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Fantasy Derika - Characters

Name: Lacey Banks

Age: 17

Gift Summary: Light Energy Absorption/Manipulation



Personality: Lacey is cheerful, hyper and outgoing with a awkward aura about her, be that laughing too hard and much or making inappropriate jokes at the wrong time. Lacey is impulsive and gets bored with long and complex speeches with only one person talking, yet she is very talkative. Despite her upbeat and friendly persona Lacey is greedy and self centered in her heart, her actions reflecting this can be described as kleptomaniacal as she is very prone to stealing from others for her own benefit- especially things of monetary value. She is incredibly stingy and will do anything if it means avoiding spending money. She is a distrustful person when it comes to serious matters and as a result has problems creating deep connections with people and greatly lacks empathy. Though it is rare for her to steal from a friend, it is not the most unlikely thing in the world.

History: Lacey’s mother had been recently widowed. Her mother and father had been together for decades, he passed during her pregnancy and she was left alone with their daughter. The daughter that would be the key to filling the hole in her heart. Lacey was spoilt, she was given every material thing she could’ve ever wanted: sweets, toys, electronics, magazines and clothes. With no siblings, she never learnt how to share at home and ran into some issues at school. She would take things from other people just because she wanted to, at first she didn’t understand what was wrong with that but, she kept getting into trouble at school and, as the years went by, she grew a moral compass.

Lacey’s mother soon discovered her gift when her daughter was ten, Lacey was staring directly at the sun- and when her mother came to stop her she was shocked. Her daughter was completely fine. It only got stranger when she found that Lacey was able to project light around the house during a blackout. Her mother told Lacey that her ability was special and Lacey continued to work on training herself with her ability so she could make her mother smile with her light shows.

Fast forward to early teenage years, Lacey was with her friends at a supermarket after school. They were buying food to eat before they went out together and Lacey saw one of them slip a packet of gum into her sleeve as she walked away from the cashier. Lacey was confused, her friend knew this was bad, she watched as her friend lifted her arm above the sensor while ‘yawning’ as she exited the supermarket.

Nothing bad happened to her friend. No one was upset she stole the gum. Lacey saw her other friends doing the same thing, each with their own unique tactic to steal. It had been a few years since Lacey had stolen but the temptation was still there. Now It was clear to her that there was one rule to stealing: it’s only an issue if you get caught. Immediately Lacey went over to the sweet section, stuffing as much as she could discreetly fit into her clothes before trying something unique too.

Lacey stood slightly away from sensors, she had been meaning to try this for a while. Ever since she learnt how the eye worked at school. Lacey felt the light rays around her. She had gotten much better at controlling them, their direction especially. She concentrated really hard, the light rays began to swerve around her, if the light never touched her, it could never reflect off her and then no one would be able to see her. She watched her friends’ faces go from impressed and mouthing words of encouragement to horrified as she disappeared. Lacey felt so alive, she knew it was wrong. She knew it but she just wanted to do it, it felt so thrilling. Lacey had forgotten this feeling. She began to walk through the sensors, but she felt herself losing focus. She let the rays hit her a few times and her body parts flickered into view and then disappeared again.

Just then the sensors went off and beeped. Her friends screamed, causing Lacey to lose all focus and come completely back into view. She then tried to run for it, only to be blocked by security. Out of impulse and fright, Lacey directed a bright beam of light into his eyes. He recoiled and let go, his palms over his closed, red, watering eyes. Taken aback by it all, Lacey passed out.

She woke up later with her mum, and policemen. They told her mother what happened and that the security man was trying to press charges for damage to his eyes. Her mother scolded her, rejected Lacey’s mentality that it was her friends’ fault and told her not to trust people like that. Knowing full well that Lacey wouldn’t be able to return to school there without some backlash, and with knowledge of her gift they might view her differently. After talking it over with her daughter, Lacey agreed the best place to go would be Derika- so she could be with people like her and put her gift into good use.

Party Control: Yeah okay, ask first if it’s anything major though please!

Other: Lacey deals horribly with fatigue, she becomes sarcastic and short tempered. As a result she is a terrible morning person.
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Here's mine!

Name: Ayane Katou. One of her bodies is called Aya and the other Ayane.

Age: 15

Gift Summary: She has two bodies. When Aya and Ayane sing together, they are able to sense and influence the minds and emotions of others, they're able to sense the presence of other minds, sense if someone is alive by searching for a mind, feel someone's emotions, and soothe the emotions of others a bit. They can inspire courage and resolve in their allies as well as lessen the pain they feel. They are able to harm enemies by making them feel mental pain.

Appearance: One body has grey eyes(Ayane) and the other has green eyes(Aya). She is pretty short, 5'4'', I guess. Her outfits are T-shirts and long pants, Ayane has a jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She doesn't really care about the colors. Her body is a little underdeveloped so people may think she is younger than she is.



Personality: Child-like. She likes to mess with people sometimes, though(I mean, with two bodies, just think of the possibilities! She can act out a play by herself! Ahaha). She has low-motivation for things, and likes to see the full perspective, so pretty neutral, doesn't mean she doesn't have strong opinions.

