was smoothly incorporated into Brinkhaven's government as the Viceroy to Queen Rachael. His ability made him a valuable asset to Brinkhaven, and Rachael needed someone to lighten the load of managing such a chaotic city. For him, despite his disinterest in politics, the decision wasn't hard to make. After all, his fiancee is the advisor to the Queen. He's pretty responsible, so even if he's leading a country for impersonal reasons, he does a pretty good job at it.

...He still hasn't talked to her.

Equipment: An old pocketwatch and an assortment of musical instruments. Piano and Violin are his specialties. Also has an entire mansion underground with absurd food stores.

Name: Rachael

Age: 24...?

Gender: ♀

Gift: "Limit Breaker", the ability to transcend any limits

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: A friendly, righteous person with an unwavering moral compass. Popular among the citizens of Brinkhaven for her selflessness. Kind of quixotic and bad at making tough decisions.

History: Original founder of Brinkhaven and Brinkhaven's Queen. While the finer details were only fleshed out later, she was the one who originally planned Brinkhaven and is the reason it stands today. Had done a bit of world-travelling previously, and was able to unite powerful friends far and wide to make Brinkhaven a reality. While a lot of things were serendipitous by virtue of the builders, Once everything was settled, she had a country of her own to look after, a weighty responsibility she couldn't handle herself. She tried of course, but that couldn't last forever.

With her friends, her faction leaders, her supreme judge, her advisor, and even her new viceroy, she's here to stay. -As if she could leave just because things started to get hard. Unfortunately, this means she needs to take a backseat to things at the expense of others. The integrity of Brinkhaven relies too much on her, and with help comes forced helpful advice. Wouldn't want a repeat of what dragged Orion out from underground again, would we?

Equipment: Has supreme priority for accessing any artifacts belonging to the government of Brinkhaven.

Name: Rana Da'arcagnan

Age: 23

Gender: ♀

Gift: Ability to summon any fictional character described in writing

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: "Go away, I'm reading."

History: Has spent more time reading than sleeping. If she knows, she can't be bothered to recall. You'll need to ask Xheskha.

Equipment: BOOKS

Name: Rigel Dorado

Biological Age: 25

Gender: ♀

Gift: The ability to create anything from thin air

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Outgoing. Confident, capable of getting anything she sets her mind to done. Has a tendency to boss people around when she believes it’s good for them. Young at heart. Has had more hobbies than you can count on all fingers and toes.

History: Born and raised on a strange island nation a long time ago. She lived a pretty ordinary, happy life, but unfortunately it didn't last. The island itself was destroyed, uprooting her life and separating her from her fiance. It was only thanks to Orion's ability that she was able to cross the ocean, and, as it so happened, she ended up in Japan.

Unaware Orion's ability could prevent death, she was alone and confused. Even if she found someone to love, they would merely grow old and die, and her gift wasn’t something she could simply show off in this world with so many resistant to change. Years passed. She traveled the globe, taking up a wide variety of skills, hobbies and occupations, and still yet she never found out what happened that day, where her fiance went, or why she was immortal.

But she did make a friend. Her name was Rachael.

The rest is history. Rigel came to be a founding member of Brinkhaven and Rachael's advisor, only to find that Orion was on Derika and the explanation for her longevity.

For some reason she hasn't approached Orion yet...

Equipment: Has an office with special properties, allowing a virtually infinite number of parallel offices for every additional person to enter excluding her. When the second and beyond version of her leaves the office, they disappear and the first version of her to leave the office gains their memories of the time spent in the office.

Name: Shiki Hanekoma

Age: 34

Gender: ♀


Gift Classification:





Name: Xheskha Da'arcagnan

Age: 28

Gender: ♀

Gift: Can 'borrow' the abilities of fictional characters described in writing

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Mousey and easily perturbed. Lots of people seem to notice drastic inconsistencies though.

History: Second in command at the Brinkhaven library behind only her younger sister Rana. She seems to do a lot more though, taking care of the books while Rana just lounges about reading them.

Rana and Xheskha were part of a decently wealthy family, and inherited their enormous library from their parents. The library itself, as the largest collection of knowledge on Gifted, was naturally targeted by the ETG. It didn't help that its two new owners were Gifted as well. Of course, the ETG weren't the only ones aware of the library's existence, and Rachael invited them to Brinkhaven - and for her to bring the library there. An agreement was reached, and the Da'arcagnan library became the Brinkhaven public library. The library itself is the single largest building in the entirety of Brinkhaven, extending beyond even faction HQ and reaching deep underground. In exchange for allowing public use, albeit with heavy restrictions, Xheskha and Rana live a comfortable life, and constantly expand their library.

Oddly enough, there isn't any security at the library besides Xheskha herself, yet not a single book has been stolen. Rather peculiar, wouldn't you say?

Equipment: BOOKS
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  • Name: Ceft Michaels

    Age: 15

    Gender: ♂

    Gift: Body contains healing properties. Dead skin, bodily fluids, any part of him can act as an appropriate drug, herb or medicine. Helps heal wounds and cure illnesses when consumed or applied directly to the affected area.

    Side effect: Minty

    Gift Classification: Physical


    Personality: Rather shy, unable to speak his mind and easy to boss around. Chivalrous, but unhesitant to execute killing orders without mercy. Deeply loyal to Lesua. Deems Lesua more important than morals.

    History: The youngest priest in the church of Lesua, a backwards church erected by Lesua herself, proclaiming herself divine and often carrying out activities akin to an extremely violent gang. (Participation optional) He was smitten by Lesua herself. Since Lesua’s church is an odd mix of legitimate church-goers and rowdy mercenaries, it wasn’t unusual when a church dispute with other criminals led to his two devout parents both dying. The damage was, of course, avenged in full, under order of Lesua, but his parents were in faction housing, and his ability wasn’t very useful for carrying missions out on his own. With no home, the absurd church was all he had left. He never really cared about the ideals of the so-called “church”, but as long as Lesua was there, that was all that mattered.

    Lesua, seeing his devotion and poor state of affairs, decided to take him in, hiring him as a bodyguard for when she was vulnerable, and thusly using church funding to grant him an apartment across from hers. His ability was suited for repairing her injury, but as his offensive presence was lacking, she granted him some “regalia” in order to better serve her. For a while then, he was Lesua’s right hand. The youngest priest of the church of Lesua, both her protector and servant, and responsible for more killings than anyone else in the church.

    Has never killed anyone unless it was under order of Lesua.

    Time went on though, and after a run-in with church enemies leaving them useless, Lesua decided that her regalia were too vulnerable to antinite, and should be replaced with proper artifacts.

    Equipment: With his regalia lost, getting new equipment to make himself more useful to Lesua is his current goal. Owns an apartment across from Lesua’s.



Ceft - None. Lives off of church funding.

Xzyckxse - None. Aaron pays for anything he *needs*.

Li - An insanely large quantity of money from his guardian that he doesn't use on principle, much less count. Otherwise broke.

Ezel - in the neighborhood of thousands of points.

Valen - In the neighborhood of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Iradia - Around the same as Valen.

Party control for all of my characters: Not in normal interactions. In groups where the party is moving in a straightforward manner, feel free to dictate that they moved with the party to save time.

Some of my most recent hobbies include Video games, wasting a ton of time and spending hours listening to music.

Best games:

Touhou 8 (Best danmaku game as a whole)

Touhou 12.3 (Best fighting game)

Touhou 14.3 (Best gimmick danmaku)

Touhou 15 (Greatest challenge)

Skullgirls (Best combos anywhere)

Smash bros. 3DS (Best portable fighting game)

Tekken 3DS (Best combos on a portable fighting game)

Blade and Soul (Best MMORPG as a whole)

Undertale (Best writing)
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Apps 2 of...?

Name: Lesley Jernigan

Age: Physically 19.

Gender: Lesley does not have time for your gender binary.(genderfluid) uses xe/xem/xir pronouns

Gift: Shapeshifting, within the bounds of natural physical attributes of humans, and minor self healing. Keeps multiple aliases.(see bottom of app for their stuffs)

Gift Classification: Physical


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/a6bebb9cb6014225b1a2a25f6b7f8f44.jpg.cfc389f69aca720cf50747fb78588aee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114113" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/a6bebb9cb6014225b1a2a25f6b7f8f44.jpg.cfc389f69aca720cf50747fb78588aee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

height: 5'3"

weight: 125 lbs
Personality: A touch secretive, a touch paranoid, a thwack socially anxious: the mental makeup of a young writer, sometimes. Xe has a tendency to get lost in xir own head sometimes, and when left alone, usually falls into daydreaming. Xe likes to write as a hobby, and reads widely. Part of why xe has xir aliases is because they tend to be who xe writes about. They also provide a mask to hide behind when in public, which is a large part of how xe deals with xir social anxiety. It doesn’t work as well as xe would like it to, but xe does better while an alias than with xir own face, so xe continues with aliases.

Xe is generally quiet and polite, but awkward. Also tends to avoid particularly hyper/overactive/jumpy/peppy people.

History: The Jernigan family was a very gifted one from near its roots. The family having a personal history of many impressive gifts, the mother and father of young Lesley were quite disappointed with their child as xe grew up displaying not a hint of a Gift. Lesley’s older sister had the gift of healing from birth, and their parents were sure she was going somewhere good- at the age of 16, the elder Jernigan was already set on her path to the best medical school in the states, and Lesley… Well. Five years younger and not having a hint of a gift, but merely a proclivity for a great enjoyment of reading, xe was definitely not the favored child. Though not meaning any harm by it, both parents and sister wound up nitpicking on many aspects of Lesley- if xe wasn't going to have a gift, xe needed perfect grades. If xe spent any more time inside reading, xe’d become allergic to sunlight. If xe didn’t make any friends, xe’d be socially stunted for life. If xe… So on, so forth.

After xir sister had gone off to med school, Lesley finally manifested xir gift- having read a book amazing enough for Lesley to imagine xirself so completely as the main character, xe took on the appearance of that character, to the shock, amazement, relief… and perhaps slight disappointment, of xir parents. Though it wasn’t anything particularly special, a Gift was a Gift and they were alright with that. And soon enough, the painfully awkward Lesley started to use aliases with xir gift- becoming at times Christopher Jekyll, xir mask to the world. As they saw Lesley did better in social situations with xir mask on, xir parents supported his existence, helping Lesley get legal ID for him as well as xirself.

