Demon On Your Shoulder { Grim Fairy & Reality }

"Alright.." She said softly, blue eyes narrowed irritably as she considered slapping her brother upside the head. Pushing her out of the way like that was completely uncalled for. Once they were safely on the roof, Sky crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm telling Ethan and he's gonna kill you anyways." She said, looking every bit the tattle tale rom third grade. Tyler's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't..." Sky smirked. "I would.."
Cirus laughed a bit at the bickering two, he was about to follow them onto the roof until he was pulled by the leg back down "What the hell!" Cirus barked before noticing that it was his siter "We need to talk.." Elizibeth hissed as she dragged him back down the staircase, aww crap. Cirus was pulled into a isolated corner "What the hell was that!?" she said flailing her arm in the air "What was what..?" he said rubbing the back of his neck "I saw what happened on the roof!" Cirus was a bit shocked "Hiw did you see?" he said raising an eyebrow, Elizibeth sighed and held out her arm, soon enough a crow appeared leaving a small puff of black spoke "Snitch.." Cirus muttered at the creature as Elizibeth made it disappear again.
Meanwhile, Sky and Tyler continued their bickering on the roof. "C'mon, Sky-bird..." Tyler pleaded. "Don't tell Ethan, he'll skin me alive! Especially if he knows I almost made you fall!" Sky paused, tapping her chin with her finger as she thought. "Fine." She finally said. "It's gonna cost you though..." Tyler sighed as he began fishing around his pocket for his wallet. Sometimes he just wanted to punt his sister out a window.

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