History: She lived in Florida. She has a family. An older sister and two parents, plus many extended family that mostly live in NY and around America. She and her sister are Gifted, her parents didn't really have a problem with that. She was raised as two separate people until they found out she was one person. She wasn't very good at school and her parents didn't know what to do with her. Her sister was very successful and was going to get a normal job. Ayane, on the other hand, couldn't find anything she could really do, so her parents put her on the path to using her powers. She had heard about the kidnapped people though, and didn't want to be in danger. She got into a major fight with her parents(comparing her to her sister, asking why she couldn't be batter, a real bloodbath). So she fled, but it could be seen as her parents sending her away. She went to Derika.

Party Control: Yes. Though, you would have to control both bodies separately without the thoughts, so good luck. Or one body might be somewhere else, who knows?

Other: She's a vegetarian!
Name: Dan Ryder


Gift Summary: Dan has the ability to shrink his body down to incredibly small sizes. As it turns out, this change is permanent, and cannot be reversed, and as such he is currently stuck at half a centimeter tall. He could probably make himself even smaller, but, well, why would he?

Appearance: Dan is quite slender for his height, something he was know for when he was younger. He keeps his dark brown hair fairly long, just barely sitting above his hazel eyes. Of course, most of this detail is largely irrelevant unless someone looks at him real, real close, due to the fact that he is only 5mm tall. He usually wears a set of makeshift clothes, made of bits of cloth he's found recently, usually with a bandanna to control his hair.

Personality: Dan's most defining trait is his curiosity, something that has only been amplified by his ability. He's the first to seek out new places to explore (no matter how mundane) and as such is often the first to get into trouble. He does care about other people, but having literally lived in their shadows for so long, he often finds it difficult to truly connect with others, and tends to feel largely inferior to just about anyone as a result of this.

History: Dan was born to a reasonably well-off family, the youngest child of a pair of typical middle-class parents. His upbringing was relatively normal and uneventful, being educated much like any other teenager would have, although he lived slightly in the shadow of his older siblings. However, his abilities activated at the age of 15 while on a school trip, and he soon found himself lost in a world that was much, much larger than he was. As such, he views the world and the people in it in a very different light, finding it difficult to see himself as part of humanity.

He recently travelled to Derika in the hopes of finding some way of reversing his condition, having little success in the outside world.

Party Control: Yes, but mainly for actions that he would be unable to react to regardless due to his physical state, e.g. being grabbed.
Name: Gabriel Anders

Age: 24

Gift Summary: Astral Manipulation


Standing at around 6'2, Gabriel is a rather tall young man that looks exactly like the image above minus the sword. When he walks, he has a perpetual limp. Looking very closely, you can also see that he's partially blind in his right eye.

Personality: Sometimes irritable and sarcastic, Gabriel is a pretty quiet and polite fellow most of the time. He isn't the type to complain unless he's really hurting or bitter and is usually quiet, stoic even, and keeps things to himself, so much that they have a habit of bottling up and exploding in a ugly mess. He follows most of society's rules to the letter, even if he doesn't like them sometimes, never being one to cause trouble. Not as outgoing as he used to be, but still tries when the situation calls for it. Observant and analytical, Gabriel is a logical sort of guy who enjoys reading all kinds of books. He's often cold towards others, but underneath it all is a big 'ol softie.

A young man originally born in the UK but adopted along with his younger twin sister Amara by a American couple. Brother and sister had a normal childhood. Nothing of consequence took place and they grew up normally. Naturally, the two were very close and had a strong bond. For Gabriel, that and just a few friends was enough for him, although he often attracted more people than not due to a charismatic way about him. He was always more of an introvert, quiet and stoic but not necessarily shy. He was well behaved and never got in trouble. He did well in school and was outgoing, even becoming a possible candidate for valedictorian of his class and getting a scholarship to one of the top colleges. Amara was the opposite in some ways, but she still cared deeply for her brother. She was quite vibrant and a complete social butterfly, doing about average in high school. She was a bit of a partier as well, and more than once Gabriel had to act as her babysitter. It annoyed him sometimes, but the twins rarely fought regardless.

One night after they had turned 21, the twins went to a party hosted by one of Amara's friends. It was pretty normal, with alcohol being present. Gabriel, knowing that one of them would have to drive home at some point, made the decision to be the designated driver while his sister got utterly wasted. He kept a careful eye on Amara so that no one would take advantage of her. When it became apparent that she had to much to drink, Gabriel, ignoring his sister's snappy drunken protests, eventually got her into the car and began to drive home. Halfway there, a semi collided with his car on his sister's side during a moment of momentarily distraction. It happened in an instant, but for Gabriel it seemed to occur in slow motion. Glass shattered, flying everywhere, on the pavement and upon the occupants of the hit vehicle. Gabriel could remember pain, the car rolling over and over, and then...nothing. In that brief moment before he lost consciousness, he realized that he hadn't even heard Amara scream.