As time went on, Lesley developed two more aliases, and began to see the three aliases as xir friends more than just masks. Around the same time as that, xe started to write creatively, most of xir works starring Christopher, Lucas, and Amelia. Xe also began to spend more time as xir aliases than as xir actual self- at times, xe has almost forgotten who xe is.

After graduating high school, xe didn’t immediately go to college. Spending time with one of xir uncles, who had many close connections with other Gifted, Lesley heard of Derika, and with the help of xir uncle, traveled there.

As of this point in time, Lesley has been in Brinkhaven a day or two.

Equipment: A backpack with a few necessities- clothes for each alias, money, various forms of ID(at least one per alias), a towel, and some assorted toiletries.

Party Control: Tentatively yes, but don’t change from the current alias.

Other: Plays the piano and reads a lot.


Christopher William Jekyll, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 25. 5'11", weighs 150 lbs. Friendly, gregarious, little snarky. Plays piano a lot.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/624fbcd805e9590c74473a0b498a906c.jpg.320316f48fa790e2a7cc0a866a164e2e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/624fbcd805e9590c74473a0b498a906c.jpg.320316f48fa790e2a7cc0a866a164e2e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Amelia Ebony Higgins, she/her pronouns, claims to be age 17. 5'6", weighs 130 lbs. Soft spoken but firm. Often is seen with a cat, a novel, or both.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/41d73703bd99b92d4281ad4437af31d3.jpg.f8fe64f5f02494c1cb0d1dedba3795b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/41d73703bd99b92d4281ad4437af31d3.jpg.f8fe64f5f02494c1cb0d1dedba3795b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lucas Osmond Cunningham, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 23. 5'8", weighs 140 lbs. Relaxed and gentle, playful, also a huge dork. Will stay up all night watching comedies and is always there for a friend in need- if only Lesley/Lucas had friends!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/b6b7b47662b9f62b429ffa03889b3621.jpg.55972dfdffd70c3fd4ab08b76691150b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/b6b7b47662b9f62b429ffa03889b3621.jpg.55972dfdffd70c3fd4ab08b76691150b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Gwendolyn Durante

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Gift: She can create and use digitalized copies of others’ Gifts.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


(Image pending)

5’2, 130 lbs
Personality: A little distant, a little kept to herself, she has things she'd like to keep secret. Though she will be more friendly with those she gets to know, she stays a bit reserved. She would think she's a loyal friend, but be careful- she is rather self seeking and while she wouldn't do it on purpose, might stab you in the back. All that said, she's often to be seen in public, as she likes to be around people for the most part. She has plenty of things she'll talk about in casual conversation, just don't expect to get much information out about her history.

History: Gwendolyn grew up in a strange little town, with a man and a woman not her father and mother. Though adopted at the age of five, she had no memory of her birth parents. And while the town, likely not containing much more than a hundred people, was full of Gifted, Gwen displayed no Gift as a child. Despite that, she was still happy, as a small child constantly awed by the casual use of Gifts. As she grew up, though some thought her a little strange, she wasn’t ostracized for lack of a gift- after all, some of the other kids’ weren’t too obvious most of the time, anyway. That being said, though while she wasn’t ostracized, she wasn’t always necessarily welcome either; the other kids were much more likely to want to play together, and play games with their Gifts, than they were to play with Gwen. Though hurt by this, she would go into her own little world with music and/or books, and be happy that way. By the time she got into high school, and childhood games faded behind them, Gwen’s friend bubble expanded, though she never forgot to keep time aside for books and music. Eventually, her closest friend, Phoebe, expressed a desire to start a band.

Gwendolyn was on board immediately.

Gwen wasn’t very good at playing any instruments, but she could sing. Not only could Phoebe sing decently, she could also play violin very well. Unfortunately, nobody else they talked to was really interested in joining them, and two singers and one instrument does not a band make.

So, they decided they'd digitalize the rest.

They started off singing covers from some of their favorite bands, gradually working their way to writing a few songs of their own. As they went, they traded off editing the songs, remixing and modding and just generally having fun with it.

One late sleepover night together spent up editing songs, them trading off between editing each other's songs, Phoebe told a joke and Gwen laughed- and left a scorch mark on the ceiling of her room from a short spout of flame produced mid-laugh. They sat in stunned silence a moment. Not only does someone spitting fire not exactly happen every day, that was in fact Phoebe's Gift. So how the $#%& did Gwen use it?

They pondered, they googled, but they eventually boiled it down to a guess that Gwen could somehow steal- no, copy, other gifts. Because when Phoebe tried herself she was perfectly able to use her gift. They were amazed by the discovery, and song editing was pretty much done for the evening.

In the morning, after Gwen's parents had awoken, they excitedly explained what had happened. The adults exchanged a small look of worry before turning back with all smiles and happiness for them.

However, a few days later, when Gwen answered a knock to their door, she found a middle aged woman in a white, militaristic uniform standing beyond. The woman in uniform requested her parents. Gwen brought them. They invited the woman inside and sat Gwen down for an explanation she'd waited for twelve years- who her birth parents actually were. Turns out, this strange woman was her mother, returning to claim her. Though, of course, it was Gwen's choice wether or not to go- but, her mother warned, it would be wiser to leave. She didn't state why, but it clearly made Gwen's adoptive parents nervous.

She deliberated, consulted her parents, but decided to stay. Her birth mother, though clearly displeased, didn't fight it; she just left, quietly. All was well. Until, a few days later, it turned out Phoebe was missing. The only explanation was an envelope, left on her bed. With "Gwendolyn" written across the front.

Unsure of wether it was from Phoebe to Gwen, or something else, it was given to her to read alone. It happened to be a note from her birth mother, explaining the fate that the small town would suffer- and that Gwen was still offered a chance to escape it. Phoebe had been given no choice, but taken away from danger, for her own protection and- to Gwen's understanding, though not stated- to solidify Gwen's allegiance.

She went home and packed some things, then left that night. Going to a meeting place arranged by her birth mother, she met with some others in similar white uniforms. Without a single question they escorted her to a building in the woods, where she found her birth mother. Gwendolyn was offered two choices: stay with her birth mother, and allow Phoebe, her family, and Gwen's adoptive parents escape the fate slated for their small town, and Gwen would see none of them again; or, go back to the town, and get to die with them, instead.

Gwen chose to help them live.

Clearly glad for her choice, her birth mother took her to an ETG base, where she was trained as an agent and they figured out what her Gift was. As Gwen lived there, she tried to turn a blind eye to the Gifted tortured and killed in the same building. Lucky for her, she was able to quite easily, as she wasn't given tasks to do with the captives. A couple more Gifts were added to her current ones, and she rigorously trained herself in her gift, figuring out her limits and weaknesses in it.

A few years later, she wound up passing through the Gifted containment areas on an unrelated errand, and she saw Phoebe in a cell. Once she registered that, it didn't take her long to decide to break her free, upset that her birth mother had gone back on her promise.

A few days later saw the two running from the base and finding themselves quite lost. However, they eventually came to a place that looked like it had once been familiar.

Looking as if it had been recently destroyed, it was the town they had grown up in. Upset and also furious, Gwen searched out the home she had grown up in, finding it nothing but a pile of rubble, with a couple of crushed corpses mixed in.

Unable to handle it, she ran as far as she could, not hearing her friend cry after her. She didn't stop until she was completely lost, far away, but she stumbled on, leaving the horror behind her. Eventually collapsing and just laying on the ground, she slowly registered that she had left her friend behind.

But she still laid there. And she let her emotions out in tears. Eventually, sleep claimed her from this pit of despair.

Through much difficulty, she eventually made her way to more civilized areas, and from there she continued onward to leave America, finding a ship that would take her to this strange island she's heard of- Derika.

As of the time of the roleplay, she has been on the island a few days, temporarily staying in a hotel.

Equipment: iPhone and headphones, laptop, a few changes of clothes(including her old ETG uniform), toiletries, towel, wallet with money, various forms of legal ID, charging cables for devices, and a backpack to hold it all.

Party Control: No


From Phoebe: Can literally breathe fire.

ETG 1: Heightened agility/balance.

ETG 2: The ability to dampen emotions within a target.

I like to play violin, and three games currently consume my free time: Minecraft, Undertale, Starbound, and Pinterest. Oops, Pinterest isn't a game. it's a time eating device specifically designed to distract the creatively minded. Sigh...

Lesley: 70$

Gwen: 120$

meeehhh arbitrary amounts. Lesley spent some already on xir travels, Gwen had a wad and has been spending steadily since, thus whittling it down.



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Edonis Yvette

Name : Edonis Yvette

Age : 21ish now

Gender : Male

Gift: Manipulation of metals

Gift Classification: Elemental

Appearance: (See Equipment)

Personality : Highly creative and curious, Edonis is endlessly intrigued and attentive to what is going on around him. He is slightly obsessed with social media and immediately knowing what is currently going on. The competitive style of schooling he went under, as well as restrictions of his Gift isolated him from classmates, resulting in his in indifference in socializing with strangers.

History :

Edonis was born into a family of merchants owning reputable stores situated on the docks of Derika, selling any and every good imaginable. The business functioned as a gateway to less legal business, but otherwise maintained a clean image. His parents enrolled him at the Center for Extremely Talented Gift, a highly prestigious school for Gifted children. Suspiciously similar to the government organization, but no one seems to bring this connection up.

Unfortunately, he was denied admittance to the respectable Gifted and Talented program, and he had no notion of what his Gift was on entry. Luckily, he discovered his Gift early on, as in the midst of one class, Edonis fell limp, essentially paralyzed in his seat while the metal of his desk lifted in the air and crumpled together.

>In school (CETG)

>Reading my book

>Don’t know my Gift

>Chilling with the other kids who don’t know their Gift

>Other kids make fun of us

>Can’t sit at the cool kids table at lunch

>So frustrated

>Suddenly fall over paralyzed

>Metal desk is flipping $#!%

>Desk does a 180 and warps

>Teacher hits me with Antinite turret on ceiling

>Footage probably gets sold

>Can move again

>Desk is rekt

>Holy $#!%I can tk stuff

>Can sit at cool kids table now
Having learned his Gift, Edonis’ class schedule slightly shifted to include safe, nurturing, and sheltered environment to develop control over his powers.

