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Fantasy Demons Light Academy [Invite Only]

Rarity sat by the bench as she look at her cat and look around "u know i sometimes wonder why we got her in the first place... why mom and dad have to do this to me" she said with a laugh

"Becuz your too bit of a prankster?"her cat said said as she smile

"Thats right ehehehe your really are clever u have figure this out" she said as she look by the entrance door and while no one is looking she drop a napkin but not just any napkin. There is a blackwidow inside. She laugh as her cat gave a drep sign

Scarlett walked towards the dorms, trying to weave past the small crowd that gathered. Sighing she looked at silver to make sure she had kept up. Seeing as the wolf had wondered off, Scarlett gave a three burst whistle, kinda like a bird, and silver appeared beside her, they kept walking towards the dorms, before silver bumped into someone's legs. She looked up to see a girl sitting on a bench. Scarlett turned around noticing her familiar stopped. Giving a smile, she walked to the girl. "Hey, everything aright? " she asked the girl. She moved her red hair behind her ear so it was out of her face. @Astaroth Suzumiya
Rarity look at the girl as she smile inspecting her " im alright " she said with a giggle as she stand up "hey manes rarity im new hereand u are?" She ask her while looking ar the girls familiar.

"Cool familiar." She commented as shr smile and look at her "well this is my familiar" she point at the white cat sitting in the bench as she giggle

Aragon said:
" I'm sorry if I dissapointed you" Hiko said approching " My name is hiko. tell me whats yours." Hiko said in a cold tone, a tone most people dont like. @Alaster Von Grim
Dante just looked away as morning star moved between them

"He's not good with people his name is Dante Bloodwind and I'm morning star"
@Astaroth Suzumiya

"My name is scarlett, First year here as well." She said, giving a smile. Silver fidgeted a little before letting out a breath. "Silver." She said opening her wings. "Silver, stop being so darn shy." Scarlett groaned, and secretly Silver grinned. "And i think you familiar is cool." Scarlett said.
"Well sort of-"

"I was given to this pathetic demon by his majesty king Lucien"

Morning star interrupted snarling at Dante

"Thank but he dont like bein called cutevhe gets all blusshy and red"rarity tease as her cat blush by the complement as look away "no im not!" the cat stamperd and take a deel breath full of irritation

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" he isnt pathetic, he respects you, he cares for you. I..I am sure dante cares as well." Hikos fimilar soon popped out of under Hikos cloak " I see Hiate you decided to come out." Hiku said as she looked down at Hiate. " My name is Hiate nice to meet you too, I was listing under my masters cloak. ( Hiate is normally under hikos cloak) " @Alaster Von Grim
Hiate looked up " Its always good to respect people, even if they are a demon, i respect my master." Hiate said smiling. Hiko soon approched dante. " I am not a people person but the person i punched thought he was stalking me, its reflexes, and shit, and shit on top of that. My past...was perfect until..The day came.." Hiko said and soon walked off her fimilar following behind. @Alaster Von Grim ( i have a response up from Prsion Majika. :3)
"Yeah that's nice and all but I really don't care, bones should stay in the grave yard"

Dante said as he backed away from Hiko

"Respect is earned not given and he has yet to earn my approval, as I said I was given to him by king Lucien"

Morning star growled at Hiate

"Well that was rude"

"Look who's talking"

Dante replied to his comment

"Hey hiko, want to look for our dorms together"

He called out

hiko soon stopped and looked at dante, " Sure we can look for dorms together" Hiko said as she smiled at dante, " So what dorm are you?" Hiku asked as she smiled at dante and morning star
Rarity look at the girl with a smile as she yawn getting a bit bored as she lean to her seat and place her hands in her head making a relaxing pose "yeah sooo are u new here too?" She ask her with a wide smile.

Leif shrugged as the girl walked and faded back into the crowd

"She hit me pretty hard...'spits out some blood' From now on we take my approach." Leif then looked down at his familiar

"You rash fool."
"What do you think that was about morning star?"

Dante asked as he let morning star inside there dorm

"Don't know don't care"

"What's the matter, is Dante already having trouble"

Lucien asked as Dante turned on the lights to the living room to see the demon king sitting in the arm chair

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