When he came to, he was in a hospital bed, alive, but noticed that something was off, even with all the pain reducing drugs in his system. His right eye was covered in bandages and throbbing dully, making the world smaller, and one of his legs wasn't working quite right. At his bedside sitting in a chair and holding one of his hands was his sister, somehow unharmed and still in the clothes she had been wearing the night previous. Before either of them could speak, their parents rushed into the room, obviously relieved that he and his sister were alive. At least, that's what he thought at first, until his father informed him that Amara didn't make it, having been killed instantly when the truck hit. Naturally, Gabriel theorized he was going mad or something along those lines later that night after his parents had left, until Amara, who had been silent the entire time he had been awake, told him it was the truth. She was dead, and before he could get a word out, she left him with words that would alter his life forever: Things are changing, Gabriel. I'm sorry.

What that exactly meant, he wasn't sure, but he mourned the loss of his sister with parents during and after he got out of the hospital and never, to this day, saw his sister again. He started figuring out that Amara was right as more and more strange things kept happening to himself and those around him: He started seeing other ghosts, having out of body experiences often after he fell asleep or was just resting his eyes. He even had a razor materialize in his hand while shaving one morning....The list goes on and on. As things started getting stranger, he decided it would be best to go to Derika, land of the Gifted, to start his life anew and learn about his newfound powers before the ETG decided to question him, or worse.
Party Control: Yes, within reason if its to continue the plot of the rp. Just try if you can to ask me beforehand.

Other: Although he was raised in America for most of his life, Gabriel still has slight traces of a British accent.
Name: Ayesha Nawaz

Age: 24

Gift Summary: Metahuman Physiology

5'8'', 131 lbs with an athletic build. Currently wearing a hoodie, t-shirt, jeans and sneakers.

Personality: Friendly, supportive and very protective of her friends. Will generally leave it to the other party to initiate conversation or steer it to something of substance beyond a quick 'hi-bye', however. Generally passive and decidedly not a hero, but will step in against bigots and bullies. Deeply depressed and has had suicidal ideations recently.

History: Though born in Pakistan, she was raised in the US by relatives after losing her family in the on-going Indo-Pak border skirmishes. Ayesha was never loved by her foster family, being taken in only out of a sense of obligation. All the same, she tried to make the best of the situation despite bullying and abuse at home and at school. Her only friend was an uncle, a retired soldier, who would often teach her what he knew to get their minds of things - bad memories from the battlefield on one end and abuse on the other. Packed off to university at the first opportunity, she soon dropped out as her depression deepened. Her uncle's death and her powers activating only added to her problems and so she dove into the waters and swam...and swam...and swam...and swam...before fatigue took her and she was found by Derika's Coast-guard equivalent. Having just been given a clean bill of health, Ayesha is now on Derika, wondering what to do with the rest of her life.

Party Control: No, but if you think its somehow critical to the scene you're planning, PM me and we can discuss it.

Other: Multilingual - English, Urdu and Hindi. Trained fighter, no experience.

Bringing my character over.
Name: Dr.Remmy Nerkal

Age: 43yrs

Gift Summary: Biohazard Physiology

standing 6ft 5in but with a lean and tall build he tends to look a bit creepy to most. The pale skin and discoloration of his eyes and hair add to this effect and make it almost impossible for him to hide the fact that he is gifted.

Personality: Dr.Nerkal is a bit of a "presence." He seems to have No fear, and very poor social skills. Seeming to grow nervous as people grow closer to him. Yet strangely enough he seems to also be confident and outgoing, so long as those he talks to maintain their distance. He Views himself as a gift to the world which can lead many to see him as arrogant or conceited. On the contrary he believes all gifted beings have just as much if not more to offer the world. In his eyes the greatest sin one could commit is wasting their gifts, because of this he feels that he has a duty to lead and guide others on how to Properly utilize their talents. What he is willing to do in order to attain this leadership is what worries most people...after all no one is sure where this man draws his lines.

History: Remmy was born in your typical middle class family. His father was a welder his mother an electrician at the same construction company. But their normal life came to a grinding halt when Remmy was conceived. His mother fell ill while he was in development and the doctors became increasingly worried. Until the situation became critical in the 7th month. His mother Began suffering from lead poisoning with no known source. So he was removed via cesarean, luckily both survived...but the doctors missed a Biological Time bomb.

Each following day his body began producing a new chemical. This lead to an endless line of Mental and physical problems. Ones that would come and go with the sun. He didnt know what was going on but his suspicions began to grow at age 6 when his father died after kissing Remmy's skinned knee after he fell off his bike.

He spent the next five years growing more and more reclusive and fearful of interaction. However when he was 11 his mother began to lose a long battle with cancer, one he was positive he had caused. Because of this he was sent to live with his uncle a brilliant chemist named Professor Rankin.

The Professor homeschooled the boy while studying him in an effort to cure him of his condition. After ten years and countless Experiments, which Remmy began to help with after he started studying chemistry and medicine under his uncle. Finally the two of them managed to cure his bodies production of new chemicals. Yet it came at a dreadful cost. The chemicals blended together becoming the toxic cocktail that he possesses today, his skin turned a pasty white, his hair a neon green, and his eyes as yellow as sulphur. As a side effect he was no longer inconvenienced by the negative effects of his own chemicals or any chemical for that matter.