That’s right kiddos, he’s GT(Gifted and Talented) now.

While the Elemental faction was an option to go into, Edonis had no interest in joining up with them. He graduated from high school successfully and successfully applied for a job with a construction company. Lift all those steel beams. Dig all those holes.

At the age 19, the Smugglers gang approached Edonis at work to offer a proposal for him to join the organization. Edonis, who had dank job security in construction work, accepted the invitation. He was assigned to escort high value goods throughout Derika with other gang members. His family having dealt with the smuggling organization before raised no objections to his participation.

Equipment :

When working or just generally out and about, Edonis wears an extremely dense suit consisting of layered metal alloys. The suit is a dark grey, contrasted with silvery highlights of a an alloy, and is further filled with another liquid metal alloy, protecting and cushioning his body. His suit enables him to move by manipulation of the armor surrounding his body. In addition to his main suit, he is followed by a gargantuan set of floating wings composed of general purpose construction-grade steel to use as material. The wings are embossed to give them a feathered appearance. Typically kept folded, the wings can expand to angelic proportions of tens of meters wide.

Party Control: Aye, I forget to post or I just fall asleep and miss everything. Pretty sure I killed the last 2 Derika threads doing this.

Music: Euphonium, Warframe, Brave Frontier.

I hear the breakfast buffet... has bread.
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I give you:

Melanie Melody Simcox!

Name: Melanie Melody Simcox

Melody, Mel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Gift: Melody has the ability to adopt the attributes of living things onto herself, such as a bird's wing, a person's skin color, or a tree's bark.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet More detailed photo may or may not be added later, and I'll insert the actual photo instead of just the link in tomorrow as well.

Personality: Melody is a semi-introvert, mostly due to smothering parents and teasing classmates. Reserved from the start, Melody had never really made any true friends that lasted, and therefore, she was never much for people. She won't go out of her way to avoid people, but if given the choice, she'll almost always prefer to be alone. However, don't let her reserved nature fool you, as Melody is very much a true thrill seeker. Cliff diving and other private extreme sports are her favorite pastimes, and adventure has always called her name.

History: Melody grew up on the cliff sides of England in a moderately sized house. Melody's family consisted of herself and her two parents, a double income household making a sustainable income with room for luxury. Her father was the principal of an English public school, his hidden Gift of an ultra-photographic memory granting him substantial knowledge and respect in the educational field, although the public was not aware of his Gift. His Gift also granted him the ability to be insufferably pretentious and an absolute smart aleck, the first nail in Melody's coffin of unhappiness at home. Despite his flaws, Melody had never disliked her father, nor her mother, who was a teacher in her father's school. In fact, until her 13th year, or her senior year, Melody, though often annoyed, was fine at home, with the cliffs providing a welcome retreat when necessary. Melody discovered her gift in her first year of high school, when she was coaxing a slug onto her finger. Thankfully alone, she had unexpectedly adopted the slug's slimy mucous exterior. After a moment of panic, and a few long moments of disgust, she grasped what was happening. Experimenting farther with her Gift, she discovered that she could take attributes from anything that was alive. This was welcome to Melody, and she found great joy in taking the leathery gliders of a flying squirrel and using them when diving off of cliffs. Despite her father's Gift, Melody elected to keep her abilities to herself. Unfortunately, as if her mouthful of a name wasn't enough, during freshman year, Melody also had a loud, gaseous incident during a quiet class. Going by Melanie at the time, her mature classmates lovingly dubbed her 'Smellanie'. The odor of this nickname followed her throughout her tenth and eleventh years, until she elected to go by her middle name, Melody. Thankfully, no one thought to change her nickname her Smellody, the joke stale after months of relentless teasing. Melody was a straight D student, not because she wasn't bright, but because she didn't care, and she had better things to do than spend time studying. Even so, this infuriated her parents, who were very academically oriented. Not even mentioning the dumb blonde jokes that she had to suffer, combined with the Smellanie run, this was enough to give her a bad taste for people. Her parents were furious with her grades, and her senior year, they threatened to kick her out as soon as she turned 18 if she didn't improve her grades and muster up enough of a GPA to get into a good school. Naturally, this did not make Melody happy, as she didn't even have an intention of going to college, though she dare not tell this to her parents. After a blow-out argument with her parents, Melody took what funds she had of her own and rented a motel room for a week, skipping school and taking only her important possessions. Through the grapevine, she caught wind of an island called Derika. Eager for adventure, she did some research. Hearing about the large population of Gifted only increased her interest. Following shipments to Derika, Melody snuck her way onto a cargo ship and stowed her way to Derika. Though eager to explore the island and it's wide range of flora and fauna, Melody now has entered Brinkhaven to learn about the island and gather supplies.

A grocery bag full of cheap food and a change of clothes, a piccolo, and herself.

Party Control: Yes if really necessary, but please don't be hasty with it, and try to avoid using Melody's abilities.

Other: Melody's other passion is ironically, music. She plays the piccolo.

I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons, as well as Minecraft, Portal, Civ V, and a number of other games! I also enjoy free breakfast buffets.
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Reserved for the purposes of creating a calm, quiet, and peaceful sanctuary where my apps can roam and graze in total tranquility.

I hope the breakfast buffet has chocolate chip pancakes.

Name: Liam Barker

Age: 18


Gift: “Trick House” -- Liam is capable of absorbing and expelling objects from his body.

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Liam is easy-going and good-natured, but can switch moods in an instant when angered. Fiercely loyal to his friends and family, he’d do anything for the people he cares about and nothing for the people he doesn’t. Has a phobia of being trapped and restrained.

History: Liam was born to a happy nuclear family in a 1st world country to a normal mother and a Gifted father. ETG orphaned Liam when he was only seven, instilling in him a lifelong grudge against the organization. Liam later encountered his younger brother Jake, who had been found to be Gifted and taken in by ETG instead of killed. Liam convinced Jake to switch sides and the brothers arrived at Derika together.

Soon after entering the city, Liam joined the Dimensional faction alongside his brother and began a successful spree of missions. During a raid on an ETG base, he was captured and brutally tortured. Heavily mutilated within an inch of his life, Liam was rescued in the nick of time and was eventually brought back to Brinkhaven to be restored to full physical health. Although perfectly health, without even a trace of a scar left on his body, Liam still finds himself haunted by his experiences and vents his frustrations by mercilessly hunting ETG.

Equipment: Wears an aetherite shirt and shorts, allowing Liam to channel his Gift through his clothing. His Trick House contains a huge variety of things. (The clothing was purchased in past RPing history.) He has 950 points and $16000.

Party Control: Yes. Just don’t waste his Gift.

Name: Jake Barker

Age: 15


Gift: Teleportation: Jake can teleport himself and anything he touches.

Gift Classification: Dimensional





Personality: Initially extremely apathetic to the rights of others due to the culture of casual murder and violence, Jake is slowly recovering some humanity. He acts much older than his age due to having been raised primarily among hardened, militant men. Jake tends to lack a sense of humor, and what humor he does have is in line with that of a jaded and cynical 40 year old soldier.

He is also not a particularly good conversationalist, so don’t expect much from him. Poor social skills abound.

History: Orphaned and raised by ETG, Jake was led to think that his older brother Liam left him to die at ETG’s hands, creating resentment whilst simultaneously instilling a sense of gratefulness toward ETG. These emotional controls were used to exploit Jake’s Gift of teleportation. He willingly endured inhumanly punishing training in order to best serve ETG, becoming an effective soldier and assassin.

Upon meeting his older brother Liam during a mission, coupled with the lingering doubts Jake already held about ETG, Jake was convinced to accompany Liam instead of continuing to serve ETG. He arrived at Derika with his brother and soon after joined the Dimensional faction. Lives with his girlfriend Nariko, another ex-ETG Gifted, in an apartment in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Numerous weapons, munitions, explosives, blades, and survival and first aid gear. Owns 1300 points and $35000.

Party Control: Yes

Oh yeah, I like manga, light novels, webcomics, and Sakura Clicker.
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Marcus Trimiad






*Man of Bones*:
Marcus is completely a skeleton; He can grab a limb or part of his body to use as a weapon or control body limitations like holding his skull to view better if he is too short or he could grab grab his left arm with his right arm to extend his reach, to name a few examples. He can also control bones to fly swiftly as a good projectile.

Gift Classification:



Sorry if I couldn't find him in a happier scene. Basically him alone.

He is a positive person of sorts, extrovert and outgoing. Cheerful enough that it can be considered contagious if you let him. He would gladly make as much friends as possible. Despite his stereotypical villain-like appearance, he wants to help people in need. May crack jokes and give you pup names if you are a close friend. Doesn't want to feel left out in any group. If alone, he gets rather deep in thought and wears a sad expression, contradictory to his attitude towards other people (because of backstory).


Raised with a father who could control dark Elemental using his Gift and his mother with the Gift to heal, Marcus is his father's attempt at trying to revive the dead. Using his son as a vessel at a very young age, he used his Gift at him. Skin ripped off of him and magic instead envelops him like flesh. He obviously failed, almost killing Marcus but his mother Awakened him to keep him alive. Because of this, Marcus' father left him and his mother. The two lived a sad hidden life kept alive by his mother's friend who cared deeply for the broken family. They lived like this until they were forced to live to Derika by the people who don't like the people with a Gift. Marcus and his mother, after arriving, tried to make this home as comfortable as possible. Marcus' mother then left one day saying she would want to help other Gifted to arrive at Derika, saying it won't take long. She left with an Artifact in hand and left Marcus the Save Star, a memento of her and to keep his hopes up once she returns. It has been two months since. Marcus likes finding friends because of the lack of attention since childhood.


Clothing are at the appearance and he wears the jacket on cold occasions, his weapons are his bones and he carries no other outstanding equipment.

Party Control: Yes. FYI: Although he can control his bones to make them fly, he can't fly because of the sheer amounts of bones in his body (-3-).


Leitmotifs (because I have no other things to do)

(Common Leitmotif)

(Battle Leitmotif)



Appearance based on a character I love from Overgrowth, an AU of Undertale

100$, because he doesn't have a job and his mom didn't leave much ♪┏(・o・)┛♪

I am an anime trash and trash in general. I like chocolate. LOTS OF IT.

