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Fantasy Demon Road

The bartender is getting noticably angry at Timmey "Listen boy what will ya tell the guards? Hmmm? Where is your proof? and one thing you're forgetting is" the bartender whistles and every patron in the bar pulls their weapon on you "I've got some very loyal customers."
The bartender is unimpressed "Boy, that note only has an address not my signature or anything that would tie it to me. But I can see where this is going so instead of paying you upfront I'm going to do what is called a pre emptive strike."

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The patron dwarves knock Timmey out before he can react. He awakes in a jail cell who knows where, there are two guards outside Timmey's cell. They aren't town guards and they appear to be dwarves. Timmey hears the same chanting from the cave somewhere else in the building. After a couple of minutes of chanting the door to your left starts glowing green. The building shakes 6 times form the pulses. After the pulses stop the bartender comes through door from which the green light still slightly emanated. The bartender begins to speak "You couldn't have just taken the job could you? Well now we get to sacrifice you to Lord Criebal, so enjoy your last meal." The bartender leaves and the and Timmey looks around for a way to escape...
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except none of that happened because timmy used blink on the attack the bartender did, then ran out of the bar and escaped, using his superior DEX to get away.
Timmey runs through the streets of Bromwich, he tries to find guards but the once busy city is now early quiet. In fact the whole town seems to be deserted. he turns a corner and there are twelve angry dwarves in front of him. Suddenly they smile.

A dwarf above Timmey! The dwarf is about to know Timmey out. Timmey tries to avoid the pesky man and he fails, the dwarf just barley hits him with a bottle. Timmey falls unconscious.

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He awakes in a jail cell who knows where, Timmey is missing all of his gear and loot except for his clothing. There are two guards outside Timmey's cell. They aren't town guards and they appear to be dwarves. Timmey hears the same chanting from the cave somewhere else in the building. After a couple of minutes of chanting the door to your left starts glowing green. The building shakes 6 times form the pulses. After the pulses stop the bartender comes through door from which the green light still slightly emanated. The bartender begins to speak "You couldn't have just taken the job could you? Well now we get to sacrifice you to Lord Criebal, so enjoy your last meal." The bartender leaves and the and Timmey looks around for a way to escape...
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Timmy blinks out of his cell...right in the MIDDLE of the two guards. When they try to stab him, he attempts to jump over the halberds and cause them to stab each other.

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Timmey is able to get out of His cell and dodge the guards but is unable to make them kill each other. There are stairs in front of him which lead to another room, and a door to his right. The door on the right is where the ritual was being held. Tommey can go up the stairs right or attempt to fight his dwarven guards.
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Timmey finds two chests in the room and a key on the counter to his right. The first chest contains his gear and the second chest contains a small note 30 gold and an enchanted iron sword(1d6+1d4 fire damage does not burn). Timmey loots the items as fast as possible, because we each passing moment his guards draw ever closer. Suddenly the guards burst through the door, but Timmey now has his gear and is ready to fight. But should he not want to he could most likely avoid the dwarves entirely and escape without a fight.
timmy looks at the swords in his hands. He has three. He throws the enchanted one at one of the dwarves, then brandishes his other two and holds his ground as the other dwarf approaches.



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The sword hits dwarf 1 right in his shoulder. Timmey knows it did a good amount of damage but dwarf 1 shrugs it off as if it never happened.


dwarf 1:swings halberd;misses

dwarf 2:swings halberd;misses
timmy swings both swords at the uninjured dwarf, attempting to end his existence

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Timmey assaults dwarf 2 but he misses the armor chinks and his swords bounce off uselessly.


7/8 dwarf 1: casts healing spell on self;it works heals 5

8/8 dwarf 2: swings halberd; misses
timmy assaults the slightly injured dwarf with both swords. "fuck you," he says.



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Dwarf 1 falls to the ground, his arm severed, and a slash across both lungs and his heart.


8/8 dwarf 2:swings halberd; hits 5 dmg
Timmy notices the enchanted sword still sticking out of the dead dwarf's shoulder. He grabs it, and swings it and another sword at the dwarf.




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The dwarf falls, and Timmey gained 500xp he loots the dwarves to find five gold pieces and a drawing of a middle finger. The dead dwarf he is currently searching comes back to life. The dwarf laughs at Timmey for a little while then falls down dead again.

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The note reads as fallows

To whom it may concern,

It has come to our attention that a dragonborn named Kotzita Worfas has left the order.

She knows too much of our existence.

Kill her by any means necessary, so long as you reveal nothing.

Erase her and her proof of us.

Hail Criebal and his silence

-The Order
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Timmy thinks to himself, "Hmm...this girl must be the dragonborn that guy wanted me to assassinate. Then timmy goes down the stairs and back the way he came, past where the guards were, and explores the corridor, trying to find things.
Timmey heads to the room right of his cell. The same room that the ritual was taking place. When he enters all he finds is the same shrine form the goblin cave. All around the room ashes are falling from the ceiling. The ritual is complete. There is another room ahead of Timmey or he can head back the to his cell room.
Timmy finds himself in another cell room. This room however has six prisoners. The moment they notice Timmey they beg him to let them out. They all have a different sob story but the stories all have a general theme to them. They tell Timmy that the key to their cells is two rooms left of hear and then one up the stairs. Timmy realizes he has the key already...

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