It was right around this point that his mind seemed to shift. He became idealistic and began to view himself as a cure for all ills. Developing the mindset that he and all other gifted are divine in nature. He has been attempting to synthesis cures for all manner disease, soon surpassing his uncles brilliance. Last year he began to develop poisons, his uncle confronted him and as a result became Remmy's first victim. Yet the man was able to start a fire in his death throws destroying Remmy's lab. That paired with an increase of ETG activity in his area spurred his move to Derika where he hopes to use his knowledge and abilities to further his goals while helping his fellow gifted.

Party Control: Yes
Name: Charles Rankin

Age: 32yrs

Gift Summary:
Metallic Monstrosity

standing at 6ft 2in and weighing in a surprising 876lbs. The scars along his face make him seem a lot meaner than he really is.

Personality: Charles is a hard man, firm and unwavering, the man is a rock. He is quiet, a very good listener, with amazing attention to detail, and a fierce belief that actions speak louder than words. However despite him being a good listener he takes nothing at face value he always needs to see for himself. This mistrust and paranoia make it hard to form a relationship of any kind with him, but if one manages to befriend him they will discover an ally willing to go to war with the entire world on their behalf. However in recent months he has become absorbed with finding his Cousin and bringing him to justice one way or another. Nothing else seems to matter to him.

History: Born to Professor Alan Rankin and his Wife Anita Rankin Charles was often viewed by his father as a failure. His birth happened on the same year that his cousin Remmy came to live with them. All throughout his childhood his father spent all his time with Remmy leaving Charles and his mother to bond extremely close.

Throughout School Charles was extremely popular. A natural born athlete he was both the Football star and wrestling champion rolled into one charismatic package. However this all came to a crashing halt in one moment. The moment he and his mother had a head on collision with a drunk driver in broad daylight. Charles was flung from the car and his face skidded across the ground. Much to every ones surprise he not only survived, he did so with minimal damage. Witnesses report sparks flew off the road as he skidded, and that he jumped to his feet Immediately sprinting towards the car in vain. The drunk driver on the other hand drove away leaving him with a severe complex.

That was the day his life changed. He then dedicated it to learning the skills needed to find who was responsible. But his faith in the justice system was shattered by their lack of investigation into the case. So he went to college for forensic sciences and criminal psychology, all the while taking boxing lessons and practicing at firing ranges becoming an incredibly successful Private investigator.

When his Father was found dead in Remmy's lab he suspected his cousins hand right off the bat. Following him to Derika he hopes to bring His cousin to justice and likely resume his career afterwards opening a new office in Derika.

Party Control: Yes

Other: Carries 2 Guns a 1911 .40/70 gov pistol in a shoulder holster. Holds 10 rounds per magazine. He also carries a .38 revolver in a hidden boot holster.​
Name: Olivia Constantine Dundee
Age: 22
Gift Summary: Drunken Savant - The drunker she is, the better she is across the board.


Redheaded, an ever present flush, amber eyes, and tanned skin across a body obviously used to physical labor and rough work. No tattoos, surprisingly, though a number of scars. Accompanied by an ever present, ragged and tattered trenchcoat, the alcoholic smell of which singes nostrils.

Personality: Spunky, loudmouthed, free-spirited, and stubborn, Olivia is quick to make new friends and loyal to the bone. Almost entirely buzzed and hardly sober, the girl's impulse control and inhibitions are at all time lows, and can come across as brash and impudent. Chaffing at authority and even most mild restrictions, her ever drunken state leaves her quick to anger, forgive, and forget, practically air-headed in nature and dangerous to come across--Or so it seems. The wandering drunk has proved her mind sharper than steel and quicker than a bear trap at times, and those who know her well will inevitably sometimes wonder if the girl is just obfuscating stupidity sometimes. Making everybody just believe her stupid. But there's no way..

History: A vagabond, a wanderer, and an alcoholic, Olivia has traveled the world, doing odd jobs and running from debt collectors her dark and mysterious past. Born in the slums of Melton, Victoria, the girl grew up in an orphanage, picking fights with children twice her size. Through this period of her life, she learned to fight dirty, biting legs and punching throats alike when her silver tongue wouldn't work. An unruly girl, she watched what little friends and peers she had leave the orphanage one by one as she was left to rot. She hid her bitterness with an air of laid back mischief, slowly moving away from fights and into pranks, not that it made her punishments any less severe.

At the age of 11, having given up any hope of being adopted, a strangely dressed woman walked through the doors of the termite ridden orphanage, asking to adopt her. Hesitant, but inwardly giddy, the girl instantly agreed. Forms were signed, hands were shaken, and in less than a week she was sitting in the back of a car, cleaner then anything she had ever seen in her life, being driven to her new home in Melbourne by her new foster mother. Things were looking up for Olivia.