Favorite Games: Undertale & Terraria
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]


Marcus Trimiad






*Man of Bones*:
Marcus is completely a skeleton; He can grab a limb or part of his body to use as a weapon or control body limitations like holding his skull to view better if he is too short or he could grab grab his left arm with his right arm to extend his reach, to name a few examples. He can also control bones to fly swiftly up to 25 feet from him. It makes a good projectile but its just that; Marcus can't control bones he dislodged.

Gift Classification:



Sorry if I couldn't find him in a happier scene. Basically him alone.

He is a positive person of sorts, extrovert and outgoing. Cheerful enough that it can be considered contagious if you let him. He would gladly make as much friends as possible. Despite his stereotypical villain-like appearance, he wants to help people in need. May crack jokes and give you pup names if you are a close friend. Doesn't want to feel left out in any group. If alone, he gets rather deep in thought and wears a sad expression, contradictory to his attitude towards other people (because of backstory).


Raised with a father who could control dark Elemental using his Gift and his mother with the Gift to heal, Marcus is his father's attempt at trying to revive the dead. Using his son as a vessel at a very young age, he used his Gift at him. Skin ripped off of him and magic instead envelops him like flesh. He obviously failed, almost killing Marcus but his mother Awakened him to keep him alive. Because of this, Marcus' father left him and his mother. The two lived a sad hidden life kept alive by his mother's friend who cared deeply for the broken family. They lived like this until they were forced to live to Derika by the people who don't like the people with a Gift. Marcus and his mother, after arriving, tried to make this home as comfortable as possible. Marcus' mother then left one day saying she would want to help other Gifted to arrive at Derika, saying it won't take long. She left with an Artifact in hand and left Marcus the Save Star, a memento of her and to keep his hopes up once she returns. It has been two months since. Marcus likes finding friends because of the lack of attention since childhood.


Clothing are at the appearance and he wears the jacket on cold occasions, his weapons are his bones and he carries no other outstanding equipment.

Party Control: No, but might change later


Leitmotifs (because I have no other things to do)

(Common Leitmotif)

(Battle Leitmotif)



Appearance based on a character I love from Overgrowth, an AU of Undertale

I am an anime trash and trash in general. I like chocolate. LOTS OF IT.

Favorite Games: Undertale & Terraria

Accepted! I hope you'll have fun in this RP. :)
WitchOfTape said:
App 1 of 2?
Name: Lesley Jernigan

Age: Physically 19.

Gender: Lesley does not have time for your gender binary.(genderfluid) uses xe/xem/xir pronouns

Gift: Shapeshifting, within the bounds of natural physical attributes of humans, and minor self healing. Keeps multiple aliases.(see bottom of app for their stuffs)

Gift Classification: Physical


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height: 5'3"

weight: 125 lbs
Personality: A touch secretive, a touch paranoid, a thwack socially anxious: the mental makeup of a young writer, sometimes. Xe has a tendency to get lost in xir own head sometimes, and when left alone, usually falls into daydreaming. Xe likes to write as a hobby, and reads widely. Part of why xe has xir aliases is because they tend to be who xe writes about. They also provide a mask to hide behind when in public, which is a large part of how xe deals with xir social anxiety. It doesn’t work as well as xe would like it to, but xe does better while an alias than with xir own face, so xe continues with aliases.

Xe is generally quiet and polite, but awkward. Also tends to avoid particularly hyper/overactive/jumpy/peppy people.

History: The Jernigan family was a very gifted one from near its roots. The family having a personal history of many impressive gifts, the mother and father of young Lesley were quite disappointed with their child as xe grew up displaying not a hint of a Gift. Lesley’s older sister had the gift of healing from birth, and their parents were sure she was going somewhere good- at the age of 16, the elder Jernigan was already set on her path to the best medical school in the states, and Lesley… Well. Five years younger and not having a hint of a gift, but merely a proclivity for a great enjoyment of reading, xe was definitely not the favored child. Though not meaning any harm by it, both parents and sister wound up nitpicking on many aspects of Lesley- if xe wasn't going to have a gift, xe needed perfect grades. If xe spent any more time inside reading, xe’d become allergic to sunlight. If xe didn’t make any friends, xe’d be socially stunted for life. If xe… So on, so forth.

After xir sister had gone off to med school, Lesley finally manifested xir gift- having read a book amazing enough for Lesley to imagine xirself so completely as the main character, xe took on the appearance of that character, to the shock, amazement, relief… and perhaps slight disappointment, of xir parents. Though it wasn’t anything particularly special, a Gift was a Gift and they were alright with that. And soon enough, the painfully awkward Lesley started to use aliases with xir gift- becoming at times Christopher Jekyll, xir mask to the world. As they saw Lesley did better in social situations with xir mask on, xir parents supported his existence, helping Lesley get legal ID for him as well as xirself.

As time went on, Lesley developed two more aliases, and began to see the three aliases as xir friends more than just masks. Around the same time as that, xe started to write creatively, most of xir works starring Christopher, Lucas, and Amelia. Xe also began to spend more time as xir aliases than as xir actual self- at times, xe has almost forgotten who xe is.

After graduating high school, xe didn’t immediately go to college. Spending time with one of xir uncles, who had many close connections with other Gifted, Lesley heard of Derika, and with the help of xir uncle, traveled there.

As of this point in time, Lesley has been in Brinkhaven a day or two.

Equipment: A backpack with a few necessities- clothes for each alias, money, various forms of ID(at least one per alias), a towel, and some assorted toiletries.

Party Control: Tentatively yes, but don’t change from the current alias.

Other: Plays the piano and reads a lot.


Christopher William Jekyll, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 25. 5'11", weighs 150 lbs. Friendly, gregarious, little snarky. Plays piano a lot.

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Amelia Ebony Higgins, she/her pronouns, claims to be age 17. 5'6", weighs 130 lbs. Soft spoken but firm. Often is seen with a cat, a novel, or both.

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Lucas Osmond Cunningham, he/him pronouns, claims to be age 23. 5'8", weighs 140 lbs. Relaxed and gentle, playful, also a huge dork. Will stay up all night watching comedies and is always there for a friend in need- if only Lesley/Lucas had friends!

View attachment 253964

I like to play violin, and three games currently consume my free time: Minecraft, Undertale, Starbound, and Pinterest. Oops, Pinterest isn't a game. it's a time eating device specifically designed to distract the creatively minded. Sigh...

Accepted, welcome back to Derika! :)


Read and we're currently working on limits/weaknesses.
Mattie said:
Reserved for the purposes of creating a calm, quiet, and peaceful sanctuary where my apps can roam and graze in total tranquility.
I hope the breakfast buffet has chocolate chip pancakes.

Name: Liam Barker

Age: 17


Gift: “Trick House” -- Liam is capable of absorbing and expelling objects from his body.

Gift Classification: Dimensional


Personality: Liam is easy-going and good-natured, but can switch moods in an instant when angered. Fiercely loyal to his friends and family, he’d do anything for the people he cares about and nothing for the people he doesn’t. Has a phobia of being trapped and restrained.

History: Liam was born to a happy nuclear family in a 1st world country to a normal mother and a Gifted father. ETG orphaned Liam when he was only seven, instilling in him a lifelong grudge against the organization. Liam later encountered his younger brother Jake, who had been found to be Gifted and taken in by ETG instead of killed. Liam convinced Jake to switch sides and the brothers arrived at Derika together.

Soon after entering the city, Liam joined the Dimensional faction alongside his brother and began a successful spree of missions. During a raid on an ETG base, he was captured and brutally tortured. Heavily mutilated within an inch of his life, Liam was rescued in the nick of time and was eventually brought back to Brinkhaven to be restored to full physical health. Although perfectly health, without even a trace of a scar left on his body, Liam still finds himself haunted by his experiences and vents his frustrations by mercilessly hunting ETG.

Equipment: Wears a biofabric shirt and shorts crafted by a biokinetic, allowing Liam to channel his Gift through the clothing. He also wields a rope woven of the same material as his clothing. His Trick House contains a huge variety of things.

Party Control: Yes. Just don’t waste his Gift.

Oh yeah, I like manga, light novels, webcomics, and Sakura Clicker.

Accepted. And the troll is strong with this one. >__>
Mercuryrose said:
I give you:
Melanie Melody Simcox!

Name: Melanie Melody Simcox

Melody, Mel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Gift: Melody has the ability to adopt the attributes of living things onto herself, such as a bird's wing, a person's skin color, or a tree's bark.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet More detailed photo may or may not be added later, and I'll insert the actual photo instead of just the link in tomorrow as well.

Personality: Melody is a semi-introvert, mostly due to smothering parents and teasing classmates. Reserved from the start, Melody had never really made any true friends that lasted, and therefore, she was never much for people. She won't go out of her way to avoid people, but if given the choice, she'll almost always prefer to be alone. However, don't let her reserved nature fool you, as Melody is very much a true thrill seeker. Cliff diving and other private extreme sports are her favorite pastimes, and adventure has always called her name.

History: Melody grew up on the cliff sides of England in a moderately sized house. Melody's family consisted of herself and her two parents, a double income household making a sustainable income with room for luxury. Her father was the principal of an English public school, his hidden Gift of an ultra-photographic memory granting him substantial knowledge and respect in the educational field, although the public was not aware of his Gift. His Gift also granted him the ability to be insufferably pretentious and an absolute smart aleck, the first nail in Melody's coffin of unhappiness at home. Despite his flaws, Melody had never disliked her father, nor her mother, who was a teacher in her father's school. In fact, until her 13th year, or her senior year, Melody, though often annoyed, was fine at home, with the cliffs providing a welcome retreat when necessary. Melody discovered her gift in her first year of high school, when she was coaxing a slug onto her finger. Thankfully alone, she had unexpectedly adopted the slug's slimy mucous exterior. After a moment of panic, and a few long moments of disgust, she grasped what was happening. Experimenting farther with her Gift, she discovered that she could take attributes from anything that was alive. This was welcome to Melody, and she found great joy in taking the leathery gliders of a flying squirrel and using them when diving off of cliffs. Despite her father's Gift, Melody elected to keep her abilities to herself. Unfortunately, as if her mouthful of a name wasn't enough, during freshman year, Melody also had a loud, gaseous incident during a quiet class. Going by Melanie at the time, her mature classmates lovingly dubbed her 'Smellanie'. The odor of this nickname followed her throughout her tenth and eleventh years, until she elected to go by her middle name, Melody. Thankfully, no one thought to change her nickname her Smellody, the joke stale after months of relentless teasing. Melody was a straight D student, not because she wasn't bright, but because she didn't care, and she had better things to do than spend time studying. Even so, this infuriated her parents, who were very academically oriented. Not even mentioning the dumb blonde jokes that she had to suffer, combined with the Smellanie run, this was enough to give her a bad taste for people. Her parents were furious with her grades, and her senior year, they threatened to kick her out as soon as she turned 18 if she didn't improve her grades and muster up enough of a GPA to get into a good school. Naturally, this did not make Melody happy, as she didn't even have an intention of going to college, though she dare not tell this to her parents. After a blow-out argument with her parents, Melody took what funds she had of her own and rented a motel room for a week, skipping school and taking only her important possessions. Through the grapevine, she caught wind of an island called Derika. Eager for adventure, she did some research. Hearing about the large population of Gifted only increased her interest. Following shipments to Derika, Melody snuck her way onto a cargo ship and stowed her way to Derika. Though eager to explore the island and it's wide range of flora and fauna, Melody now has entered Brinkhaven to learn about the island and gather supplies.

A grocery bag full of cheap food and a change of clothes, a piccolo, and herself.

Party Control: Yes if really necessary, but please don't be hasty with it, and try to avoid using Melody's abilities.

Other: Melody's other passion is ironically, music. She plays the piccolo.

I enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons, as well as Minecraft, Portal, Civ V, and a number of other games! I also enjoy free breakfast buffets.
Note: I will fix all of the weird boldness tomorrow, but I don't have access to a computer currently and it proves to be difficult on the phone.
Accepted! Welcome back to Derika. :)
Mattie said:
Name: Jake Barker

Age: 16


Gift: Teleportation: Jake can teleport himself and anything he touches.

Gift Classification: Dimensional





Personality: Initially extremely apathetic to the rights of others due to the culture of casual murder and violence, Jake is slowly recovering some humanity. He acts much older than his age due to having been raised primarily among hardened, militant men. Jake tends to lack a sense of humor, and what humor he does have is in line with that of a jaded and cynical 40 year old soldier.

He is also not a particularly good conversationalist, so don’t expect much from him. Poor social skills abound.

History: Orphaned and raised by ETG, Jake was led to think that his older brother Liam left him to die at ETG’s hands, creating resentment whilst simultaneously instilling a sense of gratefulness toward ETG. These emotional controls were used to exploit Jake’s Gift of teleportation. He willingly endured inhumanly punishing training in order to best serve ETG, becoming an effective soldier and assassin.

Upon meeting his older brother Liam during a mission, coupled with the lingering doubts Jake already held about ETG, Jake was convinced to accompany Liam instead of continuing to serve ETG. He arrived at Derika with his brother and soon after joined the Dimensional faction. Lives with his girlfriend Nariko, another ex-ETG Gifted, in an apartment in Brinkhaven.

Equipment: Numerous weapons, munitions, explosives, blades, and survival and first aid gear.

Party Control: Yes

Oh yeah, I like manga, light novels, webcomics, and Sakura Clicker.

Accepted. Good that you figured out what you wanted that particular weakness to be. :D

Ryik said:

  • Name: Ceft Michaels

    Age: 15

    Gender: ♂

    Gift: Body contains healing properties. Dead skin, bodily fluids, any part of him can act as an appropriate drug, herb or medicine. Helps heal wounds and cure illnesses when consumed or applied directly to the affected area.

    Side effect: Minty

    Gift Classification: Physical


    Personality: Rather shy, unable to speak his mind and easy to boss around. Chivalrous, but unhesitant to execute killing orders without mercy. Deeply loyal to Lesua. Deems Lesua more important than morals.

    History: The youngest priest in the church of Lesua, a backwards church erected by Lesua herself, proclaiming herself divine and often carrying out activities akin to an extremely violent gang. (Participation optional) He was smitten by Lesua herself. Since Lesua’s church is an odd mix of legitimate church-goers and rowdy mercenaries, it wasn’t unusual when a church dispute with other criminals led to his two devout parents both dying. The damage was, of course, avenged in full, under order of Lesua, but his parents were in faction housing, and his ability wasn’t very useful for carrying missions out on his own. With no home, the absurd church was all he had left. He never really cared about the ideals of the so-called “church”, but as long as Lesua was there, that was all that mattered.

    Lesua, seeing his devotion and poor state of affairs, decided to take him in, hiring him as a bodyguard for when she was vulnerable, and thusly using church funding to grant him an apartment across from hers. His ability was suited for repairing her injury, but as his offensive presence was lacking, she granted him some “regalia” in order to better serve her. For a while then, he was Lesua’s right hand. The youngest priest of the church of Lesua, both her protector and servant, and responsible for more killings than anyone else in the church.

    Has never killed anyone unless it was under order of Lesua.

    Time went on though, and after a run-in with church enemies leaving them useless, Lesua decided that her regalia were too vulnerable to antinite, and should be replaced with proper artifacts.

    Equipment: With his regalia lost getting new equipment to make himself more useful to Lesua is his current goal. Owns an apartment across from Lesua’s.


Ryik said:
  • [/media]

Party control for all of them: Not in normal interactions. In groups where the party is moving in a straightforward manner, feel free to dictate that they moved with the party to save time.

Some of my most recent hobbies include Video games, wasting a ton of time and spending hours listening to music.

Best games:

Touhou 8 (Best danmaku game as a whole)

Touhou 12.3 (Best fighting game)

Touhou 14.3 (Best gimmick danmaku)

Touhou 15 (Greatest challenge)

Skullgirls (Best combos anywhere)

Smash bros. 3DS (Best portable fighting game)

Tekken 3DS (Best combos on a portable fighting game)

Blade and Soul (Best MMORPG as a whole)

Undertale (Best writing)
All characters accepted, those nights of sleep deprivation and nerfing your characters finally paid off. :P It's honestly a pity that everyone can't see some of the "weaknesses" you put down. I did get a good laugh out of those though.
Name: Nathan Kimbley

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Gift: Nathan is capable of assuming an intangible, spectral form that is immune to harm. Additionally, this allows him to move through spaces that humans couldn't possibly fit through, such as an air vent or even through window screens.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: He stands at 5'11", sporting a lean and muscular physique and an average frame. His blond hair is short, ending just above the forehead and pointing almost completely straight forward, and the ends are subtlely tipped black. His eyes are an eerie green color.

His wardrobe consists of a black hoodless cloak that completely wraps around his body. It doesn't have sleeves, making it more like a full body cape. Under that, he wears a black windbreaker and light grey slacks, coupled with a pair of black boots and a ring on his left hand.

History: Nathan has lived a life mostly in solitude. He didn't make many friends aside from partners he frequently worked with. He considered himself a vigilante, working in the dead of night to drive crime away, but for a very long time the injustice he sought to destroy was small-time. Gangs, dealers, and the like.

The ETG changed that. The moment rumors started cropping up about Gifted being stolen off the streets, Nathan started digging, and what he found was disturbing, to say the least. Nathan made it his personal mission to screw over the ETG as much as he possibly could. To this end, he sabotaged missions, killed known financial supporters, and even went as far as to rescue a woman that was being held hostage in an ETG facility.

He's been living in Brinkhaven for 2 years now, seeing himself as something of a protector of the Gifted ever since he took up residence in the city.

Equipment: Under his clothes, he conceals a handgun and a very long retractable knife that easily fits on his belt.

Party Control: In the event that it's required, yes.

Other: Creative writing. My favorite series would be Dark Souls.

PM me for the weakness, Ice.
[QUOTE="Ronin Ezekiel]Name: Nathan Kimbley
Age: 33

Gender: Male

Gift: Nathan is capable of assuming an intangible, spectral form that is immune to harm. Additionally, this allows him to move through spaces that humans couldn't possibly fit through, such as an air vent or even through window screens.

Gift Classification: Physical

Appearance: He stands at 5'11", sporting a lean and muscular physique and an average frame. His blond hair is short, ending just above the forehead and pointing almost completely straight forward, and the ends are subtlely tipped black. His eyes are an eerie green color.

His wardrobe consists of a black hoodless cloak that completely wraps around his body. It doesn't have sleeves, making it more like a full body cape. Under that, he wears a black windbreaker and light grey slacks, coupled with a pair of black boots and a ring on his left hand.

History: Nathan has lived a life mostly in solitude. He didn't make many friends aside from partners he frequently worked with. He considered himself a vigilante, working in the dead of night to drive crime away, but for a very long time the injustice he sought to destroy was small-time. Gangs, dealers, and the like.

The ETG changed that. The moment rumors started cropping up about Gifted being stolen off the streets, Nathan started digging, and what he found was disturbing, to say the least. Nathan made it his personal mission to screw over the ETG as much as he possibly could. To this end, he sabotaged missions, killed known financial supporters, and even went as far as to rescue a woman that was being held hostage in an ETG facility.

He's been living in Brinkhaven for 2 years now, seeing himself as something of a protector of the Gifted ever since he took up residence in the city.

Equipment: Under his clothes, he conceals a handgun and a very long retractable knife that easily fits on his belt.

Party Control: In the event that it's required, yes.

Other: Creative writing. My favorite series would be Dark Souls.

PM me for the weakness, Ice.

Accepted! Welcome back to Derika. Darn these "quick tunings" from RPN though. >__>
Iradia needs her own post apparently.

Name: Iradia

Age: 27

Gender: ♀

Gift: Capable of resurrecting the dead to do her bidding

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Adventurous and precise, she tends to act with a sort of whimsical guile belying her intentions. Usually friendly.

History: An accomplished explorer of the world, particularly its tombs and catacombs. A personal friend of Rachael and a founding member of Brinkhaven. She is the only founding member of Brinkhaven that lives outside of Brinkhaven’s walls, in a house in a clearing in the middle of a forest. She lives near peculiar ruins she hasn’t yet fully explored and maintains a beautiful flower garden along the side of her house. Mixed in with the flowers are small tombstones.