Then she was knocked out, drugged, and strapped to an operating table.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in a ramshackle boat off the shores of Melbourne, debris and blood scattered among the tides as sirens rang in the distance as what she later learned to be a hangover pounded through her skull. Terrified, confused, and utterly bitter, she ransacked the boat's alcohol storage and drank herself to sleep once more, allowing the winds to guide her boat through the sea.

Eventually rescued by a passing cargo ship, the girl soon learned that nothing was free, not even goodwill. As the "cargo" boat went from country to country, Olivia got the feeling that their dealing weren't exactly clean, or even normal. Nothing as far as human trafficking or organ trade, but drugs, guns, and explosives weren't exactly legal. Nonetheless, as long as the girl had food in her stomach, she couldn't have cared less. By picking up her own weight and doing odd jobs for the crew of the ship, they dropped her off on her 16th birthday with a list of contacts, a keg of vodka, and a pat on the back, wishing her well.

Now, on the cusp of adulthood, where other girls her age should be studying in college or applying for work, she had drunkenly boarded a definitely not that safe looking boat, finally deciding to make her way to the (in)famous island of Gifted.

Party Control: Yes
Other: Olivia picked her own name from her favorite characters; Oliver Twist, John Constantine, and Crocodile Dundee.

Olivia fights as if locked in a bar battle, using whatever dirty trick or object she can find to reach her objective, most of the time to simply knock her opponent out before they could keep her from fleeing the scene. With chairs, tables, knives, bottles, and once in a while small firearms, the girl has years of experience on the road. Somewhere along the line, she took a trip to Asia, learning martial arts to compliment her usual bar-fight/knifing style, and along with it, the ire of the Chinese community.

Despite her drunken and disheveled demeanor, Olivia is far more observant and cunning then at first glance, has a wide range of skills from various odd jobs, and is surprisingly knowledgeable, knowing German, Spanish, Latin, Chinese, Taiwanese, a bit of Japanese, and British/Australian slang--Which basically counts as a language of it's own--Even without the assistance of her Gift. Not to mention heavy experience in gymnastics, parkour, motorcycling, and marksmanship, wherever the hell she picked those up.

On hand, in a number of harnesses and bags, she carries; An AA-12, an E-Tool, a swiss army knife, seven Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knives, a kukri, a carving and whittling knife, a hatchet, a Jolt Mini Stun Gun (46 Million Volts), a Torch Flashlight (4,100 Lumens), two Desert Eagles, pepper spray, two first aid kits, a set of ear plugs, a whistle, sticky notes, many rolls of duct tape, a lighters, a flint and steel, a can of bug spray, a can of sunscreen, a hundred meters of paracord, a few packs of cigarettes, a folded cardboard box, some gum, zip ties, a burner phone, her wallet and ID, a change of clothes, around two hundred in US Dollars, around another hundred in various other currencies, a couple of flasks of practically pure alcohol, and a silver engraved harmonica, complete with hidden blade.
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Name: Olivia Constantine Dundee
Age: 22
Gift Summary: Drunken Savant - The drunker she is, the better she is across the board.


Redheaded, an ever present flush, amber eyes, and tanned skin across a body obviously used to physical labor and rough work. No tattoos, surprisingly, though a number of scars.

Personality: Spunky, loudmouthed, free-spirited, and stubborn, Olivia is quick to make new friends and loyal to the bone. Almost entirely buzzed and hardly sober, the girl's impulse control and inhibitions are at all time lows, and can come across as brash and impudent. Chaffing at authority and even most mild restrictions, her ever drunken state leaves her quick to anger, forgive, and forget, practically air-headed in nature and dangerous to come across--Or so it seems. The wandering drunk has proved her mind sharper than steel and quicker than a bear trap at times, and those who know her well will inevitably sometimes wonder if the girl is just obfuscating stupidity sometimes. Making everybody just believe her stupid. But there's no way..

History: A vagabond, a wanderer, and an alcoholic, Olivia has traveled the world, doing odd jobs and running from debt collectors her dark and mysterious past. Born in the slums of Melton, Victoria, the girl grew up in an orphanage, picking fights with children twice her size. Through this period of her life, she learned to fight dirty, biting legs and punching throats alike when her silver tongue wouldn't work. An unruly girl, she watched what little friends and peers she had leave the orphanage one by one as she was left to rot. She hid her bitterness with an air of laid back mischief, slowly moving away from fights and into pranks, not that it made her punishments any less severe.

At the age of 11, having given up any hope of being adopted, a strangely dressed woman walked through the doors of the termite ridden orphanage, asking to adopt her. Hesitant, but inwardly giddy, the girl instantly agreed. Forms were signed, hands were shaken, and in less than a week she was sitting in the back of a car, cleaner then anything she had ever seen in her life, being driven to her new home in Melbourne by her new foster mother. Things were looking up for Olivia.

Then she was knocked out, drugged, and strapped to an operating table.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in a ramshackle boat off the shores of Melbourne, debris and blood scattered among the tides as sirens rang in the distance as what she later learned to be a hangover pounded through her skull. Terrified, confused, and utterly bitter, she ransacked the boat's alcohol storage and drank herself to sleep once more, allowing the winds to guide her boat through the sea.