Equipment: Several taxidermy animals and skeletons scattered around her house. A consequence of her abilities, she’s rather good with taxidermy and crude surgery, and her house is equipped with a formaldehyde sink. Through her travels, she’s accumulated an impressive collection of relics, none of which actually have useful applications in her opinion. They can be found scattered about her house, used as decorations or paperweights mostly.



Name: Jackie Augustine

Nickname: Jack the Ripper

Biological Age: 20

Gender: ♀

Gift: Universal Compatibility. Able to instantly attach and integrate body parts to appropriate areas, regardless of blood types, original owners, and without the need for stitching or cauterization.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Fun-loving to a fault, she always lives in the moment. Has a violent temper. Likely insane.

History: Born in 1869 London, she was an only child of a single father, a man with whom she never got along with. Hairstyles, clothing of her own design, romantic pursuits, it seemed as if her father disapproved of her very existence. Her mother was never around, and her father didn’t like to talk about her. She supposedly abandoned her father, leaving him to raise her on his own.

She wanted to study medicine, putting her otherwise irrelevant ability to good use, but there weren’t many medical schools that accepted women at the time, and her academics were below-average. Failing to get into a couple meant she had no other options, and with her father impatient with her “unrealistic” goals, she was urged to either marry someone or get a job. She was denied her preferred romantic targets and her biggest dreams for her career, so she didn’t know what to do with herself and fell distraught. She took up self-harm, taking a kitchen knife and cutting up her right arm. Love after love, but torn apart by her father every time. Clothes upon clothes, a passion besides medicine, but torn apart by her father whenever he finds them. Her father refused to even let her sell clothing. Wouldn’t want to have anyone thing he’s peddling the wares of a prostitute, would he?

Things like this filled Jack with a hatred against the state of society. One day, she let herself get carried away by this hatred when she saw one Martha Tabram, making profane gestures to a man Jack knew wasn’t her husband. She, this prostitute, could have a loving spouse and an upstanding reputation, while Jack was barred from love and berated over “looking like a prostitute.” That was fucking unacceptable! An injustice she couldn’t stand for! She refused to accept the way things were, so she asked the drunk client away and led the angry Martha Tabram to an alleyway. She didn’t plan what happened next, but when Martha refused to put up with Jack’s beration, Jack couldn’t just let her leave. Oh, no. She had to PAY for all the hours she spent sewing every costume! For all the lovers ripped from her! For every little injustice she faced, it was all fucking Martha’s fault!

Stab after stab, the body was in a macabre state of mutilation when she calmed down enough to cry. Even as the tears fell from her eyes though, her smile never waned.

When she got home, her father wasn’t around. He was on a business trip overnight, as he tended to be. Jack didn’t care. It was her chore to clean the clothes, and clean them she did. She removed every bit of blood from her clothes and the blade usually reserved for her right arm. Of course, this wasn’t the end of it, and she couldn’t stand living with her father any longer. She gathered up what clothes she kept hidden along with some clothes that wouldn’t attract attention, a bit of supplies and stolen money from her father. She cut her long black hair short, and from that point on she decided that she would be a killer. She intended to leave, living in an abandoned building nearby, but that was before she met Mary Jane, by complete and total luck. Fate, if you will.

Mary Jane was a beautiful woman, and appreciated Jack’s fashion sense. Free from her father, it didn’t take long for them to hit it off, and on the very same night she left her father’s home, she was living with Mary Jane.

The next time Jack killed a prostitute, Mary Jane caught Jack in the act, finding out that Jack was the whitechapel murderer. To Jack’s surprise, Mary Jane agreed with Jack’s mindset, sharing her hatred of the current state of society and immediately joined in, writing letters under a male pseudonym in an attempted scheme to cover for Jack and, in a perfect world, use the power of “Jack the Ripper” productively. Jack was certain there was nothing that could come between them at that point. She was wrong.

One night, under heavy influence of alcohol, Mary Jane revealed to Jack that she was a prostitute herself. Jack immediately left, going out that night to commit not one, but two murders. She brought the kidney of one home, to a now lucid and frantic Mary Jane. Jack simply ignored her as she went about slicing it in two and cooking one half. After serving it, still refusing to talk to her, she doused the other half in ethanol to preserve it and went to bed.

When she woke up in the morning, she acted like everything was fine. When Mary Jane probed, worried about their relationship, she simply asked her to quit. When she agreed, Jack brushed it off, claiming it was no big deal. Mary Jane was unlike all of her other victims, who were married or in a relationship. Her former husband died in a mining incident, and she could sympathize with being lovesick. In exchange for giving up prostitution, Mary Jane asked her to give up killing, suggesting she take a more constructive approach against society. She wanted to make her profession clear before she asked, and, since she already gave up prostitution, Jack swore off it without hesitation. She then asked Mary Jane with help finding a job.

Jack discreetly got rid of the other half of the kidney, sending it to the police along with the first note as "Jack the Ripper" she wrote herself.


Soon, with Mary Jane’s help, Jack landed a simple job to support them financially. It was working alright, but that all changed when Jack came home one day to find a man in a fancy hat leaving their apartment.

Rushing inside, She found Mary Jane, naked and drunk. She couldn’t help herself. In a blind fury, she killed Mary Jane, mutilating her more than any of her victims. Her perfect lips. Her perfect eyes. Her perfect cheeks. Every last perfect lie. She couldn’t stand it. She ripped Mary Jane apart until she was indistinguishable. Her velvet skin, now marred chunks of flesh clinging to bone. She removed every single organ. She was a doctor after all!

Jack kept Mary Jane’s heart… but… she was too perfect to be tainted with Ethanol, or to be carried around and let rot. She tried to cut herself open and replace her own heart with hers, so that she could always have a piece of her, but she couldn’t go through with the pain. In the end, she simply decided to eat it. What more could she do, to hold on to the Mary Jane that was no more?

Jack started seriously damaging her right arm after that and became an alcoholic. Soon enough either one of the vengeful husbands of her victims or an illicit paramour got to her and cut/dismembered parts of her body in an incident she doesn’t like to talk about. She died from blood loss. Her body was handed over to her father, who had her buried.

It took Iradia a lot of searching and gravedigging, but eventually she found her: Jack the Ripper. Her greatest treasure. While her body had rot quite a bit in the interim, she was repaired pretty well by the gifted in Brinkhaven, in addition to a few modifications added by Iradia. Of course, her skin tone remained a bruised color, her hair never went back from white, and she never got a replacement for her missing eye, but her left arm was reattached on a retractable chain, taking advantage of her hollow shoulder. She also got a fancy new “demon” arm, from a monster on Derika, in place of her especially damaged right arm.

Iradia also let her pick out a new outfit, much to her delight.

Equipment: Iradia has provided her with a knife.


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Name: Lucia Vickers

Nickname(s): Lucy, Big Girl, Rusty

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Gift: Control over corrosion, oxidization, and decay.

Gift Classification: Elemental

Weaknesses and Limits: To be sent


Personality: Abrasive and maybe a bit over-confident. She seems a little invested in seeming like "one of the guys", although judging by the fact that being gentle and feminine in the kind of gang she's running with is ill-advised, she at least has a good excuse.

History: Born and raised in Boston, Lucia has had a rough go of life. She moved to Derika as soon as she learned of its existence, bringing along a bad attitude, a chunk of money filched from her parents' accounts, and a surprisingly industrious work ethic... for all the wrong fields. At the moment she's part of a team of dungeon-crawlers that call themselves Faceroll, though she's trying to get out from under that particular boot and go freelance.

Equipment: Clothes (vest, tie, jacket, collared shirt, gloves, pants, belt, socks, shoes), concealed crossdraw pistol holster, low-profile leg pouch for pistol magazines, cigar box, cigars, HK45 Tactical, two magazines for HK45 Tactical, sunglasses

Party Control: No.

Other: Lucy is a Natural Gifted and is not part of any faction. She can be described as a small-time criminal.






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[QUOTE="Senor Koquonfaes]
Name: Lucia Vickers
Nickname(s): Lucy, Big Girl, Rusty

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Gift: Control over corrosion, oxidization, and decay. Slight concentration and skin-to-material contact with something will drastically accelerate the process of deterioration of that object. Works quickest on organic materials such as flesh and wood, takes longer on things that are more stable such as steel and glass, and will not work on things that do not deteriorate such as gold.

Gift Classification: Physical

Weaknesses and Limits: To be sent


Personality: Abrasive and maybe a bit over-confident. She seems a little invested in seeming like "one of the guys", although judging by the fact that being gentle and feminine in the kind of gang she's running with is ill-advised, she at least has a good excuse.

History: Born and raised in Boston, Lucia has had a rough go of life. She moved to Derika as soon as she learned of its existence, bringing along a bad attitude, a chunk of money filched from her parents' accounts, and a surprisingly industrious work ethic... for all the wrong fields. At the moment she's part of a team of dungeon-crawlers that call themselves Faceroll, though she's trying to get out from under that particular boot and go freelance.

Equipment: Clothes (vest, tie, jacket, collared shirt, gloves, pants, belt, socks, shoes), concealed crossdraw pistol holster, low-profile leg pouch for pistol magazines, cigar box, cigars, HK45 Tactical, two magazines for HK45 Tactical, sunglasses

Party Control: No.

Other: Lucy is a Natural Gifted and is not part of any faction. She can be described as a small-time criminal.






Accepted! Welcome back to Derika. :)
Vix's gift is being a slime, and no she does not leave puddles of slime everywhere. It falls under the physical classification.

She is normally human in form and stands about 5' tall appearing to be under 90lbs. Her slime has a matte finish to it and is generally the typical semi-transparent slime green, with variations in shade and opacity for mood, situation, and diet. She keeps her head and neck opaque for the benefit of those around her, as some find it rather unnerving to talk to a transparent face. Her facial features can change from day to day but she stays pretty recognizable. She wears clothing in public, but any time her ability to change shape becomes a priority she generally doesn’t. Additionally she smells faintly of petrichor.

Vix has lived in Derika since birth; which is probably for the best as its nigh impossible for her to hide her gift. Her parents are curently stateside helping new gifted get to derika.

Vix is a member of the physical faction. She does typically does jobs in awkward or hard to reach locations. Occasionaly she gets taken along on a dungeon crawl for loot hauling, lock picking, and trap disarming.

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Party control: Yes, however, I would prefer if it stayed to implied actions with no dialogue.

My favorite games are “why wont this compile” and “wait why is this working now I didn’t change anything”
Ryik said:
Iradia needs her own post apparently.
Name: Iradia

Age: 27

Gender: ♀

Gift: Capable of resurrecting the dead to do her bidding

Gift Classification: Unaligned


Personality: Adventurous and precise, she tends to act with a sort of whimsical guile belying her intentions. Usually friendly.

History: An accomplished explorer of the world, particularly its tombs and catacombs. A personal friend of Rachael and a founding member of Brinkhaven. She is the only founding member of Brinkhaven that lives outside of Brinkhaven’s walls, in a house in a clearing in the middle of a forest. She lives near peculiar ruins she hasn’t yet fully explored and maintains a beautiful flower garden along the side of her house. Mixed in with the flowers are small tombstones.

Equipment: Several taxidermy animals and skeletons scattered around her house. A consequence of her abilities, she’s rather good with taxidermy and crude surgery, and her house is equipped with a formaldehyde sink. Through her travels, she’s accumulated an impressive collection of relics, none of which actually have useful applications in her opinion. They can be found scattered about her house, used as decorations or paperweights mostly.



Name: Jackie Augustine

Nickname: Jack the Ripper

Biological Age: 20

Gender: ♀

Gift: Universal Compatibility. Able to instantly attach and integrate body parts to appropriate areas, regardless of blood types, original owners, and without the need for stitching or cauterization.

Gift Classification: Physical


Personality: Fun-loving to a fault, she always lives in the moment. Has a violent temper. Likely insane.

History: Born in 1869 London, she was an only child of a single father, a man with whom she never got along with. Hairstyles, clothing of her own design, romantic pursuits, it seemed as if her father disapproved of her very existence. Her mother was never around, and her father didn’t like to talk about her. She supposedly abandoned her father, leaving him to raise her on his own.

She wanted to study medicine, putting her otherwise irrelevant ability to good use, but there weren’t many medical schools that accepted women at the time, and her academics were below-average. Failing to get into a couple meant she had no other options, and with her father impatient with her “unrealistic” goals, she was urged to either marry someone or get a job. She was denied her preferred romantic targets and her biggest dreams for her career, so she didn’t know what to do with herself and fell distraught. She took up self-harm, taking a kitchen knife and cutting up her right arm. Love after love, but torn apart by her father every time. Clothes upon clothes, a passion besides medicine, but torn apart by her father whenever he finds them. Her father refused to even let her sell clothing. Wouldn’t want to have anyone thing he’s peddling the wares of a prostitute, would he?

Things like this filled Jack with a hatred against the state of society. One day, she let herself get carried away by this hatred when she saw one Martha Tabram, making profane gestures to a man Jack knew wasn’t her husband. She, this prostitute, could have a loving spouse and an upstanding reputation, while Jack was barred from love and berated over “looking like a prostitute.” That was fucking unacceptable! An injustice she couldn’t stand for! She refused to accept the way things were, so she asked the drunk client away and led the angry Martha Tabram to an alleyway. She didn’t plan what happened next, but when Martha refused to put up with Jack’s beration, Jack couldn’t just let her leave. Oh, no. She had to PAY for all the hours she spent sewing every costume! For all the lovers ripped from her! For every little injustice she faced, it was all fucking Martha’s fault!

Stab after stab, the body was in a macabre state of mutilation when she calmed down enough to cry. Even as the tears fell from her eyes though, her smile never waned.

When she got home, her father wasn’t around. He was on a business trip overnight, as he tended to be. Jack didn’t care. It was her chores to clean the clothes, and clean them she did. She removed every bit of blood from her clothes and the blade usually reserved for her right arm. Of course, this wasn’t the end of it, and she couldn’t stand living with her father any longer. She gathered up what clothes she kept hidden along with some clothes that wouldn’t attract attention, a bit of supplies and stolen money from her father. She cut her long black hair short, and from that point on she decided that she would be a killer. She intended to leave, living in an abandoned building nearby, but that was before she met Mary Jane, by complete and total luck. Fate, if you will.

Mary Jane was a beautiful woman, and appreciated Jack’s fashion sense. Free from her father, it didn’t take long for them to hit it off, and on the very same night she left her father’s home, she was living with Mary Jane.

The next time Jack killed a prostitute, Mary Jane caught Jack in the act, finding out that Jack was the whitechapel murderer. To Jack’s surprise, Mary Jane agreed with Jack’s mindset, sharing her hatred of the current state of society and immediately joined in, writing letters under a male pseudonym in an attempted scheme to cover for Jack and, in a perfect world, use the power of “Jack the Ripper” productively. Jack was certain there was nothing that could come between them at that point. She was wrong.

One night, under heavy influence of alcohol, Mary Jane revealed to Jack that she was a prostitute herself. Jack immediately left, going out that night to commit not one, but two murders. She brought the kidney of one home, to a now lucid and frantic Mary Jane. Jack simply ignored her as she went about slicing it in two and cooking one half. After serving it, still refusing to talk to her, she doused the other half in ethanol to preserve it, tossed it in the fridge and went to bed.

When she woke up in the morning, she acted like everything was fine. When Mary Jane probed, worried about their relationship, she simply asked her to quit. When she agreed, Jack brushed it off, claiming it was no big deal. Mary Jane was unlike all of her other victims, who were married or in a relationship. Her former husband died in a mining incident, and she could sympathize with being lovesick. In exchange for giving up prostitution, Mary Jane asked her to give up killing, suggesting she take a more constructive approach against society. She wanted to make her profession clear before she asked, and, since she already gave up prostitution, Jack swore off it without hesitation. She then asked Mary Jane with help finding a job.

Jack discreetly got rid of the other half of the kidney, sending it to the police along with the first note as "Jack the Ripper" she wrote herself.


Soon, with Mary Jane’s help, Jack landed a simple job to support them financially. It was working alright, but that all changed when Jack came home one day to find a man in a fancy hat leaving their apartment.

Rushing inside, She found Mary Jane, naked and drunk. She couldn’t help herself. In a blind fury, she killed Mary Jane, mutilating her more than any of her victims. Her perfect lips. Her perfect eyes. Her perfect cheeks. Every last perfect lie. She couldn’t stand it. She ripped Mary Jane apart until she was indistinguishable. Her velvet skin, now marred chunks of flesh clinging to bone. She removed every single organ. She was a doctor after all!

Jack kept Mary Jane’s heart… but… she was too perfect to be tainted with Ethanol, or to be carried around and let rot. She tried to cut herself open and replace her own heart with hers, so that she could always have a piece of her, but she couldn’t go through with the pain. In the end, she simply decided to eat it. What more could she do, to hold on to the Mary Jane that was no more?

Jack started seriously damaging her right arm after that and became an alcoholic. Soon enough either one of the vengeful husbands of her victims or an illicit paramour got to her and cut/dismembered parts of her body in an incident she doesn’t like to talk about. She died from blood loss. Her body was handed over to her father, who had her buried.

It took Iradia a lot of searching and gravedigging, but eventually she found her: Jack the Ripper. Her greatest treasure. While her body had rot quite a bit in the interim, she was repaired pretty well by the gifted in Brinkhaven, in addition to a few modifications added by Iradia. Of course, her skin tone remained a bruised color, her hair never went back from white, and she never got a replacement for her missing eye, but her left arm was reattached on a retractable chain, taking advantage of her hollow shoulder. She also got a fancy new “demon” arm, from a monster on Derika, in place of her especially damaged right arm.

Iradia also let her pick out a new outfit, much to her delight.

Equipment: Iradia has provided her with a knife.


Jack is accepted. I'll probably just tack her on Iradia's application in the compendium.


Still reviewing Vix. Need to digest all those black squares. That formatting though. >__>
It is bad, but whatever.

Name: Franklin Roberts

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gift: Sound Manipulation

Gift Classification: Dimensional

Weaknesses and Limits: PM me this section. He weak. I don't think I can actually PM.

Appearance: 5' 9". Caucasian. Short blond hair that goes past his shoulders just a bit. Bright blue eyes. Average build.

Personality: Arrogant, hot-headed, and loves to fight.

History: Born in the suburban Midwest, Frank was always picking fights. When his powers manifested, his parents tried their best to keep his power hidden. Frank had trouble resisting using his power, so he was shipped off to Derika as soon as he turned eighteen. Supposedly he has family in Derika, but he can't remember where they are and doesn't care.

Equipment: His clothes, a wallet $70, music player, and headphones

Party Control: Kill him or whatever.

Other: Other.

I like turtles
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Name: Asta

Nickname(s): Echo

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gift: Demon of Darkness -- User can create opaque black smoke from her body to fill an area. Under certain circumstances, she can transform into her Demonic form where she is stronger and faster. ( Mattie helped me make dis...I had to drastically shorten my own description...so eheh...yea )

Gift Classification:

Weaknesses and Limits: I got no PRIVILEGES SEND HALP


Normal Appearence:


Demonic Form:


Personality: Find out in Roleplay as I can be a little random with personalities... =I

History: Asta was raised in a pretty isolated environment, she lived in the cold wood's in Canada with her mother and father who mostly rejected her as she was adopted when she was three year's old with no records on who her biological mother and father were. After years of harsh home schooling and loneliness she finally snapped and caused havoc in her families small house leaving it in shambles with adoptive mother and father terrified inside. Soon she would find her way to Derika after wandering the cities alone, most of the people avoiding her as she made many people uneasy.

A large duffle bag, filled with her clothes, food(like nutrition bars(snackbars(?)), a brush, some money and a simple cellphone.

Party Control: Shure

Theme: [media]

Interests: Playing Strategy games...Uhhhh games like the Total war series...and...War thunder?
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WitchOfTape said:
Name: Gwendolyn Durante

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Gift: She can create and use digitalized copies of others’ Gifts.

Gift Classification: Unaligned


(Image pending)

5’2, 130 lbs
Personality: A little distant, a little kept to herself, she has things she'd like to keep secret. Though she will be more friendly with those she gets to know, she stays a bit reserved. She would think she's a loyal friend, but be careful- she is rather self seeking and while she wouldn't do it on purpose, might stab you in the back. All that said, she's often to be seen in public, as she likes to be around people for the most part. She has plenty of things she'll talk about in casual conversation, just don't expect to get much information out about her history.