Eventually rescued by a passing cargo ship, the girl soon learned that nothing was free, not even goodwill. As the "cargo" boat went from country to country, Olivia got the feeling that their dealing weren't exactly clean, or even normal. Nothing as far as human trafficking or organ trade, but drugs, guns, and explosives weren't exactly legal. Nonetheless, as long as the girl had food in her stomach, she couldn't have cared less. By picking up her own weight and doing odd jobs for the crew of the ship, they dropped her off on her 16th birthday with a list of contacts, a keg of vodka, and a pat on the back, wishing her well.

Now, on the cusp of adulthood, where other girls her age should be studying in college or applying for work, she had drunkenly boarded a definitely not that safe looking boat, finally deciding to make her way to the (in)famous island of Gifted.

Party Control: Yes
Other: Olivia picked her own name from her favorite characters; Oliver Twist, John Constantine, and Crocodile Dundee.

Olivia fights as if locked in a bar battle, using whatever dirty trick or object she can find to reach her objective, most of the time to simply knock her opponent out before they could keep her from fleeing the scene. With chairs, tables, knives, bottles, and once in a while small firearms, the girl has years of experience on the road. Somewhere along the line, she took a trip to Asia, learning martial arts to compliment her usual bar-fight/knifing style, and along with it, the ire of the Chinese community.

Despite her drunken and disheveled demeanor, Olivia is far more observant and cunning then at first glance, has a wide range of skills from various odd jobs, and is surprisingly knowledgeable, knowing German, Spanish, Latin, Chinese, Taiwanese, a bit of Japanese, and British/Australian slang--Which basically counts as a language of it's own--Even without the assistance of her Gift. Not to mention heavy experience in gymnastics, parkour, and marksmanship, wherever the hell she picked those up.

[Pretty sure some of dem guns need to be removed] On hand, in a number of harnesses and bags, she carries; An AA-12, a .600 Nitro Express, an E-Tool, a swiss army knife, a bandolier of incendiary, tear gas, napalm, smoke, stink, and shrapnel grenades, another bandolier of varying munitions, bullets, and cartridges, seven Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knives, a kukri, a carving and whittling knife, a hatchet, a nightstick baton, a Jolt Mini Stun Gun (46 Million Volts), a Torch Flashlight (4,100 Lumens), a firearms maintenance kit, an M1903 Springfield, a Walther PPK, two 9mm Welrods, pepper spray, notepad, two first aid kits, a plastic bag of rags, three sets of ear plugs, three whistles (one normal, the other two at different pitches), markers and a whiteboard, paper, pens, pencils, sticky notes, many rolls of duct tape, three lighters, a flint and steel, a can of bug spray, a can of sunscreen, hand sanitizer, a can of hairspray, numerous containers, ziploc bags, tissues, a hundred meters of paracord, a hundred meters of hemp rope, a few packs of cigarettes, folded cardboard boxes, some gum, zip ties, handcuffs, master locks, combination locks, padlocks, numerous other sundries, two burner phones, some MREs, energy bars, water bottles, seat belt cutter, window breaker, a space blanket, an ice scraper, an umbrella, paper towels, her wallet and ID, a change of clothes, poisons, tranquilizers, darts, syringes, around three hundred in US Dollars, around another hundred in various other currencies, dozens of empty bottles and cans, 2 half empty bottles of vodka, a few cans of beer, a couple of flasks of practically pure alcohol, shot glasses, a silver engraved harmonia, complete with hidden blade, a stuffed partridge, and a potted pear tree.

That's easily 200 pounds worth of stuff. Dude, no. Cute image though.
That's easily 200 pounds worth of stuff. Dude, no. Cute image though.
Thought so. The image was a bitch and a half to find, only because I wanted a picture with somebody getting smashed. I'll lower the amount of firearms, but the sundries should be small enough that taking off a few won't make a dent.

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Thought so. The image was a bitch and a half to find, only because I wanted a picture with somebody getting smashed. I'll lower the amount of firearms, but the sundries should be small enough that taking off a few won't make a dent.


How much ammo is there? And the guns only represent around 75 pounds of what she's carrying. The incredible amount of sundries quickly adds up, if you kept track of the weights using a spreadsheet, which I did, to calculate it myself. The locks, alcohol, water, hemp rope, kits, and various tools contribute quite a bit of weight too.
How much ammo is there? And the guns only represent around 75 pounds of what she's carrying. The incredible amount of sundries quickly adds up, if you kept track of the weights using a spreadsheet, which I did, to calculate it myself. The locks, alcohol, water, hemp rope, kits, and various tools contribute quite a bit of weight too.
Wait.. You took the time to weigh and calculate it?


I'll remove some more, then :V She's carrying at least a harness' worth of ammunition, so maybe around 40 to 60 rounds combined for her weapons? Could shave down to 20 though.
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I present to you, Naruto and a schizo.