History: Gwendolyn grew up in a strange little town, with a man and a woman not her father and mother. Though adopted at the age of five, she had no memory of her birth parents. And while the town, likely not containing much more than a hundred people, was full of Gifted, Gwen displayed no Gift as a child. Despite that, she was still happy, as a small child constantly awed by the casual use of Gifts. As she grew up, though some thought her a little strange, she wasn’t ostracized for lack of a gift- after all, some of the other kids’ weren’t too obvious most of the time, anyway. That being said, though while she wasn’t ostracized, she wasn’t always necessarily welcome either; the other kids were much more likely to want to play together, and play games with their Gifts, than they were to play with Gwen. Though hurt by this, she would go into her own little world with music and/or books, and be happy that way. By the time she got into high school, and childhood games faded behind them, Gwen’s friend bubble expanded, though she never forgot to keep time aside for books and music. Eventually, her closest friend, Phoebe, expressed a desire to start a band.

Gwendolyn was on board immediately.

Gwen wasn’t very good at playing any instruments, but she could sing. Not only could Phoebe sing decently, she could also play violin very well. Unfortunately, nobody else they talked to was really interested in joining them, and two singers and one instrument does not a band make.

So, they decided they'd digitalize the rest.

They started off singing covers from some of their favorite bands, gradually working their way to writing a few songs of their own. As they went, they traded off editing the songs, remixing and modding and just generally having fun with it.

One late sleepover night together spent up editing songs, them trading off between editing each other's songs, Phoebe told a joke and Gwen laughed- and left a scorch mark on the ceiling of her room from a short spout of flame produced mid-laugh. They sat in stunned silence a moment. Not only does someone spitting fire not exactly happen every day, that was in fact Phoebe's Gift. So how the $#%& did Gwen use it?

They pondered, they googled, but they eventually boiled it down to a guess that Gwen could somehow steal- no, copy, other gifts. Because when Phoebe tried herself she was perfectly able to use her gift. They were amazed by the discovery, and song editing was pretty much done for the evening.

In the morning, after Gwen's parents had awoken, they excitedly explained what had happened. The adults exchanged a small look of worry before turning back with all smiles and happiness for them.

However, a few days later, when Gwen answered a knock to their door, she found a middle aged woman in a white, militaristic uniform standing beyond. The woman in uniform requested her parents. Gwen brought them. They invited the woman inside and sat Gwen down for an explanation she'd waited for twelve years- who her birth parents actually were. Turns out, this strange woman was her mother, returning to claim her. Though, of course, it was Gwen's choice wether or not to go- but, her mother warned, it would be wiser to leave. She didn't state why, but it clearly made Gwen's adoptive parents nervous.

She deliberated, consulted her parents, but decided to stay. Her birth mother, though clearly displeased, didn't fight it; she just left, quietly. All was well. Until, a few days later, it turned out Phoebe was missing. The only explanation was an envelope, left on her bed. With "Gwendolyn" written across the front.

Unsure of wether it was from Phoebe to Gwen, or something else, it was given to her to read alone. It happened to be a note from her birth mother, explaining the fate that the small town would suffer- and that Gwen was still offered a chance to escape it. Phoebe had been given no choice, but taken away from danger, for her own protection and- to Gwen's understanding, though not stated- to solidify Gwen's allegiance.

She went home and packed some things, then left that night. Going to a meeting place arranged by her birth mother, she met with some others in similar white uniforms. Without a single question they escorted her to a building in the woods, where she found her birth mother. Gwendolyn was offered two choices: stay with her birth mother, and allow Phoebe, her family, and Gwen's adoptive parents escape the fate slated for their small town, and Gwen would see none of them again; or, go back to the town, and get to die with them, instead.

Gwen chose to help them live.

Clearly glad for her choice, her birth mother took her to an ETG base, where she was trained as an agent and they figured out what her Gift was. As Gwen lived there, she tried to turn a blind eye to the Gifted tortured and killed in the same building. Lucky for her, she was able to quite easily, as she wasn't given tasks to do with the captives. A couple more Gifts were added to her current ones, and she rigorously trained herself in her gift, figuring out her limits and weaknesses in it.

A few years later, she wound up passing through the Gifted containment areas on an unrelated errand, and she saw Phoebe in a cell. Once she registered that, it didn't take her long to decide to break her free, upset that her birth mother had gone back on her promise.

A few days later saw the two running from the base and finding themselves quite lost. However, they eventually came to a place that looked like it had once been familiar.

Looking as if it had been recently destroyed, it was the town they had grown up in. Upset and also furious, Gwen searched out the home she had grown up in, finding it nothing but a pile of rubble, with a couple of crushed corpses mixed in.

Unable to handle it, she ran as far as she could, not hearing her friend cry after her. She didn't stop until she was completely lost, far away, but she stumbled on, leaving the horror behind her. Eventually collapsing and just laying on the ground, she slowly registered that she had left her friend behind.

But she still laid there. And she let her emotions out in tears. Eventually, sleep claimed her from this pit of despair.

Through much difficulty, she eventually made her way to more civilized areas, and from there she continued onward to leave America, finding a ship that would take her to this strange island she's heard of- Derika.

As of the time of the roleplay, she has been on the island a few days, temporarily staying in a hotel.

Equipment: iPhone and headphones, laptop, a few changes of clothes(including her old ETG uniform), toiletries, towel, wallet with money, various forms of legal ID, charging cables for devices, and a backpack to hold it all.

Party Control: No


From Phoebe: Can literally breathe fire.

ETG 1: Heightened agility/balance.

ETG 2: The ability to dampen emotions within a target.

I like to play violin, and three games currently consume my free time: Minecraft, Undertale, Starbound, and Pinterest. Oops, Pinterest isn't a game. it's a time eating device specifically designed to distract the creatively minded. Sigh...

Accepted! Her new theme/reworked Gift seems very neat.

Aerose said:
Edonis Yvette

Name : Edonis Yvette

Age : 21ish now

Gender : Male

Gift: Manipulation of metals

Gift Classification: Elemental

Appearance: (See Equipment)

Personality : Highly creative and curious, Edonis is endlessly intrigued and attentive to what is going on around him. He is slightly obsessed with social media and immediately knowing what is currently going on. The competitive style of schooling he went under, as well as restrictions of his Gift isolated him from classmates, resulting in his in indifference in socializing with strangers.

History :

Edonis was born into a family of merchants owning reputable stores situated on the docks of Derika, selling any and every good imaginable. The business functioned as a gateway to less legal business, but otherwise maintained a clean image. His parents enrolled him at the Center for Extremely Talented Gift, a highly prestigious school for Gifted children. Suspiciously similar to the government organization, but no one seems to bring this connection up.

Unfortunately, he was denied admittance to the respectable Gifted and Talented program, and he had no notion of what his Gift was on entry. Luckily, he discovered his Gift early on, as in the midst of one class, Edonis fell limp, essentially paralyzed in his seat while the metal of his desk lifted in the air and crumpled together.

>In school (CETG)

>Reading my book

>Don’t know my Gift

>Chilling with the other kids who don’t know their Gift

>Other kids make fun of us

>Can’t sit at the cool kids table at lunch

>So frustrated

>Suddenly fall over paralyzed

>Metal desk is flipping $#!%

>Desk does a 180 and warps

>Teacher hits me with Antinite turret on ceiling

>Footage probably gets sold

>Can move again

>Desk is rekt

>Holy $#!%I can tk stuff

>Can sit at cool kids table now
Aerose said:
Having learned his Gift, Edonis’ class schedule slightly shifted to include safe, nurturing, and sheltered environment to develop control over his powers.

That’s right kiddos, he’s GT(Gifted and Talented) now.

While the Elemental faction was an option to go into, Edonis had no interest in joining up with them. He graduated from high school successfully and successfully applied for a job with a construction company. Lift all those steel beams. Dig all those holes.

At the age 19, the Smugglers gang approached Edonis at work to offer a proposal for him to join the organization. Edonis, who had dank job security in construction work, accepted the invitation. He was assigned to escort high value goods throughout Derika with other gang members. His family having dealt with the smuggling organization before raised no objections to his participation.

Equipment :

When working or just generally out and about, Edonis wears an extremely dense suit consisting of layered metal alloys. The suit is a dark grey, contrasted with silvery highlights of a an alloy, and is further filled with another liquid metal alloy, protecting and cushioning his body. His suit enables him to move by manipulation of the armor surrounding his body. In addition to his main suit, he is followed by a gargantuan set of floating wings composed of general purpose construction-grade steel to use as material. The wings are embossed to give them a feathered appearance. Typically kept folded, the wings can expand to angelic proportions of tens of meters wide.

Party Control: Aye, I forget to post or I just fall asleep and miss everything. Pretty sure I killed the last 2 Derika threads doing this.

Music: Euphonium, Warframe, Brave Frontier.

I hear the breakfast buffet... has bread.
Glad the weaknesses/limits were finally worked out. :) Accepted!

@Swag @Pixilated

Sent PMs to both of you.

Edit: You might want to check out the rules section. As your applications are now, they'd be denied regardless of weaknesses/limits.
Last edited by a moderator:
Pixilated said:
Name: Asta
Nickname(s): Echo

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Gift: Demon of Darkness -- User can create opaque black smoke from her body to fill an area. In this area or any dark one, she can transform into her Demonic form where she is stronger and faster. ( Mattie helped me make dis...I had to drastically shorten my own description...so eheh...yea )

Gift Classification:

Weaknesses and Limits: I got no PRIVILEGES SEND HALP


Normal Appearence:


Demonic Form:


Personality: Find out in Roleplay as I can be a little random with personalities... =I

History: Asta was raised in a pretty isolated environment, she lived in the cold wood's in Canada with her mother and father who mostly rejected her as she was adopted when she was three year's old with no records on who her biological mother and father were. After years of harsh home schooling and loneliness she finally snapped and caused havoc in her families small house leaving it in shambles with adoptive mother and father terrified inside. Soon she would find her way to Derika after wandering the cities alone, most of the people avoiding her as she made many people uneasy.

A large duffle bag, filled with her clothes, food(like nutrition bars(snackbars(?)), a brush, some money and a simple cellphone.

Party Control: Shure

Theme: [media]

Interests: Playing Strategy games...Uhhhh games like the Total war series...and...War thunder?
Nice to see that edit, accepted. Welcome back to Derika! :)

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