Name: Jessica "Jess, just Jess"

Age: 14

Gift Summary: Lion Transformation

Appearance: Jess is a young girl with fiery red hair, usually messy, that falls below her shoulders. Her pale gray-blue eyes are often drained of emotion, when they're not red from crying. She wears loose, too-big clothes, but even still those are usually left in shreds when she does transform.

Personality: Jess is an extremely gloomy young girl. It wouldn't be a stretch at all to say she suffers from depression. She's quiet and doesn't like to be a bother for others, preferring to stay isolated rather than try to interact with strangers. There are rare moments when she forgets herself and shows the excitement and energy befitting a child, but those are uncommon and rarely last for long.

"I am unhappy, but it's okay for me to be miserable. He doesn't come out if I just stay unhappy."

History: Once, Jess had a family. Then she burned down the house. Twice, Jess had a family. Then she mauled her new dad. Three times, Jess had a family, then she nearly killed five men and destroyed a section of town.

Jess's life has not been the most pleasant so far. The uncontrollable and violent nature of her "gift" has led to her leaving a path of tragedy and destruction wherever she goes. She doesn't blame her parents, her real parents, for not wanting her. Most of the time she doesn't want to be herself, so why should someone else have to put up with her? She's been put with three different families since then, each ending with her losing control and transforming. The last family was just some people who found her wandering the streets and gave her a place to stay. But after she went on a rampage that destroyed a whole street - people could have died, she could have killed people - Jess just ran away. Not for the first time, she was on her own without a family or home. This time she was living on the streets for a few weeks, but her occasional transformation (such as her waking up lying next to a hot dog cart that had claw and teeth marks on its sides) meant that it wasn't long before rumors started spreading of the ETG searching the area. Jess was willing to go with them, she'd stopped caring about herself or what happened at this point.

And that was when, entirely by chance, Jess met Aaron. Well, actually she attacked him as a lion, at least according to him. Next thing she knew, she was waking up in the largest bed she'd ever slept in, and Aaron was telling her stories of a place where she could live normally, where her power wouldn't matter. It sounded too good to be true, but what's more, this person had the power to force her back to human when she transformed. It was like she'd fallen into a fairy tale, a prince appearing before her and promising to take her away to a wonderful place where she wouldn't have to be angry or afraid ever again.

After moving to another city for a few weeks to avoid the ETG while making last-minute preparations, Aaron fulfilled his promise, and the two of them boarded a vessel headed for the near-mythical (at least to Jess) land of Derika.

Party Control: Yes, a least until I see it be problematic, then I might pull back on that a bit.

Other: Has a small scar on her left shoulder where Aaron stabbed her with a sword.

Name: Aaron Massimo

Age: 26

Gift Summary: Emotional Manipulation & Manifestation

Appearance: Aaron has light blond hair and pale green eyes. His skin is that antisocial shade of too-white, though getting out of his room on the boat ride did slightly help with that. He is constantly told he looks young, so he puts an effort into dressing well to be taken seriously, one form of emotional manipulation he doesn't need to use his gift for.

Personality: Each of Aaron's major emotions have their own unique psyches divergent from Aaron's own, meaning his entire personality can shift in an instant. It's very similar to schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. Usually though, he's just Aaron. Aaron is a sociable extrovert to enjoys nothing more than surrounding himself with fun people, and tends to sit around being bored whenever he can't surround himself with said fun people. He'll even settle for people watching when his friends aren't around, so long as he doesn't have to be bored by himself. His girlfriend of three years recently left him after he told her about his gift, so he's a bit depressed and conflicted about how he's used his gift all his life, but at some point he'll have to figure that out and get over it, at least he hopes so. As for his emotions, currently Apathy is the strongest within him. Apathy is cold and logical, but does care for Aaron as more than just the body and mind he exists within. Kindness is basically how Aaron was before his life went to hell, always friendly to everyone and pushing others to succeed from behind the scenes. Anger is cruel and manipulative and violent, but he's still a part of Aaron. Anger can take control, and while it isn't often pleasant, he won't just go on a killing spree because that isn't something any amount of rage would drive Aaron to do. The last of the main emotions, Fear almost never gets control, so it's unlikely he'll make an appearance outside of Aaron's mind any time soon.

History: Aaron has always had his gift, but it was something he used in a passive way. To him making people around him less angry or sad was just common sense. He never told anyone about his gift, even after he'd figured out that was what he had, at least not until he did. He loved her. He wanted to marry her. So he told her that he had a gift. She was interested, but it didn't seem like a big deal. So he told her that he manipulated emotions. He should have seen the change then, but he was glad to finally be telling someone about it. Then she asked, "Have you used it on me?" Of course he had. It was habit to use his gift on everyone. He needed to say that, for her to understand he treated his gift the same as holding the door open for a stranger or calling an old woman young, it was simply a nice thing to do. But instead, after a too-long pause, "Yes." It's no wonder things that day went as bad as they did. They argued, and she called him out for using his gift to force her to calm down. But even though she was just yelling that without any way of knowing one way or another if he was, it hurt Aaron because he had been. She knew him that well, and she knew him well enough to see that she'd been right. He immediately stopped, which only made things worse. He never saw her again after she stormed out, a friend showing up to take the things she hadn't taken with her.

Aaron was completely destroyed by this, and by the sharp words his first and only true love had yelled. He drank himself into an idiot and left his gift on full blast, mixing all unnatural combinations of emotions and forcing them onto anyone nearby. When he got annoying enough, and the crowd pissed enough, some people tried throwing him out. So Anger took control and beat the crap out of all of them, and trashed the bar too. Aaron passed out, only to wake up in a cell, the bartender having called the police. Aaron was still very much not sober, so he made the wonderful choice of letting Anger take over and smash him out of jail. What followed was a progressively more sober and progressively more panicked Aaron fleeing from the cops, until he was exhausted and Apathy took over. Leaving a half-dozen police slumped over on the street was not how Aaron had expected his day, or his life as a fugitive to begin.

Thankfully he had money saved, so was able to get a few states away before anyone was even looking for him. He stayed in hiding for a few weeks, and then somehow the ETG tracked him down. A small voice whispers to him sometimes that she told them about him, despite all reason saying it was much more likely him smashing his way out of jail with a giant crimson axe. He had already planned to leave town even before a giant lion decided to show up and attack him. Apathy took over and stabbed the beast, which for some reason caused it to turn into a young girl, a naked young girl. Not to make this all sound even more creepy than it does, but due to him not wanting to attract any attention to himself, and also not being able to simply leave her there. After all, he'd attracted the ETG to this town. He truthfully wouldn't have care too much if they did catch him, even if those stories about human experimentation and whatnot was true, but he wasn't going to let a child be subjected to that. When she woke up and he found out she had nowhere to go, he decided that he'd deliver her to Derika.

And that's what he did.

Party Control: Yes, a least until I see it be problematic, then I might pull back on that a bit.

Other: Yes, Aaron does have more than four emotions. Probably. And yes, Aaron did stab a little girl with a sword. To be fair, she was a giant lion at the time, and it's only a little scar.
Name: Adrian Veianth

Nickname: A or A4-2V

Age: Mental: 42 Physical: 18

Gift Summary: Appearance Delusion, Which, allows Adrian to make others see illusions of people, or objects, in place of himself (It only works in a 5 mile radius)

Personality: Good Days: Cooperative, Diplomatic, Gracious, Fair-Minded and Social, Bad Days: Insane, Dominant and Agressive.

History: He had been considered as a "Freak, or Amalgam", Adrian uses his gift to keep people away, To stop them from figuring out about him, He wears bandages around his left eye and both palms, Which was a "consequence", Which happened around when he was 13, He had an incident with a Plutonium Reactor Core.

Party Control: No, I would greatly appreciate none other then me to use him.
(Is it good? Mattie Mattie )
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Name: Adrian Veianth

Nickname: A or A4-2V

Age: Mental: 42 Physical: 18

Gift Summary: Appearance Delusion, Which, allows Adrian to make others see illusions of people, or objects, in place of himself (It only works in a 5 mile radius)

Personality: Good Days: Cooperative, Diplomatic, Gracious, Fair-Minded and Social, Bad Days: Insane, Dominant and Agressive.

History: He had been considered as a "Freak, or Amalgam", Adrian uses his gift to keep people away, To stop them from figuring out about him, He wears bandages around his left eye and both palms, Which was a "consequence", Which happened around when he was 13, He had an incident with a Plutonium Reactor Core.

Party Control: No, I would greatly appreciate none other then me to use him.
(Is it good? Mattie Mattie )

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, I never got the alert somehow.
...what happened with plutonium now?
Also, please pm me the gift weaknesses and limits.
Name: Haku Sasaki

Age: 15

Appearance: 5' 3”

Gift: Digestion-based Matter Manipulation

Personality: Serious, calculating, tends to eat whenever possible. Cautious, but tends to resort to violence if stressed. Not terribly emotional on the outside, unless it’s something food-related.

History: Born in Osaka, Japan; Haku grew up in a place where food is celebrated and an overall colorful environment. Her parents brought Haku up to be a well-behaved, straightlaced child.

When Haku’s Gift manifested in the form of suddenly levitating the water that she drank before, her family told her to use it for the good of Japan. So, Haku willingly went to work for Japan’s government and her family received good compensation in exchange. She gladly served Japan by essentially manufacturing complex, but not technological goods.

Later however, she was transferred over to ETG and received combat training. There, she made lots of friends and was very well taken care of. She believed that what the ETG did was right, and that the Gifted on Brinkhaven were nothing but trouble. The rumors that accused ETG of Gifted experimentation and torture were scoffed at by her, since the ETG would never do something like that--she was treated very well after all.

In a ETG vs. Factions conflict, Haku was the sole survivor of her group and was captured by the Factions. The Factions attempted to extract any important information from her, but failed to do so. It was decided that her memories would be wiped and given false ones that favored the Factions instead.

Haku currently is a Dimensional Faction member.

Equipment: Sig Sauer P226, Heckler & Koch PSG1

Party Control: Yes, but don't use her Gift. You can make her eat things though.
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